单词 | in no time |
释义 | in no time [英 [in n?? taim] 美 [?n no? ta?m] ] in no time的意思、解释 in no time 基本解释 in no time在线翻译 马上,立即; 即将 in no time什么意思 in no time 网络解释 1. 立即,马上:from time to time 有时,不时 | in no time 立即,马上 | in time 及时,适时地 2. 立即,立刻;马上:in no case 决不,无论如何不 | in no time 立即,立刻;马上 | in no way 决不,一点也不 3. 3. 立刻,很快:locust n. 蝗虫 | in no time 立刻;很快 | wheat n. 小麦 4. 立刻:⑺ by the time 到......时候 | ⑻ in no time 立刻 | ⑽ from time to time 不时地,偶尔 in no time 双语例句 1. in no time的反义词 1. Methods Fourty children with congenital heart diseases(aged<3 years old) were randomly divided into two groups: Group of warm blood (warm induction and reperfusion blood cardioplegia, n=20 Group of cold crystalloid(n=20). There were no difference of the aortic crossclamp time in two groups, 10ml blood was took from coronary sinus in pre-bypass and post-bypass time to measure lactat dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, troponin T. Postischemic ultrastracture of TOF was observed in two groups. 将40例<3岁CHD患儿随机分成2组:温血诱导心脏停搏+终末温血灌注组;冷晶体液心脏停搏组。2组主动脉阻断时间无明显差异;体外循环前、后分别抽血测定乳酸脱氢酶、肌酸激酶、肌钙蛋白T;电子显微镜观察两组缺血后心肌超微结构。 2. If you and your second half are in the mood for love, and there is no time to head for Kyoto or Okinawa, then try a cruise around Tokyo Bay. 如果你和你的第二个一半在花样年华,也没有时间前往京都或冲绳,然后尝试围绕东京湾游船。 3. Originated in 12th century Piedmont around the same time as Gorgonzola. Some consumers prefer Castelmagno with little or no mold development. 最初产于12世纪的皮德蒙特高原,和Gorgonzola奶酪差不多同时期;有些消费者更喜欢经过一点或完全没有经过模压的Castelmagno奶酪。 4. in no time 4. Results Enucleation of hemangioma involving porta hepatis had more intraoperative bleeding, longer time of inflow exclusion, and higher incidence of postoperative pleural fluid, while no significant difference exists in the complication of operation and postoperative recovery. 结果 累及肝门的肝血管瘤的术中出血量,阻断的累计时间和术后胸水发生率均高于远离肝门的血管瘤病人,但术后其他并发症和术后恢复情况和对照组差异无统计学意义。 5. 5. The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul's spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil's hand. 一个人的精神修养,将因试炼而充实,而有显著的进步。但试炼时期是不平常的。在这个时期,地狱好像张开了口的门户,我们的灵魂如入网罗之中,神并且让我们落到魔鬼的手掌中去。 6. 6. The time of testing that marks and mightily enriches a soul`s spiritual career is no ordinary one, but a period when all hell seems let loose, a period when we realize our souls are brought into a net, when we know that God is permitting us to be in the devil`s hand. 一个人的精神修养,将因试炼而充实,而有显着的进步。但试炼时期是不平常的。在这个时期,地狱好象张开了口的门户,我们的灵魂如入罗网之中,神并且让我们落到魔鬼的手掌中去。 7. in no time的解释 7. When you abandon it, it is after all just a seed; When you do give up its responsibilities, it will die, and even your life to add a trace of haze; If you Like it when in full bloom, with pride unplug it, you will receive the fruits of someone else and regret it later, did not want the responsibility to re-do time, no chance. 当你抛弃它,它就始终只是一颗种子;当你在尽责任中放弃了它,那它就会死亡,甚至给你的人生抹上一丝阴霾;如果你在它含苞绽放时,用骄傲拔掉了它,你就会在别人得到果实后而后悔,想要重新尽责任却没时间了,更没有机会了。 8. In addition, we rejected the Unix focus on small memory size, by deciding not to support 16-bit machines (it was clear that 32-bit machines would be the norm by the time the GNU system was finished), and to make no effort to reduce memory usage unless it exceeded a megabyte. 