单词 | indemnify |
释义 | indemnify [英 [?n?demn?fa?] 美 [?n?d?mn??fa?] ] indemnify的意思、解释 过去式:indemnified; 过去分词:indemnified; 现在分词:indemnifying; indemnify 基本解释 indemnify的反义词 及物动词补偿; 保障; 保护; 使免于受罚 indemnify 网络解释 1. 保护:保费 premium | 保护 indemnify | 保健服务health care services 2. 2. 弥偿:indebtedness 负债;债项;负债额 | indemnify 弥偿 | indemnity 弥偿;弥偿保证 3. 赔偿:incorporate设立 | indemnify赔偿 | independent 独立的 indemnify 双语例句 1. indemnify的意思 1. C. A party instructing another party to perform services shall be bound by and liable to indemnify the instructed party against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages. 一方指示另一方去履行服务,指示方应受到被指示方的法律和惯例所加于的一切义务和责任的制约,并承担赔偿的责任。 2. 2. A party instructing another party to perform services shall be bound by and liable to indemnify the instructed party against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages. 一方指示另一方去履行服务,指示方应受到外国法律和惯例施加给被指示方的一切义务和责任的制约,并应就有关义务和责任对受托方承担赔偿责任。 3. Article 237 The insurer shall indemnify the insured promptly after the loss from a peril insured against has occurred. 第二百三十七条发生保险事故造成损失后,保险人应当及时向被保险人支付保险赔偿。 4. The Company shall, subject to these conditions, be liable to indemnify the Insured for any damage to the outside surface of the Nuclear Reactor biological shield or its primary cooling circuit and/or any of the property detailed in the Specification situated outside thereof, due to Radioactive Contaminationoccasioned by or happening through any accidental escape of radioactivity from the said Nuclear Reactor or from any nuclear fuel which is on the site but is not within the Nuclear Reactor. 由於核子反应器或已离开核子反应器置存於厂区内之核燃料,发生意外辐射外泄所致核子反应器生物屏障层之外表或主要冷却回路,以及装置於核子反应器外并於本保险契约投保明细中所载之保险标的物遭辐射污染之损失,本公司依本保险契约之规定,对被保险人负赔偿责任。 5. Yahoo! and Alibaba have agreed to indemnify one another post-closing for breaches of their respective representations, warranties and covenants subject to the limitations set forth in the agreement. 就违背协议中双方各自的阐述、保证和契约所约定的限制条款,Yahoo和阿里巴巴已经签订了相应的赔偿条款。 6. indemnify是什么意思 6. To indemnify you and hold you harmless in respect of any liability, loss or damages of whatsoever nature which you may sustain by reason of shipping the goods back in accordance with our request. 贵司根据我司要求回运货物而产生的货物灭失、损害及任何赔偿责任均由我司承担。 7. indemnify是什么意思 7. Lawspirit will defend any claim brought against you alleging that the Products infringe a patent or copyright in your jurisdiction, and will indemnify you against all damages and costs finally awarded against you Lawspirit将抗辩对您提起的、指控产品侵犯了您所在司法管辖地的某项专利或版权的任何索赔,并将赔偿您在最终裁定中所受的所有损害和费用 8. Your Texas auto insurance policy must indemnify the injured party for any bodily injuries they may substain in the accident. 您的得克萨斯州汽车保险政策,必须予以赔偿受害方的任何身体伤害,他们可能substain在该宗意外。 9. 10 A student shall indemnify the institute for any loss or damages accurred as a result of his/her negligence or willful misconduct. 学生因对其自身的疏忽或错误行为而给学院造成的任何损失负赔偿责任。 10. WE FURTHER AGREE TO MAKE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO OBTAIN AND SURRENDER TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THE FULL SET ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING AND OTHER SHIPPING DOCUMENTS, AND TO PROTECT, INDEMNIFY AND SAVE YOU HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH YOU MAY SUFFER BY THE REASON OF THE ORIGINALS BILL OF LADING AND OTHER SHIPPING DOCUMENTS REMAINING OUTSTANDING, OR BREACH OF THE WARRANTIES GIVEN ABOVE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY CLAIMS AND DEMANDS WHICH MAY BE MADE BY A HOLDER OR TRANSFEREE OF THE ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING AND OTHER USUAL SHIPPING DOCUMENTS, OR BY ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN OR LIEN ON THE CARGO OR PROCEEDS THEREOF. 