单词 | hunk |
释义 | hunk [英 [h??k] 美 [h??k] ] hunk的意思、解释 复数形式:hunks; hunk 基本解释 名词厚片,大块; (俚语)强壮 形容词好的; 行的 hunk在线翻译 hunk 相关例句 名词 1. Most girls wish they could meet a sensitive hunk, with brains. 大多数的女孩都希望能遇到一位细心、有脑筋又有魅力的健壮美男子。 hunk 网络解释 1. 汉克:原名:Resident Evil导演:保罗.安德森(Paul Anderson)汉克(hunk)在洛克福特岛的训练所中开始接受军事训练;声名显赫的亚西福特家族(ashford)第六代继承人爱德华.亚西福特(edward ashford)和年轻贵族奥斯威尔.e.斯宾塞(oswell spenser)发现始祖病毒, 2. 大块:余下部分由两个大块(hunk)组成,每个大块都由一行星号开始. 这里是第一个大块:许多版本控制系统允许开发者锁住(lock)文件,以防止其他人对其进行改动,直到他提交了他的改动为止. 虽然加锁在某些情况下是合适的, 3. hunk 3. 一大片:hundredth 第一百;百分之一 | hunk 一大片 | hunt 打猎;搜索 4. 亨格:HUGH 曉治 | HUNK 亨格 | HOWARD 學華 hunk 双语例句 1. We had dinner out in that broad open passage betwixt the house and the kitchen; and there was things enough on that table for seven families -- and all hot, too; none of your flabby, tough meat that's laid in a cupboard in a damp cellar all night and tastes like a hunk of old cold cannibal in the morning. 桌子上东西可丰富啦,够六家人家吃的――而且全都是热腾腾的,没有一道菜是那种松塌塌可又嚼不动,在潮湿的地窖的食厨里放了一夜,明早上吃起来象冰凉的老牛肉似的。 2. 2. Suddenly I'm taking direction from a hunk of ectoplasm? 突然间我见要听从一个鬼魂的? 3. Now she has left him for the hunk in her new movie PROOF of LIFE. 现在,她又和自己电影《生命的证据》中的男主演谈起了恋爱而甩掉了自己的丈夫。 4. Rangzhao every day like hunk, bags, folders, phone all of the PP has only one you. 天天嚷着喜欢帅哥,可包包里夹的、手机里存的PP却全部只有你一个。 5. 5. Ever wonder what 17 Again hunk Zac Efron was like in high school? 想知道什么17再厚片Zac Efron是象在高中? 6. hunk的反义词 6. Even now, at age 70, he is considered a hunk with a strong attitude. 即使是在70岁高龄的现在,有着强键外表的吉恩仍被认为是一位有魅力的演员。 7. hunk的解释 7. Consider this hunk of tin beside the Kung Fu Panda. 把这个小锡块和功夫熊猫比比看吧。 8. hunk什么意思 8. Like fellow Hunk member Diether Ocampo who has a band named Blow, Echo as a rocker/musician was received with piffling response. 象其朋友健美男子Diether Ocampo有个乐队叫Blow一样,Echo作为一个摇滚歌手、音乐人收到了一些琐碎的反应。 9. There's a hunk of plastic molding in back that stores an umbrella. 有塑料造型厚片在存放伞的后面。 10. 10. On to each was dumped swiftly the regulation lunch -- a metal pannikin of pinkish-grey stew, a hunk of bread, a cube of cheese, a mug of milkless Victory Coffee, and one saccharine tablet. 于是,托盘上迅速给堆了份中饭——一盘灰红色的炖菜,一块面包,一小块干酪,一杯胜利牌黑咖啡,还有一小片糖精。 11. 11. On to each was dumped swiftly the regulation lunch -- a metal pannikin of pinkish-grey stew, a hunk of bread, a cube of cheese, a mug of milkless Victory Coffee, and one saccharine tablet 于是,托盘上迅速给堆了份中饭——一盘灰红色的炖菜,一块面包 12. I was shocked by the fact that this hunk of meat contains more bone than meat and I knew this was a bad beginning. 老实讲买的这块蹄膀上面骨头比肉还多,烧起来不容易。 13. The very first active devices may have been cats whisker crystals, a bit of springy wire touching a raw hunk of galena that works as a primitive diode. 第一个真正的有源器件可能是触须线晶体,其中,一点弹性线接触到作为原始二极管的原质方铅矿厚片。 14. 14. WB: I`m not crazy about gold as a hard asset, compared to, say, oil, See`s candies, or Coke. If the value of the dollar dropped by half, we`d sell See`s chocolates at twice the price. I prefer hard assets that are useful. I wouldn`t trade ownership of See`s for a hunk of yellow metal that has little use. When I was a boy we all used to get lectures from my father at the dinner table about the virtues of gold. Gold sold for $35 an ounce in 1940, and it sells for around $400 an ounce now. That`s not a very good return, especially when you consider the cost along the way of storage and insurance. 