单词 | blare |
释义 | blare [英 [ble?(r)] 美 [bler] ] blare的意思、解释 过去式:blared; 过去分词:blared; 现在分词:blaring; 复数形式:blares; blare 基本解释 blare 不及物动词发出响而刺耳的声音 及物动词嘟嘟地发出; 高声发出; 高声宣布 名词嘟嘟声,巨响; (颜色等的)光泽 blare 相关例句 及物动词 1. 1. The radio was blaring. 收音机发出刺耳的声音。 不及物动词 1. The radio is blaring: turn it off! 收音机太吵了,把它关掉! 2. 2. The calf blared for its mother. 牛犊哞哞地高声叫喊找妈妈。 名词 1. A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he opened the shutters. 他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光。 blare 网络解释 1. 号声:blanquette 小牛肉 | blare 号声 | blarney 谄媚 2. 捻缝料;高声发出;大声宣布:blanking 逆程 | blare 捻缝料;高声发出;大声宣布 | blare 捻缝料高声发出大声宣布 3. blare是什么意思 3. 嘟嘟声;叫嚷;光泽:blanking 遮没;熄灭;消隐 | blare 嘟嘟声;叫嚷;光泽 | Blash 齿隙 blare 双语例句 1. Now the lake—with its toppled shrine And the memory of its lone heron, seasonal and proud—is sealed; And on these frigid fog-bound days the sun comes late, If at all, comes like a slow yellow age stain on linen, Or like the muted blare of the fluorescent lights you can see Through the smeared windows of the Gulf Station garage. 现在湖——还有它坍塌的圣殿孤寂的苍鹭之巢的记忆,季节的、骄傲的,被封了;在这寒雾牢锁的日子太阳迟迟,如果它还出来,就象是麻布上年久的黄斑,或者是你从海湾加油站污秽的窗户看到的暗淡的荧光。 2. Today, when I was sleeping, a blare was heard outside. 今天,当我还在睡觉时,只听见外面一身巨响。 3. That is, until the commercials blare on with enough volume to blow your hair back. 这是,直到商业blare就足够数量的打击,你的头发回。 4. 4. Blare:You know, Andrew is not the only one having a rough year. 你知道不仅只有 ANDREW 过了糟糕的一年。 5. Then, with a blare of trumpets and a banging of drums, the show began. 接着,随着刺耳的喇叭声和鼓的重击声,演出开始了。 6. Ask your friend to blow his trumpet. Can you hear the blare of the trumpet? 请你的朋友吹小号,你能听到小号的嘟嘟声吗? 7. blare 7. Then, with a blare of trumpet s and a banging of drums, the show began. 接着,随着刺耳的喇叭声和鼓的重击声,演出开始了。 8. blare什么意思 8. People have huge shrines in their homes which blare out a red light from their windows late at night. 人们的家中都有巨大的神龛,到了晚上会有很刺眼的红色灯光从窗户中射出。 9. The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears. 扩音器的突然传进我们的中。 10. How the adjectives would be arranged in due order on the page, how our overuse of exclamatory phrases would keep beat against the ear-drum, how we would tell the story in details, and how our extravagant diction would shine brightly, till the ear would ring with the blare of high-sounding words and our sight would be overpowered by the glare of our extravagant diction. 那些形容词将会多么壮观地列在纸面上,那些感叹词将会叫得多么响亮,我们又将多么细致入微地描写和再描写,我们又将怎么煞费苦心,用华丽的词藻去修饰我们的词句,将它写得光彩夺目直到如我们应该想到的那样,让人耳鸣目眩、眼花缭乱。 11. blare的近义词 11. Outside I heard the blare of competing loudspeakers. 我听到了外面传来类似扩音器的喊声。 12. blare在线翻译 12. Want trigger to be buckled only, blare, blood and fire can braid sad anadem. 只要扳机一扣,一声巨响,血和火就会编织一个哀的花环。 13. A flareback of bad publicity. A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms. 城市里喧闹的人声和热闹的生活,加上鳞次栉比的楼房建筑,在令人惊愕的同时,又令人怦然心动,教给人们模棱两可的生活意义。 14. 14. The Mohegans chanted to slow drum beats and the blare of a conch shell. 在缓慢的鼓声和螺号伴奏下,在场的莫西干人咏唱起印地安传统歌曲。 15. Every time Susan opens her mouth, it sounds like the blare of an ambulance siren. 苏珊每次开口说话,就像救护车的鸣笛一样,会发出刺耳的声音。 16. blare什么意思 16. And if the chorus leaves some hope that we'll regain what we've lost, the E Street Band's martial blare somehow guarantees it. 如果歌曲里的合唱给我们以希望可以重新得到失去的东西,那麽E Street Band威武的奏鸣就是那希望的担保。 17. And if thechorus leaves some hope that we'll regain what we've lost, the E StreetBand's martial blare somehow guarantees it. 如果歌曲里的合唱给我们以希望可以重新得到失去的东西,那么E Street Band威武的奏鸣就是那希望的担保。 18. From the shore they heard gonging and the blare of a mom. 船上四个人都听到从河街上飘来的锣鼓、琐呐声音。 19. blare的近义词 19. Waving the wings, rising a few feet every day, it may one day happen to find itself soaring high above, facing the blare of the sun and made its own voice pierce into the peaceful sky. 扇扇翅膀,每天飞高几英尺,然后某天突然发现自己居然正在万里高空翱翔,迎着太阳耀眼的光辉,鹰啼声声穿破宁静的长空。 20. The note became a strident blare. 乐音变成了尖厉的刺耳声。 blare 词典解释 1. 高声鸣响;(使)发出刺耳的声音 If something such as a siren or radio blares or if you blare it, it makes a loud, unpleasant noise. blare e.g. The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring... 消防车正要停下来,警报器发出刺耳的声音。 e.g. Music blared from the flat behind me... 刺耳的音乐从我身后的公寓传出来。 blare 单语例句 1. That's when the glare and blare of modern life hit me like thunder. 2. As Christmas carols and waltzes blare through loudspeakers, huge crowds of skaters stumble through either low speed or high speed skating zones. 3. The blare of cars honking outside wafted through the bar's open front door. blare 英英释义 noun 1. a loud harsh or strident noise Synonym: blaringcacophonyclamordin verb 1. make a strident sound e.g. She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone Synonym: blast 2. make a loud noise e.g. The horns of the taxis blared Synonym: honkbeepclaxontoot |
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