单词 | incorrect |
释义 | incorrect [英 [??nk??rekt] 美 [??nk??r?kt] ] incorrect的意思、解释 incorrect 基本解释 形容词不正确的; 错误的; 不能接受的; (说话或举止)不合规矩的 incorrect什么意思 incorrect 同义词 incorrect的解释 形容词wrongimproperinaccuratefaulty incorrect 反义词 形容词correct incorrect是什么意思 incorrect 相关例句 形容词 1. incorrect什么意思 1. The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the accident. 报纸对那起事故作了失实的报导。 incorrect 网络解释 1. 1. 不正确:假如启动TLS扩展请求没有成功,resultCode(值)将为下面中的一个: operationsError(操作序列不正确(incorrect例如,TLS已经建立) protocolError(TLS不被支持或者不正确的PDU结构) referral(这个服务程序没有做TLS, 2. 错误的:在图9中我们找到几个限定符:错误的(incorrect)、丢失的(missing)以及外来的(extraneous). 丢失的表明代码本应在那现在却不在. 错误的表明代码存在,但是编写得不正确. 在这个案例中,由于我们已经找到了很多带有分配类型和运算法则类型的不正确的代码, 3. incorrect的意思 3. 不正确的:in settlement of 解决 | incorrect 不正确的 | Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 4. incorrect 4. 錯嘜頭:4、 POOR SHAPED成型不良 | 1、 INCORRECT錯嘜頭 | 2、 MISSING欠嘜頭 incorrect 双语例句 1. 1. You blew me off for a piece of politically incorrect meat? 你为了一块不识时务的牛肉放我鸽子? 2. You have entered an incorrect authorization code. 您已输入了不正确的授权码。 3. incorrect什么意思 3. Nicely of Lynchburg College traced an unexpected result from one of his experiments to an incorrect answer by a division problem solved on his Pentium PC. R?莱斯利博士,在他的一个是实验里发现了一个意外的结果,他跟踪到这个结果根源于一个错误的除法运算,而此时他用的平台正好是奔腾个人电脑。 4. Understand that any untrue, incorrect and incom plete information in this form and the documents 我/我们明白此表格和所呈文件有任何实、正确和完整的资 5. That's what I love about Roald Dahl on downwards -- all children's literature is somewhat politically incorrect. 这是我爱罗阿尔德·达尔的原因---所有的儿童文学作品某些地方都需要原则正确的。 6. The aim of the new regulation is to ensure that incorrect levels of vitamins or blatantly wrong ingredients do not show up in the products. 实施新规定的目的是确保这类产品中不会出现维生素含量不合要求或者掺入错误成分的现象。 7. incorrect的翻译 7. For if one may forge a theory of the cycle with little or no relation to general economics, then general economics must be incorrect, failing as it does to account for such a vital economic phenomenon. 然而如果有人能建立起一套多少与一般经济学有些关系的循环理论来,那么一般经济学必将陷入谬误,因为它在如此重要的经济现象面前大失水准。 8. 8. Your information is incorrect, please again. 您的信息错误,请重新输入 9. incorrect 9. Eat cow`s milk may be a result of feeding posture is incorrect or improperly positioned to form a bottle of mandibular protrusion or retrusion. 吃牛奶的婴儿,可因吃奶姿势不正确或奶瓶位置不当而形成下颌前突或后缩。 10. Some people sad when Kuangchi snacks or non-stop work, I think this is incorrect. 有些人伤心时会狂吃零食或不停地工作,我认为这是不正确的。 11. The e-mail address you have specified is incorrect. Please check the format and enter a correct e-mail address. 您指定的电子邮件地址不正确,请检查格式并输入正确的电子邮件地址。 12. Whether if you vs. of she totally it agree, she then will 258 ten thousand picture if disagree you, Show you understand if you make what atmosphere control very much romantic at all then, You will certainly love veteran if, you at all enough ripe if you go and let she often too then, She will feel irritated and oily but if you go and look for she, she will blame if any of generals wearing it you cheat emotional you of she, She will say that you are that what the play-boy wore is a bit more tattered, then you are a stolid fellow if you are jealous, She will it says to be incorrect like this but if totally jealous you, she again can think you like she you if you attempt and flirt to her at all, She will think you respect she but if well-behaved you, she again can think you like if she you come late one minute, She will complain if oneself late she how tired and more bitterly does it wait for, she will say girl it dates late to be natural if you go and look for friend of you, She will say if your picture copycat is her, she will talk about " oh, this is very natural, Girl " if you kiss she quickly, she will very much cold and detached if you kiss too much to say you everywhere like this, She will yell that you ate her bean curd if you have not looked after her while crossing the road, You lack morals if you look after she cross the road, she again can say this whether if trick you of man stare at a certain woman carefully then, She will criticize you to flirt and stare at to girl student she think other man everywhere, She will say that they will just appreciate if you speak with her, she hopes that it is all right that so long as you listen to if you only listen attentively to, She you speak with her again Man has seen that may say: Fly to the sky, you create take these name to have simple and complicated and weaker so living beingses woman, But so intrepid to let people angry and Cupid, please tell me should how make. 