单词 | humour |
释义 | humour [英 [?hju:m?(r)] 美 [?hjum?] ] humour的意思、解释 过去式:humoured; 过去分词:humoured; 现在分词:humouring; 复数形式:humours; humour 基本解释 名词幽默; 幽默感 ; 感觉; 体液 动词迁就; 顺应 humour 网络解释 1. (幽默) 幽默是调节心理的灵丹:H- help (帮助)在学生最需要的时候及时给予帮助. | humour (幽默)幽默是调节心理的灵丹. | I- ignite (点燃)点燃儿童心中的明灯. 2. 2. 幽默,幽默感:humorous 富于幽默的 | humour 幽默,幽默感 | hundred 百,百个 n.许多 humour 双语例句 1. And though we are discussing a most sombre subject, there is much laughter: both Schels and Lakotta have a wonderful ability to find pathos and humour in many of their experiences. 虽然我们正在谈论的,是一个最阴郁的主题,但是也有不少令人感慨的事情:Schels和Lakotta两人对生活中感伤和幽默的瞬间,都有非凡的捕捉力。 2. humour 2. If these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion. 如果对某种玄妙的事物的暗示不是误解所致的邪念。 3. 3. I don't always inject my sense of humour into my technical writing though. 但是我在写学术文章的时候不会总是带着幽默感的。 4. Much of their humour is highly soph is ticated and elusively subtle. 他们的幽默大都深奥微妙,并隐晦得令人难以捉摸。 5. Black humour and self-deprecation replaced the self-congratulation of past years. 黑色幽默和自我贬低代替了前些年的自我吹嘘。 6. humour 6. Steerforth, lying at the Inn, had nothing to consult but his own humour 史朵夫住在旅馆里,来来去去都可以随自己的高兴,不必顾到别人怎样。 7. They were given life by the element of fire in the form of lightning, and they suffer from an excess of choleric humour. 他们的生命来自电流形态的火焰,体质以黄胆汁为主。 8. Something in the woman's cool, cynical, upper-handish manner, as if she were already master, caused him to feel for the moment as if he could strangle her. She gazed at him -- a pythoness in humour. 看到这女人那种冷静讥讽,胜券在握,好像她已经是一家之主的神气,一时间他恨不得把她气死。 9. All this is combined with strong irreverent humour that often include explicit scenes of a sexual nature, as the golden shower scene of his first 35mm film, ''Pepi, Luci, Bom and Other Woman on the Heap''(Spanish:''Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón''), attests. 他的电影经常涉及社会底层的边缘人物,如腐败的警察、早熟的少年、疯狂的主妇以及狡猾的乡巴佬,而且充满了极端的和荒诞的元素,毒品、卖淫、虐待、同性恋。 10. For who could be free, when every other man`s humour might domineer over him? 但是自由,正如人们告诉我们的,并非人人爱怎样就可怎样的那种自由(当其他任何人的一时高兴可以支配一个人的时候,谁能自由呢? 11. Fun seems to bethe possession of the English race. Fun is JohnBulll's idea of humour, and there is no intellectualjudgment in fun. 逗乐儿似乎是英国人的秉性,是约翰·布尔所说的幽默,不需区分智力高下。 12. humour 12. To most of us, humour is not only a lively decoration of our lives, it is also a complex ability. It's an attacting style, a defence line, a protest to all the injustice in the battle of our daily life, and it is a way to make up mistakes and renew cordial relations. also it is a compromise to the things which is random, broken and we cannot control. 对于我们中间的大多数人来说,幽默不仅仅是生活的一个和蔼可亲的装饰,它是我们生活的一种复杂的才能,是一种攻击方式,一条防御战线,是一种对于生活的斗争中的不平等的抗议,是一种弥补过失和重修旧好的方式,也是一种对于生活中那些随意的、被破坏的和我们所不能控制的一切的一种妥协。 13. It is a long way to be a man of humour. 这是一个漫长的,自然而然的过程。 14. 14. The humour is different from glibly, it is not the low taste, the humour is not scornful, do not be garrulous 幽默不同于油腔滑调,不是低级趣味,幽默不是轻蔑,不是耍贫嘴,它是一种意趣高雅的自然流露,要体现对学生的爱。 15. For instance, if you have a good sense of humour, aim to inject some of it into atleast one situation this week. 比方说,如果你的幽默感很强,那就尝试着把你的幽默带到本周的某些场合中。 16. Plot Summary: Recently divorced Meg Altman in further to her womanlike kid Sarah humour acquired an one some-more marital inside New York. 剧情梗概:最近离婚梅格奥特曼进一步向她姝孩子萨拉获得了一个幽默一些内部的更多纽约婚姻。 17. They tell of their hopes, dreams, successes and failures, inspiring laugh-out-loud humour and tear jerking emotions. 她们谈论着她们的希望、梦想、成功和失败,令人喷饭的幽默和催人泪下的情感由中而生。 18. By analyzing the social and cultuatal environments of the Tang Dynasty, the essay studies the nature characteristics of its art of humour and the way of it s development, showing the quick wit, eloquence and humour of the people of the Tang Dynasty. 本文通过对唐朝社会环境和文化环境的分析,探索了其幽默艺术的本质特征和发展形式,展示了唐人的辩捷、诙谐和机智。 19. humour 19. Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour. 人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。 