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单词 in the future
    in the future [英 [in e? ?fju:t??] 美 [?n ei ?fjut??] ]
    in the future的意思、解释
    in the future 基本解释
    今后,将来; 日后
    in the future 网络解释
    1. 在未来:顽皮狗的人说:360游戏也很不错,特别现在公布了HALO3等...我认为在未来(IN THE FUTURE)可能(PROBABLY)会有些体现PS3机能的游戏,但起决于SONY是不是愿意给开发商足够的予算顽皮狗的人当然也说了一些好话,比如认为PS3的机能可能(PROBABLY)比360强,
    2. 将来:爱是要表达的,要表达过去爱,要让对方知道你现在爱着她(他),还要表达远期将来(In the future)还要继续爱.
    3. 在将来:22. by force 用武力 | 24. in the future在将来 | 25. give examples of给. . . 例子
    4. 未来, 将来, 往后:338. make fun of sb. 取笑某人 | 339. in the future未来, 将来, 往后 | 340. gather together集合在一起
    in the future 双语例句
    1. For better development in the future, Mr.*** decided to go to Britainfor further study. Our company needs high-qualified manager, so we totallyagree with his study plan and sincerely hope that Mr.*** can come backto our company for further work after finishing his study.
    2. This may affect their future lives, making them incompetent to survive the cut throat competitions they will be facing in their careers.
    3. in the future的反义词
    3. I'll do my endeavour to overcome them in the future work and life.
    4. We hope you'll come back and stay with us again in the future.
    5. In the days to come, is willing to work with new and old customers create a better future.
    6. The four most common phenotypes are A, B, AB, and O, referring to the type of antigen is presentor absenton the surface of a client's red blood cells, Routine testing usually involves only the Rh antigen. if an Rh-negative clinet receives Rh-positive blood, he or she will develop Rh antibodies, and future Rh-positive transfusions may cause a transfusion reaction. in pregnancy, antibodies from an Rh-negative mother may hemolyze fetal(erythroblastosis fetalis, or hemolytic disease of the newborn).
    四种最普遍的表现型是A、B、AB、阿,这类型的抗原或表面上的一个客户的红血球、常规测试通常涉及到只有Rhantigen.if准备一Rh-positive接受血液,跟他或她将发展Rh抗体和未来的Rh-positive输血可能引起输血反应,在怀孕期间的母亲可能会产生抗体hemolyze北京(erythroblastosis fetalis或胎儿的新生儿疾病溶血试验确定具体)。
    7. in the future的反义词
    7. Endeavor in the Qian Heng people look forward to working with your co-operation to create a better future.
    8. It's believed that the future development of oxyfluoride glass ceramics will focus on the realization of unitization of materials, and the realization of high efficient short wavelength laser output, particularly in blue-green laser output.
    9. in the future
    9. I want to learn the language of my partner in the future, manderin or cantonese, so i can talk with her family.
    10. in the future的翻译
    10. However, the binding interaction between individual aptamers and the cyclase protein should be explored in the future.
    11. in the future的翻译
    11. Now the future of this airline is in dark as Indian may convert 5 Boeing 737-200 into freighters.
    12. in the future是什么意思
    12. Teacher thank you for listening to my introduction, I very much hope that you can become a student studying in the future life, I hope that teachers can give me help and guidance on, my level of English is not very good, hope that at your guidance, I put the shortage of places to improve and enhance.
    13. In my view, a Van Tillian apologetic of the future should emphasize this principle even more than Van Til did.
    14. in the future是什么意思
    14. The company may sell the remaining authorized shares in the future or use them for other purposes.
    15. Could you kindly tell me whether all the orders in future drawn under information of this bank as below?
    16. In certain countries, the online automobile market is speeding up incredibly, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in nearest future.
    17. In certain countries, the online automobile market is speeding up incredibly promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.
    18. In certain countries, the online automobile market is speeding up miraculously, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.
    19. In some coutries, the online automobile market is speeding up miraculously, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.
    20. I know: technical proficiency, is the future success ladder, and widely dabbles in humanities and social knowledge is the real success.
    in the future 单语例句
    1. What now makes him proud and excited is developing the business in China, a land where he saw " opportunities and future " for Wall Street English.
    2. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training.
    3. The most recent Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey's future indicators showed notable improvement in August.
    4. The letter also promised the hotel would strictly regulate its management and do business strictly according to laws to avoid such cases in the future.
    5. The decrease in the loan business would reduce the future expansion capacity of the banks, Zhu says.
    6. Ping An said its core business would keep prospering in the near future and will benefit from the bright outlook of the industry.
    7. Israel TV reported Thursday that Sharon said it was possible that Israel would act against Arafat in the future.
    8. But the film will only be seen in the near future because the investor went bust before its original screening date.
    9. Among buyers who are not currently buying in Hong Kong, 65 percent are keen to do so in the near future.
    10. It was the first public comment on the company's future in the Chinese mainland by the world's largest retailer since the new appointment was announced.




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