单词 | intelligible |
释义 | intelligible [英 [?n?tel?d??bl] 美 [?n?t?l?d??b?l] ] intelligible的意思、解释 intelligible 基本解释 形容词可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的 intelligible 相关例句 形容词 1. intelligible的翻译 1. This report would be intelligible only to an expert in computing. 这份报告恐怕只有计算机专家能看懂。 intelligible 网络解释 1. 可理解的:或者说,世界具有双重涵义:在可经验的意义上,世界是所有实际情况,是诸事实;在可理解的(intelligible)意义上,世界是逻辑空间中的诸事实:世界不是物的罗列,也不是事实的罗列,而是一个逻辑的构造,是逻辑空间中的子空间(事实空间). 2. 可识别的:34 auspicious 吉祥的 | 35 intelligible 可识别的 | 36 inflammable 易燃的 3. 明白,可理解的:intelligentsia 知识阶级,知识份子 | intelligible 明白,可理解的 | lecture 演讲,讲课,训诫,谴责 intelligible 双语例句 1. In the same way, when we analyze an act of intellectual assent to any given truth, we must distinguish the intellectual faculty which elicits the act the intelligible object towards which the intellect is directed, and the evidence whether intrinsic to that object or extrinsic to it, which moves us to assent to it. 在同样的,当我们进行分析的行为智力赞同任何特定的真相,我们必须区分智力机能诱发行为的理解对象对其中的智慧,是导演,而且证据是否内在该物体或外在给它,它的举动,我们赞同这样做。 2. Punctuation is bound to change, like the rest of language; punctuation is made for man, not man for punctuation; a good sentence should be intelligible without the help of punctuation in most cases; and if you get in a muddle with your dots and dashes, you may need to simplify your thoughts, and shorten your sentence). 然则做文章通篇只点黑痣,役使一下标点,似也无妨。《续板桥杂记》里说,名妓陈小江「眉目疏朗,靥辅间数点微麻,天然媚丽」。丛书集成堆里好书确是不少,虽微麻,洵美材也。除非碰到陈小江萌生相见已晚之恨,否则感叹号还是少用。文章多用感叹号就像在台上说笑话,台下没人笑,自己大笑,尴尬得很。忘了这话是谁说的。 3. intelligible的解释 3. The ascent to see the things in the upper world you may take as standing for the upward journey of the soul into the region of the intelligible 你可以把上升到地面、观察世间万物的行程,看作灵魂升华、进入理性王国的旅程 4. intelligible的解释 4. It will be mature when its words are intelligible to everyone. 当它的词句能够被所有人理解时,它就成熟了。 5. 5. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? 舌头若不说容易明白的话,怎能知道所说的是什么呢? 6. intelligible的近义词 6. Children may acquire a complete understanding of language without ever having been able to produce intelligible words. 儿童可能习得了完整的语言理解力,却无法正确的发音。 7. 7. They greatly respected his intellectual prowess, even if they did not always find his words particularly intelligible. 他们非常敬重他的智力的威力,尽管他们并不总是觉得他的话特别明白。 8. So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? 你们也是如此,舌头若不说容易明白的话,怎能知道所说的是什么呢。 9. He used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible. 他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂的。 10. Veer abortive pale draught oracle antidote correlate dislocate gratuitous debauch sanction impede ineptitude insinuate remould aspiration arrogate literal intelligible conceit 改变方向,转向夭折的,失败的,中断的,流产的。范围,界限要求神谕宣誓,预言,圣言解毒药,矫正方法相互关系使离开原来位置,打乱正常秩序无偿的,没有理由的。 11. intelligible的近义词 11. Sacraments are said to cause grace insofar as they are intelligible signs of it, and that the fruitfulness, as distinct from the validity, of the sacrament is dependent on the faith and devotion of the recipient. 圣礼是说令恩典,因为它们是理解的迹象,并表示,结实性,以区别於有效性,对圣餐是依赖於信念和献身精神的收件人。 12. And if it was intelligible, then it was alterable 如果可以识别,那就可以改变。 13. Nevertheless, it remains the case that although spoken American and British English are generally mutually intelligible, there are enough differences to cause occasional misunderstandings or at times embarrassment – for example, some words that are quite innocent in one dialect may be considered vulgar in the other. 