单词 | score |
释义 | score [英 [sk?:(r)] 美 [sk?r, skor] ] score的意思、解释 过去式:scored; 过去分词:scored; 现在分词:scoring; 复数形式:scores; score 基本解释 名词得分; 分数; 总谱; 20个 动词评分; 得分; 记分; 获得胜利 score在线翻译 score 相关词组 1. level the score : 把比分拉平, 打平; 2. score out : 划去, 删掉; 3. on the score of : 由于...; 4. make a good score : 得分多, 成绩好; 5. know the score : 知道真相; 6. score off : 挫败(某人), 驳倒(某人); score score 相关例句 及物动词 1. Mary scored the highest marks on the exam. 玛丽考试中得了个最高分。 2. Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations. 汉特教授正忙于给考试评分。 不及物动词 1. score的意思 1. She scored well on the history test. 她在历史测验中得了高分。 名词 1. 1. Jack got a low score on the test. 杰克测验得了个低分。 2. 2. What a score! 真走运! score 网络解释 1. 成绩:表5 学生_课程 ID(主键),学生(ID),课程(ID),成绩(Score)表5 学生_课程 ID(主键),学生(ID),课程(ID),成绩(Score)把第5个表改为 学生_课程 ID(主键),学生(ID),教师_课程ID,成绩(Score) 教师就随机分配了. 2. 配乐:Part II-何谓电影原声带(Soundtrack Albums)第二种是以配乐(Score)为主的配乐原声带(Original Dramatic Scores On Record最早发行的电影音乐唱片,几乎都以歌曲为主,电影配乐(Score)并没有受到太大的重视, 3. 乐谱:比如(Waiting First Flight)中带有几分西部落寞风味的口琴、中纠结着茫然失落状的感性木笛与弦乐,(Score)中散发着浪漫诗意气息的双簧管,其实都是真正以完整面貌呈现出主题旋律的一曲(Foreplay)的一种延伸与变奏. 4. score的解释 4. score:supplier cost reduction effort; 供应商成本削减项目 5. score:spectral coherence restorable algorithm; 频谱相关性可恢复算法 score 双语例句 1. I knew his opera whose score was published. It had a sickening smell of glue. 我读过他被出版过的歌剧总谱,里面有股病态的气息。 2. Gypsy's Score may be the most deceptive in the history of Broadway. 吉普赛人》的总谱也许是百老汇历史上最具有欺骗性的。 3. Despite our disability to understand the score of Mozart's musical pieces. 这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。 4. score的意思 4. The score still was 1-0 when Wang encountered difficulty in the fourth. He walked the first three batters and yielded a single to Justin Morneau, yet was unscathed. First, Posada threw out Bartlett, the leadoff batter, attempting to steal and then, with the bases loaded, Rodriguez started a 5-4-3 double play with a nifty backhand stab.! q$ s a3? 5 R5 B 当小王在第四局遇到麻烦时,双方的比数还是0比1,他保送了前三名打者,还被打出一支安打,但却毫发无损,原因一是Posada将该局第一位打者Bartlett在尝试盗垒时狙杀出局,而接下来在满垒的时候,Rodriguez漂亮地反手接球并发动一次5传4传3的双杀。 5. A role player for the Lakers a year ago after coming over from Orlando in a trade, Ariza showcased ball-hawking defense and an ability to score in transition in limited playing time before breaking a bone in his right foot in January. 一年前,阿里扎还只是湖人队的一名角色球员,但他在有限的出场时间内表现出了出色的防守能力和运动战得分能力,直到今年一月他右脚骨折。 6. 6. DMLIS students now score above the provincial average in five of seven core curriculum subjects examined by the BC Ministry of Education. 在B.C。省教育部7门主要会考科目中,枫叶学生的其中5门成绩超过了省平均分。 7. 7. We know what the leitmotiv will be in the return game. We will have to suffer, but if we score, Istanbul will be closer. 我们清楚第二回合的半决赛将是怎样的场景,我们将感受到来自对手的强大压力,但如果我们进了球,伊斯坦布尔就近在咫尺了。 8. 8. That money is a lousy way of keeping score. 金钱是一种很差劲的计分方式。 9. M that money is a lousy way of keeping score. 金钱是一种很差劲的计分方式。 10. score的意思 10. I created the score board in a manner very similar to creating the buttons except that the polygon has a fixed size. 我创建的方式计分板非常相似,除了创造的多边形有一个固定大小的按钮。 11. Between chime and chime of the clock I can write essays by the score. 随着时钟一遍一遍的报时,我可以完成大量的文章。 12. Just before half time, Li Xiaolin made the score2-1, with a beautiful shot into the top right-hand corner of the boys`goal. 就在上半场结束前,李小琳以一记漂亮的射门,把球从男生球门的右上角射进了球门,从而把比分锁定为2比1。 13. For rehearsal or meeting use in US/Canada, photocopy Singalong Score is US$0.50 per song per copy, and US$0.30 in other countries. B。彩排或聚会所需复印主旋律谱一份--美国/加拿大 US$0.50,其他国家 US$0.30。 14. Closing old accounts can lower this part of your score. 结束旧帐的,可以降低你这部分的分数。 15. score的解释 15. You can't raise your credit score if you keep charging numerous purchases in your credit card. 你不能提高您的信用评分如果您保留的收费众多购买在您的信用卡。 16. She appeared singularly uninterested in such mundane things as the score, … something called `Loser`s Lurgy`. 她对进球这种世俗的东西表现出了异乎寻常的漠不关心,。。。。。。 17. 17. The authors found that the prealence of protrusio increased to approxi- mately 35.9% by the age of twenty years and then it plateaued; howeer, its presence did not correlate with osteoarthritic changes as measured with the Iowa hip score in patients more than forty years of age. 作者发现髋臼前突的发病率在20岁时增加到35.9%然后进入平台期,但其表现与骨关节炎改变并不成比例(IOWA髋指数,年龄大于40岁);对有症状的患者来说,髋关节前突与髋部疼痛之间呈正相关关系,关节间隙宽度与髋前突间呈负相关关系,提示髋关节前突的力学因素对关节退变有一定作用,但可能不是主要因素。 