单词 | interdisciplinary |
释义 | interdisciplinary [英 [??nt??d?s?pl?n?ri] 美 [??nt?r?d?s?pl?neri] ] interdisciplinary的意思、解释 interdisciplinary 基本解释 形容词跨学科; 各学科间的 interdisciplinary是什么意思 interdisciplinary 相关例句 形容词 1. The economics, history and political science departments organized an interdisciplinary seminar on Southeast Asia. 经济,历史及政治三个系共同举办了一个东南亚讲演会。 interdisciplinary 网络解释 1. 1. 跨学科的:而大多数美国大学法学院则鼓励跨学科的(interdisciplinary)实习计划,如耶鲁大学法学院学生的半年强化实习(intensivesemesterexperiences),可以跨学院进行,学院着重考察实习计划,对实习单位并没有特别规定. 2. 边缘学科:1.学术著作现状及其制作技术动向 学术的迅速进步与发展过去一直是出版社的大支柱,现在再也不能加以期望了. 面向大学的教科书也因读物的少儿化倾向而日益衰微. 学术的专门化、细分化以及边缘学科(interdisciplinary)的发展,导致设定的读者减少. 每种出版物 interdisciplinary 双语例句 1. At our compact campus university, we endeavour to translate this into interdisciplinary, international, intercultural and interreligious education. 在我们的小型综合性大学,我们努力转化为跨学科,国际化,文化和宗教间的教育。 2. Biophotonics is a new and fast developing interdisciplinary subject. It focuses on applying novel photonics technologies in detecting and manipulating biological interactions and materials. 生物医学光电为一新兴且快速成长的研究领域,它的目标在於利用光电科技侦测与操控生物反应和材料。 3. interdisciplinary的意思 3. Proposes a series of possible reforms, such as applying integrated resource planning in master plan, establishing an interdisciplinary charrette system, using building energy simulation techniques to perform energy trade-off in design phase, setting up building commissioning mechanism, and introducing performance contracting system to design charge, in order to improve our HVAC design level in buil... 提出了在规划设计中应用综合资源规划方法、建立各专业参与的会商制度、将建筑模拟技术用于设计阶段的能耗权衡、建立全程优化调整机制,以及采用基于性能的设计合同等方法,以进一步提高我国暖通空调节能设计水平。 4. Micromachine is an advanced interdisciplinary technology, and it has great prospect. 微型机械是在微电子工艺的基础上发展起来的多学科交叉的前沿研究领域,具有广阔的应用前景。 5. Although mostly in this thesis demonstrate historical events, it also refer to Interdisciplinary conception while exploring the ancient war strategy during Chun-Chiu Period. 故虽是重陈述的历史研究,但是本论文参入了科际整合的概念,以战略的角度切入探讨该时代的兵学思想。 6. We will have an interdisciplinary educational infrastructure in order to create and disseminate knowledge. 我们将有一个跨学科的教育基础设施,以创造和传播知识。 7. At the same time, also let us XuChi this interdisciplinary creation of the writer's heartfelt admire, compound of compound, multilateral comprehend national comprehensive talent cultivation, the heart. 同时,也让我们对徐迟这个跨学科创作的复合型作家的由衷钦佩,感悟国家对复合型、多边型、综合型人才培养的良苦用心。 8. In recent years, the interdisciplinary Nanotechnology booms very quickly. Biosensor is one of the applications of nanotechnology that combines the semiconductor industry and biotechnology. 近年来,跨领域的奈米科技发展的非常蓬勃,其中重要的应用之ㄧ便是结合半导体产业以及生物科技所产生的生物感测器。 9. Against this backcloth, if rural geography is experiencing an introspective moment, then the introspection reflects anxieties about the fitness of the subdiscipline to take on this new agenda – anxieties about the need to rethink established concepts and approaches, about the encroachment of non-rural geographers doing rural geography and the imperative of interdisciplinary research, and about the uneven capacity of rural geography in different national contexts to engage appropriate conceptual tools. 在此背景下,如果农村地理正在经历一个反省的时刻,那反省反映有关的学科忧虑,就这一新议程-焦虑,需要重新考虑。。。 10. Lai Ming Yan does interdisciplinary work on issues of alternative modernities, globalization, representations of and for the marginalized, oppositional discourses, and gender in intersectionality with race, ethnicity, class, and nationality. 黎明茵教授主要从事跨领域的研究工作,例如另类现代性,全球化,边缘与受压迫者的论述性再现,结合种族、族裔、阶级、国族的性别研究。 11. 11. The paper discuss a model of research center ——U. S. Science and Technology Center funded by National Foundation of Science and propose some recommendatory conclusions for interdisciplinary research development in China. 本文选择美国科学和技术中心作为研究中心的案例,考察STC的目标、运行特点、组织与管理模式和成就,提出对我国学科交叉研究发展有借鉴意义的几点结论。 12. Although similar research in different academic disciplines has been done in the West since a long time ago, an interdisciplinary approach to this question is rare in China. 虽然各专业领域的类似研究早在很久以前已盛行西方,在中国关于欧洲一体化问题的一个多学科研究提议却罕见。 