单词 | robber |
释义 | robber [英 [?r?b?(r)] 美 [?rɑ:b?(r)] ] robber的意思、解释 复数形式:robbers; robber 基本解释 名词强盗,盗贼 robber 相关例句 名词 1. The robbers escaped with the jewels. 强盗带着珠宝逃跑了。 robber 网络解释 1. robber的翻译 1. 强盗:而城市可以获得2点资源 4.没有对应7点的六边形,当掷出7时,手中资源总数超过7的玩家就会爆掉(BUST),会被迫扔掉一半的资源,同时掷出7的玩家可以移动强盗(robber) 5.移动强盗到某个六边形, 2. robber 2. 抢劫犯,抢劫者:unhurt 没有受伤的,未被伤害的 | robber 抢劫犯,抢劫者 | appearance feature 外貌特征 3. 辅助阴极:Roadmap 线路与零件之布局图. | Robber辅助阴极. | Roller Coating辊轮涂布. 4. 强盗;盗贼:潜水员 diver | 强盗;盗贼 robber | 强壮的;坚强的 strong robber 双语例句 1. After that, Anqian rewarded the robber catcher in the face of the arrestee, who was then beheaded in public. 于是诸盗与其侣互相疑,无地容足,夜不及旦,散逃出境,境内遂无一人为盗。 2. robber的近义词 2. He said, some of it, but the rest was out of pirate-books and robber-books, and every gang that was high-toned had it. 人人都说,这才是一个真正了不起的誓词。还问汤姆,这是不是用他自己的脑袋想出来的。 3. 3. Robber Chafer Robert Schaefer is public education director for the NationalCenter for Fair and Open Testing, an activist group. Robert Schaefer 是一个激进小组国家公平公开考试的公共教育主任。 4. robber的翻译 4. Robber chafer Robert Schaefer is a public education director for the National Center for F air and O pen T esting, and activist group. 罗伯特Schaefer是国家中心公开公平考试的公立教育指导,一个活跃的小组。 5. The document was able to give evidence of the robber's intent. 这文件能证明强盗的意图。 6. robber什么意思 6. When people were labeled as a robber, their lives were in danger. 而当人被冠上盗贼的帽子时,生命就不再有保障,人人得而诛之。 7. After escape, they would shelter in society or become robber in the mountain forest. 各种人物在逃亡后或者隐匿民间求生,或者亡入山林川泽为盗。 8. His younger brother was notorious Robber Zhi who led nine thousand underlings to go around for robbing, looting and trespassing. 他手下有九千名啰喽,经常到各处流窜,打家劫舍,夺人财物,强奸杀掳,无恶不做。 9. He drew a knife on the robber. 他向那强盗拔出了刀子。 10. He drew his knife on the robber. 他挥刀向强盗砍去。 11. The guy drew his knife on the robber. 那人拔刀向那个强盗砍去。 12. Peter drew his knife on the robber. 彼得拔刀向那个强盗砍去。 13. After adding a lead robber whose lead equivalent is 0.7mm Pb, they are all 0μGy. 附加铅当量为0.7mm的铅橡皮后,四者均为0μGy。 14. robber的翻译 14. Certainly you don't want to be a farmer, you won't be a robber nor you want to be a street performer. 对,尽管考虑一下,不过要快一点,你知道,肚子很快会饿的。 15. Certainly you don't want to be a farmer…… You won't be a robber…… nor you want to be a street performer. 有一种职业很适合你,既可以帮你去赚点银两,又可以行侠仗义,你有兴趣吗? 16. At this time, a robber broke into a jewelry shop nearby. He got many gold rings and dozens of gold necklaces and ran away. 在这个时候,一个强盗闯入珠宝店抢了许多金戒指和数十金项链和跑了。 17. In the carriage he still was depressively in the mood of listening to Robber Zhi`s moralistic. His eyesight was dispersed and face was pasty. 上了车精神还是停留在听盗跖教训的沮丧情绪之中,目光散涣、脸如死灰,沿途恍恍惚惚地手中的辔就掉了三次。 18. To be swayed by one`s emotion is as a hand reaching out. It is possible to be broken when arm reaches out of bus window. Arm reaches too straight to be flexible and to exert its strength. When it reaches into an unknown space, it is possible to be burnt, to be scratched or to be cut. When it reaches to the place that it should not, it is possible to be sued for sex harassment. When it reaches out to take something not belonging to him, it is possible to be sued for thief or robber. 感情用事就像是一只伸出去的手;将手伸出车窗外会有被撞断的危险;而一只伸得太直的手,既没有弹性也发挥不出力量来;伸到一个自己不熟悉的空间里,则将有被烫伤、刮伤、以及砍伤的危险;伸出去碰触不该触及的地方,则有被控告性侵害的可能;伸出去拿不该拿的东西,等同盗贼。 19. I thought this was perhaps a little dramatic, but Bernard seemed convinced that robber bands were lurking close by, waiting only for us to go to the village butcher before swooping down in a pantechnicon to pick the house bare. 我想,这是不是有点太夸张了?可是贝纳好像坚信一伙劫匪正在附近窥视,只待我们一出门上村里买肉,就要猛扑过来,将屋里洗劫一空。 20. And haunted as a robber-path through wildemess or wood; for might and right, and woe and wrath, between our spirits stood 像盗匪迭出的小径,越过荒野,穿过树林。强权和公理,哀伤和愤怒,使我们的心灵两离分 robber 词典解释 1. 强盗;盗贼;抢劫犯 A robber is someone who steals money or property from a bank, a shop, or a vehicle, often by using force or threats. robber的反义词 e.g. Armed robbers broke into a jeweller's through a hole in the wall. 持械抢劫者通过墙上的一个洞闯进了一家珠宝店。 robber 单语例句 1. An alleged robber was caught after a 500 m chase when he threw up from exhaustion. 2. As other bystanders were tackling a thief, a man tried to pocket a stolen necklace the robber had dropped in the confusion. 3. Qiao testified the robber approached her as she transferred money between accounts at the teller No 1 counter after her work shift. 4. She chased the thief to a crossroads where an elderly man told her that the robber had turned into another road. 5. The man chased the robber on foot for more than a kilometer till they reached a dead end. 6. A taxi driver in Chongqing municipality managed to detain a robber with the help of fellow cabbies last Tuesday. 7. After a bank is robbed, do you ask the bank's consent to have the robber prosecuted? 8. Her neighbors took down the robber and handed him over to the police. 9. The robber fell down to the ground and was detained until being taken away by the police. 10. Du asks him to go to tell her father the news of her resurrection, but Du's father treats Liu as a grave robber and impostor. robber 英英释义 noun 1. a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence |
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