单词 | jewelry |
释义 | jewelry [英 ['d?u:?lr?] 美 [?d?u?lri] ] jewelry的意思、解释 jewelry 基本解释 名词珠宝,首饰 jewelry的反义词 jewelry 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Rebecca never wears jewelry. 丽贝卡从不戴首饰。 jewelry 情景对话 海关申报 A:May I see your passport, please? 请把你的护照给我看一下。 B:Yes. Here you are. 好的。在这里。 A:Are you traveling on business or for pleasure? 你这次旅行是为了公务还是游玩? B:Im going to visit my older sister in New York. 我来看望在纽约居住的姐姐。 A:How long will you stay? 你打算在纽约呆多久? B:For several months. 几个月。 A:Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash? 你有没有什么东西要申报?珠宝或现金? B:No, I havent. The only things I brought were my own clothes, my notebook computer and some gifts for mysister. 没有。我所携带的东西只是一些自己的衣物和笔记本电脑,还带了一些送给姐姐的礼物。 A:Im sorry. Im afraid Ill have to check these, too. Did you bring any fruits, vegetables, fresh meats orplants into this country? 对不起,恐怕我也得检查一下。你有没有携带任何水果、蔬菜、鲜肉或植物进本国? B:Oh, would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister. 喔…您能允许我带些榴莲吗?它是我姐姐最喜欢的水果。 A:Sorry, rotten fruit is not allowed. 对不起,腐烂的水果不允许带进来。 B:But it is NOT rotten. It naturally has the special flavor. 但是它不是腐烂的水果。它天生就是这种特殊的味儿。 A:Well, perhaps. But perishables are also not allowed. 是吗,也许吧。但易腐烂的东西也是不能带进来的。 B:Oh, my poor sister! 哎,我可怜的姐姐! jewelry 网络解释 1. (宝石):传说英文的宝石(Jewelry)就是从犹太(Jews)这个词来垫片我觉得挺有道理的. 在上帝眼里,他的选民当然是明灭的宝石,所以少见的珍贵石头用犹太的称谓来命名也未尝不可. 而犹太又是一个流离转徙、充实灾害的民族,从古自今犹太居无定所, 2. 2. 珠宝:姓富人(Richman)的不一定真有钱,有人姓一辈子银行(Bank)、银行家(Bankman)、金人(Goldman)、金质的(Golden)、珠宝(Jewelry)、戒指(Ring)、银子(Silver)、股票(Stock)、现金(Cash),却依然是一个穷光蛋,一文不名,姓穷人(Poorman)的却可能是一个大富翁; 3. 首饰:韩国Qng女装-首饰(Jewelry)尼尔.阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)和埃德温.奥尔德林是人类首次登上月球的两个人. 他们曾是战斗机驾驶员. 1962年,阿姆斯特朗被美国国家航空和航天局选中,并且被训练为宇航员. 次年,奥尔德林也被选中受训. 4. 珠寶;首飾:J 珠宝首饰(Jewelry) 如果他老是不戴结婚戒指,你不必大惊小怪,这不代表他有了二心,他只是把那枚珍贵的戒指珍藏起来了而已. 除了黑手党成员,大概很少有男人喜欢每天戴着明晃晃的大戒指招摇. 因此,你应该理解他. jewelry 双语例句 1. Diamond Engagement Ring s, Hatton Garden Jewellers, Diamond Engagment Rings, Design Your Own Diamond Engagement Rings, bespoke wedding rings, Platinum Rings uk, gents gold Rings, commitment rings, sapphire engagement rings, Ruby Engagement Rings, London Jewellers, Luxury Jewellery, Tiffany Engagement Rings, Tiffany Lucida, Tiffany Etoile, Bespoke Jewellery, Handmade Engagement Rings uk, Custom-made Engagement Rings, Handcrafted Engagement Rings, Unusual Engagement Rings, luxury jewellers, Hand made rings, made by hand, uk london workshop, hatton garden diamond rings, in platinum, gold, silver, all handmade and handcrafted by master goldsmiths, custom made diamond rings, diamond engagement rings uk, emerald engagement rings, ruby engagement rings, haute jewellery, fine diamonds, bond street quality, london jeweller, yellow diamond engagement ring, diamond ring wedding, diamond mounter, diamond manufacturer, diamond setter, diamond polisher, excellent cut diamonds, diamond platinum ring, diamond eternity ring, exclusive jewellery designer, diamond ring solitaire, dubai diamonds, cheap diamonds