单词 | individualism |
释义 | individualism [英 [??nd??v?d?u?l?z?m] 美 [??nd??v?d?u??l?z?m] ] individualism的意思、解释 复数形式:individualisms; individualism 基本解释 名词个人主义,利己主义; 自由放任主义; 个性,独特性; 不干涉主义 individualism 反义词 individualism 名词totalitarianism individualism 网络解释 1. 个性:银幕方向可以提示对立(antagonism)、个性(individualism)、冲突(conflict)等. 运动的画格可以表现变化、类似或差异,或与此相反的静态(stasis). 电影诞生伊始,像列夫.库里肖夫这样的电影理论家就一直努力了解人眼对于视觉刺激(visual stimuli)的反应. individualism 双语例句 1. The dissertation advances and clarifies the theory of dimension analysis that is regarded as a metatheoretical frame. By applying the theory, it comes to the conclusion that the methodological individualism is of restricted rationality. 在具体分析方法论个体主义所受整体主义等各类批评的基础上,本文在方法论元理论的层面上发展了维度分析的框架理论,并运用这一理论对方法论个体主义作出了局域合理性的评价。 2. In this dissertation, the late JING school literature is characterized by aesthetic utopianism. While pointing out that the late JING school literature shared in common with the early JING School literature the liberalist ideal, individualism of expression and the idea of literary representation, the dissertation is concerned primarily with the difference between the two. By clarifying the similarities and dissimilarities in the literary inclinations and the cultural stances of the two, it shows that there were two different patterns in the seemingly unified JING school, which came to form two innately different kinds of literary landscape. 在诸如自由主义文学理念、个人化文学表达方式和表现论文学观念等京派文学的共同特征之外,着眼于以周作人、废名等为代表的前期京派文学的趣味化与以沈从文、朱光潜等为代表的后期京派文学的审美乌托邦理念之间的差别,通过辨析他们在文学倾向和文化立场上的异同,较为清楚地看到在统一的京派文学中存在着两种不同的文学格局,形成了两种具有内在差异性的文学景观。 3. This is a manifestation of petty-bourgeois individualism. 这是小资产阶级个人主义的表现。 4. Third, the sub-culture prevails on the campus. The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own, many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism. 第三,%26ldquo;亚文化%26rdquo;在校园内大行其道,外来文化和网络文化十分盛行,其中有不少都是具有浓重的个人主义、自由主义色彩的文学、影视作品。 5. Wen Peng`s art is a product of China`s march towards modernization. Despite the government`s vain efforts to establish a new and idealized belief system, a spiritual void persist in a society burdened with a long history of an education system which treats students as robots and driven by individualism and the worship of money. 在中国现代化进程中,文鹏的行为作品的出现也是一种必然——在个人拜金主义盛行和长期工具理性教育下的社会,可供集体信仰的大文本已经名存实亡,尽管政府仍然在徒劳想建立一个新的理想主义的文本,只能是画饼充饥。 6. 6. The rise of individualism drives people to pleasure and freedom seeking without concerning for other`s feelings. 个人主义的兴起使人们都在追求个人的享乐和自由,而且毫不考虑别人的感受。 7. In the background, Chapter 3 discussed the movement that personality had stepped into independence since Enlightenment Movement, and pointed out, because of blazoning the human`s rationalism and subjectivity excessively, individualism had over-developed, the totality of personality had been cleared up in the unbalance ethical zoology, and human had stepped into reverse side of freedom in pursuit of it. 在这一背景下,本文第三章论述了启蒙运动以来人格的独立化运动,并指出,由于过分张扬人的理性与主体性,个人主义滥觞,人格的总体性在失衡的道德生态中被消解掉,人在追求自由的过程中走向了自由的反面。 8. individualism在线翻译 8. The contents of Chinese liberalism in the period of May 4th Movement is of great diversity, the core of which is the individualism as a style of Ibsenism. To achieve the ultimate purpose, Chinese liberalists in wusi period carry out a thorough anti-traditionalism; they criticize feudalism patriachal clan system thoughts; they pay close attention to women liberation. 五四自由主义的内容是多方面的,其核心是个人主义,主要表现为易卜生主义;为了终极的目的,中国五四时期的自由主义者采取了全盘的反传统主义;对以孔教为中心的封建伦理思想进行了否定;对中国封建宗法思想进行批判;对妇女解放给予关注。 9. Key words for a ONE Life-Path number are attainment, initiating action, independence, leadership and individualism. 径向数字是1的人生,关键词就是实现、开始行动、独立、领导地位和个人主义。 10. individualism 10. Individualism is manifested by the constant shift between individualism and organization standard in law through the extrusion, negation and partly-replacement of personal rights or power over various kinds of organizational rights or power. 他的个性为其`家族`所吞没了。……一个`家族`在事实上是一个法人,而他就是它的代表,或者我们甚至可以称他为是它的`公务员`。 11. Superficially, this kind of individualism is completely different from the traditional music. 这些纷呈各异的音乐形式之产生,与具有创造才能的音乐家是分不开的。 12. Individualism seems to be more and more important. 随着经济的发展,社会也在不断的进步。 13. Western romantic literature tide strengthen subjective spirit, individualism and critical consciousness, object ancient classic stereotype and suppress individual character, require individual liberation and absolute freedom of writing. 西方的浪漫主义文学思潮强调主观精神、个性主义和批判意识,反对古典主义的因袭陈规和压制个性,要求个性解放和绝对的创作自由。 14. 14. Summing up all the casual relationships of constructs above, the theory model of this study was formed, then, structural equation modeling was adopted for hypotheses testing. According to the results, materialism will positively influence prestige sensitivity and value consciousness; Individualism will positively influence value consciousness and negatively influence prestige sensitivity; Hedonism will positively influence sale proneness, price mavenism and price consciousness. In addition, both prestige sensitivity and price mavenism will positively influence enduring involvement; Sale proneness, price consciousness and value consciousness will all positively influence situational involvement. Furthermore, enduring involvement, situational involvement and price mavenism will all positively influence search effort; Enduring involvement will positively influence search of neutral source; Situational involvement will positively influence search of media source; Enduring involvement will positively influence situational involvement. 