单词 | resonate |
释义 | resonate [英 [?rez?ne?t] 美 [?r?z??net] ] resonate的意思、解释 过去式:resonated; 过去分词:resonated; 现在分词:resonating; resonate 基本解释 resonate的反义词 不及物动词共鸣或共振; 回响 resonate 网络解释 1. 共振:当它们被拨弄时,会发出和谐的灵性音乐,而这样的和声(harmony)创造出的泛音(overtone)使其他的弦产生共振(resonate)或趋于静止(still). 而这些其他的弦可以是...工作、丰盛、解答及和平的意图等等. 让我稍微形容一下小武的生活. 2. resonate的意思 2. 共鸣:这黑暗与光明混合的新的梦,与地球母亲进化回归的大中央太阳(the Great Central Sun)有著深深的共鸣(resonate). 我当初应该先上昇进入这种混合的「新梦(new dream)」,那么我也就不会制造出滞留我身后的黑暗梦了!也许如此一来, 3. 谐振、调谐:Resistance 阻力、电阻 :.g/=Q(T~ | Resonate 谐振、调谐 &qXobJRM | Response 响应 i_*yS+Z; 4. 谐振:resonant 共振的 | resonate 谐振 | resonator cavity 谐振腔 resonate 双语例句 1. On the other hand, it might be postulated that the deviation is due to a genetically transmitted trait, so that deviant children could resonate to their deviant parents. 反之,我们可以假设变异是基因遗传的性状造成的,那麼不正常的小孩就能回应他们不正常的父母。 2. On the other hand, it might be postulated that the deviation is due to a genetically transmitted trait, so that deviant children could resonate to their deviant parents. In fact, language deficient families do exist, although it is not yet certain that the mechanism is necessarily the one postulated here. However, there is another reason why marked deviations of latent structure have a low chance for dissemination. 另一方面,歧异或许能被假设是基因传递的特徵,所以有这种歧异的孩子能够和有歧异的父母产生互动,虽然还无法完全确定这样歧异机制的必然性,但事实上,有这种缺陷的家庭是存在的,然而还有另一个理由解释为什麼潜性结构的歧异不太能传播开来。 3. These thoughts may be totally unrelated to who you really are, but you begin to resonate with that energy already in your energetic field. 这些想法可能完全无关的是谁,你真的是,但你开始共鸣,能源已经在您的充满活力的领域。 4. resonate什么意思 4. They are mainly: the probe-fed square patch antenna with shorting pins, and the probe-fed rectangular patch antenna with a pair of wide slits (E-shaped patch). The analyses were carried out using method of moments software package. It is shown that the probe-fed square patch antenna can be made resonate at three different frequencies of 1.83 GHz, 2.16 GHz and 2.74 GHz respect... 同时,采用基于MOM的软件包分析了天线性能,证明方形天线可以工作在3个频率点,即1.83GHz、2.16GHz和2.74GHz,其最大的增益达到9.4dB;E形天线工作在2.13GHz和2.5GHz,当中心频率为2.4GHz时,带宽达到33.33%(反射损耗≤-10dB),其最大增益为9.25dB。 5. resonate的反义词 5. Although Peruvian in its gastronomic experience, Sebastian Mariscal wanted to utilize materials that resonate to the Latin American culture and way of life. 虽然秘鲁的美食体验,塞巴斯蒂安马里斯卡尔想利用材料共鸣的拉丁美洲文化和生活方式。 6. The speaker module includes an enclosure located in the terminal body, the enclosure defining a chamber therein, and a speaker having a front surface and a rear surface, the speaker being located in the enclosure such that the front surface of the speaker is exposed from the enclosure and the rear surface thereof is positioned within the chamber, to allow a sound generated from the rear surface to resonate within the chamber. 该扬声器模块包括:设置在终端主体中的外壳,该外壳在其中限定腔;和具有正面和背面的扬声器,该扬声器被设置在该外壳中,使得扬声器的正面从外壳中露出,并且其背面被放置在腔内,以允许从背面产生的声音在该腔内共振。 7. Design a structure in which the electrons resonate in a way analogous to a tuning fork and you have a type of generator, since the resonating electrons are, in effect, an alternating current. 设计一个结构,结构中的电子能以类似于音叉的方式共振,这就形成了一种发电机,因为共振的电子实际上就是交流电。 8. resonate的意思 8. This last phrase was pitched to resonate pleasingly in the ears of the West. 最后这句话在西方人那里得到了令人愉快的共鸣。 9. Bell mouth under the floor, facing the center - The square is the wellhead, will resonate. 钟口之下正对着楼基中心的方形大井口,能产生共鸣。 10. resonate的反义词 10. Together with Foster, these Visual Culture writers resonate a profound and enervated anxiety as to what to do about design 与福斯特一起,这些视觉文化作家对在当今文化中,设计该做什么产生了深远又无力的担忧。 11. Let your eyes feel resonate with the soul!!! 让你的眼睛感受心灵的共鸣!!! 