rings dubai, diamond gold ring white, cooldiamonds, dejoria, david morris, cool diamonds, cool designer, diamond gold ring, cluster diamond ring, diamond ring uk, diamond engagement platinum ring, History of Eternity Rings, diamond ring trilogy, black diamond ring, diamond pink ring, designer diamond ring, diamond ring ruby, diamond eternity platinum ring, antique diamond ring, anniversary diamond ring, madarin garnet, diamond engagement gold ring white, diamond ring sapphire, 1 carat diamond ring, custom made eternity rings, diamond engagement ring solitaire, diamon engagemen rin, expensive diamond ring, harriet kelsall, 18k diamond ring, diamond platinum ring wedding, hot diamond, diamond earring, diamond jewelry, loose diamonds, pink sapphires and pink sapphire rings, english luxury jewellery uk, ethical diamonds, ethical jewellery, ethical jeweler, yellow diamonds, blod diamonds, conflict diamonds, clean diamonds, dimond engagement ring, ruby engagement ring, sapphire engagement rings, pearl engagement rings, emerald engagement rings, Agate, Alexandrite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Andalusite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Beryl, Black Diamonds, blue Diamonds, Brown Diamonds, Canary Diamonds, Carnelian, Cat's Eyes, Chalcedony, Champagne Diamonds, Chrysoberyl, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Cognac Diamonds, friendship rings, gay wedding rings, gay friendsh ip, Coral, Cornelian, Corundum, CZ - Cubic Zirconia, Demantoid Garnet, Emerald, Feldspar, Fluorspar, Fire Opal, Garnet, Glass, Green Diamonds, Haematite or Hematite, BBC, Hiddenite, Iolite, porn, Ivory, Jade, Jadeite, Jet, rappaport, Kunzite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Marcasite, Moissanite, Moonstone, Morganite, Nephrite, Onyx, Opal, Orange Diamonds, Padparascha or Padparadscha, Pearl, Peridot, Pink Diamonds, Prase, Purple Diamonds, Quartz, Red Diamonds, Rock Crystal, Rose Quartz, gemmologist, Ruby, Sapphire, Sard, Sardonyx, Sphene, Spinel, Spodumene, Star Stones, Sunstone, Tanzanite, Topaz, Topazolite, Tortoiseshell, Tourmaline, Tsavolite, Turquoise, Yellow Diamonds, Zircon, Zoisite, eternity rings, princess, marquise, oval diamond, round diamond, square diamond, emerald cut, trillion. 钻石戒指收盘接触,哈尔顿花园珠宝商,经营的钻石戒指,你自己设计钻石戒指接触,预订结婚戒指、英国白金戒指、金戒指胶质,承担戒指、蓝宝石戒指接触,接触红宝石戒指,伦敦珠宝商,奢侈品珠宝交战的Tiffany戒指、社会学的Tiffany,Etoile的Tiffany,预订珠宝,手工戒指接触英国订造接触戒指,戒指手工接触,接触不同寻常戒指,豪华珠宝商,手作戒指,用手写,英国伦敦车间,哈尔顿花园钻石戒指,白金、黄金、白银全部由手工及手工大师金帜钻石戒指、钻石戒指接触英国,翡翠戒指接触,红宝石戒指接触,品味珠宝钻石罚款、质量保证金街,伦敦珠宝商,聘请黄钻石戒指,钻石戒指婚纱、钻石贴片,钻石制造先驱钻石,钻石抛光机,出色禁钻石、白金钻石戒指、钻石永恒戒指,珠宝设计师独家钻石戒指的纸牌,迪拜钻石、钻石戒指廉价迪拜白金钻石戒指,cooldiamonds,dejoria,大卫莫里斯酷钻石,凉爽设计师、黄金钻石戒指,集束钻石戒指,英国钻石戒指,白金钻石戒指接触,史永恒戒指、钻石戒指三部曲,黑色钻石戒指,钻石戒指粉红、设计师钻石戒指,红宝石钻石戒指、白金钻石戒指永恒、古董钻石戒指,周年钻石戒指,汉语石榴石、钻石金戒指接触白色,蓝宝石钻石戒指、1克拉钻石戒指,原厂制造永恒戒指、钻石戒指接触的纸牌,金刚石engagemen296、昂贵的钻石戒指,kelsall的Harriet,镶有钻石戒指、白金钻石戒指婚礼、热点钻石、钻石耳环、钻石首饰松散钻石粉红蓝宝石及粉红蓝宝石戒指,英文英国豪华珠宝、钻石伦理道德珠宝、宝石伦理、黄色钻石献血钻石、冲突钻石、清洁钻石戒指珍接触,接触红宝石戒指、蓝