单词 | insurrection |
释义 | insurrection [英 [??ns??rek?n] 美 [??ns??r?k??n] ] insurrection的意思、解释 复数形式:insurrections; insurrection 基本解释 名词暴动; 叛乱; 造反 insurrection 网络解释 1. insurrection的解释 1. 起义:秘鲁(peru) 起义(insurrection): 大毒枭依仗他手下的雇佣兵而无视秘鲁法律,并且压迫当地的人民. 如果能消灭这股力量, 将是对其在秘鲁势力的一次重大打击. 中央情报局(cia)提供的卫星照片清楚地显示出了毒枭在秘大毒枭依仗他手下的雇佣兵而无视秘鲁法律, 2. 星空反击 起义 星际叛变 星空反攻:First Contact 戰鬥巡航 第一次接觸 第一類接觸 戰鬥巡航 星空第一擊 | Insurrection 星空反擊 起義 星際叛變 星空反攻 | Nemesis 復仇女神 星戰啟示錄 3. insurrection在线翻译 3. 起义,暴动,造反(指行动):insurgent起义者,暴动者,造反者 | insurrection起义,暴动,造反(指行动) | mishap不幸的事,灾祸 insurrection 双语例句 1. In the third place, while people`s behaviors are confined by laws, their nature may remain unaltered; which would highly possible stimulate human`s insurrection, at least in their deep minds. 第三,当人们的行为被法律约束的时候,他们的本性没变;很有可能刺激人的叛乱,至少在心里。 2. The Society of the Friends of the People had, it was said, undertaken to direct the insurrection in the Quartier Sainte-Avoye. 据说,在圣阿瓦区指挥那次起义的是人民之友社。 3. 3. He looks kind of cute.- His intended insurrection... 他看起来满可爱的-他意图叛乱 4. Insurrection. John C. Calhoun of South Carolina led a special 叛乱。约翰C卡尔霍恩领导南卡罗来纳州的一个特殊 5. He's calling for an insurrection, isn't he? 他说这是起义,对吧? 6. Of or relating to or given to insurrection. 属于、关于或惯于起义的。 7. We are not prepared for an armed insurrection. 我们没有准备武装暴动。 8. During the last two years, as we have said, Paris had witnessed more than one insurrection. 两年以来,我们已提到过,巴黎见过的起义不止一次。 9. If you have ever cherished any dreams of violent insurrection, you must abandon them. 如果你曾经梦想过发生暴力起义,那你就抛弃这个梦想吧。 10. In all countries any person who incites others to insurrection is guilty of treason. 在任何一个国家任何一个鼓动别人参加暴乱的人都犯有叛国罪。 11. And the phase of subjugation and insurrection left her full of military spirit. 而征服和反抗的历史则使得她在军事方面充满勇气。 12. The Emperor Perfetto XI, for instance, who controlled Primordium for sixteen years until the Great Insurrection, was a man familiar with every corruption of mind and spirit. 就拿国王普菲多十一世来说吧,他在人民大起义爆发前统治了这个国家整整16年,是个极度腐败、灵魂堕落的人。 13. 13. His exploits, and those of Company C soldiers in conflicts such as Vietnam, World War I and the Philippine Insurrection, are displayed on a wall inside the company headquarters at the patrol base. 他的攻击,而C公司的士兵在冲突中,如越南,第一次世界大战和菲律宾叛乱,都显示在墙壁内的公司总部在巡逻基地。 14. It agitates the community with illfounded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. 它在社区里煽起毫无根据的猜忌和莫须有的惊恐;挑拨一派与另一派对立;有时还鼓起骚乱和暴动。 15. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. 它在社区里煽起毫无根据的猜忌和莫须有的惊恐;挑拨一派与另一派对立;有时还鼓起骚乱和暴动。 16. Cattle herdsman came from the leadership of Communist Party member Jiang Yongquan villagers armed insurrection. 牛倌出身的共产党员姜永泉领导乡亲们武装暴动。 17. 17. A Corporation shall not be in breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement when failure to perform, or delay in performing, any obligation is due wholly or in part to act of God, act of the public enemy, war, civil commotion, insurrection, riot, embargo, fire, explosion, earthquake, lightning, flood or other major action of the elements, or other catastrophe, legislation, any act, order or regulation of` any governmental or other duly constituted authority, delay or failure of carriers, delay by the Purchaser or strike or other labor troubles, lack or shortage or delay in delivery of supplies, materials, accessories or equipment, or any other cause beyond Corporation`s practical control. 如部分或全部因下列原因而致使任何义务没有或延迟履行,公司不得承担任何违约责任:不可抗损失、公敌行为、战争、民变、叛乱、暴动、禁运、火灾、爆炸、地震、雷击、洪水或其他重大事件、其他重大灾难、政府或其他合法当局的法律、法规、命令或规定、运输延误或故障、因买方或罢工或其他劳动争议造成的延误、因物资、材料、附件或设备短缺或供货延误、或其他任何公司无法实际控制的原因。 18. A Corporation shall not be in breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement when failure to perform, or delay in performing, any obligation is due wholly or in part to act of god, act of the public enemy, war, civil commotion, insurrection, riot, embargo, fire, explosion, earthquake, lighting, flood or other major action of the elements, or other catastrophe, legislation, any act, order or regulation of any governmental or other duly constituted authority, delay or failure of carriers, delay by the Purchaser or strike or other labor troubles, lack or shortage or delay in delivery of supplies, materials, accessories or equipment, or any other cause beyond Corporation`s practical control. 如部分或全部因下列原因而致使任何义务没有或延迟履行,公司不得承担任何位于责任:不可抗损失、公敌行为、战争、民变、叛乱、暴动、禁运、火灾、爆炸、地震、雷击、洪水或其他重大事件、其他重大灾难、go-vern-ment其他合法当局的法律、法规、命令或规定、运输厌恶或故障、因买方或罢工或其他劳动争议造成的厌恶、因物资、材料、附件或设备短缺或供货延误、或其他任何公司无法实际控制的原因。 19. Every day he procrastinates, is one closer to bloody insurrection. 他耽误一天,就又离血腥的叛乱进了一步 20. Under the Caesars, there was no insurrection, but there was Juvenal. 在热能的强度方面也有所区别,起义是火山,暴动是草火。 insurrection 词典解释 1. 起义;造反;叛乱 An insurrection is violent action that is taken by a large group of people against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office. e.g. They were plotting to stage an armed insurrection. 他们正密谋发动武装起义。 e.g. Those found guilty of rebellion and insurrection will be sentenced to life imprisonment. 那些被判决犯有谋反叛乱罪的人将被处以终身监禁。 insurrection 单语例句 1. The insurrection was probably inspired by a similar uprising staged in Egypt by Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser six years ago. 2. But a letter from the Grand Duke arrives, saying a certain Azdak has been appointed judge for saving his life during the insurrection. 3. The hope is that if the new government wins the support of its people, this might in turn chasten the militants to end the insurrection. 4. The strikes have continued despite Pakistani complaints that they kill mostly civilians and risk triggering an insurrection among the fiercely independent tribes along the border. 5. The old man also argued that it was not a riot and that it was an insurrection. insurrection 英英释义 noun 1. organized opposition to authority a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another Synonym: rebellionrevoltrisinguprising |
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