单词 | revolution |
释义 | revolution [英 [?rev??lu:?n] 美 [?r?v??lu??n] ] revolution的意思、解释 复数形式:revolutions; revolution 基本解释 名词革命; 旋转; 彻底改变; 运行,公转 revolution的翻译 revolution 相关例句 名词 1. One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year. 地球绕太阳运行一周需一年时间。 2. They spin at 400-500 revolutions per minute. 它们每分钟旋转四百到五百周。 3. revolution的近义词 3. The American Revolution gave independence to the Colonies. 美国独立战争使十三个州得到了独立。 4. The earth completes one revolution each day. 地球每天完成一次自转。 5. 5. The army officers led a revolution against the king. 军官们领导了一次反国王的革命。 revolution 网络解释 1. 革命:在这一意义上,他们的革命是一种"复归",正如"革命"(revolution)一词在天文学上准确的意义所示--"围绕某一中轴的圆周运动,止于其所始. "但对于某些法国人来说,革命并非是"复归",而是"决裂". 法国的激进目标是重构和重组国家的政治、法律和社会结构, 2. 公转:切记地上相机移动0.01cm,天上可能就差了一万公里,更何况月球自己也在自转(rotation)和公转(revolution). 可惜这趟我竟然没带大型云台,下次再说吧!5.M模式操作,如此才能控制光圈与快门. 不过,我怕失败,仍采取自动对焦(auto-focusing), 3. 怒火山河:但随后他犯下了一个值得我们再次提起的错误,在拍摄(Revolution)一片时,先是剧组设备被毁,加上天气恶劣,帕西诺又患了严重的肺炎,真是祸不单行. 4. 4. revolution:rev; 革命 5. 5. revolution:rf.; 旋转 revolution 双语例句 1. Chapter Two analyzes the background of Wordsworth`s spiritual ecological consciousness, which contains Wordsworth`s childhood and the influence of the French Revolution and of Rousseau, and summarizes the connotation of his spiritual ecological consciousness. 第三章主要从精神生态的角度对华兹华斯的两首代表诗歌《丁登寺》和《序曲》进行详细的解读,挖掘出其中蕴涵的精神生态意识。 2. But it was such a vibrant democracy to Li and his peers that, during the Cultural Revolution, a working-class citizen could freely vent his anger towards the direct boss by posting the allegations in public and parading him or her through the street! 文革中,任何一名工人阶级都可以随意地给其上司贴大字报或带其游街。这对李和其同党来说是何等活生生的自由和民主! 3. 3. The goal of the IDM is not to encourage critical thought, but to foment a revolution which would supplant evolutionary theory with ID. 智慧设计运动的目标不是鼓励批判性思考,而是煽动将智慧设计取代演化的革命。 4. The Comintern, believing that the GMD represents the mainstream of Chinese nationalism and can be used to foment revolution in China, sends an agent, Adolf Joffe, to China to work out a basis for CCP-GMD cooperation. 1922年,共产国际相信国民党代表了中国国民的主流,可以借助其发动中国革命。因此向中国派出了一位代理人阿尔道夫阿卜兰莫维奇越飞,为国共两党间的关系理出根基。 5. A group of Catholic conspirators aimed to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster London while the King was present hoping to foment a Catholic revolution. 一小撮天主教反叛分子密谋炸毁位于伦敦威斯敏斯特的英国国会大厦,当时国王正在开会,讨论天主教改革的事宜。 6. A group of Catholic conspirators aimed to blow document. write; ad_dst = ad_dst+1; up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster London while the King was present hoping to foment a Catholic revolution. 一小撮天主教反叛分子密谋炸毁位于伦敦威斯敏斯特的英国国会大厦,当时国王正在开会,讨论天主教改革的事宜。 7. Xinyang is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, after 8000 years of Cultural Revolution, cultural deposit rich and heavy, Historically, many prominent literary and military personnel come from Xinyang. 信阳是华夏文明的发祥地之一,历经8000多年的文化洗礼,文化丰厚、名人辈出:一代名相孙叔敖、开漳圣王陈元光、治闽功臣王审知、大史学家司马光、文坛领袖何景明等都诞生在这里。 8. Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen... 华莱士的革命是一套在议案,以极大的障碍,从他的同胞。。。 9. Poverty could not explain the reason why peasants join revolution, no doubt that revolutionary peasants had an itch for material benefit, but traditional criterion on value and norm of morality and justice were still being considered, and the risk of revolution also often made them dread revolution. 贫困并不是农民参加革命的理由,革命农民固然有一种物质利益的渴求,但传统的价值判断和道义准则仍在考虑之列,革命所面临的风险也常常使他们迈不出革命的脚步。 10. During this transformation period, the position of China in the world worsen and the process of Chinese modernization fallen into the sphere of Japanese hegemony for the nationalism revolution, thought it was a enormous power. 在这一转型过程中,尽管民族主义是一股巨大的力量,但民族主义革命恶化了中国的国际生存环境,使中国一再进入地缘霸权的势力圈中。 11. It is a revolution in the filed of software development. 它是软件开发领域的一场革命。 12. After the revolution, a constitution more or less resembling our own was attempted, only with a President instead of a King. 我们这四千年文明古国,简单等于没有国,国只是一个空的架子,其内面全没有什么东西。 13. As the Pioneer of the working class, Chinese people and Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China, under its leadership and in the great drive of revolution, construction and reform, has pour a lot of new connotation into Chinese national spirit, so it has further enriched and developed such spirit. 作为中国工人阶级先锋队、中国人民和中华民族先锋队的中国共产党,在领导人民进行革命、建设和改革的伟大实践中,不断结合时代和社会发展的要求,为中华民族精神注入了许多新的内涵,丰富和发展着中华民族精神。 