单词 | scale down |
释义 | scale down [英 [skeil daun] 美 [skel da?n] ] scale down的意思、解释 scale down 基本解释 按比例缩减[小],按比例减少[降低] scale down 网络解释 1. 1. 按比例缩减:saturate with使充满 | scale down按比例缩减 | scrape through擦过,勉强通过 2. 按比例缩减;按比例递减:Scale D Circular 丁级传阅通告 | scale down 按比例缩减;按比例递减 | scale maximum 顶薪点 3. 按比例缩小:dispatch急件 | scale down按比例缩小 | emissary使者 4. scale down 4. 缩减:gain an insight into 了解 | scale down 缩减 | cut back 减少 scale down 双语例句 1. For keeping a rare hope to defeat Yin Zheng, Zen and Xue guard the arrow regardless of their personal safety and exert themselves to block the fiery scales away. Later, however, a pelt of eight continuous scales is approaching: Doug and Phoeny hit one off respectively. Zen holds his spear horizontally to block the biggest one yet is pushed down and rolls on the ground; Xue, then, promptly stretches all her 2 arms and 2 devil arms out to block four scales at same time. However, she has just taken one aspect into consideration and neglected the other—even though the arrow is protected, she could not timely elude the last one scale closely followed so her left human arm as well as a devil arm is cut off on the spot! 为了守住击败赢政的一线希望战雪立刻奋不顾身的挡在光衍箭前尽力击开火鳞可后来八片火鳞连珠攻来豆凤奋力各击开一片童战横枪挡住一片最大的竟被其巨大的冲力推得翻了几个筋斗;天雪立刻把双手加两只魔臂都伸出去同时劈开四片火鳞但是天雪顾此却失了彼,虽然保得光衍箭,竟是不及闪过紧跟而至的另一片火鳞,她的左臂和一条魔臂立时被劈断! 2. One method of increasing the complexity of an integrated circuit is simply to scale the chip down. 增加集成电路集成度的一个方法就是缩小芯片的尺寸。 3. scale down的反义词 3. In order to study the mechanical behavior of special joint at connection between stiff suspension cable and upper chord of truss beam for stiff suspension reinforced steel truss bridge, a 1:2 scale-down model test and three-dimensional finite element analysis of Dongjiang Bridge's special joint S25 were investigated in order to find the stresses distribution rule and mechanical property of the special joint. 为研究刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁桥刚性悬索与桁梁上弦杆的连接处特殊节点的力学行为,结合东莞市东江大桥,采用1:2的几何缩尺比例,对其特殊节点S25进行了模型试验研究,并进行了详细的空间有限元分析。 4. 4. Nanjing three brother down clothing Co., Ltd., was established in 1988, contained in the thick ancient civilization, and promote the ancient capital of the modern atmosphere of the Six Dynasties - Nanjing, is a collection processing, production, research and development and sales as one of the modern large-scale professional clothing for export companies. 南京三兄羽绒服装有限公司,成立于1988年,位于厚载远古文明,弘扬现代气息的六朝古都-南京,是一家集加工、生产、研发与销售为一体的现代化大型专业服装外销公司。 5. With the way the stock market was, that had a devastating impact on my inner well being. My emotions went up and down the scale like a yo-yo. 股票市场的操作方式对我的内心产生了深刻的影响,我的情绪就像个来回蹿动的yoyo。 6. The results indicate that the productivity of these logistics companies tens to increase, but the rising rate is slow, and that technical efficiency and technolygy tend to go down while the scale efficiency has a increase. 通过分析发现,我国物流企业的生产效率发展趋势较好,呈上升状态,但上升程度并不明显,其中技术效率和技术有所下滑,而规模效率则有所上升。 7. Shop brings together international and domestic famous brands in more than 2000, a layer of an operating area of one thousand square meters of large-scale supermarkets, the main types of food, health care products, knitwear, garments, shoes, hats, daily necessities, cosmetics cleaning products, medicine, Chinese and Western fast food and many other business projects, with more than a thousand months manufacturers have established a good working relationship over six thousand kinds of products as it is the preferred home for daily consumption of place; two, three, four operating high-end department stores, Main Men's boutique, women's clothing boutique, Down series, leather clothing, bedding, cashmere sweater, sweaters, ladies and supplies, recreation and women's wear, children's clothing, sports apparel, yellow, platinum jewelry, jewelry, luxury watches, luggage leather goods, handicrafts, children's utensils, fine leather shoes, hiking shoes, casual shoes, fitness equipment, photographic equipment, computers, office automation equipment, high-end cosmetics, cleaning products, audio-visual products, home appliances, mobile phones, children's playground, flowers, beauty salons, bookstores, etc.; equipped with dining, leisure, children's play area and so on, for consumers, provides a rest while shopping, dining and entertainment venues. 