12. Modifying the epistemological vee of D. Bob Gowin 1981, we developed V-dot diagram as an epistemological model framework for guiding an engineering creativity design and implementation team of novice students. The V-dot diagram has two tapered sidelines representing, respectively, theknowledge and methodology researched, applied, generated, and developed. The knowledge and methodology interact and resonate along the creativity generation and implementation. Bob Gowin 於1981所发表之epistemological vee 的概念,加以转化修订为一适合工程创作力的团队心智模式工具,同样采V图形式,两侧分别代表知识与方法,V形由开口到谷底则代表创意点子由形成到实现为成品的妥协过程,其间知识与方法不断彼此激荡,运用知识实践创意,也从实践创意中产生知识,为了凸显V形开口的创意点子的关键性角色,本图特取名为V-dot 13. Thecrosswise electric properties of this kind of nanometer structure arethat their surface will resonate strongly when external electric fieldis applied. 对于这种纳米尺寸横向电学特性的研究发现:在外加电场的作用下,它们的表面会发生强烈的共振作用。 14. However, LCL filter is a third order system without damping and easy to resonate. 但是,LCL为无阻尼3阶系统,易发生谐振。 15. resonate在线翻译 15. That message may resonate with Edmund Stoiber, who is being ousted not by his opposition but by his own party, the conservative Christian Social Union. 他的这一论断在即将被本党(奉行保守思想的基督教社会联盟)而非在野党赶下台的州长施托伊贝尔身上无疑得到了极好的诠释。 16. 16. This helps us to find a way to resonate with the target customer. 这有助于我们找到一种能与标的目的客户不销生共识的颜色。 17. On the filter structure design respect, we studied the relationship between structure parameters(such as coupling apertures diameters, resonator heights, coupling fissure width and the sizes of the end electrods) and filter properties(such as the resonate frequency, band width, insert loss) and achieved two different structure type filters with satisfied properties. 在滤波器结构设计方面,讨论了1/4λ同轴型微波介质滤波器结构参数与其性能之间的相互关系,得到了滤波器结构参数(如耦合孔的直径、谐振腔的长度、耦合槽的直径、端口电极的面积等)与滤波器最终性能(如中心频率、通带宽度、插损、阻带抑制等)之间的定量关系曲线,并得到两种滤波器结构。 18. Of course, the light-hearted pastel painting can only represents certain aspect and certain point of my art, however, it is undoubtedly one of the most important way in my art pursuit. I do hope my amusive experience from pastel painting can be shared by the viewers and gain access to resonate. August 5, 2008 当然这种随意的纸上色粉不能代表我的艺术的全部,也只是某一面和某一点的呈现,尽管是偶发的、即兴的,但她却无疑是我在绘画中寻觅本我的重要方式之一,但愿我的这一消遣和体验能让观者共享、共鸣! 19. However, speaker woofer cones resonate between 45-60Hz where output is higher so do not boost at 150Hz, less boost at 400Hz. 但是,低音扬声器锥体在45-60Hz产生共鸣,此时的输出很高,所以激励的量要在150Hz至400Hz之间。 20. 20. It is different from other travel guide books, I resonate from the heart. 它不同于其它介绍旅游的书,让我从心底里产生共鸣。 resonate 词典解释 1. 发出嘹亮的声音;回响;回荡 If something resonates, it vibrates and produces a deep, strong sound. e.g. The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head. 低音电吉他开始砰砰作响,巨大的声音一直在我的脑海里回响。 2. 有特殊意义;引起共鸣 You say that something resonates when it has a special meaning or when it is particularly important to someone. e.g. London is confident and alive, resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city. 伦敦洋溢着自信和活力,呈现出一个文明城市的所有特性。 resonate 单语例句resonate 1. Some Republicans agreed that the debate over a greater government role in health care will resonate far beyond Capitol Hill this week. 2. Comments from Li resonate in Asia and in Hong Kong, where he's known as " Superman " for his investment acumen. 3. Again, my attempts at conveying an intimate knowledge of Chinese culture failed to resonate with her. 4. Further positioning of Ping An's online insurance brand may also require mass media advertising, perhaps with a touch of humor to resonate with the younger generation. 5. " We think it will resonate for all Americans, " he said. 6. Whether the video will resonate on the Arab or Muslim street is not at all clear. 7. Experience the highland winds Appreciate the floating clouds and pastoral songs that resonate across the grasslands. 8. The mixture of herbs contributes to infinite and amazing flavors that resonate in your palate, and each combination produces a different sensation. 9. The functions of the body is to resonate and amplify the vibrations of the strings. 10. It was not clear how much the tape's inflammatory message would resonate with ordinary Iraqis, who suffered under Saddam's brutal rule for decades. resonate 英英释义 resonate的近义词 verb 1. be received or understood Synonym: come across 2. sound with resonance e.g. The sound resonates well in this theater Synonym: vibrate |
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