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单词 indifference
    indifference [英 [?n?d?fr?ns] 美 [?n?d?f?r?ns, -?d?fr?ns] ]
    indifference 基本解释
    名词冷淡; 不重视,不在乎,漠不关心; 中立,中性; 无差
    indifference 反义词
    indifference 相关例句
    1. This should not be a matter of indifference to you.
    2. He often treats me with indifference.
    indifference 网络解释
    1. 不关心:该段使用列举法,说明:①劣质服务的类型多样:从漠不关心(indifference)、粗俗无礼(rudeness)到不加掩饰的恶意(naked hostility)甚至身体暴力(physical violence).
    2. indifference的近义词
    2. 无差异:例如:许多顾客使用超过一种品牌的洗发精,且在最爱的二或三种品牌中循环使用,这就是无差异(indifference)的行为模式,代表顾客认为不同品牌间无差异,或不在意用什麼品牌.
    3. 淡漠:梦的运作不但把内容并且也把我思想的感情成分减低到淡漠(indifference)的程度. 可以这么说,梦的运作造成感情的压抑. 譬如说,那个关于植物学专论的梦(见第五章). 实际上的梦思是那想要依照自己选择去自由行动以及按照自己(只是我自己而已)认为是对的想法来导引我生命的冲动的感情要求.
    indifference 双语例句
    1. Till this is done, indifference, doubt, and, in the final issue, severe criticism, are them-selves proofs of a profound habit of thought. Our age is, in especial degree, the age of criticism, and to criticism everything must submit. Religion through its sanctity, and law-giving through its majesty, may seek to exempt themselves from it. But they then awaken just suspicion, and cannot claim the sincere respect which reason accords only to that which has been able to sustain the test of free and open examination.
    2. indifference的近义词
    2. Since independence, the people in Singapore have been suffering from political indifference.
    3. I am winding its gentle eyes, see your eye, where the wind around the depression, the cage on a quiet indifference.
    4. That, in essence, is the case for the outside world to feign indifference.
    5. He grew eccentric and misanthropical; he affected an utter indifference as to what became of him.
    6. She had obviously not heard anything to her advantage: and it seemed to me, from her prolonged fit of gloom and taciturnity, that she herself, notwithstanding her professed indifference, attached undue importance to whatever revelations had been made her
    7. Patients manifestate a series of symptoms such as dizziness, debility, indifference or dysphoria, ochrodermia, cold clammy limbs, superficial vein collapse, hypotension and urinary volume decrease.
    8. I rather think his appearance there was distasteful to catherine: she was not artful, never played the coquette, and had evidently an objection to her two friends meeting at all; for when heathcliff expressed contempt of linton in his presence, she could not half coincide, as she did in his absence; and when linton evinced disgust and antipathy to heathcliff, she dared not treat his sentiments with indifference, as if depreciation of her playmate were of scarcely any consequence to her
    9. If the Baron, however, had really meditated such an alliance, the indifference of Waverley would have been an insuperable bar to his project
    10. If the bar on, however, had really meditated such an alliance, the indifference of Waverley would have been an insuperable bar to his project
    11. indifference
    11. All this-- laws, prejudices, deeds, men, things--went and came above him, over his head, in accordance with the complicated and mysterious movement which God imparts to civilization, walking over him and crushing him with I know not what peacefulness in its cruelty and inexorability in its indifference.
    12. indifference的翻译
    12. When they entered a song in English at this year`s Eurovision song contest, it provoked wry amusement abroad, but indifference at home.
    13. They need more recognition, kindne and concern, not indifference, accusatio and exce ive demands.
    14. indifference什么意思
    14. When a certain degree of misery is reached, one is overpowered with a sort of spectral indifference, and one regards human beings as though they were spectres.
    15. Now I begin to regret my childishness, but distance makes indifference.
    16. There can be few parts of the world in which commercial greed and public indifference have combined to do more damage than they have here.
    17. And vicissitudes the old heart, is the excessive unfeeling, is the excessive indifference, is the excessive indifference.
    18. Abubakr and his teammates have to fight attempts to bar all Sudanese from the Games, as well as indifference and lack of resources in their own country.
    19. After the demand-supply curve being set up, a partial analysis is drawn into investor behavior with the conclusion that the profit maximizing portfolio is at the point where the investment budget line touches the investment indifference line, or, to be more exact, the topgallant investment bundle for any investor is when any pair of investment assets have the same marginal return.
    20. To a brokenheart silence is not indifference.
    indifference 词典解释
    1. 不感兴趣;不关心;冷淡
    If you accuse someone of indifference to something, you mean that they have a complete lack of interest in it.
    e.g. ...his callous indifference to the plight of his son.
    e.g. ...the prejudice and indifference which surround the Aids epidemic.
    indifference 单语例句
    1. He says many democratic countries are " showing callous indifference " to the threats posed by attacks on journalists.
    2. That indifference among people facing potential mortal danger proved to be one of the factors contributing to the high casualty count.
    3. The artists are all of different ages and generally adopt vivid color schemes, while monotones convey coolness and indifference.
    4. They did not conceal disappointment at the poor research environment and indifference to basic theoretical studies in this country.
    5. The arraigned man did not cooperate with Zhao because he was tired of enquiry procedures and showed his indifference to each question the prosecutor asked.
    6. The government and public were quick to criticize the indifference shown by those who passed by the injured girl without trying to help her.
    7. The cold indifference with which local residents greeted the victim's cry for help elicited strong condemnation throughout the nation.
    8. That is how we justify our indifference to the moral standards and principles that were once so dearly cherished.
    9. Such indifference on the part of the Japanese has therefore earned scornful derision from the other Asians.
    10. Lin always delivers a lecture enthusiastically but is often deflated by the indifference of the audience.
    indifference 英英释义
    1. the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally
    Synonym: apathynumbnessspiritlessness
    2. the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care
    a casual lack of concern
    Synonym: nonchalanceunconcern
    3. apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions
    Synonym: emotionlessnessimpassivityimpassivenessphlegmstolidityunemotionality
    4. unbiased impartial unconcern




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