单词 | hinterland |
释义 | hinterland [英 [?h?nt?l?nd] 美 [?h?nt?rl?nd] ] hinterland的意思、解释 复数形式:hinterlands; hinterland 基本解释 名词腹地; 内陆地区,内地; 穷乡僻壤; 内陆贸易区 hinterland 反义词 名词foreland hinterland的翻译 hinterland 网络解释 1. 辛特兰:215-300:但他们的亲戚可不一样了,这次你得去遥远的辛特兰(hinterland)的东岸,48-50级的它们是55级以下最有价值去farm的怪!Saltwater Snapjaw全身是宝,它们能高几率掉龟肉,大嘴蛤Big-mouth Clam以及黄尾斑点鱼 2. hinterland的解释 2. 内地:向海的措施基于两个基本原则:整合的海岸政策(being Integrated Coastal Policy)和建设遵循自然(Building with Nature)整合的海岸和三角洲政策给出了解决现存的或者将来的,相互联系,与内地(hinterland)和所临海域,河,湖泊都有关系的问题的解答, 3. 3. 内陆,腹地:鲁沙的迷人之处数之不尽,有延绵不断的洁白海滩,碧绿的海水,青翠的内陆腹地 (hinterland) 和写意悠闲的生活,超凡的餐厅、咖啡室、酒吧、会所和购物商场,令鲁沙成为无懈可击的度假胜地. hinterland 双语例句 1. Qianxi County Customs is located in the northern part of Castle Peak, 40 kilometers from the county seat, located in Yanshan offshoot, Daqingshan hinterland from winds over the Great Wall, in addition to the ancient castle built on the foot platform, named Castle Peak customs. 青山关位于迁西县北部,距县城40公里,坐落在燕山支脉,大青山腹地,万里长城从此蜿蜒而过,加之古城堡建在山脚平台上,故名青山关。 2. Use the method of selecting big data, determine the ascription of every point and town hinterland area of every towns. 城镇势力圈的计算是研究中的关键环节,它的计算步骤为:首先利用栅格数据可以表示连续空间的特点,生成表示县域这一空间的栅格数据;然后又为了利用矢量数据方便计算的优点,将栅格数据转变为矢量点数据;有了空间中任意一点的位置数据和乡镇的点数据和统计数据,就可以计算空间中任意一点受现有乡镇的辐射力,通过择大方法来确定每一点的归属,从而确定每个乡镇的城镇势力圈。 3. The factory is located in economically developed transport logistics facilities and strategic location in the Pearl River Delta hinterland Foshan area. 本厂座落于经济发达交通物流便利,地理位置优越的珠江三角洲腹地佛山市禅城区。 4. Located in the rapid economic development, transportation extend in all directions, The hinterland ofthe Central Plains long history and culture - Zhengzhou City. 郑州裕达宏业动物保健品有限公司坐落于经济快速发展,交通四通八达,历史文化悠久的中原腹地——郑州市。 5. Wuhan Wanlv Yuan Lin works limited liability company in the development of flower seedlings in a wave of sound came into being, in 2002, in the mountains of the hinterland of the core 168 acres of land lease (20 years), 1.5 million yuan investment, and cultivate a large number of osmanthus, Kwong Yu-lan, Michelia, camphor, Liriodendron chinense, Koelreuteria paniculata, cedar, DU Ying, holly, weeping willow, Xianghua Huai, Bibo, Coral, Hongye privet, Turtle Cove holly, privet Golden LEAF, safflower Following the wood, cuckoo Nearly 40 varieties, such as the green color of seedlings and saplings, accepting the schools, businesses, residents and community greening projects, such as nursery stock sales by peers and the owners won. 武汉万绿园林工程有限责任公司在花卉苗木发展的一片浪潮声中应运而生,2002年,在株山核心腹地租赁土地168亩(年限20年),投资150万元,培育了大量的桂花、广玉兰、含笑、香樟、马褂木、栾树、雪松、杜英、冬青、垂柳、香花槐、碧柏、珊瑚、红叶女贞、龟背冬青、金叶女贞、红花继木、杜鹃等近40个品种的绿化工程大苗及色块苗木,在承接的学校、企业、居民小区等绿化工程和苗木销售中受到了同行和业主的好评。 6. Stone Town is a gateway to the hinterland of Northeast China and East Asia as well as inland areas of major transport transportation hub, as early as the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty set up in this post, Shenyang expressway, black big 202 State Road, Ha Railway from the Town adopted the traffic is very convenient from the old urban area 50 kilometers Dalian, Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport 45 kilometers, 34 kilometers Dalian Economic Development Zone. 