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单词 insular
    insular [英 [??nsj?l?(r)] 美 [??ns?l?r] ]
    insular 基本解释
    形容词孤立的; 与世隔绝的; 海岛的; 岛民的
    insular 反义词
    insular 网络解释
    1. 与世隔绝:这类事情有助于鼓励这类与世隔绝(insular)的相法;这种想法导致软件并没有解决任何位于外界人认为值得解决的问题. 我们引用Ron Jeffries的话来加强这个概念:「一个开发者真正需要开始认真工作是直到她已开发她自己的内在品质的意识(sense),
    2. 岛的岛状的岛民的岛国的:insular talus 岛坡 | insular 岛的;岛状的;岛民的;岛国的 | insular 岛的岛状的岛民的岛国的
    3. insular什么意思
    3. 海岛的:insula 脑岛 | insular 海岛的 | insularity 岛国性质
    4. insular是什么意思
    4. 岛形的:insular slope 岛坡 | insular 岛形的 | insulate 隔离
    insular 双语例句
    1. insular的反义词
    1. At the neural level, Experiment 1 revealed a set of brain regions, including bilateral superior and inferior frontal eye fields, intraparietal sulci, supplementary eye field, regions in the junction between transverse occipital sulci and intraparietal sulci, and anterior insular were activated more when the display was heterogeneous than homogeneous.
    2. Objective To explore the correlation between Fully-kindled Insular and Amygdaloid Model of Epilepsy in seizure of Rats.
    3. Methods The electrical stimulation fully-kindled seizures amygdala and insular models was established.
    4. The script depended on local customs and tastes. The sturdy Roman letters of the early Dark Ages gradually gave way to cursive scripts such as Uncial and half-Uncial, especially in the British Isles, where distinctive scripts such as insular majuscule and insular minuscule developed.
    5. I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of insular prejudice.
    6. When I was young, I lived much outside my own country—in France, Germany, Italy, and the united states, I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of insular prejudice.
    7. I found this very profitable in diminish ing the intensity of insular prejudice.
    8. When I was young, I lived much outside my own country-- in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Stated. I found this very profitable in diminshing the intensity of insular prejudice.
    9. The reporter understands, current, insular city has had gold garden of new residential quarter, double star, be apt to changes road village, embrace emerald green mountain villa, Fu Yuan 7 villages such as He Dingcheng village opened garden of village, blue sea this service.
    10. insular什么意思
    10. India, similar in population but poorer and economically more insular, is chiefly notable to investors and trading partners for its software and business services.
    11. Result: After images registration, smoothing and extraction, the main cerebral cortex of the brain can localized and extracted, such as frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, cerebellum, brain ventricle, thalamus and Hippocampus. By the analysis with ROI method, in OCD patients, the grey means of the brain 99mTc-ECD imaging demonstrate asymmetry, especially in frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, but there was symmetry for normal volunteer. Using SPM, apart from the upper areas, the cingulated gyrus, insular lobe, and Para hippocampus are also showed asymmetry, whereas in the automated extract program, the same results were obtained with the ROI methods.
    三、〓-FDG PET脑正常显像中,脑解剖区域的实现了自动提取,计算了以小脑为参考区的各个脑解剖区域与小脑的比值和标准差,分析了以年龄、血糖浓度以及剂量为自变量灰度变化为应变量的多元回归模型,结果显示,在提取的脑灰值区域中,除了双侧Brodmann area 17区、双侧Caudate和右侧Hippocampus,其他灰质的葡萄糖代谢均与年龄的升高成负相关,这些区域有双侧额叶、顶叶、枕叶、颞叶和小脑以及丘脑、左海马等,SPM的分析也显示了同样结果,但SPM同时发现一些脑区象素群灰度同注射剂量以及血糖浓度成反比例。
    12. insular的反义词
    12. Therefore, we have no need to limit ourselves to exclusion from formal political participation and prejudice against discrete and insular minorities as the only phenomenon of systematically malfunctioning of political market.
    13. After extensive survey of species of Takakia, we couldn't have found any individuals because of its limited population distribution, so we decided to add some relevant studies of conservation genetics to make up for the shortage of this project, including the analysis of effect of stand age and management regime on genetic diversity on Thuidium cymbifolium in Western China, and genetic structure of the endangered insular plant Neolitsea sericea on the Zhoushan archipelago. Results showed that the population of T.
    14. Near the top of a seven-acre sloped clearing framed by forest, this house features public spaces with spectacular views to the landscape while the more pricate rooms look to the insular woods at rear.
    15. We found EST was processed similarly in two groups of subjects and engaged not only the hypothalamus but also the olfactory area (amygdala, piriform, orbitofrontal, and insular cortex).
    16. In order to reveal the molecular mechanisms of extinction contributing to such differences, we used western blot analysis to examine the activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase, which is critically involved in memory formation in the medial prefrontal cortex, insular cortex, central nucleus of amygdala, and basolateral nucleus of amygdala after the first extinction trial.
    为了厘清造成这两类行为差异的分子机制,我们利用西方点墨法分析第一次「消除」训练后内侧前额叶皮质、岛叶皮质、中央杏仁核与基侧杏仁核(basolateral nucleus of amygdala)等脑区中 extracellular signal-regulated kinase的活性,因为 ERK 是在记忆形成过程中不可或缺的蛋白酶。
    17. Both preferred a continental to an insular manner of life, a cisatlantic to a transatlantic place of residence.
    18. Along with fresh injections of capital and ingenuity and China's famous entrepreneurial bustle, the Chinese also often bring an insular clannishness, a driven style of management, an unblushing attitude toward corruption, and as the case in Pakistan suggests, an acceptance of things like brothels, which are common in China but in many other societies are seen as undesirable or are illegal.
    19. After computed and compared with SPM, the result showed that there were significant increase in glucose metabolism at insular lobe, parietal lobe, hippocampi, dorsal thalamus, superior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, posterior limb of internal capsule and inferior temporal gyrus in brains of volunteers in the sweet taste stimulation state compared with the control state (p.005 unconnected).
    20. insular的反义词
    20. Following small injections into the caudal part of the insular cortex, the retrogradely labeled neurons were mainlyseen in the parvicellular ventroposterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus, thecentral lateralsubdivision of the PBN, theouter part of the external medial subdivision of the PBN, and the contralateral PBme.
    insular 词典解释
    1. 孤立的;保守的;思想狭隘的
    If you say that someone is insular, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to meet new people or to consider new ideas.
    e.g. ...the old image of the insular, xenophobic Brit.
    But at least they have started to break out of their old insularity.
    但是他们至少已经开始打破过去孤立保守的心态。insular 单语例句
    1. At least some of the divergence in the Shanghai market stems from its insular nature.
    2. In Pennsylvania's insular Amish country, the outer world has intruded on occasion.
    3. Sadly, that puts America at grave risk of becoming more insular and inward looking.




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