单词 | hectic |
释义 | hectic [英 [?hekt?k] 美 [?h?kt?k] ] hectic的意思、解释 hectic 基本解释 形容词繁忙的,忙乱的; 兴奋的,狂热的; (因患肺病等)发烧的; 患热病的 名词肺病热患者; [医]潮红 hectic 相关例句 形容词 1. 1. I had a hectic day in the office. 我在办公室里忙乱了一天。 hectic 网络解释 1. 忙乱:」黎亚伦表示:「3月最后一天是非常忙乱(hectic)的一天. 」美国公民与移民服务局(USCIS)规定,新年度签证从1日起开始接收申请,第五个工作日截止(7日). 如果7日后接到的申请超过6万5000个,该局将把所有申请案拿来抽签,决定6万5000个名额的分配. 2. 脸上发红、发热的:heavenly 如天堂的、神圣的 | hectic 脸上发红、发热的 | hemisphere 半球 3. hectic 3. 脸上发红:hectic fever 消耗热 | hectic 脸上发红 | hectocotylus 交接腕 4. 紧张忙碌的:Spew:喷,涌 | Hectic: 紧张忙碌的 | Billion: 十亿 hectic 双语例句 1. hectic的意思 1. Next day was a hectic day; a small repair shop was located where the broken pintail hook of the trailer was welded. 第二天,是一个繁忙的一天,一个小修理店设在打破针尾钩的拖车焊接。 2. In my hectic life this relaxation is sometimes worth a million. 在我繁忙的生活中,这样的悠闲有时千金难买。 3. You Quan ring for Hill, the bridges destroyed, various sculptures stream decorations, or independence bait, or paint, or Fish, Taiyuan more water in search of food, Water hectic scene is how leisure and Freehand. 山幽泉响,小桥流水,各种雕塑溪边点缀,或独钓,或写生,或观鱼,更有鸿鹏水中觅食,鸳鸯戏水,此情此景是何等之休闲和写意。 4. The furnished room received its latest guest with a first glow of pseudo-hospitality, a hectic, haggard, perfunctory welcome like the specious smile of a demirep. 客房以假惺惺的热情迎接新至的客人,像个暗娼脸上堆起的假笑,红中透病、形容枯槁、马马虎虎。 5. 5. Part of their works have been juried into a lot of important local and national exhibitions, some even won prizes. What is more interesting is, they have all found new friends in this community, and learned how to keep on their artistic endeavor in the ordinary hectic urban life. 更让人高兴的是,他们都觉得自己在工作室找到了志同道合的新朋友,开始学会面对快节奏的社会生活以及种种压力与诱惑,从容地安排自己的学习创作,规划自己的艺术未来。 6. 6. I`m looking for an escape from this hectic life. 我想摆脱我现在这个纷乱繁杂的生活。 7. Therefore, why not care more about yourself-relieving from the trival and hectic life? Why not care more about your parents--liberating both body and soul from swink? Why not care more about your friends-gaining more time to communication for happiness? 维家商城(www.voga.cc)是维家信息科技有限公司旗下网站之一,是国内典型的大型商城式B2C购物网站,是维家全新商业模式、全新行业理念和全新直销宅配购物方式的产物,也是维家新型供应链管理平台的重要组成部分! 8. He was walking up and down the room as he spoke. Hectic spots of red burned on his cheeks. 他一面说一面在房间里走来走去,热辣辣的脸上泛起了潮热的红点。 9. Our life is so hectic and full of pressures that I would like to be somewhere with great natural scenery in my free time, where I can either sunbathe on the beach or trek in the mountain. Mother Nature helps me unwind and relax. 生活这样繁忙,压力如此之大,只有秀美的自然风光才能令我放松,或享受太阳浴,或在山间漫步,随心所欲。 10. Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red 苍白,潮红,疫疠摧残的落叶无数 11. TIME reporters Macabe Keliher and Maureen Tkacik tracked him down recently in the midst of a hectic week to talk about his career and future plans. 最近,时代记者马克伯。 12. It was the most hectic time of the year and there was no possibility of healing. 诸圣日前夕是一年中最忙乱的时候,要想在这个时候康复是没有可能的。 13. 13. Preparing fish at home is a hectic affair as it takes so much time. 准备鱼在家里是一个忙碌的事,因为它需要那么多时间。 14. Well, I used to do that much more often but these past two years it seems my life has become much more hectic. 这样优雅的事情,过去是我常做的功课,但在最近的两年里,我的生活彷佛日渐繁忙。 15. In this hectic world, it is a challange for family members to make time for one another. 