单词 | congruence |
释义 | congruence [英 ['k??gr??ns] 美 [?kɑ?ɡru?ns, k?n?ɡru-] ] congruence的意思、解释 congruence 基本解释 名词一致; 全等; 适合; 叠合 congruence 反义词 名词incongruence congruence 网络解释 1. 一致性:3 一致性(Congruence) 在这里,一致性(Congruence)意指拥有内在的始终如一的个性. 确切地说,女人会碰到数千个对她们表示过兴趣的男人. 他们大多会把自己看家本领拿出来,有些还会夸大、捏造一些东西以赢得女人的兴趣. 女人很快会知道, 2. congruence 2. 同余:其解法是先分类,典型的数学方法是同余(congruence)这个观念并藉此得同余类(congruence class)即被一个数除之后的余数,无穷多个数不可能每个都要. 数学家自然的选择了质数,所以这个问题与黎曼猜想之Zeta 函数有关. 经由长时间大量的计算与资料收集,他 congruence 双语例句 1. Filters and congruence relations of the residuated lattices are studied by employing muti-valued logic algebra's methods in this paper. 本文在具有广泛应用的一类模糊逻辑代数系统——剩余格中,用多值逻辑代数的方法进一步研究了滤子与同余关系。 2. The authors prove that if a variety generated by a finite algebra has both weakly definable principal congruence and definable subdirectly irreducible class, its equational system is finitely axiomatizable. 证明了 任一有穷代数A,若V具有弱可定义的主同余类以及可定义次直不可分解类,则它的等式系是可以有穷公理化的。 3. By mean of congruence transformation, when root of a polynomial has zero-root or double-root, a method for diagonalization of some Bezout matrics is given in this paper. 主要通过合同关系,对Bezout矩阵中当多项式存在零根和存在二重根时的对角化问题进行分析,得到一些有意义的结论。 4. And a excellent narrow-band filter will be produced with a low-pass and a high-pass filter at the passband congruence. 采用一个低通滤波器和高通滤波器在其通带叠合处便可产生一个优良的窄带滤波器。 5. The semilattice decomposition is the main method in the study of semigroups so that the complete semilattice congruence plays an important role in the structure of po-semigroups. 类似于普通半群,半格分解是研究偏序半群结构的一个重要方法,完全半格同余成为研究偏序半群结构的有力工具。 6. congruence的近义词 6. Also, the complete semilattice congruence classes on S is considered, and it is proved that every complete semilattice congruence class of S is the union of some N-classes of S. The relation between principal filters and complete semilattice congruence classes of a po-semigroup S is also investigated. 继而对偏序半群中的完全半格同余类的结构进行了研究,得出偏序半群中的每个完全半格同余类都是若干主滤子的并,刻画了完全半格同余类和主滤子之间的关系。 7. It is proved that there is a bijection between the set of fuzzy filters and the set of fuzzy congruence relations. Afterwards, the notion of normal mapping from a residuated lattice to another is defined. 本章的第三节引入了两个剩余格之间的正规映射,讨论了正规映射的一些性质,证明了由正规映射诱导的Zadeh型函数是保Fuzzy滤子的映射。 8. Today, Fuzzy set theories, rough set theory was combined with algebra structures, which gave birth to Fuzzy rough algebra. Zhang and Xiao popularized rough structures from semigroups to Fuzzy semigroups, showing the definition of Fuzzy rough semigroup, Fuzzy rough sub ring and Fuzzy rough ideals by congruence, and then studied their properties. 继Kuroki N之后,张金玲、肖旗梅把半群中的粗糙结构推广到模糊半群、模糊环中,通过普通同余关系定义了模糊半群上的模糊粗子集,如模糊粗半群、模糊粗子环、模糊粗理想的概念,并研究了与他们相应的一些性质。 9. 9. As for RESC, the congruence CG as a primitive spatial relation is added and two new functions acting on region, Region Extension and Region Shrinking are introduced, consequently a formalized metrization method that takes region as a basic unit is put forward. RESC增加了一个全等CG的原始空间关系,引入了两个新颖的对区域的演算函数,即区域延伸和区域收缩,从而给出了一种以区域为单位的形式化的度量方法。 10. The dissertation makes a general conclusion that the land tenure reform in forestry sector in Fujian Province is a gradual process and has historical congruence. 研究表明,福建省的集体林产权制度改革是一个渐进的制度变迁过程,具有历史延续性。 11. High Congruence between Poor and Vulnerable and the Unorganised Workers: Over the decades while the percentage of the population below the poverty line has come down, in 2004-200577 per cent people, totaling 836 million, had an income less than twice the official poverty line or below Rs. 