单词 | consignment |
释义 | consignment [英 [k?n?sa?nm?nt] 美 [k?n?sa?nm?nt] ] consignment的意思、解释 复数形式:consignments; consignment 基本解释 consignment 名词装运的货物,托运的货物; 托运,运送; 委托,托管 consignment的翻译 consignment 相关词组 consignment 1. on consignment : 以寄售方式; consignment 相关例句 1. consignment的意思 1. We usually only order goods on consignment. 我们通常只能订购寄售的货物。 名词 1. Their consignment of bananas was / were bad. 他们托运的一批香蕉质量不好。 consignment 网络解释 1. consignment的解释 1. 委托:供应商管理库存系统的基础是ERP中的委托(consignment)订货过程. 为了实现供应商管理库存,委托订货过程中有两个主要问题需要修改:付款的时间和库存估价方法. 在标准的ERP系统的委托订货过程中,供应商直到放置在买方处的库存被消耗后才把对库存的所有权转移给买方, consignment 双语例句 1. After our approval of your invoice, you can handover the consignment, to our forwarder. 6|不会承担额外的费用的,你可以跟客人下一张合同一起补给客人啊 2. Because some kinds of our commodities has been out of stock, we hope you can bring forward the consignment date of our order. Thanks for your help! 1,因为我们有些类型的货物已经断货了,所以希望您能将我们的订单的发货日期提前,感谢您的帮忙。 3. For consignment consign to Dumi under HAWB or House Ocean Bills of Lading. 对于按照航空分运单托委托给杜米的,代理处产生的所有费用由展商负担。 4. With all the facts before you, I feel sure claim for the inferior quality at 3 pence per Ib is justified, as the colour of the shipment is much harder than that of your previous consignment, and is, in fact, similar to your lower grade, Type, No. 因为这批货的颜色比你们上一批货又灰又暗。事实上,同你们的 35号低档货相近。 5. In triplicate covering all risks and war risks including W. A. and breakage in excess of five per cent on the whole consignment and including W/W up to buyer`s warehouse in Bin city. 投保一切险和战争险包括水渍险,破碎损失有5%绝对免赔率,按全部货物计算,包括仓至仓条款,负责到买方在槟城的仓库为止一式三份 6. One mechanism used to make investigation difficult is to arrange for a consignment to pass through a bewilder ing number of owners in a short time. 为了使调查难以进行,走私者通常会在短期之内使货物多次易主。 7. Responsible for the whole procedures of exporting, including export consignment, forwarding, tracing the returned bill, delivery etc 负责公司商品出口的全过程工作,包括出口委托、装箱安排、跟踪退单、出库手续等操作 8. There is a difference of 35 tons between the actual landed weight the invoiced weight of this consignment. 这批货的实际8ttt8重量和发票上的重量相差35吨。 9. 9. After the warranty period the consignment stock will be sent back to the Seller or may alternatively be purchased in full or partially by the Purchaser. 在保修期之后这些委托的货物将会运回给销售商,用户也可以选择部分或者全部购买这些委托的物品。 10. Company the main camp business trade, and contracts for international engineering, rent service export, cooperate production for the electronics technique, equipments, dollar spare part and the import and export of the product and the agreement of the government, joint venture management, three come on repairing business, contract for job a foreign electronics factory to establish to maintain the service center and selling agent, spare parts to go together with to sell the consignment sale, software development and finance leasing, keep a luck a packing, exhibit an advertisement and provide the market information and foreign trade law to consult with in the 华 etc.. 公司主营业务为电子技术、设备、元器件及产品的进出口和政府间的协议贸易,以及承包国际工程、劳务出口、合作生产、合资经营、三来一补业务,承办国外电子厂商在华设立维修服务中心及销售代理、零件配售寄售、软件开发以及金融租赁、储运包装、展览广告、提供市场信息和对外贸易法律咨询等。 11. Much to our regret, the consignment is not fully in conformity with the contract, we suggest that you either make a concesion or replace the goods at once. 遗憾的是货物不完全与合同相符,我们建议你们要么减价要么立即替换货物。 12. The BMW M3 saloon, having skipped a generation, is now snarling at your nearest UK dealership, ready to be accosted for small sums starting at £49, 415 for the sedan manual and £52, 005 for the M-DCT version. Its entire allocated consignment of about 400 is expected to be on roads by the end of 2008.Apart from the most obvious; two extra doors, coupe and sedan are virtually mechanically identical, both using the same 4.0-litre V8 premium unleaded petrol engine that`s 15kg lighter than its multi-award-winning 3.2-litre straight 6 predecessor. 宝马英国公司近日公布了M3轿车的价格,其中手动版起价为49415英镑(约合人民币71.05万元),而配备M-DCT双离合器变速箱的版本起价为52005英镑(约合人民币74.78万元)。M3轿车和轿跑车除了增加了两个车门外,机械结构相同,搭载的都是使用高级无铅汽油的4.0升V8引擎,它的重量比宝马屡次获得大奖的3.2升直列六缸引擎还轻了15公斤。 13. consignment的意思 13. This is where a big customer decides that he is going to pressure his suppliers into providing consignment inventory to eliminate his investment in inventory. 这是一个大客户决定他是去压他的供应商到提供寄售库存,以消除他的投资存货。 14. Just about every piece of furniture in my house was bought from a consignment store. 几乎我家里的所有的家具都是从旧物寄卖店买来的。 15. I bought it from well, from a consignment store... 从一家寄卖店买的。 16. It is a consignment clothing store that sells both used and new fashion. 这是一间卖新旧衣服的二手服饰店。 17. 17. You can expect to find every conceivable cheap bridesmaid dress, if the consignment store is in an upscale market. 您可以期望找到每一个可以想象廉价伴娘礼服,如果寄售商店中高档市场。 18. Consignment store has another advantage. 寄售商店的另一个优势。 19. consignment 19. Hand in every day`s consignment record to the store leader for accounting 及时将每日发货记录交给仓库组长除帐 20. What is the difference between a consignment store, a resale store, and a thrift shop? 寄销商店、转售商店、和互助商店之间有什么区别呢? consignment 词典解释 1. 运送的一批货物 A consignment of goods is a load that is being delivered to a place or person. consignment在线翻译 e.g. The first consignment of food has already left Bologna. 运送的第一批食品已经离开了博洛尼亚。 consignment 单语例句 1. Sarah Palin's favorite consignment shop has been forced to change its name. 2. Unlike pawn stores that pay money to sellers when they accept the goods, a consignment shop gives sellers money only when their goods are sold. 3. When the consignment arrives at Hong Kong's import control, department officers will inspect the birds'health conditions and verify health certification. 4. He was speaking two days after Iran received the eighth and final consignment of nuclear fuel from Russia for the Bushehr plant. 5. So company officials were shocked when Russian police impounded the whole consignment as smuggled goods. 6. The case was registered in 1997 after a consignment of eight boxes was intercepted at London airport. 7. The quarantine bureau in May rejected a consignment of US pork after tests found traces of the drug. 8. Another consignment of aid worth 5 million yuan had been thought to be able to reach Indonesia on December 30. 9. The officers swapped baking soda for the illicit drugs and followed a truck picking up the consignment. 10. The businessman uses the account to purchase building materials and he's just ordered a new consignment. consignment 英英释义 noun 1. the delivery of goods for sale or disposal 2. the official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital) Synonym: commitmentcommittal 3. goods carried by a large vehicle Synonym: cargoladingfreightloadloadingpayloadshipment |
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