单词 | rise above |
释义 | rise above rise above的意思、解释 rise above 双语例句 1. The index may rise to the 2500 above, Selling is the best choice. 明日上午大盘会有反弹,高度在2500附近,逢高减磅是必然的选择! 2. It proved to me, early on, that I could rise above anonymity and achieve remarkable things. 很早的时候它就向我证实,我可以不再默默无闻,而是可以获得非凡成就。 3. rise above 3. The experiment as a result expresses that a wave handle the PTA CODCr to decline the solution rate alone generally or so in 3%, the result is not very good, the best value of a time, a power, pH distinguishes for the 45 mins, 270 ws, 3; The catalyst oxidize alone the CODCr of handle the PTA declines the solution rate generally or so in 75%, handle the result more ideal, respond time and rise to make density, pH value, oxidizing agent hurl add the best value of the quantity to distinguish for the 60 mins, 3164 mgs/ L, 3, 200 mgs/ L; When a wave is in conjunction with the catalyst to oxidize to handle the PTA, its CODCr declines the solution rate generally above 90%, handle the result better. 实验结果表明超声波单独处理PTA的CODCr降解率一般在3%左右,效果不是很好,超声时间、超声功率、pH的最佳值分别为45min、270w、3;催化氧化单独处理PTA的 CODCr降解率一般在75%左右,处理效果较为理想,反应时间、起使浓度、pH值、氧化剂投加量的最佳值分别为60min、3164mg/L、3、200mg/L;当超声波协同催化氧化处理PTA时,其CODCr的降解率一般在90%以上,处理效果较好。 4. Environment pollution, competition pressure, quick work rhythm, and change of the life style, all the factors above cause disease incidence rate rise obviously, and along with the health education popularization, the medicine market will have better prospects for development. In order to win in the heated competition, AR Drug Company decides to enter eye care liquid medicine market after in-depth investigation. 面对新的市场特点,AR药业为了能在激烈的市场竞争中得到发展,通过深入的市场调查研究,公司决定进入眼保健药水市场,在充分了解消费者的需求和公司内部资源的基础上,开发了富有竞争力的新产品蓝奇视宝眼保健药水,为了使新产品能顺利上市,如何做好新产品上市的市场营销策略研究工作成为关键。 5. I don t believe this will have to be watertight because the water level should not rise that far as it is above the waterline... 我不相信这将须水密,因为水位上升,不应该说,到目前为止,因为它是上述的水线。。。 6. 6. Rise of sea level has aggravated saline water intrusion at Pearl River's outlets. This paper gives a brief account of characteristics of saline water intrusion in Lingdingyang Bay, Modaomen, Jitimen and Huangmaohai during different periods. Based on Ippen and Harlomen's diffusion theroy and method, the change of saline water intrusion in distance at the above-mentioned areas when the sea level rises by 0.4m~1. Om can be reckoned. It is concluded that during high tide in dry period, distance of saline water intrusion will increase by 1 km~ 3 km with maximum distance about 4 km in Humen Channel, maximum intrusion distance by about 3 km in Modaomen Channel and about 5 km in Huangmaohai area. 在概述了珠江伶仃洋海区、磨刀门、鸡啼门、黄茅海各入海口门一般、枯期及汛期、高潮时,咸害入侵特点的基础上,根据Ippen和Harlomen的扩散理论和方法推算当海平面上升0.4~1.0m时,各河口区咸害入侵距离的变化情况,得到枯期高潮时,虎门水道咸潮入侵距离增加1~3km,最大约4km,磨刀门水道咸潮入侵最大距离增加约3km,黄茅海区,最大入侵距离增加5km的结论。 7. rise above的反义词 7. Since October 2003 however, the break-even inflation rate has risen and is now slightly above the actual inflation rate, suggesting markets now expect actual inflation to rise. 但是,自2003年10月份以来,损益两平的通货膨胀业已上升,现在还略高于实际的通货膨胀率,表明市场现在都预期实际通货膨胀将会上升。 8. Adequately considering variation range of bridges dimension and different seismic excitation model, based on girder parameter and ration of rise to span parameter to be 0.037 and 0.125 respectively, through enough analyzing, calculating tower girder and tower parameters in detail, the thesis achieves curves and tables that are correlation with the above-mentioned two parameters, and the curves and tables may be used in structural plan design or initial design. 充分考虑桥梁主要尺寸的变化范围和不同地震激励模式,通过大量的结构地震响应计算分析,在确定加劲梁参数基准值为0.037和垂跨比基准值0.125的基础上,详细计算分析塔梁参数和桥塔参数,得到自锚式悬索桥与这两个结构参数相关数值曲线和表格,可供结构方案设计或初步设计参考使用。 9. rise above 9. As winter slips away into springtime and the daytime temperature begins to rise above freezing, many families in Ontario return to their sugar bush to make maple syrup. The boiling of sap to make maple syrup and maple sugar is one of the oldest traditions 秋天的来临意味着基奇纳-滑铁卢十月啤酒节(Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest)的大幕拉开,而这个德国以外最大的十月啤酒节,只不过是安大略西南部诸多庆祝活动中的一个写照。 10. The night is quietly, I were ready to finish my homework, a mosquito singing above my room. It get me so angry. I hold my breath, rise my arse, open my arms, ready to wait this guy rise to the fly. 夜寂静,我正做作业,一只蚊子在我房间上空唱起了山歌,这可惹恼了我,我摒住呼吸,撅起屁股,双手张开,一切准备就绪,只等这个家伙上钩了。 11. Sudras, like women, could not own property, and only rarely did they rise above service positions. 