单词 | scout |
释义 | scout [英 [ska?t] 美 [ska?t] ] scout的意思、解释 过去式:scouted; 过去分词:scouted; 现在分词:scouting; 复数形式:scouts; scout 基本解释 scout的反义词 名词搜索,侦察; 侦察员, 侦察机, 侦察舰 , 童子军; (牛津大学的)校工 及物动词侦察; 跟踪,监视; 发现 不及物动词侦察; 巡视; 嘲笑 scout 相关例句 及物动词 1. The commander sent a party to scout out a safer area. 指挥官派出一支小队去寻找更为安全的地区。 2. scout的翻译 2. They were chosen to scout the trail. 他们被选去探路。 3. Most scientists scouted the new theory. 大多数科学家不相信这一新理论。 名词 1. The scout reported the enemy truck movements. 侦察员报告有关敌人卡车活动的情况。 2. scout的反义词 2. He had a scout around to see what he could find. 他四处搜寻看看能找到些什么。 scout 网络解释 1. 斥候:兵: 带盾 巨剑兵:: 破甲 无法击溃(unbreakable):就算士气0%也不会溃散 可用攻城梯 猎人: 斥候(scout):有隐身能力 散兵(skirmisher):不会被敌人从后攻击 手枪骑兵: 破甲 散兵 苦行僧: 狂热(frenzy):接敌后会不受控制攻击敌人, 2. 侦察机:观察者号改良型不具备隐型能力,但具有快速侦察能力,携带强有力的武器装备的战斗侦察机,(scout)拥有空对空能量导弹和攻击地面的速射激光炮!在装甲,速度,视野以及火力上属性的提升又分为S1-S3等类型!S1-S3是赛亚文明的中级空战单位, scout 双语例句 1. That scout is so frightened that he feels powerless and leans against the wall. 童心念动隐身咒,两人瞬间消失,那探子全身发软,靠到了墙上 2. Moment. That scout is so frightened that he feels powerless andleans against the wall. 童心念动隐身咒,两人瞬间消失,那探子全身发软,靠到了墙上 3. scout 3. I remember when I used to be a Girl Scout. 我记得我还是一名女童子军的时候。 4. He was an eagle scout. Did you know that? 他是个老鹰童子军呢你知道吗? 5. Do you know what the scout motto is? 你知道童子军的格言是什麼吗? 6. The 21st century beginnings, age 23 year-old Germany female student Sarah Connor, by delightful, the energetic rhythm blue accent sings the strength to start to conquer the European musical world Grandfather's Niu Australia good blood relationship lets her in the childhood time namely deeply the blue accent soul happy Xun ceramic, when 14 years old starts to hold the post in the church choir sings, and sings the musical in the school, 15, 16 years old then try to sing the belt to send out a scout to see if anybody is about to each big music trade mark. 21世纪的开端,芳龄23岁的德国女生Sarah Connor,以甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力开始征服欧洲乐坛祖父的纽澳良血缘让她在幼年时期即深受蓝调灵魂乐的薰陶,14岁时开始在教堂唱诗班担任演唱,并在学校演唱音乐剧,15、16岁便以试唱带向各大音乐厂牌投石问路。 7. 7. II. The decision to scout any rapid, and to run or portage according to their best judgment. 。参与到旅程中,包括在当时的情况下对急流难度的评估。 8. I drove the Pajero to my Scout leader training earlier this year, I have traveled from smooth gravel road to mud road and sometime unprepared tracks as well. 我驾驶著 Pajero 从平直的石路到泥泞路,有时甚至是预料不到的道路。 9. It will also scout for landing sites for future robot explorers and eventually human visitors. 它还会监测停靠的地点,为以后的机器人探测者乃至人类都提供帮助。 10. I learned it myself from Cub Scout Magic in the 1970s. I'll do it for you, and then I'll explain it. And then I'll explain why I explained it. 这是我在1970年代由幼童军魔术书中自己学来的;我将为你们献上这个表演,然后做解说;我还要解释为何要说明这些。 11. Welcome: Cub Scout Pack invites new members; club serves food at fair - Lexin... 欢迎您:幼童军包邀请新成员;俱乐部提供食物,公平-乐。 12. 12. With aluminum treatment, aluminum absorption of wheat seedling increased swiftly, the contents of calcium and phosphorus decreased, the efflux of potassium reduced, and Scout 66 (Al-sensitive) had a distinct change than Altas (Al-tolerant). 铝处理后,小麦幼苗铝吸收迅速增加、钙和磷含量下降、钾外流受抑制,铝敏感品种Scout 66比耐铝品种Altas 66明显。 13. This paper deals with the changes in ATPase and PPase activities, lipid compositon of tonoplast vesicles from two wheat cultivars, Altas 66(Al-tolerant) and Scout 66(Al-sensitive) under Al stress. 刘友良 ,沈振国,何龙飞研究了铝胁迫下耐铝性不同的两个小麦品种根细胞液泡膜ATP酶、焦磷酸酶活性和膜脂的变化。 