单词 | rescission |
释义 | rescission [英 [r??s??n] 美 [r??s???n] ] rescission的意思、解释 rescission 基本解释 rescission的意思 名词废除 rescission 网络解释 1. 解约:(2)可依不实陈述,请求解约(Rescission). 须证明对方为不实陈述,且不实陈述具重大性(Materiality),以及合理信赖(Justifiable reliance). 此系衡平法之救济. (3)依诈欺(Deceit)请求解约. 除证明(2)项中要件外,尚须证明其损害及被告之明知. 2. 2. 解除合同:解除合同(Rescission)指合同当事人免除或终止履行合同义务的行为. 各国法律均认为解除合同是一种法律救济方法. 那么合同当事人在对方违约情况下是否可以解除合同呢?各国法律对构成解除合同的条件有着不同的规定,现介绍如下: 3. 3. 解除:在该案由纽约州上诉法院审理后,特别审期庭和上诉庭都认为.纽约州的法律应得到适用,因而判决,原告在英国起诉并得到让被告支付临时性生活费的裁定构成了对该分居协议的解除(rescission)和毁弃,因此,应驳回起诉. 4. 废除:abscission 切断, 除去 | rescission 废除 | modification 更改, 修改, 修正 rescission 双语例句 1. The thesis makes demonstrative analysis on internal judicial practice and relative case integrating international arbitrative repeal rescission system, summarizes status quo of court`s arbitrative supervision and expects future development. 本文结合外国仲裁撤销制度的立法和我国仲裁撤销的司法实践以及相关案例的实证分析,总结我国法院监督仲裁的现状,展望其未来发展。 2. D The Purchaser shall not be entitled to exercise the right to rescission under sub-clause above if the Purchaser has given direction to the Vendor to refrain from exercising any right of rescission under the Principal Agreement, such direction remains unrevoked and the Vendor has not acted contrary to such direction d如买方已指示卖方不要行使其根据主协议享有的任何撤销协议的权利;该指示仍未撤销;及卖方没有作出违反该指示的行为,则买方不得有权行使其根据上文款享有的撤销协议的权利。 3. The Purchaser shall exercise his right of rescission by notice in writing to the Vendor within 30 days of the Purchaser being notified in writing by Vendor of the approval of such amended plans by the Building Authority, and if no such notice is received by the Vendor within such time, the Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted such plans. 买方如欲行使此项权利,则须於接获卖方就修订图则已获建筑事务监督批准一事而发出的书面通知30天内,以书面通知卖方。如卖方在上述时间内并无接获有关通知,则买方须当作已接受该等图则。(2)有关以下任何一项的争议,须先交由认可人士作出决定 4. 4. B In the event of the Vendor becoming entitled to exercise any right of rescission under the Principal Agreement, the Vendor shall, within 7 days after the Vendor becomes aware of the existence of such right notify the Purchaser in writing of such right and irrespective of whether or not such notice has been given by the Vendor the Purchaser shall notwithstanding any provisions herein contained to the contrary be entitled to rescind this Agreement by serving written notice of rescission on the Vendor. b倘卖方根据主协议变得有权行使任何撤销协议的权利,卖方须於得悉该权利存在起计7天内,以书面将该权利通知买方。不论卖方是否已作出通知,即使本协议有任何相反规定,买方仍有权向卖方送达撤销协议的通知,以撤销本协议。 5. rescission的解释 5. The right to rescission of the heir or statutory agent of the donator shall be exercised within six months as of the date when he knows or ought to know the rescission reasons. 赠与人的继承人或者法定代理人的撤销权,自知道或者应当知道撤销原因之日起六个月内行使。 6. If the contractually agreed conditions for the rescission of the contract are present. 四、合同约定的解除合同的条件已经出现。 7. rescission是什么意思 7. In English Law, rejection of goods is also called rescission of a contract within the scope of sales of goods. 在英国法中,拒绝接受货物是合同解除在货物买卖中的别称,但美国UCC却将其视为买方拒绝履行的抗辩。 8. N obligatory relation should be re-liquidated after rescission according to method of value reimbursement, also the existence of statutory right to claim rescission no longer is determined through the fate of object, people should treat the problem as a problem of value reimbursement, so that the complex problems of risks and privilege are changed to value reimbursement. bstract 债务关系在解除之后应当依据价值补偿模式进行清算了结,即解除权的存在不再取决于所应返还的标的物的命运,而是应当将这一问题处理成为价值补偿的问题,以此将全部至为复杂的危险负檐问题和优遇问题都转移到价值补偿的领域。 