13. JEFFREY CHANTON, JOHN HALE, JELLE DE BOER and HENRY SPILLER have formed an interdisciplinary team to investigate the Delphic oracle. 强顿、赫尔、狄波尔与史必乐为了研究德尔菲神谕,组成一支跨学门的研究团队。 14. JELLE DE BOER, JOHN HALE, JEFFREY CHANTON and HENRY SPILLER have formed an interdisciplinary team to investigate the Delphic oracle. 狄波尔、赫尔、强顿与史必乐为了研究德尔菲神谕,组成一支跨学门的研究团队。 15. interdisciplinary在线翻译 15. Ultra-precision positioners. and many other sensors requiring a wide field of interdisciplinary research for further evaluation. 超精确度反馈装置和要求学科研究的一个宽领域许多其他传感器为进一步评估。 16. Such a one-sided emphasis on astronomic and scientific knowledge will easily bring bias and fallacy to students, who are left to believe that the solar system is all about the sun as they overlook the knowledge and wisdom derived from the sun in the daily life and culture. As a result, the narrow-minded perception of the sun will happen very easily, and the lack of training in interdisciplinary thinking will throttle many creative discoveries and developments. 只强调天文科学单面向知识的传递,除了易使学习者产生偏颇的知识谬误,以为宇宙中的太阳系代表了太阳所有的知识,忽略日常生活中与太阳有关人文面的知识与智慧,如此不但容易发生「以管窥天」的狭隘认知,其缺乏科际整合性的思考训练,亦将扼杀许多创意的发现与发展。 17. We adopt a transdisciplinary/interdisciplinary approach to the study of tourism. 我们采用跨学科/跨学科的方法来研究旅游业。 18. interdisciplinary的解释 18. Dermatology and Venereology, a highly interdisciplinary and compulsive subject for five-year clinical medicine majors, consists of dermatology and vernereology. The former is the study of skin, cutaneous appendages and the various related diseases, while the latter, is the study of STD. 皮肤性病学包括皮肤病学和性病学,是一门具有高度直观性和丰富交叉性的临床二级学科,一名五年制临床专业医学生必须建立完善的医学知识体系。 19. Guangdong Province Austrian Emperor Hsuan Nigeria Limited solar water heater is specialized in solar energy research and development and size of the high-tech enterprises, companies with strong personnel, research and development capabilities and interdisciplinary strengths and formed a production, learning and research a complete system. 广东省奥帝轩尼太阳能热水器有限公司是专业从事太阳能研发和规模产生的高科技企业,公司以雄厚的人才优势、科研开发能力和学科交叉优势,形成了产、学、研完整体系。 20. interdisciplinary 20. Of late, nanoparticle-based molecular imaging has emerged as an interdisciplinary area, which shows promises to understand the components, processes, dynamics and therapies of a disease at a molecular level. 最近,纳米粒子为基础的分子影像学已成为一个跨学科领域,这表明承诺理解部件,工艺,动态和治疗的一种疾病在分子水平上。 interdisciplinary 词典解释 1. 学科间的;涉及若干学科的;跨学科的 Interdisciplinary means involving more than one academic subject. interdisciplinary e.g. ...interdisciplinary courses combining psychology, philosophy and linguistics. 综合了心理学、哲学与语言学的跨学科课程 interdisciplinary 单语例句interdisciplinary的意思 1. It will be established at the university's Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies in the 2008 academic year. 2. He says the school always emphasizes " quality education " and the development of " interdisciplinary talent ". 3. The interdisciplinary course will explore the science and effects of climate change, as well as policies designed to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. 4. The group's interdisciplinary approach corresponds with their exploration of " reality, " and their search for that which separates the real from the surreal. 5. Hong Kong based interdisciplinary design studio Marc & Chantal opens its doors for Rebecca Lo to take a peek inside its creative process. 6. It challenges the youth to think of creative and practical interdisciplinary uses of science and technology. 7. She also made sure they had an interdisciplinary course on the American experience and a course on global business. 8. Women's Studies is described as interdisciplinary research that puts women and gender at the centre of inquiry. 9. Hu has been engaged in research and development ever since, using his interdisciplinary approach. interdisciplinary 英英释义 adj 1. drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study e.g. interdisciplinary studies an interdisciplinary conference |
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