单词 | conscious |
释义 | conscious [英 [?k?n??s] 美 [?kɑ:n??s] ] conscious的意思、解释 conscious 基本解释 形容词有意识的,神志清醒的; 自觉的,有意的; (痛苦,感情,冷气等)感觉得到的; 同“self-conscious“ conscious什么意思 conscious 同义词 形容词sensiblerealizingknowingawakecognizantawaresensitivealive conscious conscious 反义词 形容词unconsciousinvoluntary conscious 相关例句 形容词 1. conscious的近义词 1. I am conscious that I have done right. 我相信自己做得不错。 2. She was not conscious of his presence in the room. 她不晓得他在这房间里。 3. He was conscious that he must do all this. 他知道必须干这些事。 4. His conscious lie exasperated his teacher to no end. 他故意说谎使老师非常恼怒。 5. She was conscious of her flat nose. 她为自己的扁鼻子感到难为情。 conscious 网络解释 1. 有意识的:通过觉知,达到客观存在的觉醒状态是可能的,因为觉知意味着它是一个有意识的(conscious)行为. 通常我们的活动都是无意识(不知不觉)的,按着我们的本性活动,但是如果我们变得有意识,那么就能够觉知. 那觉知就是朝向觉醒的一个技巧和方法, 2. 意识的:但是通过觉知,觉醒是可能的,因为觉知意味著它是一个有意识的(conscious)行为;它是一个行为,但是有意识的. 你可以做某件事而没有意识--我们平常的活动都是无意识的活动,但是如果你在其中变得有意识,那麼它就变成了一个觉知. 所以, conscious 双语例句 1. The nativist then refines his position: Our knowledge of these principles does not start out as explicit and conscious knowledge, rather we have tacit knowledge of the principles in question, and it takes some work to make this tacit knowledge explicit. 细致的本土然后他的立场:我们的知识,这些原则并没有明确的开始,作为知识和意识,而我们已经隐性知识的原则问题,这需要一些努力使这一隐性知识明确。 2. I`m not self-conscious and do not care about what others think of me. 我不在乎别人怎么看我。 3. In secondary school, I was always self-conscious about my height. 上中学的时候,我总是对自己的身高很敏感。 4. I get self-conscious opening presents in front of people. 我不喜欢在别人面前开礼物 5. I had no reason to feel self-conscious, I reminded myself. 我没有必要这样自觉,我提醒自己。 6. Continuant action, conscious mind and clear aim attribute to willpower 诚实与努力的工作,需要明确的目标引导才能成功 7. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world. 他们说:不平等从人类诞生的第一天就存在,到人类灭亡的最后一天也将存在。 8. This fun and interactive workshop is a great way to introduce intuition skills. It starts with a short introduction on intuition development followed by the drinking of traditional Greek coffee. This coffee is unfiltered so that coffee grounds are left inside the cup after drinking forming random patterns. When you look at the patterns you may see an image such as a face, an animal, a number, etc. These images appear because your subconscious influences your conscious mind and so is trying to send you a message. 這場有趣的咖啡占卜派對,是一個很好的方法來發展你的直覺力,這個派對會從一個簡短的介紹開始,透過傳統的希臘咖啡來開發你的直覺力,這是一杯未經過濾的咖啡在喝完咖啡之後,殘渣會留在杯子裡形成一些不規則的圖騰,當你看到這些圖案時,你可能會看見一些圖像(例如一張臉,一種動物,或是數目等等)這些圖像出現的原因是你的潛意識,影響你的意識試著傳遞訊息給你。 9. 9. But we, as the only conscious creatures on this planet, can do differently for what we can control. 但是,我们,作为唯一有意识的动物,在这个星球上,可以做不同的事是我们可以控制的。 10. You are as much a part of a nirvana now as you ever will be. You are in the process of expanding your psychic structure, of becoming a conscious participant with the soul. 你处在扩展你的心灵结构的过程中,处在成为一个有意识的灵魂的参与者的过程中。 11. conscious 11. You may become conscious of a persecution complex that produces inner conflict. 你被期待把相对的集团聚合起来,在一个公正的基础上进行劝告和仲裁,或者寻求一种令人满意的妥协方式。 12. I, this particular conscious I, am certain of this fact before me, not because I qua consciousness have developed myself in connection with it and in manifold ways set thought to work about it: and not, again, because the fact, the thing, of which I am certain, in [150] virtue of its having a multitude of distinct qualities, was replete with possible modes of relation and a variety of connections with other things. 这一个我之所以确知这一个事情,并不是因为作为意识的我在确知这事情中发展了我自己,并且通过多种方式开动脑筋去思索这事情。 13. conscious 13. Under the guidance of pragmatic Adaptation Theory, Chinese tourist pamphlets translation is a dynamic process in which translator makes continuous and conscious structural adaptations (both at lexical and syntactic level) and contextual adaptations (physical, mental and social worlds) to meet reading habits and aesthetic expectation of target readers. 在语用顺应论的指导下,旅游宣传小册子翻译是译者有意识地不断顺应目标语文本的语言和语境(包括读者的物质、心理和社交世界)来满足目标语读者阅读习惯和审美期望的动态过程。 14. We already faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island country. 我们常常隐隐约约的感觉到这是个小小的岛国。 15. Up to that point no person has been visible because the writer has been making this self conscious construction, the lead, full of 5vague generalizations, that has no life of its own. 在此之前,我根本就看不到人的存在,因为作者一直忸忸怩怩地说一些既含糊又毫无意义的话而迟迟不肯露面。 