20. When you're available, would you like to have dinner with me? 2. I believe you're a lady/man of humour. 3. Thanks to talking with you frequently, I've bettered my English a lot. I would work harder on that. 4. A little present for you! 5. Seats on the second story are all occupied, would you mind the ground floor? 6. No spare seats now, would you mind waiting for a while? 1哪天有空你是否愿意和我一起去吃顿饭 2我觉得你是个幽默的人 3因为经常和你说话我的英语水平比从前好多了我会更努力的 4送你个小礼物 5二楼现在没座位了做一楼可以吗? humour 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 humor 1. 幽默的谈吐;笑话 You can refer to the amusing things that people say as their humour . e.g. Her humour and determination were a source of inspiration to others. 她的幽默言谈和坚定决心对其他人来说是一种鼓舞。 2. 幽默;诙谐;滑稽 Humour is a quality in something that makes you laugh, for example in a situation, in someone's words or actions, or in a book or film. e.g. She felt sorry for the man but couldn't ignore the humour of the situation. 她很同情这个男人,但这一情景又让她忍俊不禁。 3. 心情;情绪 If you are in a good humour, you feel cheerful and happy, and are pleasant to people. If you are in a bad humour, you feel bad-tempered and unhappy, and are unpleasant to people. e.g. Christina was still not clear why he had been in such ill humour... 克里斯蒂娜仍搞不清楚为什么他情绪这么差。 e.g. Next day, Louis XIV was in the best of humours... 第二天,路易十四心情好得不得了。 4. 精神状态 If you do something with good humour, you do it cheerfully and pleasantly. e.g. Hugo bore his illness with great courage and good humour. 雨果以巨大的勇气和良好的精神状态面对疾病。 5. 迁就;迎合 If you humour someone who is behaving strangely, you try to please them or pretend to agree with them, so that they will not become upset. e.g. She disliked Dido but was prepared to tolerate her for a weekend in order to humour her husband. 她不喜欢迪多,但准备暂时忍受她一个周末,以迁就自己的丈夫。 humour 单语例句 1. A major part of the play's Chinese version preserves the hallmark tone of candid confession and shocking presentation intermingled with humour. 2. The exhibition will display scores of typical cartoon works reflecting the unique sense of humour Bartak and his national fellows are enchanted by. 3. The play hopes to give audiences some food for thought, while attracting audiences with its chic style and black humour. 4. I hope it deters those few sick minds who use adult humour to exert psychological coercion on others. 5. The blonde beauty also admitted she has a " crass " sense of humour, which often surprises people. 6. It is full of practical craziness, great humour and yet quite serious. 7. Hollywood star Jennifer Lopez has made Victoria Beckham her new best friend, after being wowed by the former Spice Girl's eye for fashion and sense of humour. 8. No wonder Redknapp has worn a hang dog expression all week, although the thought of leading the side out at Wembley restored his sense of humour. 9. To me, the performance of song and dance with humour and props is a lost art. 10. He is a man of integrity and has a good sense of humour, ? humour 英英释义 noun 1. the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous e.g. she didn't appreciate my humor you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor Synonym: humorsense of humorsense of humour 2. the quality of being funny e.g. I fail to see the humor in it Synonym: humor 3. the liquid parts of the body Synonym: liquid body substancebodily fluidbody fluidhumor 4. (Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state e.g. the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile Synonym: humor 5. a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter Synonym: withumorwitticismwittiness 6. a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling e.g. whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time he was in a bad humor Synonym: tempermoodhumor humour什么意思 verb 1. put into a good mood Synonym: humor |
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