在这个紧张忙碌的世界,让家庭成员彼此为了对方挤出时间确实是一种挑战。 16. In my case, while the weeks of December so far have been pretty hectic, I am really looking forward to a few quiet days now, with a Christmas Eve dinner with my close friends, listening to Christmas carols and singing some ourselves, remembering that Christmas is a celebration of joy, love and light. 对我来说,每年十二月的日子,总是非常忙碌,早就盼望着能有那么几天,让自己安静下来,圣诞夜跟几个密友共进晚餐,听着圣诞歌曲,有时候自己也唱上几段,一边想着,圣诞节就是一个充满欢乐、爱和烛光的节日。 17. Sue: Life is a little hectic at the moment. 苏 :这阵儿有点儿忙。 18. Try to circulate early in the month, because after Mars moves into Leo on October 16, your work life will get very hectic, and you won't have a moment to breathe. 可以尝试在月初的时候旅行,因为当10月16日火星移到狮子宫以后,你的工作将会非常繁忙,你将会连透口气的时间都没有。 19. Designed by the British group Atkins, the carefully painted buildings, tidy cobbled pavements and sculptured street lamps with concealed wiring are a sharp contrast to the hectic intensity of most Chinese cities. 该项目耗资50亿元人民币,由英国阿特金斯集团负责设计,完工后最终可容纳约1万人。精心粉刷的房屋、洁净的鹅卵石小路和采用隐蔽布线的雕饰街灯,与中国多数城市小区的喧闹拥挤形成鲜明对比。 20. If you look into the private offices of some people, you`ll see dumb bells, mats and elastic bands – these are clues that they are doing some exercise while on the job – a good and healthy practice to adopt by busy individuals with hectic schedules. 如果你看看私人办公室的一些人,你就会看到哑巴电铃,垫带及弹性-这些线索,他们正在做一些工作,同时对工作好的、健康的做法,采取个人与忙碌紧凑的时间表。 hectic 词典解释 1. 紧张忙碌的;忙乱的 A hectic situation is one that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity. e.g. Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health... 尽管工作繁忙,本尼却少有身体不好的时候。 e.g. The two days we spent there were enjoyable but hectic. 我们在那里度过的两天愉快但忙乱。 hectic 单语例句hectic在线翻译 1. The past year has been a hectic period filled with FIFA World Cup qualifying action, the Olympic games and the Asian Cup. 2. The kind of civility the latter were brought up with had no use in this island of hectic competition. 3. To distract themselves from their hectic lifestyles, they began planting vegetables and raising chickens for their own consumption. 4. Cheung says that only the chance to play a truly exceptional role would lure her back to the hectic schedule of movie production. 5. Angelina - who is a qualified pilot - loves flying and enjoys being able to escape her hectic lifestyle when she is in the air. 6. Fed up with crowds at popular tourist destinations and the hectic itinerary of package tours, many experienced travelers were planning journeys and exploring new destinations by themselves. 7. Katie Holmes says her weight loss is due to her hectic work schedule. 8. More parents are being sucked into hectic competition to ensure the best of scare quality teaching resources for their only child. 9. She claims she was in a huge amount of pain following the botched surgery, which left her struggling to cope with her hectic work schedule. 10. Mary thinks Katy and Russell make a great couple, though she admits she is unsure how they cope with such hectic work schedules. hectic的意思hectic 英英释义 adj 1. marked by intense agitation or emotion e.g. worked at a feverish pace Synonym: feverish |
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