14. Lord Halifax was among the first to take up arms on behalf of Mary and William. However, he was revolted by the many who swarmed to demand rewards for their roles in the revolution. 哈利法克斯勋爵是最早为玛丽和威廉执戈的革命者之一,但看到许多革命者争先恐后邀功求赏,感到十分反感。 15. Cornetist Nick LaRocca, clarinetist Larry Shields, trombonist Eddie Edwards, pianist Henry Ragas and drummer Tony Sbarbaro have become footnotes in jazz history, and the sound they made seems rhythmically clunky and predictable today. But as the fanfare for a revolution Livery Stable Blues will never be forgotten. 但是稍后随着杰利·罗尔·莫顿,金·奥利弗,西德尼·贝切特和路易斯·阿姆斯特朗等——一些得到公众认可的来自黑人聚居社区的优秀乐手的加入,这支乐队无疑已将爵士乐不羁的力量和年轻活力掌握到了轻车熟路的程度。 16. In Chapter Four, art revolution associations are analyzed respectively to show the socializing process and associating forms of art communities and to illustrate the interdependent relationship among ideology, social atmosphere and art associations. 第四章,对艺术革命的组织展开论述,分析艺术群体的社会化过程与组织形式,说明意识形态、社会环境与艺术组织之间的辩证关系。 17. 17. In 1760s, James Hargreaves's Spinning Jenny marked the beginning of the 1st industrial revolution. 18世纪60年代,哈格里夫斯,珍妮纺纱机标志着第一次工业革命的开始。 18. For this sake, advanced countries have seen children`s reading activities as mainstream in educational revolution, and we also can identify it`s significance to promote children`s reading activities by the policies execution of government and libraries. 儿童阅读的推广已成为近年来各先进国家教育改革的共同趋势,近来教育部与文建会积极辅导公共图书与阅推广的各项动作,亦可看出政府与图书上级单位日重视阅活动的推广工作。 19. revolution是什么意思 19. In the early years of 20 century, a number of outstanding literary giants emerged during the big revolution for-breaking with old literature to build up new democratical literature. They made a great contribution to forming the modern literature and the country advanced. 二十世纪初的破除旧文学,建立新民主主义文学体系的大革命中,涌现出了一批璀璨耀眼的时代精英,这些人物为现代文学的创立,为整个中国的进步做出了不可磨灭的功献,起到了巨大的推动作用。 20. revolution的意思 20. Go up the literary revolution at the beginning of the century, it is the vitality that arouses literature through liberating the method of literal language. 上世纪初的文学革命,是通过解放文字语言的手段激发文学的活力。 revolution 词典解释 1. 革命;武装运动 A revolution is a successful attempt by a large group of people to change the political system of their country by force. revolution的意思 e.g. The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil. 革命爆发后就陷入了政治动乱期。 e.g. ...after the French Revolution. 法国革命之后 2. 重大变革;巨大变化 A revolution in a particular area of human activity is an important change in that area. e.g. The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion. 19世纪船舶设计和船舶动力领域发生了重大的变革。 e.g. ...the industrial revolution. 工业革命 revolution 单语例句 1. A " cultural revolution " theme restaurant has done brisk business since it opened in Guangzhou several months ago. 2. Average Iranians were disappointed by the cold response to the May letter, the first official communication between the two countries'presidents since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. 3. A very peaceful revolution consisted of calling a constitutional convention which declared that Norway is a free kingdom. 4. The leader has cast Exxon Mobil as an icon of the global capitalism that is the pariah of his revolution. 5. Banned at the start of the " cultural revolution ", pawn shops were considered a form of capitalist exploitation preying on poor and desperate people. 6. They wonder why China did not follow the model that the developed West paved via its capitalist and industrial revolution. 7. It might be because we were always told to carry on the " glorious revolution tradition " and " make contributions to the country ". 8. It will also catalyze a sweeping environmental revolution throughout society and bring profound changes to people's lifestyles. 9. If physically abusing the authority figure is the way to go, the Cultural Revolution would have been a cultural nirvana instead of the catastrophe it was. 10. Mao assumed the primary responsibility for the " Great Leap Forward " and the central authorities categorically repudiated the devastating " cultural revolution ". revolution 英英释义 noun 1. the overthrow of a government by those who are governed 2. a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving e.g. the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution 3. a single complete turn (axial or orbital) e.g. the plane made three rotations before it crashed the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year Synonym: rotationgyration |
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