单词 | royal |
释义 | royal [英 [?r???l] 美 [?r???l] ] royal的意思、解释 复数形式:royals; royal 基本解释 形容词盛大的; 王国的,王室的; 高贵的,庄严的; 敕许的,敕定的 名词王室成员; [航海]顶桅帆 royal 相关例句 形容词 1. We were treated to a royal feast. 我们被招待享用豪华宴席。 2. Practice is the royal road to success when learning a language. 练习是学习语言的捷径。 3. The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations. 王族家庭由国王,王后以及他们的亲属组成。 4. The boss is being in royal spirits right now. 此刻,老板情绪极好。 royal 情景对话 打对方付费电话 A:This is the Royal Hotel operator, can I help you? 我是皇家饭店的接线员,能为您效劳吗? royal什么意思 B:Hello. I would like to make a collect call, please. 你好。我想打一个对方付费的电话。 A:What is your name, and where are you now, please? 请问您的姓名及地点? B:This is Tom, Li in China. 汤姆;我叫汤姆。 李,在中国。 A:Whats the extension number? 您要打的分机号是多少? royal B:The number is 245. 分机号是245。 A:May I speak to Mr. Janson, please? 我能和詹森先生通话吗? C:Speaking. 请讲。 royal的翻译 A:This is hotel operator. I have a collect call from Mr. Tom, Li in China. Will you accept the charge? 我是饭店的接线员。这有一个在中国的汤姆。李打来的对方付费电话。您同意付费吗? royal的反义词 C:Yes, of course. Im waiting for his call. 当然,我正等着他的电话呢。 royal是什么意思 A:Hello, Mr. Li, are you here? 您好,李先生,您还在吗? B:Yes, I am. 是的。 A:I will put the call through for you now. 我马上为您接通电话。 royal 网络解释 1. 王室:主题: *穗-宝-床-垫*王室(royal)----舒适型- 康雅系列/王妃(princess)五区系列----纯雅系列(五区)/ 王公(maharaja)护脊型----梦巴黎系列/王储----双面(软硬)型 –南国之春 超低价格优惠,厂家送货上门,并提供质保卡, 2. 罗亚尔:本厂位于安达卢西亚区(Andalucia, 这里的橄榄油产量占西班牙总产量的75%)哈恩省(Jaen)西古拉国家自然公园内, 所栽培的树种有闻名于世的皮夸尔(Picual), 科尼卡布拉(Cornicabra)和罗亚尔(Royal)三种, 本厂只生产特级初榨这一个级别的橄榄油, 3. 皇室:属第二等 3.贵族(nobility) 属第三等 宇宙之星在德国已被规类为 新物种 新品系 血统犹如黑白中的皇冠或太空 有过之而无不及 45~60天内龟壳纹褪除 转述嘉义佑升 阿仁老板 宇宙之星(Universe)售价为 1.皇室(ROYAL)一只120万 2. royal 双语例句 1. Now this job is under developing, and we will share the design sucsess of Hubao Royal Palace with you all in coming Oct. 目前该项目景观设计正在进行,大概今年的10月份我们将会和大家共同分享虎豹郡王府的设计成果。 2. 2. It`s our great honor that Hubao Royal Palace choose Belt Collins as his cooperater. 这次虎豹郡王府能够选择与贝尔高林合作,让我们感到十分的荣幸。 3. 3. She also performed in the Royal Command Variety Performance at the London Paladium when she turned 13 years old. 她13岁时还参加伦敦皇家宫廷节目的演出。 4. 4. The Wolves spent most of 3058 recovering from the Refusal War and beginning to put down roots on Arc-Royal. 3058年是被放逐的狼氏族在ARDC扎根并开始从Refusal War(这个请参考众强翻译的狼族历史)的损失中恢复的一年。 5. He was an original member of the Royal Shakes... 他是一个原始的成员,皇家摇了摇。。。 6. royal的反义词 6. As you knew few words when you first came to Royal Oak Primary, but now you bit almost all your classmates and win the chance to make your speech in front of all of us. 因为你刚到皇家橡树小学的时候知道的单词没有几个,可现在你战胜了你们班上几乎所有的同学,获得在我们所有人面前演讲的机会。 7. 7. However, I think it is still very important to respect the wishes of the crown prince and the Akishinonomiya family supporting him when it comes to the future existence of the royal family. 不过对於未来皇室的存在,我认为尊重皇太子以及在其后支持的秋篠宫的想法仍是相当重要的。 8. Together (she is a poor waif, a child of shame, yours and mine and of all for a bare shilling and her luckpenny), together they hear the heavy tread of the watch as two raincaped shadows pass the new royal university. 彼与伊在一道(可怜,伊无家可归,系私生女,只付一先令与一便士吉利钱,便属于汝,属于吾,属于众人),当两名夜警头戴雨帽之阴影路过新修建的皇家大学时,彼等一道倾听其沉重脚步声。 