店内汇集国际国内知名品牌二千余个,一层是营业面积达1万余平方米的大型超市,主营各类食品、保健品、针纺织品、服装、鞋帽、日用百货、化妆洗涤用品、医药、中西快餐等多种经营项目,与千余个厂家建立了良好的合作关系,商品品种达6万余种,是家居生活用品消费的首选场所;二、三、四层经营高档百货,主营男装精品、女装精品、羽绒服系列、真皮服装、床上用品、羊绒衫、羊毛衫、女士用品、休闲装、淑女装、童装、体育服装、黄、铂金饰品、珠宝、高档名表、箱包皮具、工艺品、儿童用具、皮鞋精品、旅游鞋、休闲鞋、健身器材、照像器材、电脑、自动化办公设备、高档化妆品、洗涤用品、视听产品、家用电器、手机、儿童乐园、花卉、美容院、书店等;内设的餐饮、休闲、儿童游戏区等,为消费者购物之余提供了休息、就餐、娱乐的场所。 8. The Emeishan basalt in the Later Paleozoic was typical continental flood basalt and its source also contained EM Ⅱ component. The subduction of paleo-Tethys Ocean Plate provided essential dynamic condition for the large-scale opening of Panxi Rift, while the mantle plume supplied much material for Emeishan basalt. However, the plume was contaminated by the metasomatized continental mantle lithosphere in its upwelling process, which resulted in the Sr isotopic and incompatible elemental enrichment, and the Nd isotope kept down the weak-depleted character of mantle plume. 晚古生代晚期的峨眉山玄武岩为典型大陆溢流,地幔源区含有EMⅡ组分,古特提斯洋板块的俯冲消亡为攀西裂谷的大规模开启提供了必要的动力条件,而地幔柱提供了峨眉山玄武岩的主要成分,但在地幔柱抬升过程中混染了交代大陆岩石圈地幔,而导致Sr同位素及不相容元素的富集,Nd同位素保留了源区地幔柱的弱亏损特征。 9. The last trick is to scale down a little bit the reference object using the Move Component which moves the vertices along the normal vector. 最后关键是要缩小一点点的参考对象使用移动组件,移动向量沿着正常的顶点。 10. 10. Gross profit margin of its iron and steel products fell 15.6 percent, due mainly to: on the one hand because of the first half of Baosteel's main products target market needs a substantial year on year decline in capacity utilization as a blank sheet of 81% a year earlier, scale down the impact of fixed cost-sharing; the other hand, steel selling price to undertake the fourth quarter of 2008, the overall trend of low and running, selling prices fell more than the cost of decline in gross profit margin declined to make. 其钢铁产品毛利率同比下降15.6个百分点,主要原因是:一方面由于上半年宝钢主要产品的目标市场需求同比大幅下降,坯材产能利用率为去年同期的81%,规模下降影响了固定成本分摊;另一方面,钢材销售价格承接2008年四季度的走势总体处于低位运行,销售价格跌幅超过成本下降幅度使毛利率下降。 11. If we ignore training, not to enhance the overall quality of our professional skills to be a qualitative leap in our ability to contract large-scale construction project will be greatly weakened, if reluctantly contract down, it is difficult to ensure project quality. 如果我们忽视了培训工作,不注重提高队伍的整体素质,我们的专业技能就很难有质的飞跃,我们承包大型建设工程能力也会大大减弱,即使勉强承包下来,也很难保证工程质量。 12. scale down 12. Precision dividing and spiral word with greater precision and efficiency than ever The dividing head can be tiled from a horiaontal position of 90down to -10 from vertacil, and inclinations can be read off a scale graduated in degrees. 通过蜗轮分度装置(传动比为1:4),适用于高标准的检测及测试,可以与铣床、磨床、钻床以及其他机床配套使用,完成各种角度工件的分度加工。 13. Why do you have a…I wanna scale down and I wanna go through the glass... 你为什么。。。。。。之类的。我想要缩小,我想要穿过玻璃窗。。。。。。 14. Among these factors operation scale is the decisive factor of the competition ability. Chain operation has two effects on the scale economy. On one hand it can bring down unit sale cost and unit operation cost. On the other hand in the case of stationary rate of profit the company can realize sale volume increase by imp... 对零售企业来说,通过连锁经营的形式尽快扩大企业的经营规模,实现规模经济,是提升零售企业市场竞争力最现实的选择,一方面降低单位销售成本和经营成本,提高利润率;另一方面,在利润率保持不变的情况下,企业也能够通过高周转率实现销售量的增加,提高总的收益率。 15. For such re-scale base can be used to clean cooking methods, washing the drug cost is lower, there is no corrosion of equipment, operation safe and difficult to get rid of acid sulfate, silicate, phosphate and mixed insoluble type scale, there is a strong alkali boiling stripping the role of osteoporosis, can scale with the above-mentioned components of the surface spin-off from the heat exchanger down to manual removal. 