单词 | revulsion |
释义 | revulsion [英 [r??v?l?n] 美 [r??v?l??n] ] revulsion的意思、解释 revulsion 基本解释 名词剧变; 抽回; 厌恶,强烈的反感; [医] 诱导法 revulsion 相关例句 名词 1. revulsion的意思 1. My feeling for him underwent a revulsion when I discovered his cruelty. 当我发现他的残忍时,对他的感情起了剧变。 revulsion 网络解释 1. 1. 剧变,厌恶:revolve 沈思,旋转 | revulsion 剧变,厌恶 | reward 报酬,赏金 revulsion 双语例句 1. I well knew that any dealing with a Vichyite would create great revulsion among these in England and America who did not know the harsh realities of war. 我深知与维琪分子之任何谈判,将使不明了战争的严酷现实之英美人士酿成极大的变化。 2. She had a revulsion against the whole affair, and almost envied the Guthrie girls their gawky inexperience and crude maidenliness. And she now dreaded the thought that anybody would know about herself and the keeper. 她对于这整个事情的情感剧变了,她差不多要羡慕加丝利姊妹俩的不谐世务和痴憨的少女天真了,现在,她生怕她和守猎人的事被人知道那是多么不可言宣的屈辱! 3. 3. She had a revulsion against the whole affair, and almost envied the Guthrie girls their gawky inexperience and crude maidenliness. And she now dreaded the thought that anybody would know about herself and the keeper. How unspeakably humiliating! 她对于这整个事情的情感剧变了,她差不多要羡慕加丝利姊妹俩的不谐世务和痴憨的少女天真了,现在,她生怕她和守猎人的事被人知道那是多么不可言宣的屈辱! 4. Their sympathetic voices called liar by the revulsion in their eyes. 他们虽 然语带同情,但厌恶的眼神则揭穿其虚假。 5. Because of the buyer's market, which changes swiftly and cannot be prospective and customers who demand individual and diversiform product, companies find it is difficult to survive and grow. Traditional enterprise management mode exposes its limitation face the market revulsion and at the same time companies cannot adapt the new environment depend on their own force. 变化迅速而又无法预期的买方市场和需求日趋个性化、主体化和多样化的消费者都对企业的生存和发展提出了更高的要求,而这些都使得传统企业生产经营模式对市场剧变的响应显得越来越迟缓和被动,企业也越来越感到依靠自身的力量难以适应市场环境的飞速变化。 6. Sixth Patriarch said that mark of outer revulsion was Zen. Only if you do complete revulsion from all marks, it is possible to practice Zen. 六祖说外离相为禅,只有在你对所有的相都彻底的断离了以后,你才有修禅的可能。 7. Dr. Halsey felt a curious mix of revulsion and maternalism. 哈尔茜博士有一种混合着反感和溺爱的奇怪感觉。 8. What exactly is it that excites uncontrollable fear and revulsion? 到底是甚麼东西激发这种无法控制的恐惧与憎恶? 9. Joe stared at Katze in shock and revulsion -- or tried to. 乔盯著惊吓和剧变的 Katze 看--或尝试到。 10. But I do not believe that even in his misery he felt that entire and unmitigated surprise, that utter revulsion of feeling that is felt when a good woman wanders away from herself, and becomes the lost creature whom her husband is bound in honour to abjure. 然而,我不相信,他即使在痛苦之中也完全感到了那不折不扣的意外之感和彻底的嫌恶之情。(一个善良的女人逾闲荡检,竟变成一个失足者,丈夫为了自己的荣誉而势必与之离异,这时就感觉到了这种嫌恶之情。 11. 11. His revulsion against left-wing politics, which was sudden, coincided with his decision that Molly was immoral, sloppy and bohemian 他反对左翼政治的突变,同他断定莫莉是不道德、邋遢、生活放荡的看法是相一致的。 12. His revulsion against left-wing politics, which was sudden, coincide d with his decision that Molly was immoral, sloppy and bohemian 他反对左翼政治的突变,同他断定莫莉是不道德、邋遢、生活放荡的看法是相一致的。 13. Hence, we had better accept them and treat them right. Don`t look them as something of revulsion and extinction. 所以坦然的接受它,正面的看待它;不把它当成非要厌离,灭绝之事。 14. He had a revulsion against his uncle, brother of his mother. 他对于他的舅父,他母亲的哥哥,颇有反感。 15. 15. Nevertheless, we have seen the owners of the Want Want Group completely ignore news media professionalism and cultural identity and launch a brazen attack on dissidents and even take legal action to deal with critics. Such actions spark in our hearts both unlimited revulsion and a profound fear over the future environment and atmosphere of news media and opinion in Taiwan. 但是,当我们看到旺旺集团的主事者,完全不顾媒体的专业原则与文化属性,肆无忌惮的攻击异议者,甚至采取司法行动对付异议者时,那种肃杀粗暴之气,不只让我们感到无端的厌恶,更让我们陷入深沉的恐惧。 16. The personal tone of the letters and diaries evokes a certain human pity, but also a revulsion at the mingling of grave events and babytalk: these people, one feels, would make revolutionaries of us all. 信件与日记富有个人色彩的调子会引起一定的同情,可重大事件与幼稚语言的混杂又令人反感:读者会觉得,有这帮人当权,我们都会变成革命党。 17. 17. Ghastlier, ghastliest1. Inspiring shock, revulsion, or horror by or as if by suggesting death; terrifying 可怕的:联想或好象联想到死亡而引起的震惊、憎恶或恐惧;可怕的,恐怖的 18. revulsion的翻译 18. Granted, there are a lot of things that deserve our revulsion. 令人憎恶的事自然很多。 19. revulsion在线翻译 19. I feel nothing but revulsion for these dangerous people, especially if they are victorious! 我对这些危险的人只感觉到反感,尤其在他们得胜的时候! 20. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion. 他也再一次盯着我,黑色的眼睛里满是厌恶。 revulsion 词典解释 1. 深恶痛绝;强烈反对;嫌恶 Someone's revulsion at something is the strong feeling of disgust or disapproval they have towards it. revulsion的解释 e.g. ...their revulsion at the act of desecration... 他们对亵渎神灵的行为的憎恶 e.g. His voice was filled with horror and revulsion. 他的声音里充满了恐惧和反感。 revulsion 单语例句 1. Many apparel watchers predict the eventual demise of the skinny that has spurred both adoration and revulsion. 2. Rather than encouraging charity among residents, the administrative measures pushing for donations will very likely incite revulsion. 3. Granted, there are a lot of things that deserve our revulsion. 4. Some Iraqis argue that resistance fighters are motivated by Islamic beliefs and revulsion at seeing their country under occupation. 5. Whoever advertises on such screens should also start to consider whether they too have become part of this public revulsion. 6. Her announcement was met with doubt by the scientific community and revulsion by many ethicists. 7. Shock and revulsion spread around the world on Saturday over the beheading of Johnson. 8. Confirming that open secret turned him into an unlikely folk hero among Bangkok residents, eclipsing the demolition itself and underscoring public revulsion against official corruption. revulsionrevulsion 英英释义 noun 1. intense aversion Synonym: repugnancerepulsionhorror |
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