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单词 in all probability
    in all probability [英 [in ?:l ?pr?b??biliti] 美 [?n ?l ?prɑb??b?l?ti] ]
    in all probability的意思、解释
    in all probability 基本解释
    in all probability的解释
    in all probability 网络解释
    1. in all probability的意思
    1. 很可能,十之八九:in addition to 除......外 | in all probability 很可能,十之八九 | in an attempt to do 企图做
    2. 很可能:in all ones born days 一生 | in all probability 很可能 | in all senses 任何意义
    3. 在一切概率中:Im trying to handle all these 我试图摆脱这全部unpredictability 不可预测地 | In all probability 在一切概率中 | Its a long shot so I say why not 这是一个如此长的镜头,故我说,为何不呢?
    4. 十有八九, 多半, 可能性很大:in all likelihood 十有八九, 多半, 可能性很大 | in all probability 十有八九, 多半, 可能性很大 | Its all up.(=All is up.) [口]一切都完了; 毫无希望了.
    in all probability 双语例句
    1. She is, in all probability, from australia.
    2. In all probability, therefore, the First Book of the Maccabees has retained its original form.
    3. They had, in all probability, heared the words of her father, and departed, with their anxieties relieved.
    4. Finally, the moral to be drawn from the various events narrated is more clearly set forth in this third writing and, according to the critics the moral standpoint is that of the fifth century BC Lastly, after the time of Ezra, this last history, P was worked up into one with the already combined narrative JE by a second redactor R. JEP, the result being the present history of Abraham, and indeed the present book of Genesis; though in all probability insertions were made at even a later date.
    最后,道德,以取自各种活动解说的是更明确提出,在这第三个写作,并根据批评者的道德立场,是强调在公元前五世纪,最后,经过的时候,以斯拉,这在过去历史上,磷是致力於成为一个与已经结合的叙事是由第二redactor传译jep ,结果被本历史亚伯拉罕的,而事实上本书的成因,虽然没有在所有的概率插入作了甚至稍后日期。
    5. These results can be turned into terms of spectral density and Weibull probability distribution. All the analysis results can be used in design and analysis of deepwater mooring system.
    6. in all probability是什么意思
    6. Enter Baccarat site Zhuang Railway Bureau has opened leisure arrangement, all arranged by the computer-aided statistical data on the combination of busy village, each of the next operation the appearance of a combination of village busy probability of automatically exclude arranged in low-yielding combination, accurate analysis of a 100 Kellogg gaming high-yield the best bet when the time, and prompts the direction and amount of betting wager.
    输入 百家乐现场路局已开的庄闲排列,由电脑统计各排列庄闲的组合数据,逐一运算下一个庄闲组合的出现机率,自动排除排列中的低收益率组合,精确分析出百家乐博彩高收益率时的最佳下注时段,并提示博彩下注方向与数额。
    7. in all probability在线翻译
    7. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented o r curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding injected thimerosal a n d the sharp rise of infant exposure to this known neurotoxin.
    8. His progress from scion of a powerful tribe to Afghan jihadist, then back to collaborator with Mr Saleh and now, in all probability, a leading fomenter of southern secession is one of Ms Clark`s brilliant lessons in Yemeni history.
    Tariq al-Fadhli出生于也门豪族,后来成为阿富汗圣战主义者,随后转而与萨利赫合作,现在摇身变成南方独立的带头大哥;关照他曲折的人生轨迹,克拉克女士给我们上了一堂精彩纷呈的也门历史课。
    9. Now the personal use of AK close hit 3 to 5 are issued, received over the gun, of course, there are other people play a little blood on the gun has also received many, the probability is relatively low, M4 is no power play, firing rate than You fast, steady trajectory than you, back to the front sight faster than you, you have different head-to-head and killed him, and no opportunity to return to front sight, front sight is not back to point out the bullet hit all of Gone with the Wind, to fight for the FRAG, is Can not, is a head-to-head was killed first, small step in moving back to the front sight, and then the second and third.
    10. In all probability there will be no provision made to restructure that company.
    11. In all probability, Lucifer will force this distributor to write, again and again, in the blazing heat of Hell`s midsummer, his new title, Sins of Lola Montes, invented in a moment of mundane inspiration. That will not be all.
    不管怎样,路西法肯定会勒令这个发行商,在地狱盛夏的灼人热浪中,一遍又一遍的,抄写他的新片名,Sins of Lola Montes,一个从平庸的灵感瞬间中冒出来的名字。
    12. in all probability是什么意思
    12. Some of these, in all probability, followed him to South Galatia, soon after his second visit.
    13. In all probability, it is effective and doable to choose an XC-functional with alterable fraction of HF exchange energy according to the composition and structure characteristics of molecule.
    14. If the wolves attack you, we will come to you aid, in all probability.
    15. All items in the equation were statistically significant at the 5 percent probability level.
    16. Thirdly, all the probable contamination sources in the watershed were studied respectively, including their aquatic chemical characteristics and probability to contaminate the groundwater.
    17. in all probability什么意思
    17. I shall now proceed to delineate dangers of a different and, perhaps, still more alarming kind -- those which will in all probability flow from dissensions between the States themselves, and from domestic factions and convulsions.
    18. Because the network in the world accessible from all directions to completely sever the probability is not high.
    19. in all probability的翻译
    19. To investigate the genetic polymorphism of FIBRA, DHFRP2 and ACTBP2 in Yunnan Han population as well as their application in forensic science, EDTA-blood specimens were collected from 200 healthy individuals. The DNA were extracted either by the Chloro form, phenol method or by the Chelex-100 method. The PCR products were analyzed by PAG vertical electrophoresis, following by silver staining. All gene frequencies, discrimination power, exclusion of paternity probability, heterozygosity, polymorphisms information content, matching probability as well as the Hardy-Weinberg test were calculated.
    20. He was in all probability to do it.
    in all probability 单语例句
    1. Ask a chain smoker to kick the butt, and in all probability he'll tell you he's tried quitting a hundred times before.
    2. In all probability, the established media no longer has much choice but to agree.
    3. China in all probability will continue to be a developing country in 2020, perhaps with even bigger problems than those it faces today.
    4. Evergrande in all probability is likely to float its shares in Hong Kong by September, said analysts.
    5. In fact, it all comes down to quantifiable statistics and probability.
    in all probability 英英释义
    in all probability是什么意思
    1. with considerable certainty
    without much doubt
    e.g. He is probably out of the country
    in all likelihood we are headed for war
    Synonym: probablylikelyin all likelihoodbelike




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