单词 | in store |
释义 | in store [英 [in st?:] 美 [?n st?r] ] in store的意思、解释 in store 基本解释 储备着; 贮藏着; 将要发生; 就要出现 in store在线翻译 in store 反义词 in store的反义词 out of store in store的翻译 in store 网络解释 1. 存储着;预备着:952. stop to do sth. 停止某事而去做另一件是 | 953. in store存储着;预备着 | 954. department store百货公司 2. 储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来:in spite of 不管,不顾 | in store 储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来 | in that 因为 3. 3. 贮藏着:in store for 储藏备用 | in store 贮藏着 | in substance 本质上 4. 4. 贮藏着,准备着:in general 一般地, 大体上 | in store 贮藏着, 准备着 | keep in touch with... 与...保持联系 in store 双语例句 1. 1. He found this book being out of print in a second-hand book store completely by chancel. 纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家二手书店里找到了那本绝版的书。 2. Animals store excess sugar in the form of a polysaccharide called glycogen. 糖原是动物细胞中贮存的多糖,又称动物淀粉。 3. By september of 2007, a store which sells woodworking equipment had already been burglarized 5 times in 4 months. 截止2007年9月,一家销售木工设备的商店在4个月内已被偷窃5次。 4. Is used by network devices to temporarily store bursts of excess data in memory until they can be processed. 缓冲是一种通过暂时保存处理不了的数据包的方法,等到数据包能够被处理。 5. in store的反义词 5. It mainly including: ice stadium design, making ice design, design of refrigeration technics of cold store. The system saves data of refrigeration engineering design, computing formula, weather data of main areas in china, machines and equipments of partial factory, performance data of units. And it can finish the load computing, choice of machines and equipments, plane design of cold store, room design for machines and equipments. 本文介绍了利用智能化知识进行制冷工程设计的方法,主要包括:冰场设计、制冰设计、冷库制冷工艺设计,系统存有制冷工艺设计所用的资料、计算公式、全国主要地区气象资料和部分厂家的机器设备和元件的性能资料,在10分钟内可完成负荷计算、机器设备选择、冷库平面拟定、机器设备间拟定。 6. In Chapter 5, the software frame of the embroidery machine control system is constructed in the light of the hierarchy of master system and slave system. The programs of keyboard entry, graphical display, USB drive, pattern store and management, serial communication and electromechanical control are designed. 第五章按照上位机和下位机的层次构建了绣花机控制系统的软件框架,设计了键盘输入模块、图形显示模块、USB驱动模块、花样存储与管理模块、串口通信模块、机电控制模块的程序。 7. Expert ideas - store samples display excellent products, qualified products, sales process quietly qualified goods, inferior goods sold to customers in the current tile industry is more common, consumers need to do is to alert businesses cargo to the need in time to open the box to check to see whether the product is delivered with the choice of sample store; payment certificate must make formal business invoices, invoices indicate excellent products, qualified the word goods, quality problems occur in order to address; the best brands to buy reputable, do not easily believe that any business discounts, they often will be the original price 60/block products marked as 160 yuan/piece for sale, even if playing 5 discount, customers also may not be cost-effective. 专家支招--店中样品摆放优等品、合格品,销售过程中悄悄将合格品、次等品卖给顾客的现象在目前瓷砖行业较为常见,消费者需要做的就是提高警惕,商家将货送到时,需要及时打开包装箱检查,看送来的产品是否与店内选择的样品一致;交款时一定要让商家出具正规的发票,在发票上注明优等品、合格品字样,出现质量问题以便解决;最好购买信誉好的知名品牌,不要轻易相信随便打折的商家,他们往往会把原价60元/块的产品标为160元/块销售,即便打5折,顾客也未必划算。 8. The bike's sales quantity in this store is 225 times of 1949's 今年这个商店自行车销售量是1949年的225倍。 9. It stresses with the book picturesquely, emphasizes the spirit written, maintain the center uses pens, accumulate in store making use of with the thread, the twists that circle round, it is condensed to take in, a kindly face masks a stony heart, beautiful and moist and dark green and muddy, one golden mean, honest, substantiate, great the Confucians aesthetic normal result that stipulate of philosophy. 它讲究以书入画,强调写的精神,主张中锋用笔,用线含蓄蕴藉,回旋曲折,收纳凝练,绵里藏针、秀润苍浑,是一种中庸、正大、充实、浩然的儒家哲学的审美规范规定的结果。 10. Don't forget to take ESD precautions and store the parts in antistatic bags if possible. 别忘了静电放电的预防措施和存储部件的防静电袋如果可能的话。 11. in store的翻译 11. Each article in the store has a tag with the price marked on it. 这家商店的每一件商品都有明码标价的标签。 12. in store什么意思 12. During the past time, people puzzled out a TV host's personal character from his voice, dress, or body action. Though a TV host appearing in a programm with sweet and beautiful voice, elegant dress and good manners, he may looked like a model standing in a clothing store, for he never spoke anything about himself. 过去,人们依靠对主持人的声音、服饰、举止来揣摩他的个性化特征,除了甜美的声音,优雅的服饰,得体的举止,他们就像服装店里的模特,似乎没有对我们说过关于他们自己的任何话。 13. AVAILABLE SEPARATELY: Same Boots for Men - word search in our Store for'Minnetonka Moccasins'. 可以单独使用:同靴男性-词搜索在我们的商店为'明尼苏达州m occasins'。 14. Therefore, subject to the store inventory table, two ITEMs below differ in their actual quantity and that existing in the system. Would you please issue the related invoice and Credite note to us so that we may make an adjusment? 