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单词 indication
    indication [英 [??nd??ke??n] 美 [??nd??ke??n] ]
    indication 基本解释
    名词指示; 表明; 标示; 象征
    indication 相关例句
    1. indication是什么意思
    1. This map gives no indication of the heights of the hills.
    2. indication的意思
    2. The speedometer indication was 45 miles.
    3. Did he give you any indication of his feelings?
    4. There are indications that the weather is changing.
    indication 网络解释
    1. indication的意思
    1. 迹象:安全事件的征兆可以分为两类:迹象(indication)和前兆(precursor). 前兆是指未来可能发生的安全事件的征兆,而迹象是指已经发生或正在发生的安全事件的征兆. 迹象的种类太多,以至于无法一一介绍,以下是其中一些例子:
    2. 适应症:兽医药理学运用动物生理学、生物化学、兽医病理学、兽医微生物学和免疫学等基础理论和知识,阐明兽药的作用原理、主要适应症(indication)和禁忌症(contraindication),为兽医临床合理用药提供理论基础.
    3. indication的近义词
    3. 指征:那么,对于构成实际行为之基础的力量来说,其指征(indication)达到多大的程度呢?如果读者还记得本书的开头部分,则他将会想起,我们并没有把它作为充分的指征而接受下来. 在第二章里(见边码P.50),我们讨论了活动的类型,
    4. indication:ind; 象征
    indication 双语例句
    1. I have no indication of his decision.
    2. Abstract] Objective To investigate anus sphincter preserved surgical method and indication for low rectal cancer.
    目的 探讨低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌功能的手术方法和手术适应证。
    3. With procedures design of the elevator control system can achieve the elevator door's opening and closing control, and the elevater's indication under the call, moving from top to bottom, starting-up, delay closed, Ping layer, opening the door, making signals in the queue, close to the escalator and alarming control under the mode of the elevator's operation mode.
    4. Indication property of protoporphyrin IX to the growth of gastric cancer in laser-induced autofluorescence spectra.
    5. In fact, from the second half of last year, domestic has initial emerging indication of surplus refining capacity with economic crisis spreads quickly.
    6. indication在线翻译
    6. The key to all successful traffic engineering scheme is that the visual cues provided by the road must give a clear indication to users of who has priority.
    7. indication在线翻译
    7. Was this murder the first indication that the Emperor would putup with no more moves towards democracy in the city?
    8. indication
    8. I see to reason to delay letting you know about the status of your application, and I hope this early indication will ease your mind'a bit.
    9. indication
    9. I saw him a few days before he passed away, and I had no indication from him that anything was wrong other than that he was exhausted, ''said Paul Raven, an English musician who played bass in Killing Joke and Prong.
    我在他死去之前的几天见过他,而且除了他很累以外我并没有发现他有任何异状。」保罗。拉文说,他是一个英国的乐团Killing Joke and Prong的贝斯手。
    10. indication
    10. Examples of such contradictionary move appeared many times: Sit on the table tailor-fashion and taught Bok commandingly, an indication of pride as well as an implication of sickness; Glancing back in the ruins enjoyably but staggeringly after sending back his favorite pupil, a description of contradiction between his physical and mental capability.
    11. Based on the principle of wax deposition, it is inferred that the wax will deposit on the internal surface of prover when ambient temperature and pipe wall temperature are low, which will influence the indication errors of flow.
    12. And choice is an indication of the lack of freedom...
    13. It is still an indication of violence.
    14. Results Sixty of 68 (88.24%) patients had the other sites infection prior to the occurrence of VE. The clinical manifestations were as follows: fever (60 cases, 100%), vomitting (48, 70.59%), headache (41, 60.29%), headache associated with abdominal pain (20, 29.41%), convulsion (23, 33.82%), continuous twitch (5, 7.35%), coma (3, 4.41%), mental symptoms (40, 58.82%), disturbance of consciousness (19, 27.94%), meningeal irritation syndromes associated with morbid indication (32, 47.06%), acroparalysis (3, 4.41%), aphasia (1, 1.47% 48 patients (70.59%) had abnormal CSF, 50 (73.53%) had abnormal electroencephalogram and 8 of 36 had abnormal CT scanning.