14. scout的解释 14. Private First Class Aaron Nemelka was an Eagle Scout who just recently signed up to do one of the most dangerous jobs in the service - diffuse bombs - so that he could help save lives. 童子军一等兵亚伦。尼默尔卡最近才签订协约,去做军队中最为危险的工作--拆除炸弹--他以此挽救生命。 15. scout的解释 15. Specifically LRO will scout for safe and compelling landing sites, locate potential resources (with special attention to the possibility of water ice) and characterize the effects of prolonged exposure to the lunar radiation environment. 美国宇航局计划碰撞在月球南极的一个永久阴影区域,碰撞所形成的羽状喷射物将用于分析月球是否存在冰水物质、水蒸汽、水碳化合物。 16. I admit, I am the lousiest troop leader in 10th bukit bintang air scout group 我承认,我是在我团童军里,有史以来最差最差的团长。 17. Here's an explanation of what the Girl Guide and Boy Scout associations are all about. 这里有一个解释,指南和女童子军协会的全部意义所在。 18. 18. Scout about and see if you can find some fruit growing that we could eat. 仔细地找找,看是否能找到一些我们能吃的水果。 19. scout 19. He has nose and mouth, but not particular about scout and flavour. 的不很分明;有鼻子和嘴,但他对于气味和口味都不很讲究;他的脑子也不小,但他的记性却 20. What can we learn from Scout reports about the AI? 我们能从电脑AI的球探报告中学到什么? scout 词典解释 1. 侦察员 A scout is someone who is sent to an area of countryside to find out the position of an enemy army. e.g. They sent two men out in front as scouts. 他们派两人在前面侦察。 2. 同 talent scout A scout is the same as a talent scout . 3. (在某地)搜索,寻找 If you scout somewhere for something, you go through that area searching for it. e.g. I wouldn't have time to scout the area for junk... 我没空在这个地区找没用的东西。 e.g. A team of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site... 一个4人小分队被派出寻找核试验地。 相关词组:scout aroundscout out scout 单语例句 1. Police said Wang initially posed as a businessman and conned the family into letting him spend the night so he could scout their home. 2. There's also Muslim Girl Scout Razanne, complete with a cassette recording of the Muslim Scout's oath. 3. As a young woman she was a scout leader and was always keen to take her patrol on adventurous expeditions. 4. As a teenager, she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout. 5. The goal of the soccer schools is not to scout for talent, but to engender good habits and a passion for sports among young people. 6. The girl initially told police she was sorting Girl Scout cookies in the garage when two boys assaulted her. 7. The Hamas military wing said Israel had struck a " scout's camp where a group of fighters was training " and pledged revenge. 8. We think of a man advancing in years with the sweetness and sincerity of a scout saying the pledge. 9. The project offers students opportunities to learn from internship and research at Volkswagen and has helped the company scout for promising employees. 10. League officials have made two trips to Las Vegas to scout possible locations, including the Thomas & Mack Center on the UNLV campus. scout的意思scout 英英释义 scout的意思 noun 1. a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event Synonym: lookoutlookout mansentinelsentrywatchspotterpicket 2. someone who can find paths through unexplored territory Synonym: pathfinderguide 3. someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports) Synonym: talent scout verb 1. explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody Synonym: reconnoiterreconnoitre |
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