单词 | respiration |
释义 | respiration [英 [?resp??re??n] 美 [?r?sp??re??n] ] respiration的意思、解释 respiration 基本解释 respiration 名词呼吸,一次呼吸; (植物的)呼吸; 一息 respiration的解释 respiration 相关例句 名词 1. respiration 1. I tried to gauge the depth of her sleep by the rate of her respiration. 我试图通过她的呼吸速率来测定她的睡眠深度。 respiration 网络解释 1. 1. 呼吸作用:植物甾醇的性质甾...第五章 植物的呼吸作用 第一节 呼吸作用的概念及其生理意义 呼吸作用(respiration)是氧化有机物并释放能量的异化作用(disassimilation) . 2. 呼吸,呼吸作用:resorption line 吸收线 | respiration 呼吸,呼吸作用 | respiration-apnae monitor 呼吸窒息监护仪 3. 一息:一逆 one mista ade in treatment | 一息 respiration | 一侧的 unilateral respiration 双语例句 1. respiration 1. This process is aerobic respiration via the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. 这个过程就是经由KREBS循环和氧化磷酸化的有氧呼吸。 2. This paper studies changes of respiration rate, respiration quotient, organic acid, soluble solids of tomato related with respiration and metabolism at room temperature (18-24℃) and cold temperature (12℃). 探讨了常温(18~24℃)和冷藏温度(12℃)条件下绿熟番茄在贮藏过程中与呼吸代谢相关的呼吸速率、呼吸商、呼吸底物中可溶性固形物含量以及有机酸含量的变化。 3. The results showed, respiration rate in tomato at cold temperature was lower than that at room temperature, the arrival of respiration peak is about 5 days later, the content of soluble solids at cold temperature was higher than that at room temperature. The organic acid in tomato was reduced with time extension. The decomposition of organic acid in tomato at low temperature was more slowly than that at morn temperature. The respiration quotient was generally reduced. The change trend of storage temperature was close to the respiration rate. 通过对上述指标进行实验分析,结果表明:在冷藏条件下番茄呼吸速率水平比在常温条件下低,呼吸高峰的出现比在常温条件下晚5 d左右;经冷藏的番茄果实可溶性固形物含量比常温贮藏的高;番茄有机酸含量随贮藏时间的延长而呈下降趋势,冷藏番茄中有机酸的分解速度比常温贮藏的缓慢;呼吸商总体表现为下降趋势,不同的贮温其变化趋势与呼吸速率接近。 4. Using this system, oxygen uptake rate, carbon dioxide evolution rate, respiration quotient, dissolved oxygen and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient can be simultaneously determined, the operations such as inoculation, sampling, feeding and so on may be on site carried out. 使用Y-Z型多功能摇瓶及在线参数检测系统,可在线同时检测摄氧率、二氧化碳释放率、呼吸商、溶解氧、体积氧传递系数等摇瓶发酵过程的工程参数,并能实现在位接种、取样、补料等操作,为摇瓶发酵的基础研究提供了一种方便的实验仪器系统。 5. Soil basal respiration and metabolic quotient were significantly higher in R. glutinosa cropping soils than in the non-cropping controls. On the contrary, the Shannon index and the average well color development from the Biolog data set were lower in R. glutinosa cropping soils, and we also found a seasonal change in AWCD and soil microbial biomass carbon, higher in cropping season but lower in harvest season. 地黄根际土壤SMBC无明显变化,但是基础呼吸和代谢商显著高于非根际土壤;相反,基于Biolog碳源培养分析的地黄根际土壤微生物的AWCD和Shannon指数均有显著的下降,同时,AWCD和SMBC具有随季节变化的相似特征,在地黄生长发育的旺季高,而在收获季节低。 6. There were obvious differences among their biochemical indices, including microbial biomass C and N, basal respiration, metabolic quotient, enzymatic activities, biochemical reaction intensity, microbial community and functional diversity, and the change was accompanied by the change of mixed heavy metals pollution. 2. The functional mechanism for biologic toxicity of accompanying anion in the mining area was also studied. 矿区类型不同,重金属复合污染组合和程度不同,其土壤微生物量、基础呼吸、代谢熵、生化作用强度、酶活性、微生物群落及功能多样性等生化指标均有明显的差异,其变化遵循一定的重金属复合污染变化规律。 7. respiration什么意思 7. The soils of surface 0~5 cm and subsurface 5~25 cm were collected from selected eco-tesseras of degraded abandon lands, corn cultivated lands, vegetation recovery lands and well-protected vegetation lands respectively. Total pool of soil major nutrients showed sensitive changes with vegetation cover, accompanying a similar change of soil microbial biomass carbon. Vegetation recovery resulted in a remarkable change of soil total nutrient pool and increased soil microbial biomass carbon. However, vegetation recovery for 3~6 years long did not drive a significant change in available pool of the nutrients as well as the microbial respiration quotient and soil enzyme activities. 研究表明土壤养分库是土壤中微生物活性基础,微生物量碳随土壤养分库容的退化或恢复而相应变化,退化岩溶地植被恢复3~6年后,主要养分总库容得到明显恢复(恢复程度55%~65%),因而带动了微生物量碳的恢复(平均恢复程度60%以上),但养分的活性、微生物的功能(呼吸熵及土壤脲酶和磷酸酶活性)并没有得到相应程度的恢复(平均恢复程度仅在25%~40%)。 