单词 | in order |
释义 | in order [英 [in ??:d?] 美 [?n ??rd?] ] in order的意思、解释 in order 基本解释 按次序的,合乎程序的; 井然有序 in order in order 反义词 out of order in order 情景对话 订货 A:Your prices seem a little high . 你们的价钱高了一些。 B:We could make them lower for you . 我们可以算你便宜一点。 in order A:How ? 怎么做呢? in order的翻译 B:If you order in large lots , we‘ll reduce the price . 如果你大量订购,我们可以降价 求职面试 B:How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? 你如何处理与同事在工作中的意见不和? in order A:I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across. 我要以更清楚文明的方式,提出我的看法,使对方了解我的观点。 在邮局 A:Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is? 麻烦您称一下这封信,看看需要多少邮资,好吗? B:Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail? 您是要寄普通信还是挂号信? A:By ordinary air mail, please. 请给我寄普通航空信。 B:Anything of value in it? 里面有什么值钱的东西吗? in order的近义词 A:A postal order for four hundred dollars. 一张400 美元的邮政汇票。 B:In that case, you’d better have it registered. 既然那样,您最好寄挂号信。 in order的近义词 A:Will I be informed when my friend gets the letter? 当我朋友收到这封信后,我会被通知吗? B:Yes, when your friend gets it, he’ll sign a receipt, which will be sent to you by mail. Then you can be sure it’s been received. 是的,当您的朋友收到信后,他将签一张收据,这张收据会寄给您,您就可以确定他收到了。 in order的近义词 A:All right, I’ll have it registered, then. 好,那我就寄挂号信。 in order 网络解释 1. in order的解释 1. 合适的:因为卖方要求买方履行的这两项义务是以卖方向开证行提交了合适的(in order)单据为前提的. 由于信用证的 条款 和条件是严格根据基础合同的约定开立的,并且是经过受益人同意并接受的. 2. 按顺序,按次序:in no way 决不 | in order 按顺序,按次序 | in other words 换句话说 3. 秩序井然,整齐:order n.命令;次序,顺序;秩序,治安,正常状态,整齐;定购,定货单;等; | in order 秩序井然,整齐 | in order to 以便,为了 4. 按顺序;整齐:in no way 决不 / no way!没门! | in order 按顺序;整齐 | in order to 为了(做某事) in order 双语例句 1. in order的翻译 1. The above two measures, in order to adapt to the substrate surface smoothness higher process and technology operations. 上述两种措施,是为了适应基材表面状态平滑度提高后的工艺与技术操作改变。 2. in order什么意思 2. On some older and some cheaper lathes, one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds. 一些老式的或廉价的车床为了能够得到所有的进给量和加工出所有的螺纹,必须更换主轴和变速齿轮箱之间的齿轮系中的一个或两个齿轮。 3. in order什么意思 3. During the studying of thermal-decay of LPGs, we proposed firstly that the anneal parameter is larger than 14900, LPGs can operate steadily for 25 years under 27℃ after LPGs were annealed. Moreover, we observed for the first time that the resonance peaks in the lower-order mode of LPGs shift to red wavelength after LPGs experienced annealing or natural-decay. We believed that the phenomenon is because that the formations of LPGs don't cease when UV-exposure ceases. 在对长周期光栅的热衰变规律研究中,我们首次发现,长周期光栅经历热退火及自然衰变后,其低阶模的谐振波长发生了红移现象,我们认为这种现象是由于结束紫外曝光时,长周期光栅的形成并没有停止,相反光栅的形成在紫外光照结束后的1小时内才停止,这种现象的提出为光纤光栅的形成机制提供了新的解释。 4. Wrong time to work, flexible working system and on-line office is the Beijing Municipal Government during the Beijing Olympics in order to ease the traffic pressure and the implementation of the three new initiatives. 错时上下班、弹性工作制和网上办公是北京市政府为了缓解北京奥运期间的交通压力而新推行的三个举措。 5. 5. A highly developed technology allows us to access can not rely only on paper, so we could ask, since it is in order to get information, and only 16 days of competition has a strong information chronergical, with almost no continuous 24-hour television broadcasting and the work of the network world, how many digital files need to be real printed out? 低度成长的技艺使我们得回新闻的道路完残可以不只凭借纸介质,因此我们经不起给答,既然是为了得回新闻,而且只是与16地的角逐有关的具有很不弱的时效性的新闻,借助实在不会不断的电视转播和24小时处事的网络寰宇,到不顶有众众数字文件需给假冒的印制出来呢? 6. In order, to provide anonymous feedback usage statistics i. e. CIN 使用者也应该可以次序不是可得的项目完整的版本在线或为他们的是一项指控。 7. Images consisting of thousands of people, in order to enrich the lives of busy people, are beautiful. 成千上万的人组成的画面,为了生活而充实忙碌的人,都是最美的。 8. Dr Muthanna el Assal was getting his paperwork in order, so that he could try to get out -- to wherever he could find a job. 穆特南·埃尔·阿萨尔医生正在整理自己的文件,以便自己能够离开,到任何一个可以找到工作的地方。 9. in order 9. Then I have another idea, feel, and the traffic lights is the law in order to regulate the normal activities of a human warning lights. 然后,我有另一个想法,觉的,红绿灯就是法律为了规范人类正常活动的一个警戒灯。 10. The controller 218 communicates with the host in order to receive commands and data from the host, and provide data and status information to the host. 控制器218与主机通信以便从主机接收命令和数据,并向主机提供数据和状态信息。 11. in order的翻译 11. The thermal stress of RCC dam is different from concrete dam s, and in order to get correct results, these different characteristics must be considered. 碾压混凝土坝的温度应力有它不同于常规混凝土坝的特点,必须考虑这些特点,才能得到正确的结论。 12. in order的反义词 12. In order to increase the reaction rate of the heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidation, the catalyst of Fe3+C2O4/R was used to catalytically decompose H2O2 for the removal of malachite green in aqueous solution under the visible light irradiation condition. 