9. A8 music depends on China the biggest achieve musical platform formerly, climb successively in the consequence of domestic music domain in recent years litre, a8 music achieves platform to already had more than 60 thousand to start musical work formerly up to now formerly, have nearly 10000 many start musical person formerly, held 3 dimensions continuously royal start musical contest formerly, and at 8 years in June with home concept of first network music in Hong Kong advocate board appear on the market successfully. A8音乐凭借中国最大的原创音乐平台,近年来在国内音乐领域的影响力节节攀升,A8音乐原创平台截至目前已拥有超过6万首原创音乐作品,有近10000多个原创音乐人,连续举办了三届规模盛大的原创音乐大赛,并于08年6月以国内首只网路音乐概念股在香港主板成功上市。 10. Chin-specific term for this is that Royal is the meaning of the end here. 钦此就是皇家专用名词,就是到这里结束的意思。 11. 11. While another, compared with pairs of yellow rosewood Royal couch Alice head design, head slightly higher, raglan straight legs, the side pin account, the central one is engraved Shui tooth pattern, with relief commensurate with the first teeth, fence-style engraved Shui for the screen pattern, surface texture ranging from massage couch surface and plane between the production process expressed its precious. 而另一款黄花梨木贵妃榻则为双翘头设计,头部稍高,插肩直腿,侧面有管脚帐,中部牙条是透雕拐纹、牙头以浮雕相称,围栏为屏风式透雕拐纹,榻面纹理介于按摩面和平面之间,制作工艺明示了它的珍贵。 12. This king had taken her prisoner with her little brother in a war, but, finding her very beautiful and of royal blood, he adopted her. 这位国王在一场战争中俘虏了她和她的弟弟。可他发现拉蒂恭德十分美丽,而且有王室血统,就将她收养了。 13. royal在线翻译 13. When it was rumoured that a a member of the royal family would be serving there, I prayed that they wouldn't as, with a high profile. 我的儿子是。。。但有传言说一位皇室家族成员将会在他们那服役。我祈祷他们别去。因为,他们高调。。 14. royal 14. Sandringham House is set in sixty acres of glorious gardens, perhaps the finest of all the Royal gardens. 桑德灵厄姆家中设置六零英亩的光彩照人的花园,也许是最好的所有的皇家花园。 15. The Station was use up until the late sixties solely by the royal family when going to Sandringham house for their holiday. 该站使用,直到60年代末完全由王室前往桑德时,房子的假期。 16. The 58-year-old duchess also took part in Saturday's celebrations at Sandringham House, in eastern England, where the royal family gathers each year. 这位58岁的公爵夫人还参加了圣诞前夕在英国东部桑德灵汉姆宫举行的庆祝活动。每年圣诞节,王室成员都会在此聚会。 17. Her other two residences, Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle, are the Royal Family's private homes. 她的另外兩棟宅邸則是皇室的私人住宅,分別是桑德林漢姆別墅及巴爾莫勒爾堡(Balmoral Castle 18. 18. Lying on the natural peninsula that converged by Sanya river and Dadong sea, nearby the mountain and the sea, the east is the Dadong sea, the south is the south sea, the west is the Sanya bay, face to The Love Hill-Luhuitou Park. The kilometers of coastline, with China's unique tropical marine resources, are all belong to the marina region of Sanya Visun Royal Yacht Club. 其依山源水而建,东临大东海海洋景区,南靠南边海,西沿三亚湾,并与情人山鹿回头隔河相望,沿半岛的千米河岸均属于鸿洲国际游艇会码头区域,拥有中国绝无仅有的热带海洋资源及配套资源。 19. How to use: After wash your face with clean water, drop the mask paper into Royal jelly, and than unfolded the mask paper, apply it on your face, press it gently to drive the air away until it clings to your face. Take the mask away after 20-30 minutes. Wait for the remained juice taken in completely by the skin, and then wash your face. 