8. Laboratory incubation studies show that soil respiration decreases in the early stages and then stabilizes in the later stages of incubation (a total time period of 120 h) for all soils under different cropping systems. There are significant differences in soil respiration quotients among different cropping patterns, with the highest average soil respiration quotient of 20.54 μg(CO2-C)·mg-1·h-1 in WSR, and the lowest of 14.01 μg(CO2-C)·mg-1·h-1 in WCtR. 不同种植方式下土壤呼吸在120 h内的变化均为先下降后趋于平稳,不同种植方式下的土壤呼吸商之间呈显著性差异,WSR呼吸商最高,平均20.54 μg(CO2-C)·mg-1·h-1,WCtR最低,平均14.01μg(CO2-C)·mg-1·h-1。 9. The 10cm depth temperature was the main factor of affect the soil respiration rate. 地表下10cm处温度是影响土壤呼吸速率变化的主要影响因素。 10. Department of respiration, shanghai zhabei district shibei hospital, shanghai 200443, china 作者单位:上海市闸北区市北医院呼吸内科,上海200435 11. I`ll also check your pulse rate and respiration. 我还要检查一下你的脉搏和呼吸。 12. respiration的翻译 12. Just becoming aware of the process of respiration engages the cerebral cortex and stimulates the more evolved areas of the brain. 只要不断地进行简单的呼吸系的控制,就可以进一步的开发脑部控制呼吸的那些区域。 13. HOW does the regulation of citrate synthase control the rate of cellular respiration in pig heart tissue? 柠檬酸合成的调节如何控制猪心脏组织中细胞呼吸作用的速率? 14. respiration 14. There are two main levels of respiration: the first occurs in the lungs and is called external respiration. 有两个主要呼吸:首先在肺中发生的被称为外部呼吸。 15. respiration什么意思 15. External respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. 外呼吸是肺中氧与二氧化碳的交换。 16. respiration的反义词 16. The results show that the external respiration double skin facade has a superior energy efficiency pot... 结果表明,外呼吸双层通风玻璃幕墙是一种节能的生态建筑围护结构形式。 17. respiration的翻译 17. An emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has''. 包括心脏按摩和人工呼吸的急救程序;对''。 18. Oxygen moves into the cell from the bloodstream and carbon dioxide moves out of the cell to be carried by the blood back to the lungs to be disposed of in external respiration. 氧从血管中进入红细胞,而二氧化碳被释放,被血液带回到肺脏,外部呼吸中被处理。 19. Compares the heating and cooling energy consumption of buildings applying external respiration double skin facade with that of buildings applying four single glazing curtain walls. 分析比较了外呼吸双层玻璃幕墙建筑和四种单层玻璃幕墙建筑的供暖空调能耗。 20. An emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration; the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing; attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen. 包括心脏按摩和人工呼吸的急救程序;对虚脱或者没有脉搏和停止呼吸的患者采取的首选措施;试图恢复血液循环以免死亡或者大脑因缺氧受损。 respiration 词典解释 1. 呼吸 Your respiration is your breathing. e.g. His respiration grew fainter throughout the day. 一天当中,他的呼吸越来越微弱。 respiration 单语例句 1. Experts of the provincial sanitation department said at the end of an initial probe that the girl died of serious infection and respiration failure. 2. I cleaned them, gave them artificial respiration and called out their names. 3. One of the Italian tourists came to the aid of the old man and gave him artificial respiration. 4. Fortunately a retired doctor performed artificial respiration and the cleaner was saved. 5. They claimed to be offering medicines or links to medicines on skin diseases, respiration and diabetes. 6. They claimed to offer medicines or links to medicines on skin diseases, respiration and diabetes. 7. The best treatment was opening her mouth to help her respiration as soon as possible. 8. The Earth's ability to balance carbon dioxide produced through respiration and absorbed by growing plants has been thrown off by the burning of fossil fuels. 9. Yue Yue still relies on machines for maintaining blood pressure and respiration. 10. From days five to 10, respiration becomes irregular with periods of very fast and then very slow breathing. respiration 英英释义 noun 1. the metabolic processes whereby certain organisms obtain energy from organic molecules processes that take place in the cells and tissues during which energy is released and carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed by the blood to be transported to the lungs Synonym: internal respirationcellular respiration 2. the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation Synonym: breathingexternal respirationventilation 3. a single complete act of breathing in and out e.g. thirty respirations per minute |
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