另外,我们丢弃了小内存大小的Unix中心,决定不支持16位机器(32位机器将在GNU系统被完成时成为标准是清楚的),并不去为减少内存使用而作任何努力除非超过了1兆字节。 9. This painting entitled the father of the father of painting, though no gorgeous coat, only one piece of rags plain white coat, The father, although no BaiZhe slender hands, with only a pair of full time by removing ground-in kneading veteran, we can imagine him to family livelihood is how hard work, The father didn't delicate cup to drink, only a rough bowl of water, The father not jiongjiongweishen eyes, a pair of only a pair for trifling and deeply sunken to eye, The father not smooth skin, only the sun shine skin dark, The father of a pretty face, not only for a day and night worrying about leaving a deep wrinkles in the face. 这幅名为《父亲》的画上的父亲虽然没有华丽的外衣,只有一件破烂不堪的朴素的白色外套;这位父亲虽然没有白哲纤细的双手,只有一双布满老茧的经满岁月的揉捏的老手,我们可以想象出他为了一家人的生计是如何辛苦劳作的;这位父亲没有精致的杯子喝水,只有一个粗糙的大碗喝水;这位父亲没有一双炯炯有神的双眼,只有一双因操劳而深深凹进去的眼;这位父亲没有光滑的皮肤,只有被太阳晒的黝黑发亮的皮肤;这位父亲没有一张英俊的脸,只有一张因日日夜夜操心而留下一道道深深的皱纹的脸。 10. Results There was no difference in operation achievement ratio between the floating catheter group and the ordinary catheter group. But the operation time in floating catheter group was shorter than in ordinary catheter group. There were no difference in pacing parameter and severe complication between two groups. 结果 漂浮电极导管组与普通电极导管组手术成功率无统计学差异(97.9% vs 100.0%),但漂浮电极导管组实际耗时显著短于普通电极导管组,两组起搏阈值与感知灵敏度无显著差异,两组均无严重并发症的发生。 11. This street is too crowded Too many people have secret Glass has been hidden in the mist from the past You face the emotional That reduction in the rain This Xiangnong not take too much bending back story This time is no longer the Green And a... 在基督教文化中,其事迹有:一夜之间歼灭进犯耶路撒冷的十五万亚述大军、阻止亚伯拉罕将独子献祭、在焚烧的荆棘中召唤摩西率领希伯来人出埃及、捕拿既囚禁千年古龙撒旦。。。。 12. One day return home, while no one at home, Liu Qian picked up a knife, just in time, her mother called her daughter inside, Liu Qian very heart tremor, with his daughter cried. 一天回到家里,趁家里没人,刘倩拿起了一把手术刀,恰在那时,女儿进屋喊了妈妈,刘倩的心震颤不已,抱着女儿痛哭失声。 13. in no time在线翻译 13. The reason is row frequency in unit time is higher compared to the row frequency in the swimming pool, and twice movement`s connection is more compact, and skeletal muscles has no time to rest. 水槽极限流速的训练强度远远高于游泳池,对肌肉的刺激较大,训练后有酸胀感;原因可能是水槽训练的划频在单位时间内较游泳池划频高,两次动作之间的衔接没有任何宽息的时间所致。 14. Habacuc. Many critics treat the whole chapter as a late and independent poem, with no allusions to the circumstances of Habacuc's time, and still bearing in its liturgical heading and musical directions vv. 很多批评者对待整章作为一个后期和独立的诗,没有暗示的情况habacuc的时间,仍然轴承在其礼仪的标题和音乐剧方向 15. If Snape was really in league with Voldemort the whole time, as he assured Bellatrix in the second chapter, then Snape can no longer be that example. 如果斯内普真的一直同伏地魔为盟的话,就像他在第二章中想贝拉特里克斯保证的那样,斯内普就不可能再成为那种典型了。 16. Baidu collects pelter, make website discharge many decrease, say really, see collect one every day decreasing, IP one every day be in petty, psychology still is not flavor a bit really, but do not have method, no matter you are in, gave an issue how is sadness otiose, you recall the way that solves a problem only just is the most important, state of mind, I say with oneself all the time. 百度收录骤降,使得网站流量大量减少,说真的,看到收录一天天的在减少,IP一天天的在委琐,心理还真有点不是滋味,可是没办法,出了问题无论你在怎么悲伤都是没有用的,你只有想出解决问题的办法才是最重要的,心态啊,我一直和自己说。 