9. In addition, questionnaires about the consumer's right of rescission were randomly distributed to people in Chongqing、Shanghai、Guangdong and other provinces, 1238 effective questionnaires were received for analyzing. 另外通过重庆、上海、广东等22省市1238份有效问卷,调查受访者对直销交易消费者反悔权的了解程度和关注点,利用统计检定分析做深入的探讨。 10. Article 194 Where a person having the right to rescission rescinds the donation, the person may request the donee to return the donated property. 第一 百九十四条撤销权人撤销赠与的,可以向受赠人要求返还赠与的财产。 11. There are always disputes on the relationship between contract rescission and compensation for damages in theory. 合同解除与损害赔偿的关系是合同法领域一个争议比较大的问题。 12. Rescission is an important basic system of contract law. 合同解除是现代合同法中的一项重要制度。 13. 13. The basis for rescission is that reality of consent is absent. 这种废除的理论基础就是缺乏真实的同意。 14. Regarding the rescission of our eBay options, we would like to highlight the following points TOM的文化完全和eBay不一样,我们认为这会影响到我们的工作士气。 15. rescission的反义词 15. The act of taking back the goods constitutes a rescission of the contract. 收回货物的行为构成对合同的解除。 16. The lawful rescission of contract is an important institution in Contract Law. 合同法定解除制度是合同法一项重要的制度。 17. 17. In the third part of this chapter, after introducing the theories and reasons about the base of the right to allege the compensation for damages, the author supports that the base of the right to allege the compensation for damages is breach of contract, and because of reacquainting of the object of contract rescission, this theory resolves the logical contradiction of traditional theory, gives attention to the values of the logicality and justice of law. 本章第三节中,在介绍了关于合同解除损害赔偿请求权基础的各种理论及理由后,笔者支持合同解除后损害赔偿的请求权性质是债务不履行的损害赔偿,并因为重新认识合同解除的标的,解决了传统理论中法律逻辑的矛盾,兼顾了法律逻辑和正义诉求双方面的价值。 18. Accordingly, the final portion apporaches the conflicts among norms and the examination of norms in the course of remedy, the rescission judgment and the desicion of the administrative sanction, the change judgment and the desicion of the administrative sancton, and the compensation judgment and the desicion of the administrative sanction. 正是处罚机关与相对一方的权利义务在处罚实施和救济两个具体环节上的差异性和不对等性,保证了其在处罚的整个发展阶段上的对等性和平衡性;也正是这种行政机关与相对一方权利义务关系的内在发展规律,构成了行政法发展的动力和行政法学研究的核心。 19. Provider and broker get paid by the escrow agent after rescission period. 在撤销期间过后,供方与经纪人得到了契约代理人的付款 20. In case of temporary impossibility, man should take the way of fictional time to recognize the right of rescission and the claim for damages of creditor, and not take the rule of undue hardship. 在一时不能的情形,应当采取拟制期间的做法来认定债权人的解除权和损害赔偿请求权,而不采取不可苛求性之规则。 rescission 单语例句rescission的近义词 1. Yet other investors raised questions as to why Google had not disclosed the rescission offer earlier. 2. If a borrower terminates and repays the reverse mortgage within the rescission period, the insurance premium will be waived. rescissionrescission 英英释义 noun 1. (law) the act of rescinding the cancellation of a contract and the return of the parties to the positions they would have had if the contract had not been made e.g. recission may be brought about by decree or by mutual consent Synonym: recission |
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