巴菲特:我不认为黄金是一种实质的资产,尤其是把它跟石油、喜斯糖果或者是可口可乐相比,如果美元的价值下跌一半,喜斯糖果的价格就有可能调涨一倍,我比较偏爱有用的实质资产,所以我不会将喜斯糖果拿去跟一堆没用的黄色金属做交换,小时候我常常在饭桌前,听我父亲讲到黄金的种种好处,当时1940年黄金每盎司卖35美元,现在的价格则约400美元,这并不是很划算的投资,尤其是再加计储存与保险的成本后。 15. hunk 15. The big brute—he`s a grand horse, Scarlett; you must tell your pa to come over and see him right away—he`d already bitten a hunk out of his groom on the way down here and he`d trampled two of Ma`s darkies who met the train at Jonesboro. 原来那畜生--它长得可真威武,思嘉,你一定得告诉你爸,叫他赶快去看看,那畜生一路上已经把马夫咬了两大口,而且踏坏了我妈的两个黑小子,他们是在琼斯博罗遇上的。 16. hunk在线翻译 16. This also ah, as I am also Shuai also strong appearance rate and high hunk of course there will be a lot of people understand........ 这也对啊,像我这样又帅又强出镜率又高的帅哥当然会有很多人认识。。。。。。。。 17. So she took Jack into the kitchen, and gave him a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of milk. 于是她把杰克带到了厨房,给了他好多面包和奶酪还有一罐牛奶。 18. Go home wrapped in the American flag with a hunk of cheese in your ass. 我要用大块乳酪塞进你的屁股好让你棺材盖国旗回家 19. hunk在线翻译 19. A hunk of bread, cheese, meat 一大块面包、乾酪、肉。 20. The Tramp Major handed each man his bundle of confiscated possessions, and a hunk of bread and cheese for midday dinner, and then we took the road, hastening to get out of sight of the spike and its discipline. 站长依次把暂扣的包裹返还给我们,还给每个人发放了一大块面包和奶酪,这是给我们的午饭,然后大家就匆匆上路,巴不得早点把这所收容站和里面的清规戒律抛在脑后。 hunk 词典解释 1. 大块;大片 A hunk of something is a large piece of it. e.g. ...a thick hunk of bread. 厚厚一大块面包 e.g. ...hunks of wood. 大块木头 2. 高大健壮的男子;魁梧性感的男子;猛男 If you refer to a man as a hunk, you mean that he is big, strong, and sexually attractive. e.g. ...a blond, blue-eyed hunk. 金发碧眼、魁梧性感的男子 hunk 单语例句 1. A lone tree thrives in an unlikely setting with its roots resolutely clinging to an oddly contoured hunk of granite. 2. The " Titanic " hunk reported he had been assaulted with a deadly weapon and needed hospital treatment for his wounds. 3. Ashton and Demi made headlines when they first started dating in 2003, because the actress is 15 years older than the movie star hunk. 4. The British hunk admitted he feels uncomfortable when women are willing to expose their bodies and wishes people would dress more modestly. 5. The " How You Met Your Mother " hunk has landed the recurring part of Alcide, a hot and sexy alpha male werewolf. 6. Openly gay'Star Trek'hunk Zachary Quinto and lesbian actress Amber Heard were also recognised for raising awareness of equal rights. 7. Hollywood hunk Brad Pitt may be the next " most Powerful Man in the Universe ". 8. The Irish hunk tries to stay in touch with both sons using internet service Skype, but neither boy is interested when he has attempted before. 9. Hollywood hunk Ryan Phillippe has denied reports he is giving his marriage with Reese Witherspoon another try after the couple were spotted lunching together. 10. The'Twilight'hunk said he found a recent photo shoot difficult as he had to pose with a number of naked models. hunk在线翻译hunk 英英释义 noun 1. a large piece of something without definite shape e.g. a hunk of bread a lump of coal Synonym: lump 2. a well-built sexually attractive man |
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