石河镇是通往东北三省乃至内陆腹地及东亚地区重要交通运枢纽,早在明清年代就在此设有驿站,沈在高速公路、黑大202国道、哈大铁路均从本镇通过,交通十分便捷,距大连老市区50公里,大连周水子国际机场45公里,大连经济开发区34公里。 7. hinterland的近义词 7. The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. 内陆腹地的状况决定着城市的发展速度。 8. 8. Fifth, there are relatively large hinterland, there will be room for urban development. 第五,有比较大的腹地,城市发展有空间。 9. 9. He covered a distance of more than 30, 000 kilometres, across 16 provinces, into the hinterland to spread knowledge about Gung Ho and learn local conditions and customs, thus forging a profound friendship with the ordinary people. 他深入各地,边宣传工合,边了解风土人情,与老百姓建立了深厚感情。 10. After the Opium War in 1840, the missionary of Protestantism missionized in hinterland of China one after another. Dispatched by London Missionary Society, Willian L... 861年,新教传教士雒魏林在伦敦布道会的派遣下,首先来到北京开创了传教事业,从此,基督教新教在北京传播开来。 11. Xianning Country Garden Phoenix Spa Hotel is a Country Garden Group-star hotel chain system another masterpiece the hotel is located in a 14000-year hinterland of the original ecological hot springs and the surrounding natural loop mirror is superior close to urban green lung Qinglongshan Ssangyong Hill dutiful son Mountains beautiful scenery landscapes have both. 咸宁碧桂园凤凰温泉酒店是碧桂园集团星级酒店连锁体系的又一力作,酒店地处具有14000年原生态温泉腹地,且周边自然环镜优越,紧邻城市绿肺青龙山、双龙山、孝子山,风光旖旎、山水兼得。 12. After analyzing haikou port`s location, economic hinterland, facilities and preferential policies of special economic zones, it`s indicated that haikou port has its own predominance to develop pubulic barge in beibu gulf and has its feasibility on economy and technique. 通过对海口港的地理位置、经济腹地、基础设施以及特区政策的分析,提出海口港开展环北部湾公共驳船运输具有自身的优势,并从经济性和技术性两个方面进行评价,指出海口港开展公共驳船运输具有经济和技术上的可行性。 13. 13. The company is located in the central plains hinterland-Changge, north according to the provincial capital Zhengzhou, south near ancient capital Xuchang, east meets Bianjing Kaifeng, west gazes the Songshan shaolin Temple, adjoins the Beijing- Zhuhai expressway、107 federal highway and the Beijing-Guangzhou railroad, is apart from the Zhengzhou international air harbor only 30 kilometers, has the graceful environment and convenient transportation, and the geographical position is extremely superior. 公司位于中原腹地长葛市,北依省会郑州,南临古都许昌,东接汴京开封,西望嵩山少林,毗邻京珠高速、107国道和京广铁路,距郑州国际航空港仅30公里,环境优雅,交通便利,地理位置十分优越。 14. When many abroad television corporations get into inner China`s market in turn, there has been an incandesced competitive state in hinterland television market since many satellite TV station appeared in every province. 在境外电视机构纷纷进入中国市场的同时,内地电视市场的激烈竞争自从省级电视台上星之后已经达到白热化状态。 15. Others as a result of the Japanese main force back to the hinterland of northeast China, at the border had not been encountered strong resistance on the front of the Argun force a river to the evening when the People's Republic of Mongolia Duolun direction Cavalry has more than 50 km, and the Second even direction. 关 东军在这一战区建成的机场达133个,苏军志愿伞兵部队在强击机的掩护下,突袭敌后机场。8月19日,他们刚刚占领沈阳机场,一架日本飞机尚不明了机场发生了什么事情,按正常情况降落。 16. 16. Henan Redback Mining Machinery Group is a collection machinery research and development, production, sales, service, one of the four major high-tech enterprise groups in the Central Plains hinterland, the capital of Henan Province - Zhengzhou City. 