单词 | hunker |
释义 | hunker [英 [?h??k?(r)] 美 [?h??k?] ] hunker的意思、解释 过去式:hunkered; 过去分词:hunkered; 现在分词:hunkering; 复数形式:hunkers; hunker 基本解释 不及物动词盘坐 名词守旧者 hunker的解释 hunker 网络解释 1. 1. 盘坐:hunk 大块 | hunker 盘坐 | hunkers 腿臀部 2. 蹲下:hunk 行的 | hunker 蹲下 | hunkers 腿臀部 3. 守旧派,保守派:winker 使眼色的人,眨眼睛的人 | hunker 守旧派,保守派 | junker 吸毒的人 4. 蹲下 (动):hunk 大块 (名) | hunker 蹲下 (动) | hunkers 臀部 (名) hunker 双语例句 1. hunker的解释 1. And the best strategy is not to hunker down and fit in. It's to stand up and stand out. 因此最好的办法不再是守株待兔了,而是要站起来,从人群当中脱颖而出。 2. hunker 2. For now, that seems to be having little effect as banks absorb the startling news from Washington and hunker down. 但是现在好像起不到什么作用了,银行知晓了来自政府的惊人消息并开始自保。 3. Huge lunker trout hunker down in feeding lanes slurping up every Trico spinner except the pattern you are offering to them. 巨额lunker鳟渡过喂养小巷吞下了下来,除了每trico17.5格局你们提供给他们。 4. Instead the bird struck his temple and slid hot and greasy down his face, and he had to hunker down and stretch for it with fetters clanking. 于是相反,那只鸟击中了他的太阳穴流下了滚烫的肥油,他不得不坐下来拖着叮叮当当的脚镣伸手去够它。 5. Work hard, hunker down, tighten your belt, and make a better life. 努力工作、盘腿坐下、勒紧腰带、和改善生活。 6. hunker的解释 6. A final idea is to go to the least expensive graduate school you can find and just hunker down. 最后一个主意是去读一所你能找到的最便宜的研究生院,然后收敛自己。 7. They can help bolster workers'security, or they can hire more security guards and hunker down. 他们可以为增强工人的安全感出一份力,也可以雇更多保安,以维持现状。 8. Shaken by this nightmare, Spaniards have started to hunker down. 西班牙人被这种噩梦震惊,开始蜷缩起来。 9. hunker 9. I have to hunker down to finish my algebra this evening. 我今晚要专专心心地把代数作业做完。 10. hunker在线翻译 10. They don't discuss problems; they just hunker down and hope the issue will go away. 他们不会讨论;只是“蹲下”,希望事情会过去。 11. hunker的解释 11. This enormous pool has helped to protect Asian societies as they hunker down for the storm. 这个巨大的资金池有助于保护亚洲各国抵御金融风暴。 12. All the economy's problems are forcing people and businesses to hunker down, crimping spending and hiring, a vicious cycle. 所有这些经济问题都将导致个人和企业紧缩开支,企业减少雇佣人数,这是一个恶性循环的开始。 13. hunker什么意思 13. But when it comes to things we think really matter, like creating a career or raising children, we hunker down, tighten up, and absolutely refuse to fail. 但是当有关真正重要的事情上,例如:建立职业或养育儿女,我们就蹲下,就严阵以待,绝对不准失败。 14. German reformers will now have to hunker down until the election season has ended in late 2009, or possibly even until the next genuine cyclical downturn. 德国的改革者目前将不得不采取保守策略,直至2009年底大选结束,甚至可能到下一轮真正的周期低迷开始之时。 15. hunker什么意思 15. The youngsters hunker down at the bottom of the nest, hiding until mom shows up for mealtimes. 孩子们通常藏在巢穴底部,等到母亲呼唤时才出来。 16. Given all the negative consequences a default could have, banks would be wise to boost their capital and hunker down just in case Washington fails to get its act together by the new deadline. 考虑到政府违约可能带来的所有负面影响,对银行来说,明智的做法可能是充实资本金,做好准备过苦日子,以防政府在新的最终期限到来时仍然未能恢复正常运转。 17. Police appealed for witnesses to send in any images they had of the area around the finishing line of the Boston marathon, as they hunker down for what could be a long and difficult investigation. 警方呼吁目击者提交在波士顿马拉松终点线周围区域拍下的任何画面。警方正在着手调查这起可能漫长而艰难的案件。 18. I should teach them to squirrel away each dollar so they can hunker away from the wind at the door. 我应当教会他们,有点钱就存起来,以备不时之需。 19. hunker的近义词 19. Scientists have long known that the TB bacterium has the ability to " hunker down " and go dormant under stressful conditions. 科学家们多年来已知悉TB细菌有能力“闭目养神”并在应激情形下进入“打坐参禅”式的冬眠状态。 20. The discovery of the site of Hitler's ashes comes at a time of fierce debate over how and whether to preserve the hunker complex where he killed himself. 就在希特勒骨灰的撒放地被发现的时候,德国各界正在就是否应该保存希特勒最后藏身的掩体进行激烈的辨论。 hunker 词典解释 相关词组:hunker down hunker 单语例句 1. Pack your place with friends and refreshments and hunker down for a good time and a long time. 2. Those who could not for various reasons could only hunker down, grit their teeth and expect the worst. 3. So she and her husband will hunker down in their Missouri City home, just to the south. 4. " It's time to hunker down and complete construction, " Chan said in a November 20 interview in Hong Kong. 5. Sometimes you've got to hunker down and just be selfish, as long as you can pull up out of it when the time is right. hunker 英英释义 verb 1. sit on one's heels e.g. In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm Synonym: squatcrouchscrunchscrunch uphunker down |
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