单词 | ivy |
释义 | ivy [英 [?a?vi] 美 [?a?vi] ] ivy的意思、解释 复数形式:ivies; ivy 基本解释 名词[植]常春藤 形容词常春藤联盟的 ivy 双语例句 1. 1. Mr. Rajaratnam, the billionaire founder of Galleon Group, and Preet Bharara -- the Indian-born, Ivy League-educated prosecutor -- belong to a relatively small immigrant group who have formed a power elite in the U. S., with positions in corporate boardrooms and a governor's mansion. 创立对冲基金盖伦集团的亿万富翁拉贾拉特南和出身于印度、毕业于常春藤盟校的检察官巴拉拉都属于一个相对小范围的移民团体,这些人已经在美国形成了一个权力精英阶层,在商界和政界占据着显要地位。 2. ivy的近义词 2. IVY Shanghai is offering a `Summer Preferential Package`, with a three-night stay for the price of two for a stylish Platinum King room; a two-night stay for the price of one for E`lan Suite. 凡入住张皇时尚的白金帝王大床房三晚仅需两晚房价;入住行政套房仅需一晚房价。 3. Cornell is one of two private land grant universities, and a member of the Ivy League. 康乃尔大学是一所私立两批地的大学,是常春藤联盟的成员。 4. Garden in the first move to power, the new sub-blocks to the bare concrete kind of the vintage, This years best days, I have already covered with ivy, and some twigs also hung like naughty children, with heads held Jue mouth, and others indulgent touch. 在最初搬到电力花园时,新砌的水泥葡萄架子光秃秃的,这才几年的光景,上面已爬满了青藤,有的嫩枝还垂下来,像淘气的孩子,昂着头撅着嘴,等人溺爱的抚摸。 5. Even if you`ve been fishing for 3 hours and haven`t gotten anything except poison ivy and sunburn, you`re still better off than the worm. 即使你钓了三个小时的鱼,除了钓到毒藤和一身晒伤外什么也没捞到,你起码比那只鱼饵强多了。 6. 6. Even if you`ve been fishing for 3 hours and haven`t gottenanything except poison ivy and sunburn, you`re still better offthan the worm. 即使你钓了三个小时的鱼,除了钓到毒藤和一身晒伤外什么也没捞到,你起码比那只鱼饵强多了。 7. Nightly rates start at RMB720 including all taxes for Ivy Premier, rising to RMB820 for Ivy Deluxe rooms, RMB950 for a Grand Suite and RMB1, 250 in a Ritzy Suite. 房价从白金大床房每晚人民币720元起;至豪华大床房人民币820元;豪华套房人民币950元,及行政套房人民币1250元。 8. The News-Journal cites successful eight-week courses at Ivy Tech in Indiana, AustinCommunity College in Texas, and Finger LakesCommunity College in New York. 南加州地震研究中心主任湯瑪斯喬丹告訴洛杉磯時報記者,這些研究資料在不斷改善,收集資料的方法也在不斷改進。 9. An old, old ivy vine climbed half way up the brick wall. 一棵古老的常青藤爬到半墙高。 10. ivy 10. An old, old ivy vine, gnarled and decayed at the roots, climbed half-way up the brick wall. 一条很老的、多结巴的、根已经腐朽的常青藤爬上了砖墙的中部。 11. An old ivy vine climbed halfway up the brick wall. 一棵常春藤爬到砖墙的一半。 12. The principal door was squeezed into a corner of a turret at one angle of the building, as if it was in hiding from dangerous visitors, and wished to keep itself a secret--a noble door for all that--old oak, and studded with great square-headed iron nails, and so thick that the sharp iron knocker struck upon it with a muffled sound, and the visitor rang a clanging bell that dangled in a corner amongst the ivy, lest the noise of the knocking should never penetrate the stronghold. 而府邸的大门却被挤到建筑物一隅的一个角楼的角落里去了,仿佛它要躲避危险的客人,但愿使它自己成为一个秘密——尽管如此,它可是一道宏伟气派的大门——古老的林木大门,门那么厚,门上又嵌着方头大铁钉,密密麻麻的;轮廓分明的铁铸门环敲上去便发出一种低沉的声音;一个声音铿锵的铃铛悬挂在长春藤间的一个角落里,来客就摇晃那铃铛,不然的话,叩门的声音是传不到这坚固的堡垒里去的。 13. 13. Ivy's husband very like gardening. When Ivy is make up, her husband always sprinkle water on the flowerbeds, and he always inhale the fresh air. Ivy的丈夫爱好园艺,在Ivy化妆的时候,她的丈夫总是在花园里浇灌植物并且享受新鲜的空气。 