    结果 68例患儿中有60例(88.24%)病前有其他部位感染;其临床表现:均有发热,呕吐48例(70.59%),头痛41例(60.29%),头痛伴腹痛20例(29.41%),惊厥23例(33.82%),抽搐持续状态5例(7.35%),昏迷3例(4.41%),精神症状40例(58.82%),意识障碍19例(27.94%),合并脑膜刺激征和病理征32例(47.06%),肢体瘫痪3例(4.41%),失语1例(1.47%);脑脊液检查异常48例(70.59%),脑电图异常50例(73.53%),36例头颅CT平扫异常8例。
    15. Major products: all kinds of bases, supporters, sling wheel, swing yardstick, and such partition hardware as indication lock.
    16. E/R group acous to-optical alarm system is consisted of alarm column and alarmn relay box. Alarm column may be separated into three kinds:large light column, small light column and indication panel. Alarm signal may be indicated in alarm light column by corresponding symbol indicator light of international standard to general alarm, fire alarm, Co2 release, telephone call, telegraph and machinery alarm column etc. And they may be distinguished from large alarm column by different tonality of horn and rotating light, and make a sound in the small alarm light column and indication panel, for catch persons atention.
    17. All of these are the indication of the system`s value in Rationality.
    18. The cause death was postoperatively bleeding and tamponade in one case, apnoea after extubate in another case. conclusion:handling the operation indication and perform surgery with different methods in tof patients with different pathologic features is the key point of successful operation.
    19. If comparable sales are not available, current market indication of depreciated cost or the costs to acquire an existing property are the best reflections of market thinking and, thus, of market value.
    20. Then, writer discusses the relations between objective value parity, subjective value parity and purchasing power parity, and then points out the cause of crisis actually is result of moving of exchange rate towards parity (If without particular indication, it refers to objective value parity.).
    indication 词典解释
    1. 迹象;暗示
    An indication is a sign which suggests, for example, what people are thinking or feeling.
    e.g. All the indications are that we are going to receive reasonable support from abroad...
    e.g. He gave no indication that he was ready to compromise.
    indication 单语例句
    1. Stackhouse said that he may be able to rejoin Dallas within 30 days, an indication the Nets would buy out his contract.
    2. He said he had no indication his son would carry out such an act.
    3. There was no indication of what caused the ferry to capsize in what appeared to be ideal weather conditions.
    4. Milne said there was no indication of infections in domestic poultry, and no reason to believe the carcass had been partially eaten by a domestic animal.
    5. Wang and other analysts also reported rumors of an official indication from the government that no new measures were on the cards.
    6. Insiders believe the arrest of the three celebrated referees is an indication that the police have solid evidence of their involvement in match fixing.
    7. The price change are an indication of their fight for the control of resources.
    8. Ferguson has long believed the team's position at the turn of the year will be a good indication of its domestic title hopes.
    9. His artistic home in the quiet backyard of the Chilean embassy gives an indication of the artist in him.
    10. The circular was a clear indication that the central bank intends to tackle problems of sectors it deems having overly relaxed lending policies.
    indicationindication 英英释义
    1. a datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument
    e.g. he could not believe the meter reading
    the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm
    Synonym: readingmeter reading
    2. something (as a course of action) that is indicated as expedient or necessary
    e.g. there were indications that it was time to leave
    3. something that serves to indicate or suggest
    e.g. an indication of foul play
    indications of strain
    symptoms are the prime indicants of disease
    Synonym: indicant
    4. (medicine) a reason to prescribe a drug or perform a procedure
    e.g. the presence of bacterial infection was an indication for the use of antibiotics
    5. the act of indicating or pointing out by name
    Synonym: denotation




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