尽管如此,仍然如此,虽然谈到美国和英国英语通常是相互理解,有足够的差异造成误解或偶尔有时尴尬-例如,有些话,是非常无辜的一个方言可被视为粗俗的其他。 14. I puzzled over her words and sought to attach to them some intelligible meaning. 我左思右想研究她的话,企图找出合理的意义。 15. Question: What intelligible meaning, may I ask, do you attach to the idea of a masculine God as postulated by practically the whole of the Christian clergy, and arbitrarily imposed upon the masses during the dark ages of the past and until the present moment? 问题:如果可以,请问你对整个基督教设定了一个男性上帝并自中世纪至今将其强加于大众这个问题,有什么明确的看法? 16. Mr. Weston was a great favourite, and there was not a creature in the world to whom she spoke with such unreserve, as to his wife; not any one, to whom she related with such conviction of being listened to and understood, of being always interesting and always intelligible, the little affairs, arrangements, perplexities and pleasures of her father and herself 韦斯顿先生是她非常喜欢的人,世界上没有一个人,她能跟他说话像跟他妻子说话那样畅所欲言;没有任何人,她在向他叙述她父亲和她的琐事,安排,困惑和欢乐时能像这样有自信,相信对方能倾听和理解,相信自己讲的东西是对方感兴趣而又听得懂的。 17. Mr. weston was a great favourite, and there was not a creature in the world to whom she spoke with such unreserve, as to his wife; not any one, to whom she related with such conviction of being listened to and understood, of being always interesting and always intelligible, the little affairs, arrangements, perplexities, and pleasures of her father and herself. 她对任何人讲话都不像跟他们讲话是这样推心置腹,不论是琐碎小事,安排细节,感到为难的问题,还是她父亲和她的乐趣,她都深信她的话会被仔细听取,深深理解,对方从来都会感兴趣,感到易于听懂。 18. intelligible 18. Abaza is a North West Caucasian language spoken by about 45, 000 people in the Russian autonomous republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea, and also in Germany, Turkey and the USA. It is fairly closely related to Abkhaz and is intelligible with it to some extent. 阿巴札语是高加索语系西北高加索语支的一种语言,在俄罗斯境内的卡拉恰耶夫----切尔克斯自治共和共和国和阿迪格自治共和国,在德国,土耳其和美国也有使用者,此语言和阿布哈兹相近并且在一定程度上相通。 19. 19. The outcome performance of this prototype was also evaluated. In the clinical experiment, we randomly separated the subjects into the study group and the control group, they were applied on the proposed procedure or the traditional procedure individually. We assessed their performance difference by the speech variables including the mean length of utterance, the number of different words and the percentage of intelligible utterances. These speech variables are recorded corresponding to the study before and after 8 sessions of speech therapy for every subject. By the statistics analysis, the outcomes of the study group have significant improvement in the MLU and NDW. 在临床实验方法中,我们先选择适当个案参与实验,再依所设计之语汇选取策略从YMS资料库选择治疗教材,并规划治疗流程以进行治疗,个案经8次的语言治疗后,评估记录其平均句长、不同语汇出现数、及语汇清晰度,并与接受传统语言治疗之对照组比较,结果验证采用本研究所发展的辅具确实对实验组个案在平均语句长度、不同语汇出现数上有明显的治疗成效。 20. intelligible 20. Then I must make you understand; and perhaps I may be more intelligible if I put the matter in this way. 这其实也很好懂的;如果我用这样的方式来解释问题,也许更容易懂一些。 intelligible 词典解释 1. 可理解的;明白易懂的 Something that is intelligible can be understood. intelligible的解释 e.g. The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike... 达尔文的语言无论对专家还是非专业人士而言都明白易懂。 e.g. The woman moaned faintly but made no intelligible response. 那个女人发出微弱的呻吟声,却没有作出任何有意义的反应。 intelligible 英英释义 adj 1. capable of being apprehended or understood Synonym: apprehensiblegraspableperceivableunderstandable 2. well articulated or enunciated, and loud enough to be heard distinctly e.g. intelligible pronunciation |
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