单词 | blossom |
释义 | blossom [英 [?bl?s?m] 美 [?blɑ:s?m] ] blossom的意思、解释 过去式:blossomed; 过去分词:blossomed; 现在分词:blossoming; 复数形式:blossoms; blossom 基本解释 名词花,群花; 开花时期,(发育的)初期; 兴旺时期 不及物动词(植物)开花; 繁荣,兴旺; 长成 blossom 相关词组 blossom的意思 1. in blossom : 盛开; blossom blossom 相关例句 不及物动词 1. blossom的反义词 1. His career blossomed from then on. 从那时起他的事业兴旺起来。 2. Jane is blossoming out into a beautiful girl. 简已经长成一个漂亮的女孩。 3. blossom的解释 3. Those trees are blossoming. 那些树正在开花。 4. That small fishing village has now blossomed into an important port. 那个小渔村现已发展成为一个重要港口。 名词 1. There is no blossom on the cherry trees this year. 今年这些樱树没有开花。 blossom 网络解释 1. blossom是什么意思 1. 开花:目前这款笔记本电脑已经在美国、欧洲和加拿大上市了,感兴趣的网友可以到戴尔官网上一看究竟. 据了解,戴尔为Inspiron 1525笔记本电脑提供了三种不同的设计风格,即寒冰(Chill)、开花(Blossom)和喧嚣(Commotion). 2. 花:基本思想是:运用代数基本定理避免通常B样条基函数复合所采用的极形式(Polar form)以及非常烦琐复杂的开花(Blossom)运算,把B样条基函数的复合、乘积运算转化为求解线性方程组. 3. blossom的近义词 3. 花 ,花:据我所知Battle in Megaville这款游戏是以飞天小女警上小学(Megaville Elementary school)时,与德克斯特(Dexter)同班,而且卷入他与曼德克(Mandark)的争斗,并同时与狠脚色贝儿(Bell)对上的故事为背景做的,花花(Blossom)甚至一度被囚禁於水柱之中﹝游戏背景中有﹞, blossom 双语例句 1. Of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars 我竟在得知你的近况后劲唔开心,我都唔明点解会系咁。 2. The blossom of the real estate profession bring along huge development in other correlated professions, for examples, architecture material, architecture design, construction, the estate sale, and the layers and so on. 房地产业的兴旺发达促进了相关行业的极大繁荣,如建材、建筑设计、施工、房地产销售、市场营销、律师业等。 3. The plum blossom can stand up to the harsh winter and demonstrate its beauty. 梅花可以经受冬季的严寒,展示其美丽。 4. blossom在线翻译 4. Canopies flow did not drop the plum blossom freeze, a non-isolated lightly. 檐流未滴梅花冻,一种清孤不等闲。 5. blossom在线翻译 5. In hainan island in 12 times, blossom first 4-5 months, the second 9-12 months. 在海南岛1年开花2次,第一次4-5月,第二次9-12月。 6. Fragrance and Blossom develops 5000 sqm malls for the 424 families. 花开桂香专为424户健康人家开辟出的5000平方米商业街,满足生活富足,有购物欲的你。 7. Plum Blossom Melody wonders like snow, but regret that no thought magpies love downtown, shaking off more than how many Acacia to read, lying alone frosty Gu Ying. 喜欢梅花踏雪之妙韵,却遗憾闹鹊无思情,摇落几多相思给余念,独处寒霜卧孤影。 8. The cherry blossom is famous in Japanese poetry, in prose, and in most of the graphic arts. 在樱花是日本著名的诗歌,散文,和大多数的图形艺术。 9. 9. When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom. 只有当男人和女人能够尊重和接受彼此的不同,爱情才有机会繁盛。 10. Were like a rain in spring on the blossom of the pear. 玉容寂寞泪阑干,梨花一枝春带雨。 11. When we do, self-esteem and love blossom will grow more beautifully than any bed of flowers ever could. 只要我们永远牢记这一点,那么,自尊和爱的花朵就会比花圃中的任何花儿都开得灿烂、美丽。 12. 12. Unripe nog of ground of big Xie La is well-balanced, the errant bud that blade notch is in is easy air plant, blossom new individual plant, this kind of unique multiply kind, often arouse the interest of people. 大叶落地生根株匀称,叶片缺刻处的不定芽易落地生根,长成新株,这种独特的繁衍方式,常引起人们的爱好。 13. It'll be spring soon. And the Orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. 春天快来临了,果树很快就要繁花似锦了,而鸟儿将在榛木丛里安家落户,人们也将在平坦的低地上栽种夏麦。 14. blossom在线翻译 14. It`ll be spring soon, and the Orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket and they`ll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields. 春天快来临了,果树很快就要繁花似锦了,而鸟儿将在榛木丛里安家落户,人们也将在平坦的低地上栽种夏麦。 15. Then, I plunge into my root in achievement, let oneself be spent here blossom fall. 于是,我把自己的根扎在了成果,让自己在这里花开花落。 16. blossom什么意思 16. I say heal me she gives me chamomile, oregano, peppermint i say caress me she strokes my skin with her warm breath i say make me beautiful she offers turguoise for my fingers, a pink blossom for my hair i say sing to me she chants her windy songs i say make me beautiful she blossoms in the sun's glare, the snow's silence, the driest sand the desert is my mother the desert is my strong mother! 