单词 | illusive |
释义 | illusive [英 [?'lu:s?v] 美 [??lus?v] ] illusive的意思、解释 illusive 基本解释 形容词虚假的; 幻影的; 迷惑人的; 错觉的 illusive 网络解释 1. 幻影的:illusionless 无幻觉的 | illusive 幻影的 | illusively 幻影地 2. 幻觉的:illusion 错觉;幻觉 | illusive 幻觉的 | illustrate 说明,阐明;给...作插图说明 3. 迷惑人的,迷幻的:89.illusion 假象,错觉 | 90.illusive 迷惑人的,迷幻的 | 91.illusory 虚幻的 illusive 双语例句 1. He was fond of calling his detractor illiterate, denouncing his scientific theories as illegitimate and illusive. 他喜欢把他的恶意批评者称作文盲,公然抨击他的科学理论是非法的,迷惑人的。 2. Yan Jidaos Ci is full of sorrowful tone, which is revealed not only in the expression of separation, lovesickness after separation, unrecognizing of his talents, reluctance of official career and regret of time passing, but also in the use of such sorrowful words as resentful, discontented, wretched, worn, cold, cool, illusive, empty and tearful. In order to display this kind of sorrowful tone Yan Jidao employs many patterns of techniques, such as melting emotions into settings, hints by motions, contrasts and progressively deepening. 晏几道的词作中充满了感伤情调,这表现在写离别、别后相思、怀才不遇、宦海思归、慨叹光阴易逝的词作中;也表现在恨、怨、残、破、寒、凉、虚、无、泪等富有感伤气息的词语的运用中;为了表现这种感伤情调,小晏还运用了多种多样的表现手法,如借景抒情,通过人物和行为来暗示,对比,层层深入等。 3. illusive什么意思 3. We know the secret reason, the reason for his parricide, the silent and illusive try to stop the fleeting hands of time. 我们知道这个秘密的原因,他之所以弑亲,以及无声的,幻想中的尝试着阻止时间的流逝。 4. illusive的近义词 4. We all know that truth can be illusive in this world. 我们都知道,在这个世界上的真理可以神出鬼没。 5. illusive在线翻译 5. An indescribable emotion was stirring in me. As you know, the net is illusive but you are sagacious enough to have Happy as your lover here. He is a learned, virtuous and much—loved guy, a guy, as you said, one in a million. Bright and charismatic, he wins the favor of ladies, who always swarm him as bees to the honey. Humorous and amorous, he has melted many ladies down and made their knees buckle. 虚拟的网络中,我惊叹你有如此深邃的洞察力,竟然看中了我的开心做你的情人------他是如此的博学多才、如此的心地善良、如此的深情绵绵,让多少美女为他动心动情;他是那般的阳光浪漫、那般的幽默风趣、那般的侃侃而言,更让多少美女对他浮想联翩。 6. illusive在线翻译 6. The incomprehensible nature of life is completely illusive. 看似深奥的生命真谛则是虚假惑人的。 7. The incomprehensible nature of life is completely illusive 那些看似深奥的人生哲理和空而大的道理都是虚假惑人的 8. Just like opening up the Pandora`s box, the negative impact of internet communication is increasingly noticeable, while it brought great convenience to human life: the direction of publish opinion is faintness; the infringement act happens frequently; illusive news and erotic information is flooding; the over-zoned and over-national boundaries flowage of information has made the unprecedented exchange and collide between eastern and western ethic view. 网络传播在给人类生活带来巨大便利的同时,也如同打开了潘多拉的盒子,其负面影响日益显著:舆论导向模糊;侵权行为频繁发生;虚假新闻和色情信息泛滥;信息的超地域、超国界流动使得东西方伦理观遭遇空前的交流和冲撞。 9. 9. Contemporary Illustration Part 3 follows in the footsteps of the bestselling Illusive and Illusive 2 books and continues to document the flourishing discipline of contemporary illustration. 当代插图第3追随最畅销的渺茫和虚幻2本书的脚步,继续文件的当代体现繁荣纪律。 10. But as we put ourselves in his situation, as we enter, as itwere, into his body, and in our imaginations, in some measure, animate anew the deformed and mangled carcass of the slain, whenwe bring home in this manner his case to our own bosoms, we feelupon this, as upon many other occasions, an emotion which theperson principally concerned is incapable of feeling, and whichyet we feel by an illusive sympathy with him. 因为我们将自己置身于他的处境,因为我们自然地与其融于一体,我们就可以通过想象在某种程度上使那具在屠杀中被砍得血肉模糊的残尸得以复活,当我们以这种方式真心体谅他的情况时,我们就会像对待其他情况那样,为此感到有一种情感油然而生,虽然我们通过对他抱有的虚幻同情心可以体会到这种情感,但当事者已经无法感受到。 11. illusive是什么意思 11. Years later, we are in name brand clothes, a touch of somber mood arising from this kind of illusive luxury. 十年后我们穿着名牌的服装,华贵中流露出的是淡淡的忧郁。 12. The illusion to be created with a huge space covered claborate-style painting of colorful clouds painted on silk will lead the visitors into an illusive world where one shall touch the ideal Eastern Heavens, a mysterious world where he might meet Chang-e flying to the moon or catch the moon from the sky or be the Kongfu master himself waling among the clouds. 彩云绘制在裱糊中国特色的工笔画用绢上,形成一个巨大而虚幻的空间,使每一个进入者似腾云驾雾、似九天揽月、似嫦娥奔月、也似武侠高人行走在云间,似真似幻,仿佛进入了一个东方理想化的上天、神话般的世界。 13. illusive 13. From which we find: First, illusive statement exists in quantitative information and qualitative information in annals. 从中发现:第一,年度报告中定量和定性会计信息都存在虚假陈述现象。 14. 14. Although the original American dream is good in nature, it is illusive to realize the dream which has been corrupted in the hedonistic age. 虽然美国梦的初衷是好的,但是在当时那个享乐主义盛行的时代,它逐渐被腐蚀,从而使其实现具有了一定的虚幻性。 15. Though it is a bit mysterious and illusive after historical change, its groundwork is true. 桃符在长期的流变中带上了几分神秘和虚假,但它的根基是真实的。 16. Personally I do believe you can love things, but I guess it's a sort of loving illusive term, just because you love what they give to you. 我个人相信你可以爱东西,但我觉得这是爱迷幻的词,只是因为你爱它们给你带来的东西。 17. illusive的解释 17. Intimacy is that magical, illusive something, without which love comes a real cropper. 亲密是一种有魔力的难以言状的东西,没有她,爱就会枯萎。 18. illusive是什么意思 18. Tennessee Williams in the Illusive and Real World 虚幻世界与现实世界中的田纳西·威廉姆斯 19. Happiness is becoming more and more illusive; 幸福正变得越来越虚假; 20. illusive在线翻译 20. The Illusive, fickle Gemini will drive you to distraction, which in turn could bring out your vengeful side. 善变且充满幻想的双子座人经常分散你的注意力,另一方面,你记仇的个性也不适合对方。 illusive 单语例句 1. While offering that illusive ray of hope, official data reveals serious waste in the way we extract and utilize mineral resources. 2. There are two others that have been uncovered, but the rest remain illusive. 3. Old dreams were revived, though they still seemed illusive given the tough competition on a national scale. 4. Yu Jie's 41 works of oil paintings explore illusive scenes of different themes. illusive 英英释义 illusive的近义词 adj 1. based on or having the nature of an illusion e.g. illusive hopes of finding a better job Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy Synonym: illusory |
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