17. in no time的近义词 17. From early time of China establishment to the late of 1970s, the various policies and articles gave a decisive effects on nomocracy administration, but the legislation was quite limited. Though a series of rules or laws were enacted on wildlife resources in WNR, it is still no perfection. 从建国初期到十一届三中全会,中国的各种政策和文件在法治管理方面起到了决定性作用,而立法有限。80年代以后,虽然制定一系列与湿地类型自然保护区野生动物资源相关的法律法规,但仍不够完善。 18. in no time 18. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. 外面下着倾盆大雨,是那种从槽顶部急剧涌出而来不及从漏嘴流出的雨。 19. When the Fire-wood was burnt pretty much into Embers, or live Coals, I drew them forward upon this Hearth, so as to cover it all over, and there I let them lye, till the Hearth was very hot, then sweeping away all the Embers, I set down my Loaf, or Loaves, and whelming down the Earthen Pot upon them, drew the Embers all round the Out-side of the Pot, to keep in, and add to the Heat; and thus, as well as in the best Oven in the World, I bak'd my Barley Loaves, and became in little Time a meer Pastry-Cook into the Bargain; for I made my self several Cakes of the Rice, and Puddings; indeed I made no Pies, neither had I any Thing to put into them, supposing I had, except the Flesh either of Fowls or Goats. 所有这一切,我都一无所有,但我还是做成了面包。这些事我将在下面再告诉读者。但在当时,我总算有了自己的粮食,这对我是极大的安慰,为我的生活带来了更多有利的条件。前面提到,没有适当的工具,一切事情做起来特别吃力,特别费时间,可是也没有办法。同时,我也没有浪费时间。我把时间分配得很好,每天安排出一定的时间来做这些事。我已决定等我收获了更多的粮食后再做面包,所以我还有六个月的时间;在这半年中,我可以运用我全部的精力和心血,设法制造出加工粮食各项工序所需要的各种工具。到时,有了足够的粮食,就可以用来制造面包了。 20. In having the day of your words, this is agony, has not thought of reading, let me lower the cruelty which enter that hell, There is no life forever, but soul is still struggling to look for you, just in order to get your pardon, unwilling to return to my body that will already pass soon for a long time... 在没有你话语的日子中,这就是痛苦,无思无念,让我降入那地狱的残酷,永无生机,但灵魂依然挣扎着去寻找你,只是为了得到你的原谅,而久久不肯回归我那已快逝去的躯壳。。。 in no time 单语例句 1. Head of Canada's largest trade and industry organization on Thursday urged the country's business community to lose no time in entering the lucrative Chinese market. 2. There is hardly any record of recalls by VW in past decades and this time is no different. 3. Solar panel makers are wasting no time making plans to cash in on the growth promise of both markets despite the global recession. 4. In addition, there is no standard length of time a yellow light lasts. 5. As there was no orphanage in the county at the time, local civil affairs officials also brought orphaned children to Yan. 6. In next to no time, clay sculptor Ren Jian creates lifelike figures of human subjects with strikingly real facial expression. 7. In no hurry, we picked up brooms and helped sweep up at closing time. 8. The China National Theater production has come to Shanghai for third time - and each sold out in no time. 9. It's no surprise that with the passage of time Wei has come to know each and every family in the nine villages. 10. The central authority should waste no time in strengthening administration and supervision of this field. in no time 英英释义 adv 1. in a relatively short time e.g. she finished the assignment in no time Synonym: very fast |
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