单词 | ideology |
释义 | ideology [英 [?a?di??l?d?i] 美 [?a?di?ɑ:l?d?i] ] ideology的意思、解释 复数形式:ideologies; ideology 基本解释 名词意识形态; 思想(体系),思想意识; 观念学; 空想,空论 ideology是什么意思 ideology 网络解释 1. 1. 思想意识:美国中央忄青报局曾经用一个经典的合成单词总结出一个人背叛自己祖国或组织的王里由--MICE--金钱(Money)、思想意识(Ideology)、良心(Conscience)和自负(Ego). ideology 双语例句 1. The forming of Nuerhachi ethical ideology has its particular economic, political and cultural backgrounds, therefore, his ethical ideology may originate from himself or others. 努尔哈赤伦理思想的形成具有特定的经济、政治及文化背景,因此,其伦理思想的来源呈现出自源性和借源性等特点。 2. In the ideology and morality, I have a good moral self-cultivation, and there is firm political direction of the country concerned about the situation of news, a positive move closer to the organization so that our party and I have a more profound understanding. 本人简述:在思想品德上,我有良好的道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向,关注国家的时势要闻,积极向党组织靠拢,使我对我们党有更为深刻的认识。 3. Ideology demanded progress, and efforts to move closer to the party organizations, the firm conviction, pay attention to their own culture and moral cultivation of the increase. 思想上积极要求进步,努力向党组织靠拢,信念坚定,注重自身道德修养的培养与提高。 4. The fourth part Have probed into Ji Lis construction in system aspect and ideology and culture, it is a dynamic change course to perspect the Li. 第四部分探讨吉礼的在制度层面和思想文化方面的构建,透视礼是一个动态的变化过程。 5. The emergence and development of ideology is a process, and new meanings of it never cease to appear. 意识形态的产生、形成有一个过程且新的含义在不断地增加。 6. 6. The relationship between popular literature and ideology has always been an important project in the study of popular literature. 与意识形态的关系一直是通俗文学研究中的重要课题。 7. ideology 7. Firstly, they focus too much on the impact of ideology and neglect consumers`fight and rebellion against it. Secondly, they regard consumers as a disorderly band of atoms, overlooking the complex ability initiative of consumers. Finally, they equate cultural texts with simplified, standard cultural production without individuality, excluding the complex ability of cultural text and the receivers`explaining ability. 首先,他们过分地突出了意识形态的作用,低估了消费者对意识形态的反抗与抵制;其次,他们把消费者看作是原子化的乌合之众,忽略了消费者的复杂性和主体能力;最后,他们把文化文本当作是简单的、标准化的、没有个性的文化产品,而没有注意到文化文本的复杂性,以及接受者解读的多种可能性。 8. ideology什么意思 8. This has been evidenced especially by various expressions of anti-logeocentrism, deconstructionism, polyphyletism in the trend of postmodernist ideology, and of what F. 以此作为历史导引的线索,在随后的两个章节里分别考察了后现代主义文化逻辑中的专业音乐现象。 9. In Chapter Four, art revolution associations are analyzed respectively to show the socializing process and associating forms of art communities and to illustrate the interdependent relationship among ideology, social atmosphere and art associations. 第四章,对艺术革命的组织展开论述,分析艺术群体的社会化过程与组织形式,说明意识形态、社会环境与艺术组织之间的辩证关系。 10. You are not interested in him. You have a certain ideology, a fixed idea, an ideal. 你对他并没有兴趣,你有某种概念,固定的想法,和理想。 11. The images of the able folks created in the 20th century Chinese literature are restrained by the diachronically changing socialsystems, backgrounds and the authors'attitudes, thus taking into shape threeperspectives of value and types of theme:(1)enlightenment and salvation:the perspective of enlightening intellectuals and the image of enlightenment; (2)land reforms and cooperation:the perspective of mainstream ideology and the revolutionary image; (3)survival and transcendence:the perspective of folkcultural value and the folk image. 乡里强人是平平易近的规范,聚现了血亲与地缘的相关,在文学审美中具有中介转换的身份特性。20世纪中国文学塑造的乡里强人形象,受历时态嬗变的社会系统体例、期间背景和作家不雅见识的制约,形成了三种代价视角和母题范例:1启唤与捐赠:启蒙常识分子视角与启蒙形象;2土改与相助:主流意识形态视角与革命形象;3保留与逾越:平易近间文化代价视角与俗平易近形象。 12. 12. Legal ideology is a series of believes on the nature, aim and value of law, . 法学中的意识形态、法哲学和法学方法论这三者之间的联系与区别。 13. Based on the above discussion, how Confucian ideology, as the main trend in Chinese traditional culture, has a profound impact on people`s living style was revealed. 本文剖析了作为中国传统文化主流的儒家思想体系如何深刻影响了人们的生活方式,并反映在居宅设计中。 14. 