单词 | scholarship |
释义 | scholarship [英 [?sk?l???p] 美 [?skɑ:l?r??p] ] scholarship的意思、解释 复数形式:scholarships; scholarship 基本解释 名词奖学金; 学术; 学识 scholarship 相关例句 名词 1. He won a scholarship to Harvard. 他获得奖学金去哈佛读书。 2. scholarship 2. For a few, scholarships were sources of support. 有少数人,奖学金是他们接受教育的学费来源。 3. The book is a fine piece of scholarship. 这部书是一件优秀的学术成果。 scholarship 情景对话 申请签证 A:Why do you want to go to U.K.? 你为什么要去英国? B:I want to study for a doctorate. 我要去攻读博士学位。 A:How long do you intend to stay in U.K.? 你打算在英国呆多久? B:About two years. 大约两年。 A:Does your scholarship cover the whole two years? 整个两年你都有奖学金吗? B:Yes, it does. 是的,都有。 A:Where will you live? 你将住在哪儿? scholarship是什么意思 B:I hope to live on the university campus. I have a letter here from my professor about accommodation. 我希望住在学校内。我的老师就住宿问题给我写了一封信。 scholarship的解释 A:May I have a look? Thanks. Is your family going with you? 可以让我看看吗?谢谢。你的家属是不是跟你一起去? scholarship的近义词 B:Oh, no, I am going alone. 哦,不,只有我一个人去。 教育 A:So, what’s your educational background? 那么,你的教育背景是什么? B:I graduate from high school with a 4.0, graduated from university with a degree in English, and am currently in the middle of obtaining a master’s degree in Linguistics. 我以4.0 的成绩从高中毕业, 大学获得了英语学士学位,近来正在读语言学硕士学位。 A:What university did you go to ? 你在那所大学? B:I went to UCB, the university of California, Berkeley. UCB,加州伯克利大学。 A:Are you from California originally? 你是加州本地人么? B:No, I’m from Colorado. I received a full scholarship to UCB, so I went. 不,我来自科罗拉州,我活得了UCB 全额奖学金,所以我去那里了。 A:That’s great. How did you like your classes there? 那太好了,你觉得那些课上得怎么样? B:I like my professors a lot. They seemed to have a lot of passion for teaching. They weren’t the stuffy professors that I thought they’d be.。 我很喜欢我的教授。 他们似乎有很多教学热情。他们不是我想象的那种乏味的教授 A:How about the other students? Did you get along well with them? 其他同学怎么样?和他们相处的好吗? B:The students were from all over the country. I found that most of my friends were people who were from the mid-west? 这里的学生来自全国各地,我发现我的大多数朋友来自中西部。 A:That’s interesting. Why do you think that is? 真有意思,为什么你这样认为? B:I’m not sure. I lived in Iowa during middle school, so I guess we had that in common. Mid-westerners and people from the west coast have a different view of the world. 我搞不清,我初中住在衣阿华州,所以我猜我们有共同之处。中西部和来自西海岸的人有不同的世界观。 scholarship是什么意思 A:What do you mean? 你指什么? B:It’s hard to explain. I guess people from the west coast come off as a bit snobby sometimes, especially if you aren’t come from the west coast。 很难解释清,我猜西海岸的人有点势利,尤其是对纳妾不是来自西海岸的人。 A:I see. Well, thanks for coming in for the interview. My secretary will get back to you within a week. 我懂了,奥,谢谢你接受这次面试,我的秘书会在一周内给你回电话的。 scholarship 网络解释 1. scholarship 1. 奖学金:一般情况下同学主要申请以下几种: 1、 助学金(FELLOWSHIP) 金额最高、竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,意味着全奖 2、 奖学金(SCHOLARSHIP):这是一种荣誉性的奖励,颁发给成绩优异的学生,但金额较少; 3、 学费减免(TUITION-WAIVER):金额较少; 2. 学者:由于第二次世界大战爆发,1941年至1943年,彭桓武继续在爱尔兰的都柏林高等研究院做博士后研究学者(scholarship),与海特勒(W Heitler)合作进行介子理论方面的研究,发展了量子跃迁理论,用以处理核碰撞中产生介子的过程,得出能谱强度, 3. 学术:全书共分为五个章节,分别是导论(Introduction),苦行主义(Asceticism),幻术师(Thaumaturgy),学术(Scholarship)和结论(Final Reflection). 笔者将先介绍各章重点,然后做一整体性的评论. 在导论中,柯嘉豪首先指出僧传的编纂是朝廷将佛教典籍正典化的重要工程之一, scholarship 双语例句 1. 1. The endowment funds would be held in trust, and the terms of the trust would include an obligation to pay the costs of studentd from poor backgrounds, in just the same way that scholarship funds have done for centuries. 捐赠的基金应当以托管的形式持有,而且,正如几百年来学校发放奖学金一样,信托的条款中应包括为来自贫困家庭的学生支付费用的义务。 2. Example:He found he could not enter for the scholarship, as he was over age. 他发现他不能申请奖学金,因为他超龄了。 3. In this year, I got a scholarship to study, and it also makes me more believe their ability to learn. 我在这一年还得到了学习奖学金,而这也让我更加相信了自己的学习能力。 4. I won a scholarship to Oxford University. 我获得去牛津大学学习的奖学金。 5. scholarship是什么意思 5. I applied for a scholarship to study philosophy at Oxford. 我申请去牛津大学学习哲学的奖学金。 6. He studied hard in order to get the scholarship. 为了得到奖学金,他学习很努力。 7. 7. When Mike's photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU, he must figure out how to balance his tight knit Italian neighborhood roots in Bay Ridge with the opportunity to emerge into the expansive, sophisticated world on the other side of the East River. 当Mike的摄影为他赢得了去NYU的奖学金时,他必须弄清楚如何去平衡他的??与进入广阔,复杂的世界East River的机会。 8. scholarship的反义词 8. So they promised me they were going to give me a scholarship. Then next thing you know, I guess Carnesecca said, `I never recruited over this way, I've got to take this New York guy.'They called me and said, 'He changed his mind. 