单词 | indoctrinate |
释义 | indoctrinate [英 [?n?d?ktr?ne?t] 美 [?n?dɑ:ktr?ne?t] ] indoctrinate的意思、解释 过去式:indoctrinated; 过去分词:indoctrinated; 现在分词:indoctrinating; indoctrinate 基本解释 indoctrinate的解释 及物动词向…灌输(信仰),教导 indoctrinate 相关例句 及物动词 1. They have those political opinions because they've been indoctrinated all their lives. 他们具有那种政治主张,因为他们一生都在被灌输那种观点。 2. The writer wants to indoctrinate the readers with the idea. 作者想把这种想法灌输给读者。 indoctrinate 网络解释 1. indoctrinate是什么意思 1. 灌输思想:(7) Considerate 考虑周到的 | (8) Indoctrinate 灌输思想 | (9) Root in 使扎根, 根植 2. 填鸭式:Academically successful and socially responsible 学术上成功,社会上负责 | Indoctrinate 填鸭式 | Ethic 伦理 indoctrinate 双语例句 1. Back then, the government denied that it was seeking to indoctrinate youngsters. 在当时,政府否认他们将向年青人强行灌输任何思想。 2. This is what conservative cartoonist Wayne Stayskal is laughing at: a couple of professors bemoaning their failure to enlighten (or as Stayskal would have it, successfully indoctrinate) their students. 这就是保守派漫画家斯泰斯卡尔所嘲笑的所在:两位教授正在哀叹自己在启蒙学生(或者按斯泰斯卡尔所说是成功地灌输学生)方面遭到了失败。 3. indoctrinate的反义词 3. How do group members employ narrative to acculturate/initiate/indoctrinate new members? 小组成员如何运用社会化的叙述,以/开始/灌输新成员? 4. The writer wants to indoctrinate the readers with the views that it considers correct. 是遯翁自己对她不满意,所以用这种皮里阳秋的笔法来褒贬。 5. 5. What is very important for me to emphasize, is that all our dealers are legally independent, they are their own entities, so we don't have the intention to indoctrinate the dealer, that is the way to do it. 我需要强调的非常重要的一点是,我们所有的经销商在法律上都是独立的实体,因此我们没有向经销商进行灌输的意图,这就是我们工作的方式。 6. indoctrinate 6. My pastor raved on the significance of the book and proceeded to indoctrinate our small flock with its contents. 我的牧师就实质意义的图书,进而灌输我们小群羊的内容。 7. These negative experiences still affect us so far. some elders indoctrinate their children and students with them. 很多岁数大的人,还在把过去的经验传输给现在的孩子和学生。 8. 8. Dr. Dogma. Dr. Dogma wants to indoctrinate you with ideas, especially political ones. 固执己见博士:固执己见博士想向你灌输他的观点,尤其是政治观点。 9. You will so thoroughly indoctrinate yourself with these habits and mind conditioners that your mental attitude will become and remain positive at all times. 当你学会本章所要求的良好习惯并且调适好你的思想之后,你的心态便会随时处于积极状态。 10. So I sat in these meetings with President Wilson at the head of the table, and all the others, and I heard them drum into President Wilson's brain the graduated income tax and what has become the Federal Reserve, and I heard them indoctrinate him with the Zionist movement. 所以我在这些与总统威尔逊和所有其他人的会议上列席,而我听到他们向总统威尔逊的脑袋里反复灌输累进收入税和后来成为联邦储备委员会的什么,我听到他们向他灌输犹太复国主义运动。 11. He thinks that people like Horace Mann, Henry Barnard and Calvin Stowe pushed so mightily for the formation of free and compulsory schools because they were needed to indoctrinate immigrants and protect against mobocracy, brought about in part as a reaction to the Jacksonian movement. 他认为,像霍勒斯曼、亨利巴纳德、卡尔文斯托这些人那么强烈地推动免费义务教育学校,是因为他们需要给移民灌输新的思想,对抗作为反抗杰克逊运动的一部分的暴民。 12. 3 Indoctrinate the importance of always having a feasible Master Schedule in place. 灌输始终有一个可行的主计划及时到位的重要性。 13. indoctrinate 13. It should be apparent that using a country's education system to indoctrinate generations with this false belief system will eventually have traumatic consequences for that society. 应该是明显的,使用国家的教育体制去给下一代灌输这个错误的信念体系,将最终有那个社会的创伤后果。 14. I wouldn't say that she was trying to indoctrinate us. 我不认为她在竭力向我们灌输一种信仰。 15. Therefore, we must strengthen the sense of traditional sculpturing and Chinese culture to indoctrinate. 为此,我们必须加强传统造型精神和中国文化精神的灌输。 16. He has managed to indoctrinate me with his prejudices. 他设法把他的偏见灌进了我的头脑。 17. But no attempt was made to indoctrinate them with the ideology of the party. 至于党的意识形态,就根本用不着灌输给他们。 18. French intellectuals debate whether the stories indoctrinate kids into free-market capitalism. 法国知识分子讨论哈里是否灌输自由资本主义思想给孩子们。 19. In both the US and Europe, economists - and the politicians they indoctrinate - must discard the false theory that one can use changes in the exchange rate to control the net trade balance in a predictable way. 在美国和欧洲,经济学家和受他们思想影响的政治家必须摒弃这样一种虚假理论:人们可以利用汇率变化,以一种可预见的方式来控制贸易收支余额。 20. Teachers who indoctrinate children with antisocial theories 向儿童灌输反社会学说的教师 indoctrinate 词典解释 1. 向…灌输(信仰等) If people are indoctrinated, they are taught a particular belief with the aim that they will reject other beliefs. indoctrinate的解释 e.g. They have been completely indoctrinated... 他们完全被洗脑了。 e.g. I wouldn't say that she was trying to indoctrinate us. 我不认为她在竭力向我们灌输一种信仰。 indoctrination ...political indoctrination classes. 政治理论灌输课程indoctrinate 英英释义 indoctrinate verb 1. teach doctrines to teach uncritically e.g. The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples |
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