宝石戒指接触,接触珍珠戒指、翡翠戒指接触、玛瑙、宝石、呈色、琥珀、紫晶、红柱石、磷灰石、宋瓷、绿柱石、钻石黑、蓝钻石、褐色钻石,钻石的金丝雀、玛瑙、猫眼玉髓、香槟钻石、宝石、chrysoprase,柠檬黄,钻石白兰地、友谊集团、同性恋结婚戒指,同性恋friendsh叶珊瑚、茱、刚玉、长征-立方氧化锆、demantoid石榴石、祖母绿、长石、萤石、蛋白石火灾、石榴石、玻璃绿钻石,或haematite赤铁矿、BBC等,hiddenite、iolite、色情、象牙、玉石、翡翠、喷气、Rappaport,kunzite、晕、蜜腊、铁矿、硅石、钾长石、morganite、玉、玛瑙、蛋白石、橙色钻石,padparascha或padparadscha、珍珠、橄榄石、粉红色钻石,prase,紫色的钻石,水晶,红色钻石,镶嵌水晶、玫瑰石英、宝石、红宝石、蓝宝石、可持续农业、sardonyx,榍,尖晶石、锂、星光宝石,sunstone,Tanzanite、黄玉、topazolite、乌龟、电气石、tsavolite、绿松石、黄钻、锆石、晶石 2. Because of its unique coloring it is often most prudent to make tanzanite jewelry in sets as opposed to in individual pieces. 由于其独特的色彩往往是最明智的坦桑石首饰套,而不是在个别件。 3. I came to a jewelry store inside the dazzling things, so I do not know what to say to buy. 我来到了一家饰品店,里面的东西琳琅满目,让我不知道买什么才好。 4. Musical instruments are dazzling jewelry in the musical treasury of human being. 乐器是人类音乐文化宝库中一颗颗璨烂夺目的明珠。 5. When Jack is telling Rose about the lady he drew that sat at the bar wearing every piece of jewelry she owned, Jack said that they nicknamed her Madame Bijoux. 当Jack对Rose说他曾在酒吧给一个把自己的所有珠宝全都戴在身上的女士画像时,他说这个女人的昵称是Bijoux。 6. jewelry的解释 6. Fit for the queen of a fantasy realm lying at the bottom of the sea, this sparkling Swatch Bijoux is a versatile and expressive piece of jewelry. 她,是海洋与天空之星,闪烁、灵动!这款令人眩目的方型淑女腕表配有令人悦目的表链,中间一列链节为精钢海星造型。 7. All represent current trends in contemporary jewelry design as realized by many of the finest artists from around the world. 所有的这些款式都被世界上最好的艺术家认为是代表了现当代饰品设计的时尚趋势。 8. Heart Pendants - Heart jewelry changes a little as trends do, but it never goes out of style. 心吊坠心首饰作为趋势做少许变化,但它从来不用出风格。 9. jewelry 9. Translated Description: focused global high-end jewelry brands and new product information display, as well as cultural trends and jewelry with the concept of communication. Description:专注全球中高端珠宝品牌和新产品的资讯展示,以及潮流搭配和珠宝文化概念的传达。 10. jewelry 10. Plants with particular emphasis on new product development, through the foreign businessmen to understand the latest jewelry fashion trends into our company's jewelry designs to the latest cutting-edge products showed in front of customers. 工厂特别注重新产品的开发,通过国外客商了解饰品的最新时尚动态,融入到我公司的饰品设计当中,以最新前沿的产品呈现在客户眼前。 11. Spring is right around the corner and theres no better time to plan for the upcoming bead jewelry trends than right now, before the 2008 spring and summer seasons really begin! 春天是正确的即将来临,为即将到来的theres比右珠饰品趋势的最好时机现在的计划,在2008年春季和夏季真正开始! 12. As the best choice of materials in modern jewelry industry, the Switzerland steel also represents jewelry trends in future. 瑞士精钢(也称316L)不变色、不过敏、易清洁、质感强硬度高不易变形,精钢饰品在这些方面是金、银、铜、铁等金属材质无法比拟的,它是现代饰品行业最加的材质选择,也是未来饰品的流行趋势。 13. jewelry的近义词 13. PHOENIX MAGAZINE·JEWELRY 》 own a professional author team. They will continuously explain fashion trends of jewelry and personal luxury, general knowledge about luxury consumption. 凤凰周刊·珠宝》拥有一批高水准的专栏作家,他们将持续以极具专业水准和优美文笔对珠宝、私人奢侈品的时尚流行、消费常识进行专业解读。 14. 