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单词 hectare
    hectare [英 [?hekte?(r)] 美 [?hekter] ]
    hectare 基本解释
    hectare 网络解释
    1. hectare在线翻译
    1. 公顷:不错 错了 公顷(Hectare)为面积的公制单位(国际单位). 一面 一公 的土地,大一 足球 近似. 1 公顷= 10 000 平方米(square meters 1 公顷= 100 公亩(ares 1 公顷= 15 亩; 1 公顷= 0.01 平方公里 10000平方米 10000平方米.
    2. 英亩:property财产,所有物n. | hectare英亩n. | emergency crew紧急行动队
    3. 公倾:algae 藻类 | hectare 公倾 | concilliar 会议的
    4. 公顷 (名):heckler 激烈质问者; 起哄者, 扰乱分子 (名) | hectare 公顷 (名) | hectic 脸上发红的, 消耗热的, 发热的 (形)
    hectare 双语例句
    1. The new remote concouse is 16.5 hectare in size, and will feature 3 floors including the basement.
    新遥远 concouse 是尺寸16.5平方公引,并且将以包括地下室的3 层为特色。
    2. Consisting of eight geographical clusters of protected areas within the boundaries of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in the mountainous north-west of Yunnan Province, the 1.7 million hectare site features sections of the upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze, Mekong and Salween run roughly parallel, north to south, through steep gorges which, in places, are 3, 000 m deep and are bordered by glaciated peaks more than 6, 000 m high.
    由在3 个平行的河国家公园的边界内的保护区的8 地理的群组成,在云南省,170万平方公引站点特徵亚洲的巨大河中的3 条的上游的部分的巨大北部西边内︰长江,Mekong和Salween变得平行,北方到南方,透过在位置内,3,000米深并且毗邻使冰冻山峰高的6,000米是陡的峡谷。
    3. hectare的近义词
    3. Partial correlation analysis between ears per hectare, grains per ear and 1000-grain weight and yield indicated that each factor related to the yield showed significantly positive relationships to yie...
    3啤酒大麦新品种苏啤4号在盐城地区的播种期为10月24-30日,在施氮量为纯氮210 kg/hm2、基本苗为240万/hm2左右的栽培条件下能获得高产。
    4. In farm investment analysis, a farm budget based on an easily segregated activity such as planting a single hectare of a crop or raising a particular group of animals.
    5. Yulex, a firm that has commercialised guayule, gets an annual crop of 400 kilograms per hectare.
    6. Coco is annual every hectare crop is 3500 ~ 6000 fruit, annual crop of tree of every individual plant is 70 ~ 100 fruit, highest can amount to 150 fruit.
    7. Accords with national interest wheat is one of our country's mainest grain crop, grow an area all the year round left and right sides of 30 million hectare, crop and consumption occupy the 1/4 of countrywide commissariat gross about.
    8. hectare是什么意思
    8. The results show that irrigated with the 0.3% water at the rate of 450 m^3 per hectare, the crop drought can be reduced, and the corn yield increased significantly, while the rate added to 900 m^3 per hectare and 1350 m^3 per hectare the output descended.
    9. Higher yield per hectare was obtained through good management practices. And factors which frequently play an important role in raising crop yield per hectare are as follows:(1) varieties; (2) irrigation; (3) fertilizers and (4) cropping systems.
    10. Multiple cropping index in 1952 was 130.9%, since the 1960s intercropping/under-cropping system has been adopted and become a very popular practice, so MCI increased to 151% in 1978, thus resulting a higher crop yield per hectare.
    11. hectare是什么意思
    11. With 2.6 hectare plot of land and 5, 000 square meters of building area.
    工厂占地 40 亩,厂房面积 5,000 平方米。
    12. She and her husband have managed to make roughly 1, 500 US dollars by selling longan collected from their nearly one hectare longan orchard these last eight days.
    13. The site has a total land area of 15.4 hectares, including a temporary road at west and one hectare greenbelt protection areas, as well as 1.9 hectares protection areas located at the east of Luan Cao Highway.