首陀罗,如妇女,不能拥有自己的财产,只有很少超越他们的服务阵地。 12. Anyhow, compose flexible language to want when to capture above, but civil without calm law, the key is read more when Yu Ping, write more, accumulate more, such talent are enough do a familiar work with ease, write rise since wind unboiled water. 总之,写作软文要抓住以上几点,但文无定法,关键在于平时多读、多写、多积累,这样才能够驾轻就熟,写起来风生水起。 13. Simultaneously, the total extractible myoglobin decreased and the proportion of metmyoglobin increased significantly when the pressure above 400MPa. Beef discoloration after pressure processing may result from oxidation of ferrous myoglobin to ferric metmyoglobin, globin denaturation and structural changes. At 40℃, the changes of beef color was similar to that of room temperature's. When the temperature rise to 60℃, most of muscle proteins denatured, a small quantity of native myoglobin could not affect the color of beef significantly. Therefore, protein denaturation was attributed to the main cause of discoloration in beef muscle after pressurization at 60℃. 压力处理导致色泽变化的直接原因可能是由于二价铁的肌红蛋白氧化成三价铁的高铁肌红蛋白、球蛋白的变性及结构的变化所致。40℃时的压力处理,色泽的变化规律与室温下相似,只是色泽变化的程度更为剧烈,蛋白质变性在色泽变化中起到的作用逐渐加强。60℃下的压力处理,绝大部分蛋白质发生变性,少量未变性的肌红蛋白对色泽不会产生明显的影响,此温度的压力处理,蛋白质变性是造成肌肉失去红色的主要原因。 14. rise above的解释 14. Life is full of challenges and obstacles and successful people rise above them. 人生是充满挑战和障碍,而成功的人超越他们。 15. The pyramids, the tallest structure of their time, rise above the desert on the outskirts of Cairo. 还有不可不看的旅游景点,就是著名的吉萨金字塔,这个金字塔在当时是最高的建筑物,它傲立在开罗郊区的沙漠地带,3个大型金字塔格存放着埃及王的陵寝。 16. 16. You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief, But rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked and unbound. 当你们的白日不是没有牵挂,你们的黑夜也不是没有愿望与忧愁的时候,你们才是自由了。不如说是当那些事物包围住你的生命,而你却能赤裸地无牵挂地超腾的时候,你们才是自由了。 17. 17. We find that methanol will effectually pyrolyze and generate large amounts of hydrogen when it is heated above 400℃. The ratio of pyrogenation and amount of hydrogen generated increase rapidly with the temperature rise. 实验发现,甲醇在被加热至400℃后会开始热分解产生氢气,并且随着温度的升高,热分解率及产氢量快速增大。 18. Why has man rooted himself thus firmly in the earth, but that he may rise in the same proportion into the heavens above? 为什么人在泥土里扎了根之后,不能援例向天空伸展呢? 19. Here great disturbances at the heart of the earth caused mountains and volcanoes to rise above the water. 这里很棒的扰乱在地球的心引起了山和 volcanoes 在水上面升。 20. As a downstream piping system when the valve opens, reflux valve, when closed, the main medium used to prevent backflow to prevent the pump and drive motor reversal, as well as a container medium discharge; currently the most commonly used is the valve flap around the body Swing Pin rotation flap valve and the valve body along the vertical axis to move lift check valve, but the above two kinds of structures exist in the valve closed, medium speed back quickly from the largest drop to zero, inlet side of the pipe resulted in the rapid pressure rise, resulting Proportional Pressure Reducing Valves in damaging effects on the piping system of water hammer phenomenon, it is generally a diameter of valve production of 50~500 mm. 止回阀作为管道系统顺流时开启,逆流时关闭的阀门,主要用于防止介质倒流,防止泵及驱动电机反转以及容器内介质泄放;目前使用最普遍的是阀瓣围绕阀体销轴旋转的旋启式止回阀和阀瓣沿着阀体垂直中心线移动的升降式止回阀,但以上2种结构的阀门均存在关闭时介质倒流速度从最大迅速降为零,致使管道进水管一侧内压迅速升高,从而产生对管路系统有破坏作用的水锤现象,所以一般止回阀生产口径为50~500 mm。 rise above 单语例句rise above什么意思 1. The report says the danger point will be signalled when temperatures rise by 2 degrees centigrade above the average world temperature prevailing in 1750. 2. Stern said he expects talks with the union to rise above the negative publicity generated by the brawl. 3. Zhou said the temperature would rise to above zero after the chilly weather and clear weather would appear over the coming week. 4. It also aims to help the destitute population to permanently rise above poverty. 5. But a grand gesture can help people to rise above the fray, as was the case with the Statue of Liberty. 6. Above all, the death of a spouse can give rise to feelings of depression. 7. As a result of excessive liquidity and limited investment options for mainlanders, the valuation of A shares continued to rise above H shares in 2007. 8. You will not be in danger as long as the water does not rise above the windows. 9. Whether the film can rise above the circumstances in which the director now finds himself I don't know. 10. Microsoft's bid conceivably could rise above its original value without management upping the ante. |
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