是否如果你对她全部它同意,268,000 将然后想象如果不同意你的她,让看如果那时你确实做非常浪漫的空气控制的,你理解,你当然将爱老战士,如果,你确实足够成熟你去被让她也那时经常,她感到将激怒和油性但是如果你去寻找她,她责备将如果将军中任何人穿它你骗取易激动你她,她将说你是花花公子穿的是有点多变得破烂,然后如果你妒忌,你是一个不易激动的人,她将错误象这样但是如果全部妒忌你说,再次的她认为能你喜欢她你你试图并且确实给她调情,她认为将,你尊重她但是如果行为端正你,她再次认为能你喜欢如果她你为一分钟晚来,她抱怨将如果自己后她多疲倦和更极其做它等,她将说女孩日期是自然的后期你去寻找你的朋友,她将说是否你的照片盲目模仿者是她,她将谈论"噢,这非常自然,女孩"如果你吻她迅速,她将很多冷和分开你吻那么多不会象这样到处说你,她将号叫如果你在穿过道路时没照看她,你吃她的豆腐,你缺乏品行你照看如果她穿过道路,再次的她说能这是否如果计谋你人那时仔细注视一定妇女,她将批评你调情并且对她到处认为其他男人的女生注视,她将说他们将感激是否你与她谈话,她希望它好那,只要你听是否你只注意听,她你再次与她讲男人已经看见那可以说:飞往天空,你创造花费这些个名字喝简单和错综复杂和更弱的如此活着的生物妇女,但是如此无畏忿怒和丘比特,请我怎样挣。 13. incorrect 13. Someone who doesn't have priviledge notices that an image tag is incorrect. They suggest an ammendment, which can be accepted or rejected by a user with sufficient priviledge. 不具足够权限的其他人如果看到某个图片标记不正确,就可以提出要求修改,然后具有足够权限的用户可以对修改请求作出决定。 14. incorrect 14. This paper analyzes some practical cases of mal-operation of ground protection of power plant auxiliary equipment and then points out that the main reason resulting in mal-operation is incorrect grounding of shield cable and ground wire. 叙述了大型发电厂10 kV及以下厂用电系统中性点接地的几种方式,分析了作用于跳闸的接地保护在运行中几次误动的原因,同时,强调了零序电流互感器及电缆接地线在安装时应注意的事项。 15. incorrect 15. Too high set tails tell one the dog either has an incorrect slope of the hip girdle, or a too short back or both. 如果尾根过高,就说明这个狗狗要不就是有错误的臀部腰部角度曲线,要不就是背部太短,或者两者皆有。 16. Basic Grammar: When editing for basic grammar, we correct such problems as faulty subject-verb agreement, bad verb tense, wrong use of articles, and incorrect word choice. 我们的编辑人员是在国外高校任教的老师,他们了解亚洲学生写作风格,清楚亚洲学生想要表达什么。 17. As for racon, which one is incorrect. 答案:D关于雷达信标,下列哪项是不正确的? 18. 18. Therefore, the goal of this work is to overcome the problem of incorrect state and error propagation at the decoder. 因此我们的首要目标就是要解决在解码器的异常状态和误差传播的问题。 19. Judiciary had invited Sandy Litvack of lawyer of senior antitrust major to be adviser, this makes clear, even if it is incorrect trade this put forward to sue, also can undertake be investigated deep and study to law case at least. 司法部已经聘请了资深反垄断专业律师Sandy Litvack为顾问,这表明,即便它不对这项交易提出起诉,至少也会对案子进行深入地调查和研究。 20. incorrect 20. Increased the requisition cost of Hormagaunt cost to 300; previously it was 240 both numbers were incorrect 增加角虫的钱成本到 300,之前列成 240 两个数字都是错误 incorrect 词典解释 1. 不正确的;错误的;不真实的 Something that is incorrect is wrong and untrue. e.g. He denied that his evidence about the telephone call was incorrect... 他否认自己关于电话的证词是虚假的。 e.g. People often have incorrect information about food. 人们对食物经常会有不正确的认识。 incorrectly The magazine suggested incorrectly that he was planning to retire. 该杂志错误地暗示他正打算退休。 2. 不适当的;不合适的 Something that is incorrect is not the thing that is required or is most suitable in a particular situation. incorrect的反义词 e.g. ...injuries caused by incorrect posture. 由不当姿势造成的损伤 e.g. ...incorrect diet. 不当的饮食 incorrectly He was told that the doors had been fitted incorrectly. 他被告知房门安装不当。incorrect 单语例句incorrect的意思 1. Retail analysts say that foreign producers have largely misread the buying habits of urban consumers, leading to the incorrect positioning of their products. 2. While it is reasonable to admit that there are certain criteria of market economy, it is incorrect to rigidly apply such criteria in an arbitrary way. 3. The society issued a report last year that blamed the levee failures on poor design and the Corps'use of incorrect engineering data. 4. Government agents hiding their identity would'correct'any opinions the government finds'incorrect'by planting information favorable to the position of the government. 5. A paper published in the journal Eos in 2004 reveals that the " agreement " was the result of " incorrect handling of the physical data ". 6. This could have resulted in a penalty stroke and possible disqualification for signing an incorrect scorecard. 7. Even a simple typo or an incorrect rank is disrespectful, she says. 8. It is against the WTO rules and relies on incorrect evaluation methodology and uses double standards for investigation. 9. But the encyclopaedic wiping paper provides the incorrect answer to least one of its own questions. 10. A family may have moved and not told the Army, listed information may be incorrect or the soldier may be estranged from relatives. incorrect |
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