18. TU gifted with similar foreign products in quality, not only in domestic owned a large number of loyal users, and are exported to Europe, Asia countries; not only in the fitness field sports a large number of loyal customers in the public market has achieved a score; not only many professional athletes are essential for the goods, sports and fitness in the general population, reputation and selection rates are the forefront. 优恩具备国外同类产品的优良品质,不仅在国内拥有大批忠实用户,并且远销欧、亚多个国家;不仅在健身等运动领域拥有大批忠实客户,在大众市场也取得了骄人成绩;不仅是众多专业运动员的的必备之品,在普通运动和健身人群中,美誉度和选用率也都位居前列。 19. Of the city's excellent schools: in Cerritos High School, pupils who speak inadequate English score better in mathematics tests than those who speak English fluently. 延续 了该城的优秀学校,在喜瑞都高中,英语磕巴的学生在数学上得分比英语流利的同学要高。 20. It is impossible to score a goal byyourself. 在比赛时一个人赢球我认为并不可能。 score 词典解释In meaning 10, the plural form is score. 义项 10 的复数形式为 score。 1. (比赛中)得(分),进(球) In a sport or game, if a player scores a goal or a point, they gain a goal or point. e.g. Against which country did Ian Wright score his first international goal?... 在与哪个国家的比赛中伊恩·赖特打进了他在国际比赛中的首粒进球? e.g. England scored 282 in their first innings... 英格兰队第一局就获得了 282 分。 2. (考试等中)得(分) If you score a particular number or amount, for example as a mark in a test, you achieve that number or amount. e.g. Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests... 凯利在 3 项不同的智商测试中平均得分 147。 e.g. Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls. 作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低。 3. (考试或比赛中的)得分,成绩 Someone's score in a game or test is a number, for example, a number of points or runs, which shows what they have achieved or what level they have reached. score的翻译 e.g. The U.S. Open golf tournament was won by Ben Hogan, with a score of 287... 本·霍根以 287 杆的成绩赢得了美国高尔夫公开赛。 e.g. Robin Smith made 167, the highest score by an England batsman in this form of cricket... 罗宾·史密斯得到 167 分,创下了英格兰击球手在这类板球比赛中的最高得分纪录。 4. (比赛的)比分,结果 The score in a game is the result of it or the current situation, as indicated by the number of goals, runs, or points obtained by the two teams or players. score e.g. 4-1 was the final score... 最终比分是 4 比 1。 e.g. They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3... 他们以 7 比 3 的比分击败了巨人队。 5. 赢得;获得;取得 If you score a success, a victory, or a hit, you are successful in what you are doing. e.g. His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes... 他一直酷爱海上赛艇,并多次在比赛中获胜。 e.g. In recent months, the rebels have scored some significant victories... 最近几个月里,叛乱分子已经取得了一些不小的胜利。 6. (电影、戏剧等的)配乐 The score of a film, play, or similar production is the music which is written or used for it. score e.g. The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue. 这支舞蹈的配乐是由亨利·托尔格所作的一首原创曲目。 e.g. ...the composer of classic film scores such as West Side Story. 为《西区故事》等经典影片配乐的作曲者 7. 总谱;曲谱 The score of a piece of music is the written version of it. e.g. He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score. 他认得足够多的乐符,看懂乐谱不成问题。 8. 为(音乐作品)编写总谱 If you score a piece of music, you write it or arrange it for specific instruments or voices. e.g. Strauss spent much of 1941 scoring his last opera, Capriccio... 施特劳斯用了 1941 年的大部分时间为自己的最后一部歌剧《随想曲》编写总谱。 e.g. He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for a chamber music ensemble. 他对改编的复杂之处已有了足够的掌握,能够谱写一部室内合奏曲了。 9. 许多;大量 If you refer to scores of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them. e.g. Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary. 参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。 10. 二十;二十左右 A score is twenty or approximately twenty. e.g. A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons... 大概有20个国家可能正在制造或计划获取化学武器。 e.g. The company already has around four score titles commissioned and planned for publication... 那家公司已有约80本书委托好了作者并计划出版。 11. 刻痕于;划线于 If you score a surface with something sharp, you cut a line or number of lines in it. e.g. Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a knife. 在牛排表面轻轻打花刀。 12. 非法购买(毒品) If someone scores drugs, they buy them illegally. e.g. Me and my mate went to score a kilo of amphetamine down in London. 我和爱人去伦敦市区搞到了一公斤苯丙胺。 13. 大量(发生或存在) If things happen or exist by the score, they happen or exist in large numbers. e.g. The companies brought out new products by the score. 那些公司生产了大量的新产品。 14. 数,记下(数量) If you keep score of the number of things that are happening in a certain situation, you count them and record them. score的解释 e.g. You can keep score of your baby's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart. 你可以通过胎动图表记录分娩前胎儿的活动情况。 15. 