单词 | comprehend |
释义 | comprehend [英 [?k?mpr??hend] 美 [?kɑ:mpr??hend] ] comprehend的意思、解释 过去式:comprehended; 过去分词:comprehended; 现在分词:comprehending; comprehend 基本解释 及物动词理解,领会; 包含 comprehend 相关例句 及物动词 1. The judge said that it was difficult to comprehend why the police acted so in this matter. 法官说很难理解为什么警察在这件事中要这样做。 2. 2. The child couldn't comprehend the text. 这孩子不懂该课文的含义。 3. The park comprehends all the land on the other side of the river. 这个公园包括河对岸的所有地方。 comprehend 网络解释 1. 理解:很多影评人认为理解(comprehend)一部电影和解读(interprete)一部电影是不同的,至于两者的界线何在,众说纷纭. 这个区别源自古典释经学中,了解的艺术(ars intelligendi)与解释的艺术(ars explicandi)之区别. 简言之, 2. 悟:在沉默理性的整合功能上,现代英国哲学家波兰尼认为,认知与存在的统一基于意会体知的本体投射,正是意会整合建构成客体在主体中的内居(Dwell in)和主体对客体的内在摄悟(Comprehend),才引导着人类知识的完成和人类的生存共同走向一 3. comprehend 3. 解:获取(acquire)获得稀缺的东西,包括社会地位等无形的东西- 奖励制度结合(bond)即与个人和群体建立联系- 文化理解(comprehend)即满足我们的好奇心,了解我们周围的世界- 岗位设计防御(defend)即抵御外部威胁和推动正义- 绩效管理和资源配置流程克里斯祖克是贝恩公司的董事, 4. 了解:compound 复合 | comprehend 了解 | comprehensive 广泛的 comprehend 双语例句 1. 1. Comprehend the mechanism of carbonyl alpha-substitution reactions and condensation reactions. 理解羰基取代反应及缩和反应之机制。 2. comprehend的近义词 2. The fourth chapter talks about the weft carrier, in this part, we mostly introduce the big gripper shuttle in the comparative way and not only analyze the structure but also analyze the stress of the fatigable parts. In the fifth chapter, the shuttle box is our research emphasis, we start with the design principle and analyze its structure and the logic of the action of the parts. The sixth chapter discusses the shoot mechanism, builds its theory model and analyzes its law of motion from the view of kinematics and kinetics during the wefting. And then, we can consider the hydraulically shoot mechanism and comprehend its principle and some special parts. Subsequently, the content is about the flying of a shuttle, because the course of the flying of a shuttle is very complex, it is necessary to study the shuttle according to mechanics and to analyze its course of motion and its change of speed from the view of energy. 第五章谈的是梭箱,这部分从梭箱的设计原理入手,从结构的角度对梭箱进行分析,考虑到梭箱上各执行件间的动作存在一定的逻辑关系,还对执行件动作时间与控制作出论述,从中可以看出重型宽幅织机所独有的特性;第六章论述投梭机构,先构造出投梭机_重型宽幅织机引纬机构与梭箱的设计_构的弹性理论模型,从动力学的角度剖析投梭规律,随后分析液压式投梭的工作原--理和一些特型元器件;第七章论述梭子的飞行运动,考虑到梭子飞行运动的复杂性,我们把梭子飞行运动划分为三个阶段,然后分阶段介绍其运动规律,在对梭子进行_运动分析的同时还详细分析它的受力情况,在这一章的最后,我们对影响梭子飞行_的因素也作出了讨论;顺沿这一过程,即是第八章对制梭机构的论述,在这一部分,、主要研究制梭过程与制梭力的情况,同梭子飞行过程一样,制梭过程也分为三个阶段,就每个阶段而言,我们都对其进行受力与运动方面分析,同时也就一些容易出现的问题作出讨论;最后两章是对纬纱交接机构和纬纱的退绕与张力控制作出讨_论,鉴于这两部分不存在复杂的动力学方面的问题,论述重点便放在结构与原理的分析上面,包括分解纬纱交接机构,解析其动作过程,介绍储纬与纬纱张力的一些情况。 3. It was regarded as the most drastic evolution controversy after on the Origin of Species, and it was also premise of most researches nowadays. In this thesis, I hope to keep an object position so as to have cognizance of the influences that Wilson`s theory to sociobiology, and comprehend why he would transform gradually from ant expert to a sociobiologist, and to know which factors make him to do this, finally differentiate and analysediscriminate the controversy. 而本文希望从威尔逊和社会生物学的关系入手,重点探讨最初作为蚂蚁专家的威尔逊,如何成为探索人性奥秘的社会生物学家,在威尔逊之前,社会生物学有哪些理论背景,威尔逊如何将前人的理论成果加以综合,使之成为一门系统学科,最后,再针对社会生物学引起的争议从原著角度简要辨析。 