单词 | impact |
释义 | impact [英 [??mp?kt] 美 [??m?p?kt] ] impact的意思、解释 过去式:impacted; 过去分词:impacted; 现在分词:impacting; 复数形式:impacts; impact 基本解释 impact 名词影响; 碰撞,冲击,撞击; 冲击力 及物动词撞击; 挤入,压紧; 对…产生影响 不及物动词产生影响; 冲撞,冲击 impact是什么意思 impact 相关例句 及物动词 1. The war impacted the area with refugees. 战争使那个地区挤满难民。 2. The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers. 战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。 不及物动词 1. How will the war impact on such a poet? 战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响? 2. It is obvious how bad movies will impact on children. 坏电影对儿童会产生什么影响是显而易见的。 名词 1. The impact of the stone against the windowpane shattered the glass. 石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。 2. The book made a great impact on its readers. 这本书对读者有很大的影响。 impact 网络解释 1. 碰撞:这种深刻的铭记(Embalmment), 虽是追忆,却与整个新时代的失忆产生强烈的,无声的碰撞(Impact)和损伤(Impairment). 温柔而坚强地拉回被否认的(Repudiated)一段段实在的往事. 没有相当年龄和生活经历的年轻人, 2. impact:integrated management, project analysis, and control technique; 综合管理,项目分析和控制技术 3. impact:inventory management program and control techniques; 库存管理程序与控制技术 4. impact:integrated municipal provincial auto crime team; 省市汽车偷窃罪小组 impact 双语例句 1. Monitoring process, and the change of process parameters on the impact of products that, and demonstrate the rationality of setting 监控工艺状态,对工艺参数的改变对产品的影响进行认定,并论证设定的合理性 2. Experiments on the effects of flood for agricultural crops were done in Zhumadian. corn was selected as the experimental material, and choosing 3 days, 5 days and 7 days submerged days and the jointing stage, tasselling stage for artificial irrigation respectively. The field was given conventional management. After harvest, we recorded various characters and production data, and then compared them with the controlled areas. Then analysis and assessment of the impact of main flood factors on the crops were built. 2在驻马店市驿城区申庄村进行农作物洪水影响田间试验,用玉米作为试验材料,选取3 d、5d、7d三个淹没天数和拔节期、抽雄期两个淹没阶段分别对其进行人工灌水,田间采取常规管理,在作物收获后对玉米的各个性状及产量数据做记录并和对照区进行对比,进而分析和评估洪水灾害发生时对农作物的影响情况。 3. impact什么意思 3. For the future of Chinese society, the environment, and the world, the impact is potentially devastating. 但对中国社会的未来,自然环境,和整个世界而言,汽车将带来的破坏性不可小觑。 4. In the aspect of theory study, the paper discusses the influence factor of tourism impact. 本文的研究成果主要体现在两个方面,一是理论研究方面,二是方法论研究方面。 5. Research shows that the strategy of organizing sial workers have the mandate and role of the level of clarity did not significantly positive impact of the initiative staff on the social behavior of the task they have, the role of clear and social integration of the three factors to have a significant impact on the level; staff - organization fit right into the enterprise private enterprise employees to work after the contents of the factors there was no significant impact on the community and its organization to work on the strategy of content does not exist in the process of regulation. 研究表明,组织社会化策略对员工的任务掌握及角色清晰的水平没有积极显著影响;员工的主动社会化行为对他们的任务掌握、角色清晰和社会整合三个适应因素的水平都有显著影响;员工—组织匹配对民营企业员工进入企业后的工作适应内容各因素均无显著影响,且它在组织社会化策略对工作适应内容的影响过程中并不存在调节作用。 6. The result shows that, the inlet with suction can start easily, but the position of suction decides the impact. 结果表明:抽吸可以有效地改善进气道起动性能,但不同的抽吸位置改善效果不同。 7. Improved footprint models, on the diffrerent points, enforce the function of prediction, avoid the structureless shortcoming, resolve the problem of different metric parameters in conventional model, and reveal more information about the impact of specific human behavior on eco-environment.? 改进后的各种足迹模型分别从不同角度增强了原模型的预测功能,避免了其结构性弱的缺陷,解决了计量参数不一的问题,并且更加真实地反映了人类具体行为对生态环境的影响。 