单词 | inference |
释义 | inference [英 [??nf?r?ns] 美 [??nf?r?ns] ] inference的意思、解释 复数形式:inferences; inference 基本解释 名词推理; 推断; 推论 inference 相关例句 名词 1. 1. From his manner, we drew the inference that he was satisfied with the exam. 我们从他的态度来推断,他对这次测验很满意。 2. inference的近义词 2. What inferences can we draw from these facts? 从这些事实中我们可以推出什么结论? 3. inference的近义词 3. He hasn't written to us for ages, and my inference is that his eyesight must have gotten worse. 他许久没来信了,我想他的视力一定变得更糟了。 inference 网络解释 1. 推断:...个性化 ( Individualization) 员工成功地对他周围的社会环境施加影响的过程. ...企业民主 ( industrial democracy) 政府委任的员工在组织的各个层次上参与制定影响员工的决策. ...推断 ( Inference) 基于假设而不是事实来解释符号的意义. inference 双语例句 1. Sensor data and user profile information are fed to the inference engine on-demand, they are accessed by logic predicates, returned as their parameters and abstracted by axioms which may also make use of external services. 就请求来说是今人不安的,每一位使用者也会保有他们自己的个人档案,档案由使用者所有资料的一小部份所组成,此外,感应器,能够得知使用者当时的环境资讯,例如:当时的所在地以及当时的时间。 2. From system theory point of view, some basic concepts of fault diagnosis, and the classification and division methods of system are advanced. General inference frame is also given. 从系统论的观点出发,首先提出了故障诊断的基本概念,根据系统的特点提出了系统的分类方法,从对象的功能角度出发提出了系统的划分原则,并且给出了诊断系统的一般推理机。 3. 3. Expert system; frame; rule; inference; explanation 专家系统;框架;规则;推理;解释 4. A set of fuzzy neural network Inference frame was built using fuzzy theory approach and neural network technology( taking monitoring information as input). 结合模糊理论和神经网络技术,建立了一套基于监测信息输入的模糊神经网络推理系统框架,并利用模糊规则生成的规则库作为神经网络训练和学习的样本。 5. 5. Great effort has been made in constructing the Blackboard model of reasoning with uncertainty, and in programming the associated algorithm to integrate Data-Driven with Frame inference. 这方面的工作有所创新,特别是将规则、过程、框架等知识源与多层黑板结构有机地结合起来,建立通用的不精确推理模型,实现数据驱动与框架推理联合控制方式等。 6. Pass the prior probability of shirt-sleeve likelihood probability and human body attitude, the human body attitude that uses Bayes inference frame to be able to seek an input is shedding the coordinate of form space. 通过融合似然概率和人体姿态的先验概率,利用Bayes推理框架就可以求出输入的人体姿态在流形空间的坐标。 7. Inference, on the other hand, is the activity performed by a reader or interpreter in deriving conclusions that are not explicit in what is said 而推论则是读者或阐释者的一种活动,他们推断出的结论是言语中没有明确表达出来的 8. 8. Different from Clark's well-known haplotype inference method, Gusfield and Wang et al. proposed a new model according to the maximum parsimony principle. 不同于Clark著名的单倍型推导模型,Gusfield和Wang等人提出了一种通过基因型样本推导单倍型的新模型。 9. Wang and spread Hadan Qiao Road East, and other sources of mountains legends and HuangGongwang paper base inference. 并流传着王乔乘鹤东来等道源仙山的传说和黄公造纸基地的推断。 10. Based on rough set theory, a rule inference approach of integrating the importance of attributes with the emergence frequency of attribute value is proposed. 提出一种基于粗集理论的,把属性的重要性和属性值的出现频率综合起来进行规则推理的方法。 11. Since Zadeh introduced the compositional rule of fuzzy inference in 1973, various methods have been proposed to improve it. 论文摘要自 Zadeh 于 1973 年提出模糊关系合成法,人们相继提出多种改进的方法,把 CRI 方法加以扩充。 12. Logic is a subject researching the validity rule of the inference or argument. 逻辑学研究推理论证的有效性规则。 13. The first model of inference which handled fuzzy rules used the compositional rule of inference due to L. A. 第一个处理模糊规则的推理模型是L.A。 14. 14. The system structure, functions and diagnostic flow are introduced briefly, and the modeling, matrix and the rule of inference are described. 简要介绍了双向联想记忆神经网络故障诊断系统的系统结构、软件系统功能及诊断流程,并以主机无显示故障为例,详细描述了故障诊断模型、M矩阵的建立、推理过程、解释机制的构建原理。 