4. PCNL thorough changes the method from calculus removed by operation The complication of PCNL include hemorrhage, lacerated wound in the gather system of kidney, the wound of circa-organ comprehend pleura and intestinal canal, urinous infiltration. PCNL手术并发症包括术中及术后出血,肾集合系统穿孔和撕裂伤,邻近脏器包括胸膜、肠管损伤,术后尿外渗等特有并发症外,还包括疼痛、发热、恶心、腹胀、呃逆、尿潴留等各种术后不适以及术后伤口感染、尿路感染、下肢静脉栓塞等一般并发症。 5. Understand the mechanism of cell cycle, be able to distinguish the process of mitosis and meiosis, and comprehend the causes and symptoms of cancer and abnormal numbers of chromosome. A-3 8 了解细胞周期、有丝分裂及减数分裂的过程,以及癌症与细胞染色体异常的原因。 6. O my good and intelligent brethren, people are talking all the time about Prajna, but they do not comprehend the Prajna of their own being· It is like talking about food, which does not satisfy the appetite· If they keep on only talking about the supraph-enomenal, there will never be a time when they actually have an insight into it· Mere talking is of no avail 3· 临济有一次在法会上说:'你们的赤肉团里,有一位无位真人。他常常从你们的感官出入(10)。那些还没有体验到这些的,注意看看。`一个和尚上前来问:'什么是无位真人?`临济从禅座上下来,抓住这个和尚道:'你说!你说!`和尚正犹豫不知说什么,临济放开他,道:'好一个干屎橛子,是什么无位真人!`就回到自己房中。 7. When the War between Prussia and Farce broke out, he wrote Veritable Records of the War between Prussia and France and The Revised Edition of the Distract Annals of France, which opened a window for those who anxious to comprehend the outside world. 在普法战争爆发、欧洲社会发生巨大变动的历史时刻,他及时撰写了《普法战纪》、《重订法国志略》报道战况,介绍法国普鲁士的历史地理情况,开阔国人的视野,为国人睁眼看世界提供了一面镜子,对当时渴望了解世界的中国知识分子产生了积极的影响。 8. From his point of view, life is fundamentally painful and it's pain is continuing from generation to generation through sexual intercourses. That's why people who comprehend this tragic instinctively feel shy about sex. 叔本华认为人生根本上是痛苦,而性行为就是在自觉自愿地把这种苦难的人生一代代传下去,所以对这一真相有所领悟的人类天生地对此感到害羞。 9. comprehend的近义词 9. Comprehend power: the experience in the left, a girl put me down suburbs, will I send her roses, and slowly inserted the wild manure, I immediately understand. 领悟力强被甩的经历中有个女孩子把我拉到郊外将我送她的玫瑰花慢慢地插了一坨野粪上我立刻就明白了。 10. Obviously, it is much easier to comprehend the decibel levels. 显然,这是很容易理解的分贝水平。 11. comprehend的意思 11. But even in these areas, Luo Er gang could comprehend by analogy, and obtain good results. 但是即使在这些领域,罗尔纲也能触类旁通,取得优异的成绩。 12. Looks like a simple list of the greatest help to us is this: comprehend by analogy. 看起来似简单的罗列给我们最大的帮助就是:触类旁通。 13. In chapter three, the main clue of the dissertation is the four subjects of the children's life-world: lived-space, lived-time, lived-being and lived-relation. By using the phenomenal reflection, the author expounds that the teachers should significantly comprehend and put the children's life and life quality into practice. 以本人在长春市一所幼儿园的观察体验,从生活的时间、生活的空间、生活的存在与生活中的他人,这四个生活的主题进行解释现象学意义上的反思,通过对幼儿园生活的真实体验,与相关的教育与生活的问题分析,提出教师需要对学前儿童的生活与生活质量问题给予意义理解和实践关注。 14. In order to comprehend and apply it accurately, the article mainly analyze it from five aspects. 为了准确的理解和运用胃气,文章着重从五个方面进行了解析。 15. Each component must be analyzed and understood to comprehend and predict patterns of disease. 流行病三角形由三部分组成,包括在等边三角形顶端的宿主,和在两个底角处的病原和环境。 16. 