8. This book has an important impact on the academic community. 这部书对学术界有重要影响。 9. According to empirical results the article gets the conclustion that the impact of the performance of the main factors in the total disposable is income average, Treynor index - the opportunity receipts factor. 根据实证结果找出的影响基金业绩的主要因素为在支配累计收益平均值、特雷纳指数的第一因子-顺势收益因子。 10. According to analysis, emergence of the current situation of active rental market there are three factors: First, the center region due to the relocation of municipal progress slowed down the impact of second-hand housing downtown sharp drop in demand. 据分析,出现目前状况的租务市场活跃,有三个因素:第一,中心地区因为要拆迁,市政进度放慢的影响,二手房市中心的需求急剧下降。 11. RVR remains the strongest predictor of SVR and studies to evaluate the impact of prolonging treatment to 48 weeks in patients with HCV GT 2 or 3 who do not achieve an RVR are warranted. 快速病毒反应仍然是SVR最强的预测因素,通过研究治疗延长至48周对病人的影响,表明携带2或3型HCV基因者不出现快速病毒反应是合理的。 12. He said the dump truck Haikou have in the main street after falling down the sediment, the impact of amenity. 他说,翻斗车在海口市的主要街道后落下的沉积物,影响市容。 13. According to SPS of WTO, a risk assessment on the public and aquatic health impact and spread of Vibrio alginolyticusin imported frozen Chum salmon was conducted respectively. 按照WTO的SPS协定原则,分别对进境冻大马哈鱼携带溶藻弧菌可能对人体安全和水产动物健康造成的影响及其传播进行了风险评估。 14. According to SPS of WTO, a risk assessment on the public and aquatic health impact and spread of Vibrio alginolyticus in imported frozen Chum salmon was conducted respectively. 按照WTO的SPS协定原则,分别对进境冻大马哈鱼携带溶藻弧菌可能对人体安全和水产动物健康造成的影响及其传播进行了风险评估。 15. 15. And its main environmental emissions are under industrial levels. So we can say that it is also feasible on energy efficiency and environmental impact. 运用此3E评价模型,对以木薯为原料的燃料乙醇进行了生命周期评价,结果表明:木薯燃料乙醇虽然需要政府的财政补贴,但其财务净现值和经济净现值均大于零,在经济上是可行的。 16. That's important for easing the impact to our users. Now 这对于减轻对我们用户的冲击很重要。 17. In a company, bad interaction between cultures leads to loss of productivity and can have a very bad impact on company morale. 在一个公司里,不同的文化之间得不到很好的地交流会导致公司的生产率下降,而且会对公司的士气产生负面影响。 18. The shelter mental health worker will have to ascertain how the condition of the survivors will impact on their ability in problem solving and coping with the challenges of the crowded environment found in countries with limited resources. 避难所中的心理健康救援人员需要确认幸存者的情况对他们处理问题和应对挑战的影响,尤其是对于一些资源有限并且人员密集的环境中的情况。 19. Clearly, in recent weeks, the market ignored the bills discounted the impact of financing on the stock market. 很显然,最近几周市场忽略了贴现票据融资对股市的影响。 20. impact 20. Description: This project shall adopt the double-mixing-shaft reciprocal rotary distribution design, with the vibration excitation/isolation system to be floating-connected by double-seated spring and hydraulic system adopting highly-dynamic performance proportion, making unnecessary a separate motor for driving and ensuring high compactness of blocks. The machine should make less noise than similar products, operate quickly, reduce the impact upon change of direction and save energy. Each joint should be linked with knuckle bearing and provided with lubricating device to prevent wear and tear. The automatic control system should use PLC and HMI display of operation, providing accurate and explicit detection of faults. 内容说明:本项目采用双搅拌轴往复旋转布料设计,激振隔振系统采用双座双弹簧浮动连接,液压系统采用高动态性能比例,可使砌块成型机不需要单独电机驱动,能保证砌块密实度大;机台噪声比同类机台小,运行快速,降低变向时的冲击配备,节约能源;各关节部位均用关节轴承联结,具备润滑装置不易磨损;自控制系统选用PLC编制控制器,操作人机界面显示,故障准确明确。 impact 词典解释The noun is pronounced /'?mp?kt/. The verb is pronounced /?m'p?kt/. 名词读作 /'?mp?kt/,动词读作 /?m'p?kt/。 