我说医治我她让我洋甘菊,牛至,薄荷我说抚摸我她中风的皮肤与她的温暖气息我说让我美丽她提供turguoise为我的手指,粉红色花的我的头发我说给我唱歌她高唱他那风之歌我说让我美丽她盛开在眩目的阳光下,在洁净的雪,在干燥的沙子沙漠是我的母亲沙漠是我强有力的母亲! 17. From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying, smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-colored blossom of a laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so flame-like as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across the long tussore-silk curtains that strechted in front of the huge window, producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect, and make him think of those pallid jade-faced painters of Tokio who, through the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. 亨利沃登勋爵躺在用波斯毡子做面的无靠背长沙发上,照例接连不断地抽着无数只的烟卷。他从放沙发的那个角落只能望见一丛芳甜如蜜、色也如蜜的金链花的疏影,它从那颤巍巍的枝条看起来载不动这般灿烂绚丽的花朵;间或,飞鸟的奇异的影子掠过垂在大窗前的柞丝绸长帘,造成一霎那的日本情调,使他联想起一些面色苍白的东京画家,他们力求通过一种本身只能是静止的艺术手段,来表现迅捷和运动的感觉。 18. The plum blossom in Wudang Mountain endures frost and wind for thousands of years without bending, but facing the adversity with every confidence. 梅花欢喜漫天雪,武当的榔梅斗冰傲雪,仙姿灼灼,虽经千年霜剑不变其色,历万年风刀自成雕塑。 19. It had slender green leaves the colour of emeralds, and in the centre of the leaves a blossom like a golden cup. 她有细长的、翡翠般的绿叶,绿叶间有一朵金盏似的花蕾。 20. 20. Blossom so that the parents at ease, it is not shirking our responsibility and our bounden duty. 迎宾,让父母安心,这不是推卸责任,也是我们的天职。 blossom 词典解释 1. (树木的)花, 花簇 Blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree before the fruit. e.g. The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year. 今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。 e.g. ...the blossoms of plants, shrubs and trees. 草木的花 2. 兴盛;变得有魅力;变得成功 If someone or something blossoms, they develop good, attractive, or successful qualities. blossom的近义词 e.g. Why do some people take longer than others to blossom?... 为什么有的人比他人大器晚成? e.g. What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. 最初的地方节日已经发展成了国际性盛会。 blossoming ...the blossoming of British art, pop and fashion. 英国艺术、流行乐和时装业的兴盛 3. (树木)开花 When a tree blossoms, it produces blossom. e.g. Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom. 开始下雨了,桃树也开花了。 blossom 单语例句 1. Showing rich details of Chinese ink and brush techniques, the painting is called Magpies Leap in the Plum Blossom. 2. A Chinese rose now can blossom outdoors in winter, even in northeastern China's frigid weather. 3. Twelve breeds of cloves in the Clove Garden blossom from May to July, driving birds to sing for them. 4. When the grapefruit come into blossom, the fragrance fills the air. 5. They had cut off the withered leaves and branches, expecting them to blossom again. 6. But Mo does understand men who prefer to take the driver's seat - like the boyfriend who turned down the Cherry Blossom Festival proposal. 7. Delaying the awkward " DTR " chat might just give their budding romance a chance to blossom. 8. But in the revolutionary age, the plum blossom evolved into the embodiment of the revolutionist. 9. An epiphany dawned on him in March this year when he was on his way to attend a peach blossom festival. 10. The Peach Blossom Land lying in Wenshan city of Yunnan appears the same scenic describing in an ancient essay by Tao Yuanming. blossom 英英释义 noun 1. reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts Synonym: flowerbloom 2. the period of greatest prosperity or productivity Synonym: flowerprimepeakheydaybloomefflorescenceflush blossom的近义词 verb 1. develop or come to a promising stage e.g. Youth blossomed into maturity Synonym: blossom outblossom forthunfold 2. produce or yield flowers e.g. The cherry tree bloomed Synonym: bloomflower |
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