14. I thought that she had the potential to become a great justice, and that, at the least, she could do the three things I felt a new justice needed to do on the Rehnquist Court, which was closely divided between moderates and conservatives: decide cases on the merits, not on ideology or the identities of the parties; work with the conservative Republican justices to reach consensus when possible; and stand up to them when necessary. 我想她具有成为一名伟大法官的潜力,起码她可以做到我认为伦奎斯特法院(在这个法院中,温和派和保守派平分秋色)的新法官需要做到的三件事:根据当事各方的功罪,而不是他们的意识形态或身份来判案;如果可能的话,与保守的共和党法官合作以达成一致意见;如果必要的话,勇敢地与他们争辩。 15. The personality and ideology of one`s self always relies on one`s own daily life or personal emotions. 个人性格与思想的形成,与日常生活或个人感受是息息相关的。 16. The question of the intellectuals is above all one of ideology, and it is not helpful but harmful to resort to crude and heavy-handed measures for solving ideological questions. 知识分子的问题首先是思想问题,对于思想问题采取粗暴的办法、压制的办法,那是有害无益的。 17. 17. In the premise of grasping the characteristics of the times and the ideology of Ruan Ji, this thesis confers closely on the text and discusses the aesthetic value and the art characteristics of prose-poems and prose of Ruan Ji. 本文在把握阮籍生活的时代特征和其思想特征的前提下,紧扣文本对阮籍赋及散文的美学价值跟艺术特点浅做探讨。 18. And such pragmatic attitude made Ai si-qis establishment of practical and realistic ideology accompany with strong twoness from the very beginning. 这种实用主义的理论态度,使艾思奇建设实事求是的思想历程,从一开始就伴随着浓厚的二重性色彩。 19. The thesis mainly focuses on the ideology of mathematics aesthetism, its connection with other scientific fields and the 包含uctional significance of such aesthetism. 本文主要研究数学美的含义,数学美和其他学科的联系以及数学美的教育意义。 20. ideology的反义词 20. Faced with the new situation after China's entering into WTO together with challenges and competitions coming home and abroad, telecom enterprises should transform the traditional operation ideology and management pattern, bring enterprise culture into full play, and integrate the culture construction with the actions of the enterprise, turning it into the impetus for the development of the enterprise and a cardi... 面对加入WTO后的新形势,面对国际电信市场的竞争,面对国内各大运营商的挑战,电信企业的经营活动必须一改过去的经营思想、管理模式、经营模式,充分发挥企业文化的重要作用,把企业的文化建设与企业的经营活动紧密结合起来,使企业的文化活动成为推动企业经营的动力,成为提高企业核心竞争力的重要手段。 ideology 词典解释 1. 意识形态;思想体系;思想方式 An ideology is a set of beliefs, especially the political beliefs on which people, parties, or countries base their actions. e.g. ...capitalist ideology. 资本主义意识形态 ideology 单语例句 1. The Party School of the Central Committee and the China National School of Administration focus mostly on theory and ideology. 2. Reforms not only liberated the national economy from ideology and overall central planning, but also upgraded the CPC's thinking and skills for administration. 3. Several decades ago when the political ideology of class struggle was dominant, the judicial system was considered a tool of proletarian dictatorship. 4. Since the end of the Cold War, the West no longer completely used ideology to classify world countries. 5. What we lack is an ideology that places social cohesion on the top of the public housing policy agenda. 6. The fundamental reason is that the two countries share the same ideology and values and have a lot of common ground and complementary strategic interests. 7. Because of ideology, the consecration of learning as a traditional value was undermined by the recommendation system. 8. Zhao said apart from limited conditions, officials'ideology and concepts also constrain Guizhou's development. 9. The ideology of Eurafrica shows that Europe is increasingly feeling unsafe, and is eager to find a partner to create a counterweight to Chimerica. 10. Merkel's government does not include Germany's Greens, but the Green ideology has become a widely shared national creed in Germany. ideology 英英释义 noun 1. imaginary or visionary theorization 2. an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation Synonym: political orientationpolitical theory |
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