使用方法:用水洗净脸部肌肤后,将面膜浸入鲜蜂王浆中,然后将面膜展开敷于面部,轻轻按压,使其与面部紧贴。20-30分钟后揭去,待面部余留精华液干后,用清水洗净,立现白皙光滑肌肤。 20. royal的近义词 20. Wat Arun was restored during the brief Thonburi period to be the Royal Chapel of King Taksin. 在大城时代,该寺院不过是一个被称为玛科窟的寺院;同部利王朝时期,塔可欣国王将佛晓寺定为祭祀翡翠佛塔的最高级寺院;国王去世后,查库里王朝成立,最高级寺院和翡翠佛像都被转移到了玉佛寺。 royal 词典解释 1. 国王的;女王的;王室的;皇室的 Royal is used to indicate that something is connected with a king, queen, or emperor, or their family. A royal person is a king, queen, or emperor, or a member of their family. e.g. ...an invitation to a royal garden party. 参加皇家游园会的邀请 e.g. ...the Japanese royal couple, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. 明仁天皇和美智子皇后这对日本皇室夫妇 2. (用于机构或组织名称)皇家的 Royal is used in the names of institutions or organizations that are officially appointed or supported by a member of a royal family. e.g. ...the Royal Academy of Music. 皇家音乐学院 e.g. ...several pilots of the Royal Navy's 846 Squadron. 皇家海军846中队的几个领航员 3. 王室成员;皇族 Members of the royal family are sometimes referred to as royals . royal的反义词 e.g. The royals have always been patrons of charities pulling in large donations. 王室成员一向热心慈善事业,捐资数目巨大。 royal 单语例句royal是什么意思 1. The former butler is now publishing a book entitled " A Royal Duty " in which some of the letters are included. 2. But a string of other big names fell by the wayside at windswept Royal St George's. 3. The day trip is led by an expert who will share the folklore and history of the tombs and their royal inhabitants. 4. The atmosphere at the Royal Bafokeng stadium was dulled by the thousands of empty seats. 5. The Japanese were mesmerized by the magnificent view of the Chinese royal palace, and the delicacy of the court life. 6. Royal carriages drawn by mounted troops of the Household Calvary will roll to the palace in a sweeping procession under fluttering rows of Union Jacks. 7. Both servicemen wore camouflage fatigues with a Royal Navy label on their chests and a little British flag stitched to their left sleeves. 8. I thought she looked absolutely beautiful, there's no bride that can top a royal wedding. 9. This canon is given fuller majesty on the stages of the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company. 10. It preferred to continue reaping the brand benefits of a royal on active service. royal的反义词royal 英英释义 noun 1. stag with antlers of 12 or more branches Synonym: royal stag 2. a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast adj 1. invested with royal power as symbolized by a crown e.g. the royal (or crowned) heads of Europe 2. belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler e.g. golden age of imperial splendor purple tyrant regal attire treated with royal acclaim the royal carriage of a stag's head Synonym: imperialmajesticpurpleregal 3. being of the rank of a monarch e.g. of royal ancestry princes of the blood royal 4. of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch e.g. the royal party the royal crest by royal decree a royal visit 5. established or chartered or authorized by royalty e.g. the Royal Society |
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