16. According to these highly respectable witnesses, the minister, conscious that he was dying-conscious, also, that the reverence of the multitude placed him already among saints and angels-had desired, by yielding up his breath in the arms of that fallen woman, to express to the world how utterly nugatory is the choicest of man's own righteousness. 按照这些极其值得尊敬的证人的说法,牧师意识到自己形将辞世,也意识到了众人已经把他尊崇到圣者和天使中间,于是便希望能在那堕落的女人的怀抱中咽气,以便向世界表明,一个人类的精英的正直是多么微不足道。 17. conscious 17. Lastly, we would layer conscious movement over breath with a heartfelt intention or prayer for ourselves or others. 最后我们会通过虔心的意念或为自己或他人的祷告而使意识取代呼吸。 18. conscious 18. Results The three patients were eclampsia patients, one was uremia patient, had headache, blurred vision, seizures, conscious disturbance and head... 结果3例患者为子痫病人,1例为尿毒症病人,临床以突发头痛、视物不清、抽搐发作、意识障为特点,脑MRI、CT检查示大脑后部双侧顶枕叶皮质下白质多发病灶。 19. Part of being a professional animator is not just being able to animate well, but to be conscious of the show pipeline and company structure. 作为一名专业动画师,能做好动画只是一部分,还要明白整个生产流程和公司结构。 20. conscious的翻译 20. The development of a theory is equal to a conscious representation under a conditionof the context metathesis. 理论的创新发展问题就是语境置换条件下理论的自觉呈现问题。 conscious 词典解释 1. 注意到的;意识到的 If you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening. e.g. He was conscious of the faint, musky aroma of after-shave... 他注意到了须后水淡淡的麝香味。 e.g. She was very conscious of Max studying her... 她非常清楚马克斯在仔细端详她。 2. (尤指由于不满或自觉重要而)注意的,关注的 If you are conscious of something, you think about it a lot, especially because you are unhappy about it or because you think it is important. e.g. I'm very conscious of my weight... 我很在意自己的体重。 e.g. He is acutely conscious that this transition will bring with it the risk of social unrest. 他非常清楚这种转变伴随着社会动乱的危险。 3. (决定、行动等)有意的,刻意的 A conscious decision or action is made or done deliberately with you giving your full attention to it. e.g. I don't think we ever made a conscious decision to have a big family... 我觉得我们没有刻意地决定要生很多孩子。 e.g. Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles. 有意识地放松肌肉。 consciously Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died. 父亲去世后,索菲并没有刻意地寻找替代他的人。 4. 清醒的;有知觉的 Someone who is conscious is awake rather than asleep or unconscious. conscious的近义词 e.g. She was fully conscious all the time and knew what was going on. 她一直都很清醒,知道是怎么回事。 5. (记忆或想法)有意识的,意识到的 Conscious memories or thoughts are ones that you are aware of. e.g. He had no conscious memory of his four-week stay in hospital... 他对自己住院的4个星期没有任何有意识的记忆。 e.g. Beneath the conscious mind there are many levels of the unconscious. 在意识心理之下存在很多层次的无意识。 consciously Most people cannot consciously remember much before the ages of 5 to 7 years... 大多数人在5至7岁之前没有多少有意识的记忆。 Sometimes we are not consciously aware of these feelings. 有时候我们没有意识到这些情感。conscious 单语例句 1. The business sector in Hong Kong is becoming more green conscious as corporate management tries to show greater care for Mother Nature. 2. Both miners were conscious and able to talk when they were lifted out, though they showed symptoms of some carbon monoxide poisoning. 3. The'Cowboy Casanova'singer does her best to eat healthily and has to make a " conscious effort " not to dine out in restaurants. 4. This ceaseless pursuit of environmentally conscious development is exactly in line with the themes of the expo over the past four decades. 5. It's a tremendous honour and privilege to be elected for a third term and I'm acutely conscious of that honour and that privilege. 6. While the central government is conscious of that rule, some local policymakers are still adamant in expanding investment to boost economic growth. 7. A charitable city or society will become a reality only if its residents or members have fellow feeling and are conscious about their social duties. 8. Woods was conscious enough to speak, though the police chief said Woods didn't say anything coherent. 9. It is the first commercial airline worldwide to invest in the environmentally conscious program and test it over a number of years. 10. Most parents to whom she has provided consultation concede having punished their children physically in a fit of rage and not out of conscious choice. conscious 英英释义 adj 1. knowing and perceiving having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts e.g. remained conscious during the operation conscious of his faults became conscious that he was being followed 2. intentionally conceived e.g. a conscious effort to speak more slowly a conscious policy Synonym: witting |
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