16. At the same time, also let us XuChi this interdisciplinary creation of the writer's heartfelt admire, compound of compound, multilateral comprehend national comprehensive talent cultivation, the heart. 同时,也让我们对徐迟这个跨学科创作的复合型作家的由衷钦佩,感悟国家对复合型、多边型、综合型人才培养的良苦用心。 17. The term Emotional Intelligence could be defined as the capacity to perceive, comprehend and regulate one`s own emotions and those of others so as to be able to distinguish between emotions and use this information as a guide for one`s thoughts and actions. 任期情绪智力可以定义为有能力感知,领悟和规范对自己的情绪和别人的,以便能够区分情绪,并利用这种信息,以指导自己的思想和行动。 18. Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life. 科技进步正在使我们能够探索宇宙的边陲、物质最基本的成分及生命的奇迹。英语暑假学习网 E37.com.cn 19. Maybe you will say that I am refuse to grow up, but you can never comprehend my mother would do many unimaginable things just to stop me to see you! 也许你说我长不大,可是你永远不了解我妈妈可以为了阻止我,做出我无法想像的事情! 20. But now, the parents have more time to comprehend and enlighten their child. 现在,父母们有更多的时间了解和教育自己的子女。 comprehend 词典解释 1. 理解;领悟 If you cannot comprehend something, you cannot understand it. e.g. I just cannot comprehend your attitude... 我就是无法理解你的态度。 e.g. Whenever she failed to comprehend she invariably laughed. 每当她听不懂的时候,她总是会笑。 comprehend 单语例句comprehend的反义词 1. Former Chief Executive Donald Tsang could hardly comprehend the difference between owning a house and renting a house. 2. It was one hell of a bumpy ride, and back then I did not fully comprehend the word suspension. 3. All of this was fun commentary to comprehend intellectually before I had to build a team all by myself. 4. If one tries to comprehend such an arrangement from the viewpoint of common law principles, one would run into big trouble. 5. " I don't know if I comprehend the magnitude of it, " Harris said. 6. The sites of prior school massacres are etched on our minds, a symbolic shorthand for the violence and malevolence that none of us can comprehend. 7. The question it poses is - once one reaches the stage of conscience, how does this body comprehend the universe surrounding him? 8. And for while it's very interesting, but 200 cultures for me is too many to really comprehend without simply stereotyping. 9. Rowling said she felt a special connection to adolescents because of their " vulnerability " and how they come to comprehend there is " evil in the world ". 10. This new era will bring a wealth of exciting and unforeseen technology developments, and we are only beginning to comprehend the potential of this transformation. comprehend的近义词comprehend 英英释义 comprehend的翻译 verb 1. get the meaning of something e.g. Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter? Synonym: grokget the picturesavvydiggraspcompassapprehend 2. to become aware of through the senses e.g. I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon Synonym: perceive 3. include in scope include as part of something broader have as one's sphere or territory e.g. This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds this should cover everyone in the group Synonym: embraceencompasscover |
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