2Be careful to avoid your jewelry, belt, bootlace buckle and sharp things in your back-pockets hooking or piercing the cloth or leather of your sofa. 2请注意不要让您的首饰、皮带和鞋带扣以及背后口袋上的物品钩住或刺破您的沙发布料及皮料。 15. Jewelry shops and restaurant s featuring Chinese and Japanese cuisine crowded the streets. 珠 店和中日风味的餐厅挤满了金瓜石的街道。 16. Jewelry shops and restaurants featuring Chinese and Japanese cuisine crowded the streets. 珠宝店和中日风味的餐厅挤满了金瓜石的街道。 17. Titanium jewelry is growing in popularity and availability since body piercing is getting more acceptance from the society. 钛首饰日益普及和可用性,因为穿耳的日趋接受来自社会。 18. Among the main design elements are the arching side character line and the crystal-like appearance of the front and rear lamps, grille and wheels, which are reminiscent of jewelry. 其中的主要设计元素,是拱方字线和水晶般的出现,车头和车尾灯,格栅及车轮,其中的回忆首饰。 19. Our company is specialized in the production of bags, toys, apparel, jewelry, handicrafts and other metal parts manufacturer. 本公司是一家专业生产箱包、玩具、鞋服、饰品、工艺品等金属配件的厂家。 20. 20. The product has mainly: The electron product resembles: Mobile telephone box, MP3 MP4 competitive products package box etc.; Jewelry gift box: Box with brocade cover, box, glasses case spreading the box, jewel case, wrist watch box, putting on makeup etc.; Food resembles such as: Liquor box, health care articles, cake box, chocolate box, moon cake box etc.; The various stationery resembles: Notebook, photo album, document rack, pen container box, document fence, appliance box, toy gift box etc.; The product creates special field, the form is respectively different, the handicraft is dainty, model is exquisite, usage is reliable! 产品主要有:电子产品类:手机盒、MP3 MP4精品包装盒等;首饰礼盒:锦盒、布盒、珠宝盒、手表盒、化妆盒、眼镜盒等;食品类如:酒盒、保健品、蛋糕盒、巧克力盒、月饼盒等;各种文具类:笔记本、相册、文件架、笔筒盒、文件栏、办公用品盒、玩具礼盒等;产品制造专业、形状各异、工艺讲究、造型精美、使用可靠! jewelry 单语例句jewelry是什么意思 1. He notes the jewelry business has been growing rapidly in recent years and the firm has seen an increasing need for functionality. 2. Florists, restaurateurs and jewelry makers have pounding hearts waiting a year for this huge business opportunity. 3. After police intervention, the shop owner let family buy back the jewelry for the original 800 yuan. 4. They were seen as the " best clients " by some jewelry and apparel boutiques for their buying power. 5. Indian jewelry buying trickled in ahead of the key festival of Diwali on Oct 19, though the recent price rally is deterring some buyers. 6. They are impressed by the innovative product design and customer service offered by the jewelry retailer. 7. Howard has been buying me som jewelry but he call me 15 or 20 times a day it drives me crazy. 8. Police later recovered a currency counter and a safety box full of cash and jewelry from his apartment. 9. Martine targets a roomful of safe deposit boxes worth millions in cash and jewelry. 10. The packages can be used as a jewelry ornament casket, musical box or lantern. jewelry在线翻译jewelry 英英释义 noun 1. an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems) Synonym: jewellery |
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