对于此类重垢清洗可以采用碱煮方式,碱洗的用药成本较低,对设备没有腐蚀性,操作安全性强,酸洗难以清除的硫酸盐、硅酸盐、磷酸盐及其混合型难溶垢,碱煮有较强的疏松剥离作用,可以将含上述成份的水垢从换热表面剥离下来,人工清除即可。 16. Suffering Is a hand of moonlight, coursing aloof from west to east Gush of teardrops make Antarctica, nowhere are features of me at my height Anger fails to spring the cage of reverie, chrysanthemums pale To the cast of thought, the springtime of my face has leaves whirling down Parade of clay pots before my eyes, or a scale of chimes Or the scarf of a reluctant general, or swirl of dust brushed from his robe I load them in my car trunk every day I sleep with them under my cover Across the Pacific if a metal face soars skyward, Over here my left wrist feels a twinge Garbage-mouth city of crows, reeling in the sky I pull my shirt open, for my music Let it flee elsewhere, drift at its will At this moment My front door is open, my side door not closed Cloud, mist, thunder, lightning, wind and sun and moon All types of precipitation come from behind Pass straight through my chest This way and that on the bedsprings of the sky 愤怒为遐想打不开锁,菊花白白开放我思想,我脸上的春天也落叶纷纷跑到我前面的陶罐或者金钟大吕或者羽扇纶巾或者翩翩拂尘每天我在车兜上装着它们我睡觉棉被下盖着它们如果太平洋对岸有金属脸庞飞跃上天,我这里左手腕也隐隐作痛乌鸦城市垃圾嘴巴天空跌跌撞撞我撩开衣襟让我的音乐出外逃窜四散飘飞这一刻,大门打开我小门也不关,云、雾、雷、电、风、霜、雨、雪、雹降日、月都从我后背穿透到胸前荡荡荡荡我躺在蓝天大床上 17. scale down的翻译 17. So it is necessary how to make the operation of large-scale pumping station with low head safe and reliable and understand its transient charactistics during start-up and shut-down process. 就我国而言,一方面北方缺水是多年以来急切需要解决的突出问题;另一方面,南方特别是华东、中南各省在雨季及时排涝也是关系到国民经济发展和人民生命财产安全的大事。 18. Flip the leaf horizontally and scale down the leaf. 倒装叶片水平,并缩小叶片。 19. Based on finite element analysis, a model is established according to the scale-down and simplified bridge. It is then tested by simulating the actual working environment of internal abutment in rigid-hinge. 参考有限元分析结果,对实桥进行缩尺和简化,模拟刚性铰及内部支座的实际工作环境,进行刚性铰模型试验。 20. The ideal spark plug should be instantly heated at the moment of occurrence of a spark and instantly cooled down in expectation of the following electrical pulse. Thus it balances between preservation of heat for self-cleaning from scale and its removal in avoidance self-ignition. 理想的火花塞应该能在点火的瞬间被立刻加热,并且在接下来的电脉冲过程中迅速冷却,由此在热量的存储与散发之间取得平衡,以避免自点火。 scale down 词典解释 1. 缩小;缩减;减弱 If you scale down something, you make it smaller in size, amount, or extent than it used to be. e.g. One factory has had to scale down its workforce from six hundred to only six... 一家工厂不得不将员工人数从 600 名裁减至仅剩 6 名。 e.g. The air rescue operation has now been scaled down... 空中救援行动的规模现在已经有所缩小。 scale down 单语例句scale down在线翻译 1. The loans do not bring down the scale of the total debts, but simply extend the repayment date. 2. Many have been forced to scale down operations or wind them up completely. 3. This will give scale to the green industries and quickly drive down costs which would make green technologies more competitive. 4. Each of the 100 entries were accompanied by a rating which indicated where they were on the scale between " grandma friendly " and " down and dirty ". 5. One might say apocalypse covers the whole humanity as we know it, but if we scale it down it makes much more sense. 6. " I was looking for a way to break down the monolithic scale of modern architecture, " he says. 7. " We should consider cutting down the scale of treasury bonds next year, " the National Bureau of Statistics said in its report. 8. They scale trees to pull down giant scorpions, raid wasps'nests and overwhelm the defenses of Africanized bees. 9. Iran later announced that it would scale down cooperation with the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency. 10. Correspondents say he may now have to scale down his role in the Democrat campaign for November's elections. scale down 英英释义 verb 1. make smaller e.g. reduce an image Synonym: reduce 2. reduce proportionally e.g. The model is scaled down |
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