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单词 innocence
    innocence [英 [??n?sns] 美 [??n?s?ns] ]
    innocence 基本解释
    名词清白; 天真无邪; 无罪的人
    innocence 同义词
    innocence 反义词
    innocence 相关例句
    1. innocence在线翻译
    1. The accused man proved his innocence of the crime.
    2. He was sure of Jack's innocence.
    3. Her innocence has been proved.
    innocence 网络解释
    1. 纯真:五月天 - 纯真(Innocence) 专辑:人生海海 长长的路上 我想我们是朋友 如果有期待 我想最好是不说 你总是微笑的你 总是不开口 世界被你 掌握 月亮绕地球 地球绕着太阳走 我以为世界是座 宁静的宇宙 今晚的天空有一颗流星划过 在预
    innocence 双语例句
    1. innocence的近义词
    1. This beauty gives an impression of harmlessness and innocence, while we know today`s world is not like that.
    2. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evi dence far outweighed the presumption of innocence.
    3. Mr. Visschers, who held a high position in the Government of the King of the Belgians, stated that in his experience three men convicted of murder appealed to the Court of Cassation, when the conviction was confirmed. The King, however, commuted their sentence into one of perpetual imprisonment; but their innocence being afterwards established, they were liberated, and granted annuities for life.
    在比利时王国担任高官的 Visschers 先生说到,在他的生涯中,有三个因为谋杀定罪的人上诉到上诉法院,并被维持原判,但是国王把他们减为终生监禁,后来,他们却被证明为无罪释放,并获得终生养老金的补偿。
    4. Now you're trying to feign innocence.
    5. There in your eyes, I saw the innocence and all the beauty in the world I`ve been looking.
    6. In srtistic form, Yan emphasizes stunning colors and bright sunshine. Of the subjects in her paintings, she focuses on the innocence, simplicity and beauty of Tajik women and children.
    7. The knife can be used to cut food while to kill people, but the knife is innocence itself.
    8. It takes place in the interaction of different ways of thinking, in the juxtaposition of expert knowledge with innocence.
    9. Although she is sentenced by the rulers, she has struggled indomitably for defending their justice and truth, for defending their innocence and purity.
    10. Hubert tries to kill Arthur but he is so enchanted with Arthur's innocence that he is unable.
    11. According to Catholic theology based on the Biblical account, the original condition of our first parents was one of perfect innocence and integrity.
    12. They have a trace of bright sunshine, no worries, innocent smile, innocence innocence, attracted in. I could not help scrape together.
    13. The words that have been used as topics include water, innocence, and prejudice, etc.
    14. Her pure innocence makes her cry and bleed in the heat of battle...
    15. I remember how I felt so naive and unaware of the world. It makes me appreciate the innocence that they all have during this competition. This is only the beginning for most of them.
    16. The state of original sanctity, innocence, and justice, as opposed to original sin, was conferred upon her, by which gift every stain and fault, all depraved emotions, passions, and debilities, essentially pertaining to original sin, were excluded.
    国家原来的神圣不可侵犯的,是无辜的,与正义,反对原罪,是赋予她的,其中每一个礼物染色及故障,所有的颓废情绪,激情,并debilities ,基本上是有关原罪,被排除在外。
    17. However, if we have a snow-white, plain and neat curtain cloth made of innocence and tinted by simplicity and hang up it to dance elegently in the wind, accompanied with layers of transparent and soft muslin, its plainess would have been more attractive than the colourful ones. One can be naked without cloth, unless he has a physical body as perfect as Apollo Sauroctonus's image, and an angelic soul.
    18. I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, in order that I may be His own, and live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, even as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity.
    我相信耶稣基督,真神,b egotten的父亲从永恒的,也是真正的男子,出生的圣母玛利亚,是我的主,谁已赎回我,失去了和谴责的动物,购买和韩元我从所有的罪孽,从死刑,并从权力的魔鬼,而不是与金或银,但与他的神圣的,宝贵的鲜血和他无辜的痛苦和死亡,为了使我可能是其本国在内,并下生活,他在他的王国,和服务于他在永恒的正义,无罪推定,和幸福,甚至因为他是从死里复活,生命和普遍存在于所有永恒。
    19. There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence.
    20. Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?
    innocence 词典解释
    1. 天真;单纯
    Innocence is the quality of having no experience or knowledge of the more complex or unpleasant aspects of life.
    e.g. ...the sweet innocence of youth...
    e.g. Youngsters are losing their childhood innocence too quickly.
    2. 清白;无罪
    If someone proves their innocence, they prove that they are not guilty of a crime.
    e.g. He claims he has evidence which could prove his innocence.
    innocence 单语例句
    1. I wish it is a gift for all people who has a childlike innocence.
    2. The artist paints with exaggeration and expressions that take on a childlike innocence.
    3. Any lingering notions concerning the innocence of this trip further evaporates as the heat and dust of ceremonies gives way to serious evaluations.
    4. The Sixth Amendment provides criminal defendants with the right both to confront accusers and to seek out testimony that might prove their innocence.
    5. The man's plea of innocence was subsequently denied and the Yunnan Higher People's Court upheld the sentence.
    6. Now she is known as Grandma Van Gogh and has gained great popularity for the creative innocence in her crayon drawings.
    7. All have protested their innocence and a judge found no evidence of criminal intent by the eight who were released earlier.
    8. The incident shows that the evil side of cyberspace has penetrated the lives of even minors and resulted in the premature death of innocence.
    9. They are villains who exploit both the innocence of these teenagers and people's empathy.
    10. Tencent has asked a third party for appraisal as evidence of its innocence.
    innocence 英英释义
    1. the quality of innocent naivete
    Synonym: artlessnessingenuousnessnaturalness
    2. a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense
    e.g. the trial established his innocence
    3. the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong
    lacking a knowledge of evil
    Synonym: puritypurenesssinlessnesswhiteness




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