因为店员的错误,没有及时提供信息给我们,现在根据店里的库存表,下面2个ITEM的实际数量和系统数量存在差异,请你开发票和Credite note 给我们,以便我们调整。 15. Receiving the yeoman's service idea, there is a QC Support Specialist in every chain store of HENGCHAN for giving you some advice on the decoration of bedroom suit. 秉承欧式的服务理念,恒产在每个专卖店设立品质保证专员,并提供免费家具套房设计参考,做到为客户度身定做家具套房产品,实现百分之一百二十的客户满意度。 16. in store在线翻译 16. Always keep your cue in a good quality case, when not in use do not leave the cue leaning in a corner. Do not store cue and case near to a heat source (near a radiator or direct sunlight). 在球杆不用得情况下不要将杆斜靠于角落或者墙壁,放置于质量可靠得杆盒内(比较理想的是刚性的杆盒),勿将球杆及杆盒存放于热源附近(例如散热器或阳光直射处)。 17. This is for all the mothers who mess up, who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired 2-year-old who wants ice cream before dinner. 这是写给所有心情糟糕的母亲,她们在商店里责骂她们的孩子,朝死里打他们,甚至像一个两岁的小孩想在饭前吃根冰激凌一样,气的跺脚。 18. 18. The design of marketing management network system for a everybody fashions speciality store is described, which is based on DB server/ WB server/ browser mode in this paper. 基于DBServer/WebServer/Browser模式,针对众人时装专卖店,讨论了营销管理网络系统的设计内容,介绍了服务器系统软件、网络结构、开发环境,并给出了整个系统的功 19. Shanghai silk speciality store attended to silk related cultural artworks in China, our products are made of world-leading innovative technology of high resolution color printing on silk material. 我们是上海真丝书画专卖店,本店主要经营以丝绸面料为原材料,立志全面展现丝绸文化礼品内涵,公司生产的丝绸礼品在全面表现丝绸纤维性能的基础上,添加了特有的中国传统文化元素,形成了集收藏与馈赠为一体的丝绸文化珍品系列。 20. in store的翻译 20. In fact, I have always thought that mall do not have any specific reference to the template, we have to match the surrounding environment, look for your target market, the scope of radiation, consumer groups, which have a commercial shopping district of the Business area, the number of proportion, Performance index, and then analyzes the characteristics of their own projects, such as building structure, the idea of planning, product positioning, and so on, have to do a full range of considerations, the project should not take business model sets, otherwise it will enter the Trader errors in commercial operation, On the one hand, the project requires a rational analysis of the business, on the other hand, also need experience of perceptual knowledge, Therefore, the practical is the most important, and sometimes I often take the university to open a convenience store when the state of mind to do, your location, the allocation of goods, customer needs analysis, competitor analysis, the source of profit analysis, staff management, Each of you has a bearing on the vital interests of the past, so convenience stores to the tired physically and mentally exhausted, and now do professional managers, but relaxed pleasure, why, in large measure because we do not have to do in-depth market analysis, there is no To go from a financial point of view to measure inputs and outputs, In a way, we copy the model and set of formulas that this is the blind authority, and that is scientific, not a matter of fact, what professional, non-professional planning, planning is not professional, lead to a large number of commercial real estate projects and idle Waste, Who's fault also? 其实,我一直认为做mall没有具体的模版去参考,一定要跟周围的环境相匹配,认准你的目标市场、辐射范围、消费人群,所在商圈已有商业业态的面积、数量占比、业绩指数等,再分析自身项目的特性,比如建筑结构,规划构思,产品定位等,都要做全方位的考量,商业项目切忌拿模式来套,否则的话就会进入操盘的误区,操作商业项目一方面需要有理性的商业分析,另一方面还需要经验积累的感性认识,所以,切合实际才是最重要的,有时候我常常拿在大学时开便利店的心态去做事,你的选址、货品配置、顾客需求分析、竞争对手分析、利润来源分析、店员管理等,每一项都关系到你的切身的利益,以前做便利店累到身心疲惫,而现在做职业经理人,反倒轻松愉悦,为何,因为在很大程度上我们没有去做深度的市场分析、没有去从财务的角度去衡量投入和产出,从某种意义上来讲我们在照搬模式和套公式,盲目的认为这就是权威,这就是科学,其实不然,何为专业,专业的不策划、策划的不专业,导致大量商业地产项目的闲置和浪费,谁之过也? in store 单语例句in store什么意思 1. But then, he didn't know what destiny had in store. 2. Wealthier people in Beijing tried all means to get foreign exchange certificates to buy butter, cheese and home appliances such as toasters available only at the Friendship Store. 3. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store. 4. Shoppers have also found they can save time and effort by buying seafood on a website rather than in a physical store. 5. The convenience store's ticketing system hopes to cash in on the ticket buying habits of high speed rail passengers. 6. Though buying online has advantages over shopping in a sex store, some shoppers still prefer the real thing. 7. As you walk in the store and head down the stairs, a vast space comes into sight catching visitors by surprise. 8. But firefighters did not reach the scene until half an hour later, by which time the store owner's son had perished in the blaze. 9. We used to store several hundred kilograms of cabbage and potatoes, which were the staple of our diet in winter. 10. A young US student in Beijing recalled that once during her first month in the city she bought some chestnuts at a campus grocery store. in store |
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