了解情况;了解真相;知道问题的症结 If you know the score, you know what the real facts of a situation are and how they affect you, even though you may not like them. score的意思 e.g. I don't feel sorry for Carl. He knew the score, he knew what he had to do and couldn't do it. 我不为卡尔感到难过。他了解情况。他知道自己必须做什么但却没能做成。 16. 在那一点上/在这一点上;(尤指)在那个难题上/在这个关注点上 You can use on that score or on this score to refer to something that has just been mentioned, especially an area of difficulty or concern. e.g. I became pregnant easily. At least I've had no problems on that score... 我很容易就怀上了孩子。至少在那方面我没有问题。 e.g. If someone you know has cancer, don't let worry on this score stop you from visiting them. 如果你认识的人得了癌症,不要因为这方面的担忧就不去探望他们。 17. (通常指通过巧妙或更有说服力的发言)驳倒,占上风 If you score a point over someone, or score points off them, you gain an advantage over them, usually by saying something clever or making a better argument. e.g. The Prime Minister was trying to score a political point over his rivals... 首相正设法在政治上将对手一一驳倒。 e.g. The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other. 政客们可能会被迫讨论真正的问题而不只是互相抬杠。 18. 报复 If you settle a score or settle an old score with someone, you take revenge on them for something they have done in the past. e.g. The groups had historic scores to settle with each other. 这两个集团之间有几笔旧账要了结。 score 单语例句 1. The 16 cases of human error involved wrong calculation or transcription of scores or wrong use of score sheets. 2. Henri Camara scampered down the right flank and his cross saw Sutton slide in to score via the post. 3. Edwards hopes to score multiple victories Tuesday to keep his candidacy alive until March 9, when four Southern states vote. 4. This expansion of rural residents'legislative influence will ultimately translate into their greater capability to score wins for their economic interests through the political system. 5. The total score is converted into penalty points, which are carried forward to the next stage of the competition. 6. This team has a lot of good players who can score 20 points in any game. 7. The score could be taken as a cautionary lesson about the challenges of combining music from different cultures. 8. The highest score of 68 points on the centesimal system was earned by the Ministry of Science and Technology. 9. The candidates may get the certificate and score report either by collecting themselves at the test center or by mail from the test center. 10. But the FIG accused Shao of changing an execution score without informing either the judge in charge of execution or the superior jury. score 英英释义 noun 1. a seduction culminating in sexual intercourse e.g. calling his seduction of the girl a `score' was a typical example of male slang Synonym: sexual conquest 2. the act of scoring in a game or sport e.g. the winning score came with less than a minute left to play 3. a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance) e.g. she made good marks in algebra grade A milk what was your score on your homework? Synonym: markgrade 4. the facts about an actual situation e.g. he didn't know the score 5. a written form of a musical composition parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages e.g. he studied the score of the sonata Synonym: musical score 6. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation e.g. holding a grudge settling a score Synonym: grudgegrievance 7. a set of twenty members e.g. a score were sent out but only one returned 8. grounds e.g. don't do it on my account the paper was rejected on account of its length he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful Synonym: account 9. a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest e.g. the score was 7 to 0 10. a slight surface cut (especially a notch that is made to keep a tally) Synonym: scotch 11. an amount due (as at a restaurant or bar) e.g. add it to my score and I'll settle later verb 1. assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation e.g. grade tests score the SAT essays mark homework Synonym: grademark 2. make underscoring marks Synonym: mark 3. gain points in a game e.g. The home team scored many times He hit a home run He hit .300 in the past season Synonym: hittallyrack up 4. get a certain number or letter indicating quality or performance e.g. She scored high on the SAT He scored a 200 5. make small marks into the surface of e.g. score the clay before firing it Synonym: nockmark 6. induce to have sex e.g. Harry finally seduced Sally Did you score last night? Harry made Sally Synonym: seducemake 7. write a musical score for |
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