我们同意进一步做所有合理的努力获得和向您尽快投降全套原始的提货单和其它托运文件,和保护,保障和之外您无害从和反对任何和所有损伤,费用和您可以遭受由原物提货单原因和其它托运文件余留卓著的费用,或保单的突破口被给在包括之上,但没限制对所有要求和要求哪也许由囤户做或原始的提货单的受让人和其它通常托运文件,或由其他第三方要求兴趣或先得权在货物或收益因此。 11. The subscriber agrees, by accepting this email newsletter subscription, to indemnify the publisher against false accusations of spam to include, but not limited to, payment of all damages, loss of web hosting fees and services, all damages for loss of business and goodwill, and any and all fees or fines that may be imposed against the publisher by any federal, state, local authority or civilian business entity as a result of the false spam accusation. "用户同意接受这项收费电子邮件通讯,契诺出版商反对诬告垃圾邮件包括但不限于一切损害赔偿金、网上申办服务费损失,全部赔偿营业损失和善意,而凡是收费或罚款,可以施加任何反对联邦出版社、国家当地主管部门或民间企业实体由于滥发虚假指控。 12. If the delay of performance is ascribed to Party A, the Party A shall undertake to indemnify the relevant losses. 若因甲方原因造成工作的延误,将由甲方承担相应的损失赔偿。 13. indemnify的翻译 13. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Customer from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, judgments, awards, costs, fees, and expenses, including all incidental and consequential damages (including, but not limited to, attorneys'fees and costs of investigation) incurred by Customer resulting from or relating to any claim, notice, allegation, complaint, demand, action, lawsuit, investigation, proceeding, or other process or procedure of any kind (including, but not limited to, those based in whole or part on negligence, product liability, willful misconduct, breach of express or implied warranties, strict liability, deceptive or unfair trade practices, advertising liability, governmental statute or regulation, and the like) between Customer and any third party, parties or any other entity and caused by, arising out of or in any way resulting from the goods, materials, products, or services provided, shipped, furnished or delivered or services performed by Contractor to, for, or on behalf of Customer. 如客户遭受了其和任何第三方、多方或任何其他主体之间的任何权利请求、通知、主张、控诉、命令、行动、诉讼、调查、法律程序或任何种类的其他程序(包括但不限于那些全部或部分基于过失、产品责任、故意违法行为、对明示或暗示保证的违反、严格责任、欺骗或不公平的交易实践、广告责任、政府规章或制度以及类似的其他程序)所造成或与之相关的任何和所有责任、损失、损害赔偿、判决、裁决、成本、费用和支出,包括所有附带和结果性损害(包括但不限于律师费及调查费用),且上述责任、损失、损害赔偿、判决、裁决、成本、费用和支出由承包商向、为或代表客户提供、运输、供应或交付的货物、原材料、产品、服务或履行的服务所造成或以任何方式所产生,承包商同意在法律许可的最大范围内,对客户进行补偿,使其免受损害。 14. indemnify的意思 14. The Insurers will indemnify the Insured in respect of physical loss of or damage to the Insured Property described in the Schedule arising during the Period of Insurance from any cause whatsoever other than as hereinafter provided whilst at the site of the Project Insured or whilst in transit within the Territorial Limits specified in the Schedule. 保险人将赔偿被保险人保险期间在施工工地内或明细表规定的地域范围内运输时发生的、本保险单明细表载明的被保险财产因任何未被本保险单除外的原因造成的物质损失。保险人的最大责任将不超过明细表载明的保险金额或其他在本保险期间通过附加契约变更的金额,但按下述规定恢复的保额不在此限 15. This transport will be insured in full for accidental damage liability or the Organiser will indemnify the Jury and Steward in respect of such losses. 这项交通工具应投保意外损坏赔偿责任全险,或主办单位将赔偿评审团队及筹办人该等损失。 