不过,调查报告也表示,印度生活在赤贫下的标准,是每天生活费用十二卢比,而印度全国人口有77%,约八亿三千六百万人,每日生活费用在二十卢比之上。 12. Having understood that, we can then examine the cultures and sub-cultures of our client systems and decide whether or not there is enough value congruence to proceed with the project. 经了解,我们便可以研究文化和亚文化我们的客户系统,并决定是否或不是有足够的价值余进行该项目。 13. congruence的翻译 13. Second, individual formalism has positive effect on rule compliance. IF`s positive effect on rule deference only appear under high value congruence between individuals and organization. 第二,形式主义倾向的个体会更多地服从规则;当个体认为自身与组织的价值观一致时,高形式主义的个体才会自觉自愿地遵守组织规则。 14. congruence什么意思 14. The result indicated that the value fit had a potential prediction to the need-supply fit, and the need-supply fit mediated the relationship between value congruence and employees'job satisfaction. 结果表明,价值观契合对需求契合存在潜在的预测作用,价值观契合通过需求契合作为中介变量对员工的工作满意度有显著的影响作用。 15. One hundred and eight of them returned their questionnaires, making a return rate of 72%. The final sample includes 104 respondents after excluding 4 incomplete questionnaires. The results show that value congruence had a positive relation with organizational commitment, but no relations with job involvement and job satisfaction. 本研究以民间企业及公家机关的员工为研究对象,采用问卷调查方式搜集资料,共计发予30家企业机关的员工,总计150份问卷,收回108份问卷,回收率达72%,最后有效问卷为104份。 16. But the effects of legitimacy on rule-compliance and rule-breaking are moderated by organizational identification and value internalization. Only under high identification or value congruence with organization, could legitimacy perception predict rule compliance and breaking. 而个体对组织规则的合法性判断对于个体采取表面服从还是违反规则的行为的预测作用,受到个体对于组织的认同、以及个体与组织的价值观一致性的影响:只有当个体对于组织认同较深,认为自己与组织的价值理念一致时,个体对于组织规则的合法性判断才会促进服从规则,抑制违反规则。 17. congruence的反义词 17. The merit of human good works in the scheme of salvation ordained by God was associated with and dependent on the merit of the passion of Christ so that there was seen to be a congruence of the two. 的好处,人类的优秀作品在这项计划中的拯救祝圣上帝与其和依赖的优点的热情基督,以便有被视为是一个余两。 18. Finally this paper consideres an applicable case-the symbolic transition graph, then the generalized symbolic observation graph SOG and symbolic congruence graph SCG can be finite, so authors'algorithm is feasible for weak bisimulation and observation congruence. 此时由符号双迁移关系生成的符号观察图和迟符号同余图必为有穷图,因而我们的弱互模拟等价算法是可行的。 19. This paper firstly expatiates the shortcomings of directly using the functions of srand and rand from the library of the standard C language to produce the sequences of stochastic numbers by means of linear congruence generation. 该文首先阐述了分形模拟技术中通常直接使用标准C库中srand和rand函数进行线性同余来产生随机序列这一方法的不足,尝试性地设计出查询随机数表的方法,这种方法基本上消除了rand函数例程的任意周期性。 20. congruence 20. Chapter three: Define fuzzy congruence relation of MTL-algebra, prove that fuzzy fiter and fuzzy congruence relation is a bijective function in MTL-algebra, quotient algebra induced by congruence relation still forms a MTL-algebra; Introduce the relation between some kinds of fiters and fuzzy filters maitained above in IMTL-algebra, i. e. BR_0 algebra, which is a MTL-algebra satisfied inversely odering and involutive relation. 第三章:定义了MTL-代数中的Fuzzy同余关系,证明了MTL-代数中Fuzzy滤子与Fuzzy同余关系是——对应的,由同余关系所诱导的商代数依然构成一个MTL-代数;介绍了在满足逆序对合对应的MTL-代数-IMTL-代数,即BR_0-代数中上述几中特殊滤子,Fuzzy滤子之间的关系。 congruence 词典解释 1. 相似;合适;相称;一致 Congruence is when two things are similar or fit together well. e.g. ...a necessary congruence between political, cultural and economic forces. 政治力量、文化力量和经济力量之间必要的一致性 congruence 英英释义 congruence的翻译 noun 1. the quality of agreeing being suitable and appropriate Synonym: congruitycongruousness |
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