加总上述构念之间的因果关系即成为本研究之理论模型,本研究亦决定以线性方程模式作为验证研究假说之分析工具,根据实际验证的结果,本研究发现物质主义会对声望敏感度、价值意识造成正向影响;个人主义分别会对价值意识、声望敏感度造成正向、负向的影响;享乐主义则会对价格意识、促销倾向、价格专业主义造成正向的影响;声望敏感度、价格专业主义皆对持久性涉入有正向的影响;价值意识、价格意识以及促销倾向则会对情境涉入有正向的影响;而持久性涉入、情境涉入以及价格专业主义皆会对搜寻资讯所愿付出的心力有正向的影响,此外,持久性涉入与情境涉入也会分别会对中立资讯来源、媒体资讯来源有正向的影响。 15. By studying and analyzing recent domestic studies on teacher culture, the academe achieve a lot in terms of teacher culture definition, the basic way of developing teacher culture, how to build up teacher culture in the new curriculum reform. However, these studies are confined to individualism and cooperative culture, and there is much room for study on balkanization. 通过对近几年来教师文化研究的查阅和分析不难发现,学术界在教师文化概念界定、教师文化建设的基本途径、新课程改革中如何构建教师文化这三个方面已经取得了丰硕的成果,但现阶段教师文化的研究多关注于个人主义文化和合作文化的研究,对派别主义教师文化的研究存在不足。 16. It`s a convergence of the individualism we all crave and believe we can obtain, and our craving for calm in the fast pace at which we both live and of technological developments. 在我们的生活和科技发展的快速步调中,我们渴望和相信我们能有所获,并且我们迫切需要能平静下来,这是个人主义的会合。 17. Especially in his florilegium, he described various education he got in his childhood, demonstrated the drawback of feudalistic education and displayed the mind processes of childrens desiring for freedom and individualism. 特别是他在回忆性散文集《朝花夕拾》里,以写实的笔法叙述了他在童年受到的种种教育,对封建教育的弊端作了形象的展示,表现了儿童渴望自由发展个性的心路历程。 18. individualism在线翻译 18. In the end a sharp eye, lively pen and a training in anthropology help Mr Riley-Smith to paint a vivid, impressionistic picture of a society constantly pushed and pulled between contradictory impulses: to forge a single identity while prizing diversity; to set some sort of social ballast alongside quicksilver individualism; to square a culture of innovation with politics that are throttled by special interests; to reconcile the American dream of achievement for all with the reality of personal failure for many. 在书的最后,锐利的眼神、生动的笔触和在人类学方面受到的训练让里莱史密斯先生能给这个社会描绘出一副栩栩如生印象派画卷。这个社会一直在矛盾冲突之中摇来晃去:消融个性与褒扬多样性共举;社会稳定与激进个人主义并重;大力推行文化创新,其政治却被特殊利益扼住了咽喉;为大众的美国梦忙忙碌碌,现实却是许多个人的失败。 19. However, the hardboiled detective is a plebian individualist, who plays fairly under the guidance of the American individualism. 个人主义起源于欧洲,但这颗种子在以英国为代表的欧洲大陆和美国却有着不同的命运和结局。 20. individualism是什么意思 20. It is trifling to argue between individualism and collectivism. 个人主义和集体主义的辩论是微不足道的。 individualism 词典解释 1. 个性;特立独行 You use individualism to refer to the behaviour of someone who likes to think and do things in their own way, rather than imitating other people. individualism的意思 e.g. He is struck by what he calls the individualism of American officers. 他称其为美国军官的个性给他留下了很深的印象。 2. (国家对经济、政治的)不干涉主义,自由放任主义 Individualism is the belief that economics and politics should not be controlled by the state. individualism在线翻译 e.g. ...the strong individualism in their political culture. 他们的政治文化中浓厚的个人自由主义 individualism 单语例句 1. Despite being influenced tremendously by the individualism prevailing in American culture, the Japanese people have managed to sustain a kind of collectivism. 2. Also, social transformation from collectivism to individualism has strengthened the notion of privacy among young people. 3. It is quite interesting when you consider actually it is the West that is famous for individualism and the East collectivism. 4. Western society emphasizes the concept of individualism, while Chinese society has from time immemorial attached great importance to collectivism. 5. In the initial stage of national development, collectivism is much more efficient than individualism. 6. I took it to mean that I should lay low and remain modest, contrary to some of the teachings about individualism I encountered in the West. 7. At a time when individualism is being increasingly stressed, such a policy risks igniting controversy and inviting criticism for too much administrative involvement. 8. There is no better showcase than the world of contemporary art when it comes to reflecting China's march toward a more ear of individualism. 9. Chen has a team of interior designers to create tasteful homes for young Chinese intellectuals, who value high quality of life and individualism. 10. The reason for divorce is usually " incompatible personalities ", but Qu says a new individualism has taken a grip on young Chinese. individualism 英英释义 noun 1. the quality of being individual e.g. so absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality Synonym: individualityindividuation 2. the doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs Synonym: laissez faire 3. a belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independence |
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