14. Which Ivy League schools accept ACT scores for admission purposes? 哪些常青藤联盟学校承认ACT考试? 15. ivy 15. O b/ E/ h8 Which Ivy League schools accept ACT scores for admission purposes? 哪些常青藤联盟学校承认ACT考试? 16. Sue could see an old ivy vine climbing halfway up the brick wall. 苏可以看到一株老常春藤蔓爬到砖墙的一半高。 17. 17. As they lurched across the shadowed grass, staying as close to the walls as they could without tripping through the ivy, Simon thought he saw a movement in the shadows of the wall across the yard: something large that shifted slightly as though to watch their passage, a familiar, stoop-shouldered form. 他们低下身子穿过阴影覆盖的草地,尽量靠着墙走,以免被常春藤绊倒。Simon觉得他看到墙壁的阴影里,有什么移动着走过院子:一个个子很大的什么东西,轻微移动着,好象在看着他们过去,一个熟悉的,弯腰驼背的身形。 18. The plants include nightshade, poison hemlock, foxglove, mistletoe, and poison ivy. 这些植物包括茄属植物,毒芹、洋地黄、槲寄生和毒葛。 19. ivy 19. Asian businesses, many of them family- owned, seem resistant to the charms of Ivy League-educated 30-somethings proffering firm handshakes, jargon- filled patter and fancy spreadsheets. 亚洲企业似乎很抵触那些常春藤名校毕业的30来岁的机构经理的魅力:他们有力的握手、满嘴的行话和令人眼花缭乱的数据表。 20. The time must come when its gilded vaults which now spring so loftily, shall lie in rubbish beneath the feet; when instead of the sound of melody and praise the wind shall whistle through the broken arches and the owl hoot from the shattered tower; when the garish sunbeam shall break into these gloomy mansions of death, and the ivy twine round the fallen column; and the fox-glove hang its blossoms about the nameless urn, as if in mockery of the dead. 总有一天,这些高耸的镀金拱顶会变成踩在脚下的碎屑;其时,这儿决不会听到有什么音乐和赞美歌,只有破拱门里的飒飒风声,伴和着破塔上的枭啼—其时,眩目的阳光将穿进这些幽暗的墓堂,常春藤将攀绕在倾倒的圆柱上;毛地黄把花冠垂在无名者的骨灰瓮上,仿佛嘲笑里面的死人。 ivy 词典解释 1. 常春藤 Ivy is an evergreen plant that grows up walls or along the ground. ivy 单语例句 1. Ivy also gave a vivid description of what a typical day is like in the working life of a practice nurse. 2. The Ivy League school says a computer hacker gained entry to its server last month. 3. Perhaps China should try to create its own " Ivy League universities ". 4. For most people lucky enough to have had an Ivy League education, moving to Beijing to become a rap star would probably not be their first choice. 5. Chief executives are four times more likely to have earned their undergraduate degrees from a publicly funded university than from an Ivy League school. 6. Such glowing testimonials about Wisconsin may make parents wonder just how important that Ivy League degree really is. 7. US statistics show that Chinese Americans account for only 5 percent of the US population but 20 percent of the students in Ivy League schools. 8. The source claims that Victoria celebrated her new business venture with pal Katie Holmes at the Ivy. 9. Ivy has an unsurpassed focus on the quality of the education and on the quality of staff. 10. Romario dedicated his goal to his daughter Ivy, who was born recently with Down's Syndrome. ivy在线翻译ivy 英英释义 noun 1. Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits Synonym: common ivyEnglish ivyHedera helix |
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