1. 影响;作用 The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them. e.g. They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country... 他们称他们预期会议对国家的未来会产生显著影响。 e.g. The major impact of this epidemic worldwide is yet to come... 这种传染病在世界范围内的重大影响还未完全显现。 2. 撞击;碰撞;撞击力 An impact is the action of one object hitting another, or the force with which one object hits another. e.g. The plane is destroyed, a complete wreck: the pilot must have died on impact... 飞机遭到毁坏,完全成了一堆残骸:飞行员肯定死于撞击。 e.g. A running track should be capable of absorbing the impact of a runner's foot landing on it. 跑道应该能够吸收奔跑者踩踏地面时产生的撞击力。 3. (对…)产生影响 To impact on a situation, process, or person means to affect them. e.g. Such schemes mean little unless they impact on people. 这些计划没什么意义,除非它们对人民产生影响。 e.g. That, in turn would increase pressure for higher wages and that, in turn, would impact on inflation and competition. 那样就会增加工资上涨的压力,而那样又会对通货膨胀和竞争产生影响。 impacted Somebody who is a foreign investor and more sensitive about the public profile will be more impacted by that pressure. 对公众形象较注意的外国投资者会更多地受到那种压力的影响。 4. 撞击;冲击;碰撞 If one object impacts on another, it hits it with great force. e.g. ...the sharp tinkle of metal impacting on stone... 金属撞击石头发出的刺耳叮当声 e.g. According to the air force, the missile merely impacted with the ground prematurely... 根据空军提供的消息,导弹只是提前撞向了地面。 impact 单语例句 1. Incorporating operational energy efficiency into a company's overall business strategy will facilitate progression toward a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of business operations. 2. Heightened environmental concerns are reshaping the nation's approach to economic and social development, pressuring Chinese companies to manage environmental impact as effectively as other business operations. 3. In practice it is not easy to get the balance right between feasible business models and their social impact. 4. Alibaba said the " depressed " share price is also having an " adverse impact " on business, its reputation with customers and employee morale. 5. Many of them are diversifying their business scope and gathering momentum to make an impact on other industries such as finance and manufacturing. 6. The new structure will not have a big impact on the company's business, said an oil and gas analyst who declined to be named. 7. Wu reveals to China Business Weekly that the current trademark opposition has no negative impact on the company's operations in both domestic and overseas markets. 8. The global financial crisis has only had a slight impact on the Japanese financial sector, and none of the country's financial institutions has gone bust. 9. The administration suggested that the government act to ease the increasingly direct and large impact of oil prices on the economy. 10. Reliability is the dominating issue in all buying decisions as it has a high impact on life cycle costs and revenues. impact 英英释义 noun 1. influencing strongly e.g. they resented the impingement of American values on European culture Synonym: impingementencroachment 2. the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat e.g. the armies met in the shock of battle Synonym: shock 3. the striking of one body against another 4. a forceful consequence a strong effect e.g. the book had an important impact on my thinking the book packs a wallop Synonym: wallop verb 1. have an effect upon e.g. Will the new rules affect me? Synonym: affectbear uponbear ontouch ontouch 2. press or wedge together pack together |
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