单词 | conifer |
释义 | conifer [英 [?k?n?f?(r)] 美 [?kɑ:n?f?(r)] ] conifer的意思、解释 复数形式:conifers; conifer 基本解释 名词[植]针叶树; 松柏科植物 conifer 网络解释 1. conifer 1. 针叶树材:concrete-filled steel tubular member 钢管混凝土构件(8) | conifer 针叶树材(65) | coniferous wood 针叶树材(65) 2. conifer 2. 松柏植物:斑叶植物 variegate-leaved plant | 松柏植物 conifer | 常绿植物 evergreen plant 3. conifer的反义词 3. 針樹葉:10.ATMOSPHERE 芳香氣氛 | 01.CONIFER 針樹葉 | 02.THE SUN RISES 日出 conifer 双语例句 1. 1. The results indicated:During the course of vegetation natural recovery, there are different stage of secondary sere at different degree of degraded lands, that is secondary herbosa; secondary scrub; masson pine coniferous forest; conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest; every green broad-leaved forest. 本项研究从比较生态学入手,分析了千岛湖地区退化森林生态系统不同植被恢复措施,即:自然恢复、人工促进自然恢复和人工恢复措施下的群落生态变化,比较了不同措施之间的生态响应差异,研究结果表明:①在植被自然恢复过程中,由于生态系统退化程度的不同,存在草灌丛、灌丛、马尾松林、混交林和常绿阔叶林整个演替序列。 2. Resort Conifer Yunfu according to five-star hotel management and operation pattern to create you home. 云浮康年迎宾馆按照五星级酒店的经营管理模式,为您营造云浮温馨之家。 3. conifer的近义词 3. Using the techniques of ecology restoration, e. g. planting the conifer to protect the hardwood 采用栽针保阔、低效林改造和封山育林等生态恢复技术,对天然次生林,实行全面的综合经 4. The results showed that the goodness of fit of conifer species were greater than those of the broadleaf species. 在此基础上,预测了8个树种在两种气候变化方案下100a后的分布图。 5. conifer 5. As a rule, in the Northwest, these hosts are various kinds of conifer trees. 作为一项规则,西北,这些主机是针叶树各种树木。 6. Canada contains some of the very last untouched conifer forest in the world. 加拿大包含一些非常原始针叶林去年在世界上。 7. Some species of trees have aesthetic value, such as conifer and rare broad leaved tree. 为增加林带的美学欣赏价值,应该配置非传统的针阔叶树种。 8. conifer什么意思 8. On that piece of land I would also recommend conifer s or maybe cedars. 那块地嘛,我还建议你种引起针叶树,或许是雪松。 9. They are large evergreen conifer trees, ranging from 23m to 32m high. 它们是 23 米到 32 米高的大型的常绿针叶树。 10. Amber is fossil conifer resin, which takes millions of years to form. 大厅或说舞厅是拉斯特雷利的杰作之一。 11. conifer的解释 11. The influence of environmental variables on distribution of PAHs(1) The concentrations of PAHs were higher in warm temperate zone and subtropical zonethan in low temperature zone; (2) The concentration in plain, hilly land and Ya'an mountainousregion were higher than in other places; (3) The concentration in paddy fields, dry land andforests were higher than in artificial land and grass; (4) There was positive correlation betweenthe concentration of PAHs and TOC. The correlation was more obvious for 4-rings PAHs thanfor 5-, 6-rings PAHs; (5) The concentration of PAHs in acid soils was higher than in alkali andneutral soils; (6) The concentrations in conifer and spinney forest were higher than inbroad-leaved forest. Part two: The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of POPs at Basin-MountainTransect. 环境因素对多环芳烃分布的影响(1)温带和亚热带地区土壤多环芳烃含量高于低温地区土壤中多环芳烃含量;(2)在平原、匠陵和雅安市附近的山区多环芳烃含量高于其他地区含量:(3)水田、旱地和林地多环芳烃含量高于建筑用地和草地中含量;(4)多环芳烃含量和土壤总有机碳含量成正比,四环多环芳烃与总有机碳的相关性高于其他多环芳烃的相关性;(5)酸性土壤中多环芳烃含量高于碱性和中性土壤中含量;(6)针叶林和灌木林多环芳烃含量高于阔叶林中的含量。 