16. This transport will be insured in full for accidental damage liability or the Organiser will indemnify the Jury and Steward in respect of such costs. 这项交通工具应投保意外损坏赔偿责任全险,或主办单位将赔偿评审团队及筹办人该等费用。 17. indemnify的近义词 17. If upon the happening of any peril hereby insured resulting in actual or imminent loss or damage to the Insured Property, expenses are necessarily and reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the Insured in an attempt to prevent or minimize further loss or damage arising from that occurrence, or to allow execution of the project works to continue then the Insurers will (subject to the terms of this Section insofar as they can apply) indemnify the Insured in respect of such expenses. 如果在本保险承保的任何风险已造成或将造成被保险财产的损失时,被保险人或其代表为了降低或防止由这种事故造成的进一步的损失,或为了允许工程继续进行而产生的必要的合理的费用将由保险人承担。 18. Seller shall indemnify and defend Buyer from all liens and encumbrances arising out of the Work. 卖方应赔偿和维护所有优先权和抵押权所进行的工作买家。 19. Scheme design in linear constraint relations had a very few results which could be unable to indemnify the correctness. The author introduced the idea of scheme design in relational database and researched the data dependencies in constraint database. The multi-region existence dependency was given, and some of its inference rules were proposed and proved. It has been demonstrated that for linear order constraint relations, a lossless join decomposition of constraint scheme preserves if and only if variable set satisfies variable independence and multi-region existence dependency. 笔者借鉴关系数据库模式设计的一些思想,通过对线性序约束数据库中数据依赖的研究,提出了多区域存在依赖、分组多区域存在依赖和单区域存在依赖等几种依赖型,把这些数据依赖与变量独立相结合,分析和比较了结合后的结果与关系数据库中相应数据依赖以及其他研究者提出概念间的联系和差异。 20. Company was set up in 1997, as a high-tech enterprise with ability of reserch, development and manufacture, it was set up for limited company in 2006, and has passed ISO9001:2000 quality adminis-tration system certification. Company have professional works, excellent process equipments, perfect checkout apparatus, and produces all sorts of premanent magnetic chuch, electro magnetic chuch, rectiffication`s manipulator and magnetic removal with adwantages of advanced designment, long longevity, big suction and small remanence. The quality has passed the certification of China quality test association and China quality indemnify center. 公司成立于1997年,是一家集科研开发生产为一体的高科企业,2006年组建为有限公司,并通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,公司拥有专业的技术人员,精良的加工设备,完善的检测仪器,所生产的各种永磁吸盘、电磁吸盘、整流控制器、退磁器等磁性工具,具有设计先进、寿命长、吸力大、剩磁小等特点,质量通过中国质量检验协会,中国质量保障中心认证。 indemnify 词典解释 1. 保证赔偿 To indemnify someone against something bad happening means to promise to protect them, especially financially, if it happens. e.g. They agreed to indemnify the taxpayers against any loss... 他们同意补偿纳税人的任何损失。 e.g. The printers were indemnified against legal action... 印刷商获得保证,一旦受到起诉将会得到赔偿。 indemnify 单语例句indemnify是什么意思 1. Reinsurance companies agree to indemnify or pay damages to insurance companies should claims be filed, in what amounts to an insurance policy for the insurance companies themselves. indemnify 英英释义 verb 1. make amends for pay compensation for e.g. One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident Synonym: compensaterecompenserepair 2. secure against future loss, damage, or liability give security for e.g. This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness |
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