为了强化多相类芬顿反应的速率,在可见光下采用以草酸盐为配体的三价铁草酸络合物(Fe3+C2O4/R)为催化剂催化过氧化氢降解水中孔雀石绿。 13. in order的意思 13. Aim: In order to investigate the relationship between the level of STNFR in serum and antiviral action of IFN-α. 目的:探讨慢性乙肝患者血清肿瘤坏死因子受体水平及其与干扰素治疗的关系。 14. In order to study the effects of meglumine cycli c adenylate on the systolic function of left ventricle and its mechanisms in patients with congestive heart failure, the left ventriicular systolic function w as mea ssured with echocardiography before and after treatment, effects on the concentra tion of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and leakage of intracellular lactat e dehydrogenase in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were investigated. Th irty-four patients were involved in this study and randomly assigned to two gro ups:(1) the routine therapy group; (2) the MCA therapy group, both groups were tre ated for one week. 为研究心先安对充血性心力衰竭患者左室收缩功能的影响及其机制,采用超声心动图法对患者治疗前后的左室收缩功能作了评定,并观察了心先安对培养乳鼠心肌细胞内环磷酸腺苷及乳酸脱氢酶漏出的影响。34例病人随机分成2组:常规治疗组和心先安治疗组,疗程均为1周。 15. In order to ensure the security of the sharing service in the manufacturing grid, an coarse-grain authorization mechanism based on the trust was presented to realize the automatical authorization of sharing services in the manufacturing grid node. 为了确保制造网格中共享服务的安全,在制造网格节点上实现共享服务的自动授权,提出一种基于信任的节点粗粒度授权机制。 16. Study of supporting characteristics of arc terrace metallic support in roadway; 2. In order to meet the varied requirement of roadway support, the metallic arc- terrace support is newly developed. 为适应巷道支护的多种要求,新研制开发了弧状梯形金属支架,针对其力学特征,采用曲梁力学模型进行了受力分析,求解出了最大承载能力的表达式,与梯形金属支架承载能力相比较,得到了弧状梯形金属支架的承载能力系数。 17. In order to analyze the power flow and the transient stability of an AC-DC hybrid system, a method of nesting a DC subroutine into the original program for the AC power system is proposed in this paper. 为了分析交直流联合系统的潮流分布和暂态稳定,本文提出一种在原有交流系统潮流和暂态稳定程序的基础上,嵌入直流系统子程序的通用办法。 18. In high cold region northwest of Hebei Province where it is drought and less rainfall. the vegetables were planted by irrigating with the water under ground, so the water level under ground decreased; the research on saving water of Radish and Cabbage under PFM was conducted, in order that the aim at saving water, high yield and good quality of vegetables under PFM could be realized. 本试验针对冀西北坝上地区干旱缺雨,靠开采地下水生产错季蔬菜,造成地下水位不断下降问题,以地膜覆盖生产蔬菜达到节水、高产和优质为目的,进行了萝卜和甘蓝地膜覆盖的节水生产研究。 19. Everybody has his dream. In order to come true the dream, maybe you must give up sth. 每个人都有梦想,为了实现梦想,你必须放弃某些东西。 20. in order的意思 20. In order to research on the vision effect of deceleration of road rumble stripes, this thesis reviews the development of road rumble stripes home and abroad, introduces detailedly the varieties, design principles and materials of the general road rumble stripes of domestic and oversears, and does research for the vision effect of road rumble stripes from the aspect of Traffic Psychology and Traffic Engineering. 全文提供:购买充值卡,就可下载本篇论文全文中文摘要:本文为了研究道路减速标线的减速视觉效果,回顾了国内外道路交通标线的发展,详细地介绍了国内外常见的减速标线的种类、设计原则和材料,并从交通心理学和交通工程学的角度对减速标线的视觉效应进行了探讨。 in order 单语例句 1. In order to carry on their business, they started to learn English from scratch. 2. State television said President Pervez Musharraf had ordered the provincial government in Karachi to take immediate steps to restore order and act against those responsible. 3. But his shadow loomed over almost every bloody and violent act against law and order in Tibet. 4. The culprit spent the sum in buying Internet virtual currency in order to launder the money he illicitly obtained. 5. Some major Chinese companies are seeing the advantage of buying stakes in hotel and leisure companies in order to bring their expertise back to China. 6. In April last year the Shanghai bureau asked the Zhejiang government to order the Dongyang government to act on the error. 7. Stability has been hindered by the lack of government order, particularly in the southern part of the country. 8. So, the authorities better start by putting themselves in order to stop violations of traffic rules. 9. The company also plans to introduce 15 new models to China by the end of 2015 in order to tap the growing auto market. 10. Hung said he hoped the immunoglobulin could be harvested by next January, in order to cope with the winter peak of seasonal flu in February and March. in order什么意思in order 英英释义 in order什么意思 adj 1. in a state of proper readiness or preparation or arrangement e.g. everything is in order for their arrival |
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