单词 | invisible |
释义 | invisible [英 [?n?v?z?bl] 美 [?n?v?z?b?l] ] invisible的意思、解释 复数形式:invisibles; invisible 基本解释 形容词看不见的; 不易为视线所见的,隐匿的; 无形的(指银行、旅游等服务); 不引人注目的 名词看不见的人 invisible invisible 同义词 invisible的翻译 形容词imperceptibleindiscernible invisible 反义词 形容词visible invisible的近义词 invisible 相关例句 形容词 1. It was so cloudy that the top of the mountain was invisible. 天很阴,看不见山顶。 2. Germs are invisible to the naked eye. 细菌是肉眼所看不见的。 3. 3. The differences are almost invisible. 这些差别简直难以辨认。 4. Insurance is one of Britain's most profitable invisible exports. 保险业是英国获益最大的无形出口之一。 invisible 网络解释 1. 看不见的:贴心的酒店服务也有两种,看得见的(visible)和看不见的(invisible). 看得见的服务是身边永远有人笑脸相迎,给你无微不至的关怀和呵护,东南亚的酒店大多数在这方面做得很好,从进门时的清凉饮料和香水毛巾到每一次擦身而过时的谦卑微笑. invisible 双语例句 1. invisible 1. The injection of outside capital to Xi`an, the real estate market to provide fresh blood for the city`s economic development a good opportunity to bring real estate development in the form of new products, management models, architectural elements and real estate development follow-up service, but also to the local developer has posed a serious challenge, outside the capital, like an invisible hand, the effective birth of the standardization of the operation of the real estate market and thus the survival of the fittest. 的注入资本,西安外,房地产市场提供新鲜血液的城市经济发展的一个很好的机会,使房地产开发的形式,新产品,管理模式,建筑元素和房地产开发的后续服务,而且对当地的发展商提出了严峻的挑战,在首都以外地区,像一只无形的手,有效出生的规范化运作的房地产市场,从而使适者生存。 2. It is easier to understand everything when I am not by your side; I stayed beneath the big tree in the meadow across from your home, as you turned the house lights off and passed from room to room. I stayed as the roads grew invisible and silent and wide. 不在你身边我更易于了解一切;我待在你家对面草地上的一棵大树下,当你熄了屋灯并从一个房间走到另一个房间;我待着当道路变得又静又宽,终于消失不见。 3. TV screen will be a kind of invisible ray radiation. 电视的荧光屏会辐射一种看不见的射线。 4. 4. This third dimension reveals itself through the abstract, imaginative, symbolic and supreme invisible structure of time and space. It is the highest form of existence of the human body. 这第三个维度是以抽象的、想象的、象征性的和超越的无形时空结构展现出来的,是人的身体的最高存在形式。 5. Obviously these changes will be totally invisible in fast tempos, but they will be there! 显然这些变化在快速弹奏中是看不到的,但它们确实存在。 6. Shimmers from invisible to red, green or gold, depending on the angle you stand at. 就像你能注意到它从看不见的颜色到红色,绿色或者金色 7. In order to verify its authenticity, use on ultra-violet light to view the invisible green security fibers. 为了验证这张百万欧元钞票的真实性,使用紫外线灯观察到了不可见的绿色防伪线。 8. invisible的反义词 8. Just as Bob Green says the invisible barrier always holds. 如鲍勃·格林所说,那道无形的屏障一直是有效的。 9. Leaves, or green, the invisible traces of winter, snow came softly, attached to a gorgeous dream, far and near the speckled my world, I began to realize that winter really arrived. 树叶还是青青的,看不见冬季的痕迹,雪花轻轻走来,依附着华丽的梦想,远远近近的洒满我的世界,我才相信真的冬天来临了。 10. The tradition began in the days when stages were lit by lime-lights, which burned lime, producing a greenish light that made anything green nearly invisible. 这一传统起始于舞台灯具还是石灰光灯的时候,石灰光灯燃烧的是石灰,发出一种呈绿色的光,会使任何绿颜色的东西几乎看不见。 11. Emphasis is laid ona penetrating analysis of the benefit distribution system designed by foreign partiesand, as a result, channels of invisible outflow of the benefits due to Chinese partiesare discovered. 本文通过对国外酒店管理公司和我国酒店签署的管理合约的分析研完,重点剖析了合约中外方设计的收益制度,找出了导致我方利益隐性流失的渠道,并提出解决这些问题应掌握的原则,供实际工作的同志参考,以期在涉外酒店管理合约谈判中,维护国家利益。 12. John- A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes The folds that lay over me no longer lie Your infinity is revealed to me It shines in your infinite smile It was like a gift floating down through the dark A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart A feeling inside, an invisible guide Had shown me a way to survive Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Is it you? 我心中的伤痕也慢慢抚平,你把你浩瀚无际展示给了我,你无尽的微笑在闪耀。你像一个冲破黑暗的礼物,又像一支鸽子栖息在我的心房,你内心的感受和无形的引导给我指明了生存的方向,夜色迷离,夜色迷离,那是你吗?你在日复一日的生活中伴着我,和我一起穿越了无数痛苦和快乐的时光 13. She started her professional career as a student of George Gamow after Gamow moved to America. She spent the rest of her professional life observing galaxies and studying their dynamics. She found that the visible matter in galaxies is not heavy enough to explain the speed of their internal motions. She deduced from her observations that galaxies are pervaded by dark matter, invisible to our telescopes. 乔治·加莫夫移居美国后,鲁宾作为他的学生开始了自己的职业生涯,此后她一直致力于观察星系并研究其动力学,她发现星系中的可见物质数量并不足于解释星系内部运动的速度,她从观察结果推论星系中遍布我们望远镜看不到的暗物质。 14. invisible的意思 14. Claquesous had nowhere left any trace of his disappearance; he would seem to have amalgamated himself with the invisible. 铁牙的下落毫无线索可寻,他好象一下子便和无形的鬼物合为一体了。 15. Therefore, from appearance, it is almost invisible The reason why we use soft rubber is that it can effecively resist the scratch and scrab of the peddles. 