    临时服务区用地紧邻生态城规划建设区东南角,基地西侧紧邻引水渠,东侧以滦曹公路用地西边线为界,南临渤海岸线、北距高压线 100 米,总用地面积为 15.4 公顷,其中包括西侧临时道路及道路防护绿地 1 公顷,以及东侧滦曹公路防护绿地 1.9 公顷。
    14. Major achievements were made in the research on super-hybrid rice with per-hectare yield reaching 10.5 tons after it was planted on large acreage of land.
    15. GT Co., Ltd. is located in Doudian, Fangshan District, it takes 4.2-hectare land, and its built-up area is 18000m2. It is a modern hi-tech. agricultural enterprise, and it is also the leading industrial enterprise for planting Bailinggu mushroom (Pleurotus ferulaea, also named White King Oyster Mushroom) that the equipment and the technology is the most advantage, the scale is the biggest, and the output is the largest in China.
    16. The lakeside hotel was built in 1922 in the heart of Dalat set in a private 5-hectare park.
    17. hectare在线翻译
    17. With 2.6 hectare plot of land and 5, 000 square meters of building area, it specializes in the production of household auxiliaries based on natural fat and oil materials, it mainly produce emulsifying agents for foodstuffs, medicines and cosmetics, as well as additives of special characteristics for textile and plastic industries.
    工厂占地 40 亩,厂房面积 5,000 平方米,专营基于天然油脂原料的日用工业助剂,主要是食品、医药、化妆品行业中的乳化剂,如硬脂酸酯、甘油酯等,也生产纺织、塑料等行业中的特殊性能的添加剂如乳化剂及软化剂。
    18. hectare什么意思
    18. And the western part, with a 200-hectare Bright Pearl Lake will be built into an international exhibition and convention area.
    19. The new plowland area they reclaimed reached 5000 hectare.
    20. Scholaris plantation optimal pattern. Results show that growth of A. scholaris is enhanced when planted in high density at 417 plants per hectare over low density planting, and is significantly affected by slope direction. However, in lower density planting, plant growth is not significantly affected by slope direction. Within a certain density range, plant density has no significant effect on the growth of A. scholar in shady-slopes. Sunny-slopes are most favorable to A. scholar growth. Under the system of monoculture, total biomass per plant(2.717 kg) is much higher than that of agroforestry systems such as A. scholaris and Camellia sinensis (2.598 kg), and A.
    结果表明:在较高种植密度(株行距为4m×6m)条件下,不同种植坡向间糖胶树生长差异较大,而在低密度条件下,坡向对植株的生长影响不大;在一定种植密度范围内,阴坡的种植密度对糖胶树的生长影响不大,且阴坡条件不利于糖胶树的生长,而阳坡则较适宜;不同种植模式下的糖胶树单株生物量不同,荒坡纯种(2.717 kg)较糖胶树+茶叶种植模式(2.598 kg)以及糖胶树+咖啡模式(2.500 kg)高。
    hectare 词典解释
    1. 公顷(土地面积单位,等于1万平方米或2.471英亩)
    A hectare is a measurement of an area of land which is equal to 10,000 square metres, or 2.471 acres.
    hectare 单语例句hectare的翻译
    1. The UN said cannabis yields around twice the quantity of drug per hectare as opium poppies and requires less investment to grow it.
    2. They also run a convenience store from their home and farm a hectare of land.
    3. His family grew mostly potatoes and corn on its quarter hectare of land as the crops required less water.
    4. He says he would never have been able to own his 42 hectare tea plantation farm if he hadn't been given credit.
    5. Smallholders can achieve yield increases of a ton per hectare or more, while sharply reducing water and fertilizer use and greenhouse emissions.
    6. Output is projected to increase by 900 kilograms per hectare, they said.
    7. Two farmers who tried to make their own fertilizers to plant trees ended up destroying one hectare of forest and were detained by police.
    8. Production per hectare at the farm is 39 tons, much higher than the average of 18 tons per hectare in China.
    9. The use of fertilizer per hectare of farmland was 341 kilograms in 2009, higher than most countries.
    10. And farmers harvest about seven times more corn from each hectare than they did seventy years ago.
    hectare 英英释义
    1. (abbreviated `ha') a unit of surface area equal to 100 ares (or 10,000 square meters)




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