河南力博矿山机械集团公司是一家集机械研发、生产、销售、服务、四位一体的大型高科技企业集团,位于中原腹地,河南省省会——郑州市。 17. hinterland的解释 17. Was established in 2000, is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains of the ancient capital of nine dynasties, Luoyang, is a specialized in large, extra large bearings, wheel bearing and non-standard bearing design, development, manufacture and sales of integrated enterprise. 洛阳华伟轴承有限公司成立于2008年,地处中原腹地的九朝古都洛阳,是一家专门从事大型、特大型轴承、转盘轴承及非标轴承设计、开发、制造和销售的综合型企业。 18. It not only has developed export-oriented economy, producing lots of container cargo, but also it is the most important economy hinterland of the container hinge port of Yangtze River Delta. 是长江三角洲集装箱枢纽港最重要的经济腹地,长江流域集装箱货源的流向决定了长江三角洲港口集装箱运输发展前景。 19. 6 Km Xin'an river road opening, make an inventory of land resources Yaohaiou hinterland, 3, 000 mu of land on both sides of the road to the land appreciation. 6公里的新安江路打通后,盘活瑶海区腹地内的大量土地资源,带动道路两边3000多亩土地的升值。 20. Yaohaiqu third-Yaohai Industrial Park and land-mill road along the 60, 000 mu of land after the land had increased appreciation, Li Hongzhang, and many other celebrities to the development of eco-tourism attractions and links; 6 km Xin'an river road opening, make an inventory of land resources Yaohaiou hinterland, 3, 000 mu of land on both sides of the road to the land appreciation. 贯穿瑶海工业园区和瑶海区三分之一土地的合磨路,打通后沿线6万多亩土地成倍升值,李鸿章等诸多名人景点和生态旅游得以开发连线;6公里的新安江路打通后,盘活瑶海区腹地内的大量土地资源,带动道路两边3000多亩土地的升值。 hinterland 词典解释 1. (海岸或大江、大河的)后方地区,腹地,内地 The hinterland of a stretch of coast or a large river is the area of land behind it or around it. hinterland e.g. ...the French Mediterranean coast and its hinterland. 法国地中海沿岸及其腹地 hinterland 单语例句hinterland的反义词 1. Cai suggested more hinterland reserve bases should be built in central and northeast China's oil fields so as to prevent earthquakes and fires. 2. Wen said the investment plans coincide with China's strategies of exploring its western hinterland and rejuvenating its northeastern areas. 3. China's vast hinterland and market capacity will keep their obvious comparative advantages in the long term as the destination for industrial relocation. 4. It would not be hard for Herbold to concede that China is indeed a developing country if he looked at the hinterland and western China. 5. Our retarded connectivity with the fast growing hinterland is going to carry a price. 6. And for the 6 million who visited China, few ventured into the hinterland to explore the diversity and challenges it faces. 7. The rabbit comes with strong earthy laurel flavors that remind us of the rough Portuguese Hinterland. 8. Anhui Province lies in the hinterland of Yangtze Delta where there is great economic development potential. 9. All four existing SPR bases are in coastal areas but Pan said some of the new ones will likely be built in the hinterland. 10. With its rapid development in recent years, the port is eager to expand into hinterland regions. hinterland的解释hinterland 英英释义 noun 1. a remote and undeveloped area Synonym: backwoodsback countryboondocks |
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