接下来你就知道了,我猜Carnesecca说了`我从来没这样挑选过,我决定了要挑这个NewYork的小子`后来他们打了电话给我然后说,`他改变了主意。` 9. scholarship 9. His daughter received JPA scholarship. According to the law, She needs to attend a seminar. 他的女儿,获得公共服务局奖学金,按照规定,需要出席一项课程。 10. In addition, English provides access to world scholarship and trade. 此外,英文也提供了一条途径去接触国际学术及贸易。 11. Access to time for personal scholarship and freedom of inquiry 对个人学习时间和调研时间的支配权 12. 12. To people in Africa, Asia, and South America, English is an important foreign language to master, not merely because it is the language of Britain or the United States, but because it provides ready access to world scholarship and world trade. 对非洲、亚洲、和南美洲的人而言,英语是一种值得精通的重要外国语言。这不仅因为它是英国或美国的语言 13. Efforts to study hard science and technology have access to hospital-level scholarship. 学习努力刻苦曾获得院级科技奖学金。 14. scholarship 14. Sports Features Health Colin Wausau school basketball court is the star character, but his ordinary family, without access to sports talent scholarship, he will lose the opportunity to attend university. 运动特长生科林是沃索中学篮球场上的明星人物,但他家境普通,如果不能获得体育特长生的奖学金,他就会失去上大学的机会。 15. CIHR, a major funder of health research in Canada, has just implemented a policy that encourages open public access to research and scholarship funded by CIHR. CIHR是加拿大的一个主要研究健康保健的机构,它刚刚实施了一条政策,鼓励开放公众资源用于研究并以CIHR的名义成立了一项奖励基金。 16. Education laws for The United States college increasing of finance about the student aid, diversification of the student aid, extending student education access opportunity to college scholarship system to push an academic construction and development. 从教育法规对美国高校学生资助的教育经费投入增添、资助方式多元化,扩铺不同阶层学生接受教育的机遇、奖学金轨制推入学科的建设和发铺几个方面加以阐述学生资助教育法规的实行后果。 17. It is a long story, with many branches, and Mr Bate teases it out with the mixture of precise, wide-ranging historical, biographical and literary scholarship that distinguishes the book as a whole. 贝特的书中,通过独一无二的精确的笔触、广泛的历史人物文学知识向读者指出:英国是一条长河,途中诸多细流涓涓流过。 18. He is a teacher of great scholarship. 他是一位学识渊博的教师。 19. In those long years of growth and development, Chulalongkorn University has always maintained its commitment to continuing improvement of the quality of its students, imbuing in them both scholarship and professional competence. 经过一个世纪的成长与发展,朱拉隆功大学在提高学生素质上持续取得了长足的进展,尤其在教授他们专业知识和培训专业技能上。 20. scholarship的反义词 20. I've just received a notice of acceptance from Harvard University. They've given me a full scholarship. 我刚刚收到哈佛大学的入学通知书,他们给了我全额奖学金。 scholarship 词典解释 1. 奖学金 If you get a scholarship to a school or university, your studies are paid for by the school or university or by some other organization. e.g. He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art. 他获得了普拉特艺术学院的奖学金。 e.g. ...scholarships for women over 30. 为 30 岁以上女性设立的奖学金 2. 学术;学问;学术研究 Scholarship is serious academic study and the knowledge that is obtained from it. e.g. I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship. 我希望能够用到您一生的学识。 scholarship 单语例句 1. In 2003 I won a Chinese law program scholarship at Beijing University of International Business and Economics. 2. He plans to major in engineering and business management at Hong Kong University, which has offered him a full scholarship. 3. She also called on the private sector to support the scholarship program. 4. There are many doctoral students on joint sponsorships provided by the China Scholarship Council and the Cambridge Overseas Trust. 5. The CIRC also will require stricter management by chief representatives by raising criteria of scholarship, capacity and experience. 6. The capital was from a scholarship and money given by his parents to pay his tuition. 7. " The scholarship will change my life and the lives of the rest of my family, " she said. 8. Chin said he hopes the scholarship winners will remain in this region after graduation, but that will depend largely on whether suitable positions are available. 9. But he offered no proof and other historians said a lot of his circumstantial evidence was marred by questionable scholarship. 10. I used to cite Yi's words of wisdom in my blog, expressing my admiration and appreciation of both his personality and scholarship. scholarship 英英释义 noun 1. profound scholarly knowledge Synonym: eruditenesseruditionlearnednesslearningencyclopedismencyclopaedism 2. financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit |
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