15. The automatic generated technique of inference rule base is studied from conception base to realize standardization and automation of knowledge base. 研究了归纳学习和指导学习相结合的集成式机器学习算法,实现了基于维修记录库和对专家启发式提问相结合的知识自动获取,大大提高FMS故障诊断专家系统的智能化程度。 16. Transcription, and analyzes Wangs inheritance, reproduction and development of Chinese ethical folk music. She also makes transverse comparisons between the musical forms of piano works by composers of both China and abroad, and illustrates that Wang uses for inference but not copies the western musical forms, that he attaches importance but not stickles to the framework of traditional Chinese music, and also that he demonstrates a characteristic of not sticking to one pattern. She makes contrastive comparisons as well of the melodies and harmonies of piano works by composers of both China and abroad, and indicates that in inquiries into the folk style of counterpoint, Wang is flexible and creative in harmonies by inheriting the character of a clear melody and the method of multi-voice in Chinese traditional music and also by absorbing the character of emphasizing the layers of texture in western piano music. 拿民族民间音乐与钢琴改编曲作纵向比较,分析其对中国民族民间音乐的继承再现与发展;拿中外钢琴作品的曲式原则作横向比较,说明他借鉴但不照搬西方音乐曲式规范,重视但不拘泥于传统中国音乐结构方法,在作品的结构上,呈现出不拘一格的特点;拿中外钢琴作品在旋律、和声等方面作相异比较,指出了在探索多声部音乐的民族风格过程中,王建中一方面继承了传统音乐中旋律线条十分突出的特点,另一方面又吸收了西方钢琴音乐注重织体的网状结构的特点,有意识地运用了我国民间多声手法,在和声的运用方面表现出灵活多样而又富于创新的特点。 17. inference在线翻译 17. All the feasible disassembly sequence was obtained through inference method. 然后,通过推理的方法生成产品所有可行的拆卸序列。 18. MYCIN, a system for diagnosing bacterial infection, is the first large scale expert system which is on the human expert level and can explain its inference process to users. It has been the standard and the example for the development of the majority of ES. 诊断细菌感染的系统MYCIN是世界上第一个具有人类专家水平,并能向用户解释其推理过程的大型专家系统,成为后期大多数ES发展的基准和范例。 19. Relevance to make theory holds that the proper understanding of language needs to find out relevance through context and inference. 关联理论认为,要正确理解语言就要通过语境来寻找关联,要靠推理。 20. 20. FNN uses neural network to realize fuzzy inference. This make it has ability of fuzzy inductive inference and ability of tuning the way of inference. 模糊神经网络用神经网络模拟模糊推理,使得神经网络具有了模糊推理和归纳能力。 inference 词典解释 1. 推断结果;结论 An inference is a conclusion that you draw about something by using information that you already have about it. e.g. There were two inferences to be drawn from her letter. 由她的信可以得出两个结论。 2. 推论;推理;推断 Inference is the act of drawing conclusions about something on the basis of information that you already have. inference e.g. It had an extremely tiny head and, by inference, a tiny brain. 它的头极小,由此推断其脑容量也非常小。 inference 单语例句 1. She said that Rico was displaying a kind of learning by inference that is called fast mapping. 2. But clearly the inference of these and some other analyses is that the DPP is not responsible for its loss at the polls. 3. The inference is clear if the players agree that the alternative would be to play elsewhere. 4. The inference being that Nadal would have many more than the 11 majors he currently holds. 5. And that leaves the inference that perhaps the auditors were not encouraged to do the work. 6. The inference was the odds are McGrady and Yao won't beat Utah if the Jazz can take away the Rockets stars'perimeter help. inference 英英释义 noun 1. the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation Synonym: illation |
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