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单词 jetty
    jetty [英 [?d?eti] 美 [?d??ti] ]
    jetty 基本解释
    名词码头; 防波堤; [建]建筑物的突出部
    形容词乌黑发亮的; 黑玉似的
    jetty 网络解释
    1. 防波堤:在石垒或防波堤(jetty)抛钓. 你可以尝轼不同的钓法,包括水面,半水或沈底等;可钓到蓝鱼(Blue fish左口鱼{Fluke)及Striped Bass,鱼竿要够硬. 够轻及长. 约七至八呎,方便携带;咸水鱼绞2000型号或以上,用30磅或以上织丝.
    2. 栈桥:裸腮(Nudibranchs),豆丁海马(Pygmyseahorse),各类虾蟹保证你会发现您没看过的种类都会在这里找到,另一特色是Resort前方有一280米的栈桥(Jetty)供您无限制潜水水深3-8米白天及晚上各种生物都相当丰富,
    3. 码头:8:00起来后吃过早餐,大概不到9点我们走出了酒店,准备走到码头(Jetty)去搞定车和本地游的预定. 一路走一路问,大概不到2公里左右就到了. 沿路发现9点多了很多店铺都还没有开门,呵呵,看来岛上的人生活够悠闲的.
    4. 栈桥[码头]:我们特地从国内带了不少饼干来喂鱼,就在栈桥码头(Jetty)那里,还帮助一只白鹭利用鱼群哄抢之际,逮着一条鱼作早餐. 四、餐厅. 度假村有自助餐和点菜两个餐厅,我们已经充分地考虑到乐这里食物不适应的问题,带了不少方便食品.
    jetty 双语例句
    1. Setting the design of pre-stressed concrete coping s 35 m T-beam bridge of Xigang open jetty of Jinfeng Bridge over Meixi River in the city of Shantou as example, it simply introduces the calculation points and design methods of pre-stressed concrete coping s, gives a design reference to the similar bridge projects.
    以汕头市梅溪河金凤大桥一西港高架桥35m T型梁桥的预应力混凝土盖梁设计为工程实例,简要介绍了预应力混凝土盖梁的计算要点和设计方法,以供类似桥梁工程的设计参考。
    2. There is a hampered vesssel in position 0900 degrees 5 miles from No.1 jetty Oilmouth.
    在距离Oilmouth 1号突码头5海里,方位0900度的地方有一艘碍航船只。
    3. Longbeach. This is Dalian Port Control. There is a hampered vesssel in position 0900degrees 5 miles from No.1 jetty Oilmouth.
    在距离 Oilmouth 1 号突码头 5海里,方位 0900度的地方有一艘碍航船只。
    4. Navy engineers known as Seabees built a jetty and simply drove the unwanted Jeeps, trucks, and bulldozers into the sea.
    5. The demands of water level variation to the floating connection of liquid cargo floating jetty is expounded.
    论述水位变化对液货浮码头浮动连接的要求,探讨和分析几种适用的浮动连接型式,并指出自相适应的浮动连接是 1种理想的连接型
    6. jetty的近义词
    6. I tried to regain my balance but I fell off the jetty and into the drink.
    7. I'm going to the jetty.
    8. jetty的意思
    8. Island, and how he had to cross the same jetty the next night...
    9. Over there, just behind the jetty.
    10. jetty在线翻译
    10. You need to get these tickets outside the Jetty Port before you enter.
    11. And then we go to jetty and prepare go to Pulau Redang!!
    12. jetty的反义词
    12. Even though Ji has taken back 90% of his former talent with Zheng`s help, his re-forged Jetty Squall sword is unable to equally match the Golden Dragon sword and is cut half straightaway as a direct hit of both swords after 100 rounds; Ji tries to escape with the Black tornado but he as soon feels a fit of pain from the chest as raises his qi-goon energy so topples down on the roof.
    13. jetty的意思
    13. Manufacturing environment suggests or use Tomcat, I part below Tomcat and Jetty deploy compare 3 times with respect to application, result Jetty is no good apparently, the visit is very slow.
    14. Motor and connections (but not strut shaft or propeller) electrical equipment and batteries and connections, where the loss or damage has been caused by heavy weather, unless the loss or damage has been caused by the Vessel being immersed, but this Clause 1010 shall not exclude loss or damage caused by the Vessel being stranded or in collision or contact with another vessel, pier or jetty
    15. Loss of or damage to any harbour, dock, garving or otherwise, slipway, way, gridiron, pontoon, pier, quay, jetty, stage, buoy, telephone cable, or other fixed or movable thing whatsoever, or to any goods or property in or on the same, however caused.
    16. In port projects, there are more and more vibration equipment (such as feeder and vibrating screen of coal conveying system at coal jetty, etc.) arranged in multi-story factory buildings to meet technological design requirements.
    17. I was the only one who saw that going out on the jetty was the fastest way to reach the drowning boy.
    18. When the boat ties up and you step on the jetty, you would probably agree that the jetty is stationary.
    19. No construction is more appealing, or more redolent of mortality, than a jetty that sticks out from the shore.
    20. The starting speed that Jetty is here wants than Tomcat apparently fast, visitting a page is about the same.
    jetty 词典解释
    1. 登岸码头;突堤;栈桥
    A jetty is a wide stone wall or wooden platform where boats stop to let people get on or off, or to load or unload goods.
    jetty 单语例句
    1. " The adrenaline's flowing now, " Nyad said at a jetty in western Havana as she looked at the water.
    jettyjetty 英英释义
    1. a protective structure of stone or concrete
    extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away
    Synonym: breakwatergroingroynemolebulwarkseawall




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