12. From the container and onto the deck of the 180-foot Coast Guard buoy tender Conifer. 到达基地后,一个专门用来,把重机械和武器装备,装到战舰上的,起重机,会将 JJ 由那个容器内,吊到180英呎长海岸防卫队航标勤务船 Conifer 的甲板上。 13. Hu, a conifer of the genus Cupressus in Cupressaceae, is an precious species endemic to Sichuan and Gansu Province in China, which has been nominated as the 2~ class protection plants in. Hu是一种柏科柏木属乔本,俗称香柏、油柏、木香树,仅产于我国四川和甘肃两省,是我国特有珍贵树种,作为国家二级重点保护植物被收录于《中国植物红皮书》。 14. 14. Shengxiang floor president Weng Shao-bin said that solid wood flooring in 2008 prices is inevitable - timber prices due to the impact of broad-leaved species than the original price has risen 30 percent, while conifer species or already more than 60%; Weng Shao-bin at the same time pointed out that the floor will not directly raise prices, but rose gradually throughout the year, such as solid wood flooring will rise about 20 percent. 圣象地板总裁翁少斌表示,2008年实木地板涨价是必然的——由于受到木材涨价的影响,阔叶树种的价格已经较原来涨了30%,而针叶树种的涨幅早已超过60%;翁少斌同时指出,地板涨价不会直接提升,而是全年逐步涨起来,实木类的地板涨幅将在20%左右。 15. Using the two aerial remote sensing images of 1980 and 2001, the vegetation types of conifer, broadleaf hardwood, frutex, etc. were abstracted. The statistical result shows that the recreation facilities have tight relationship with vegetation area. The establishment of the facilities increased non-vegetation area, and the nudity area increased 21.1%, while the conifer and mixed wood of conifer and hardwood decreased 6.2% and 2.5% respectively. 利用1980年和2001年两期航空遥感图像,提取了针叶林、阔叶落叶林、针阔混交林等植被类型,结果表明旅游设施的修建增加了无植被区域的面积,使裸岩裸地面积增加了21.1%,针叶林和针阔混交林的面积则分别减少了6.2%和2.5%。 16. conifer 16. It claims the world`s only parasitic conifer and nearly two-thirds off the world`s species of Araucaria trees, all of which are endemic. 它宣称是世界的唯一地方性的寄生针叶树和世界三分之二地方性的南洋杉树的种类。 17. The Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil. 在澳大利亚找到的瓦勒迈松是一种长期以来一直被认为已经绝迹的针叶树的幸存树种,因此被称为活化石。 18. The Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil; the only surviving frontier blockhouse in Pennsylvania. 在澳大利亚发现的沃尼米松树是被认为早已灭绝了的活松标本,因此也被认为是''。'活化石'。'';宾夕法尼亚州现存唯一的前线碉堡。 19. Boreal Europe blanchs conifer sulfate the price of law wood pulp, 1998 first quarter, namely from 580 dollar / ton fall for 500 dollar / ton. 北欧漂白针叶树硫酸盐法木浆的价格,在1998年第一季度,即从580美元/吨降为500美元/吨。 20. Our results revealed that C. tadae could be captured in board-leaved forest, conifer forest, bamboo forest and orchard, but it preferred conifer forest which has more fallen logs and higher coverage of fallen logs, and avoided board-leaved forest which has more rocks and exposure surface. 实验结果发现台湾长尾麝鼩在阔叶林、针叶林、竹林、果园四种类型的巨栖地内皆会出现,但其最偏好利用具有较多倒木、倒木覆盖度较高的针叶林,较排斥利用有过多岩石及地表较为裸露的阔叶林。 conifer 词典解释 1. 针叶树 Conifers are a group of trees and shrubs, for example pine trees and fir trees, that grow in cooler areas of the world. They have fruit called cones, and very thin leaves called needles which they do not normally lose in winter. conifer 英英释义 noun 1. any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones Synonym: coniferous tree |
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