我们使用软胶,是因为小腿上受到的伤害,多数是因为脚踏带来的刮伤,而软胶本身的韧性能较好地抵御这类的伤害,从而达到减轻伤害的效果。 16. invisible的近义词 16. Talent-spotting has traditionally been left to a middle-management layer of audit supervisors until people get closer to being a partner (partly because employees tend to be invisible to many of their superiors, working as they do in small teams at the offices of the client). 传统上,人才定位已经被甩给审计主管这样的中层管理,除非员工快要成为合伙人(部分原因是:员工总想避开诸多主管的视线,在客户办公室里以小组形式工作)。 17. It uses infrared ray invisible to eyes, composing area of radio distance. 它是利用人眼观察不到的红外线光束,组成无线检测区域。 18. What is most important is invisible... 最重要的东西是看不见的…… 19. invisible的近义词 19. What's most important is invisible. 最重要的东西是看不见的。 20. If such differences do not let it be improved and expanded, between two generations of people who will be in a wide invisible wall, then easily lead to misunderstanding. 如果这种差别不加以改善而让它扩大,两代人之间便会形成一堵无形的墙,误会便容易产生。 invisible 词典解释 1. 看不见的;隐形的 If you describe something as invisible, you mean that it cannot be seen, for example because it is transparent, hidden, or very small. e.g. The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance... 线条被蚀刻得如此精细,在远处看都看不见。 e.g. The belt is invisible even under the thinnest garments. 这种腰带即便在最薄的衣衫下都看不出来。 invisibly A thin coil of smoke rose almost invisibly into the sharp, bright sky. 一缕缭绕升起的轻烟几乎淡不可见地消失在明亮耀眼的天空中。 2. 无形的 You can use invisible when you are talking about something that cannot be seen but has a definite effect. In this sense, invisible is often used before a noun which refers to something that can usually be seen. e.g. Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries... 父母担心他们可能会逾越这些无形的界限。 e.g. Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands. 她父亲的脸突然僵硬了,仿佛是被无形的双手扼住了脖子。 invisibly ...the tradition that invisibly shapes things in the present. 不知不觉地塑造着当前的一切的传统 3. 被人忽视的;不为人注意的 If you say that you feel invisible, you are complaining that you are being ignored by other people. If you say that a particular problem or situation is invisible, you are complaining that it is not being considered or dealt with. e.g. It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel... 一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。 e.g. The problems of the poor are largely invisible. 穷人的问题大多不受重视。 invisibility ...the invisibility of women's concerns in society. 社会对女性所关注问题的忽视 4. (故事中的人或事物)隐身的,隐形的 In stories, invisible people or things have a magic quality which makes people unable to see them. e.g. ...The Invisible Man. 《隐形人》 5. (收入)非贸易的,无形的 In economics, invisible earnings are the money that a country makes as a result of services such as banking and tourism, rather than by producing goods. e.g. Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export... 旅游业是英国最大的一项无形输出。 e.g. The revenue from tourism is the biggest single item in the country's invisible earnings... 旅游业收入是该国无形收益当中最大的一项。 6. 无形服务业(如银行业、旅游业) Invisibles are services such as banking and tourism, which provide a country's invisible earnings. invisible 单语例句 1. Yet in actual practice, women are facing various visible and invisible disparities by gender. 2. Western capitalist economies used to subscribe to Adam Smith's doctrine of the " Invisible Hand " that called for minimum state intervention in the economy. 3. The Wall Street Journal has called him the " UN's invisible man " and criticized him for lacking the charisma of his predecessors. 4. Yeah, it is time to let the invisible hand of market come to sports. 5. Wong said the sturdy fabric seems so commonplace that it's almost invisible to many residents. 6. But some media reports claimed that consumer goods and food companies are conducting " invisible price hikes " by reducing packaging and volume while maintaining prices. 7. While the stuff is thought to be strewn throughout the cosmos, it is invisible and poorly understood. 8. Meiselas says women photographers have the advantage of disarming, as they can become invisible more easily and just blend into the settings. 9. Subs have been signed to US independent label Invisible Records, run by former PiL and Ministry drummer Martin Atkins. 10. Local officials say it is the only city that can make such a claim even though the invisible line crosses as many as 15 countries. invisible 英英释义 adj 1. not prominent or readily noticeable e.g. he pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole the invisible man Synonym: inconspicuous 2. impossible or nearly impossible to see imperceptible by the eye e.g. the invisible man invisible rays an invisible hinge invisible mending Synonym: unseeable |
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