单词 | jurisdiction |
释义 | jurisdiction [英 [?d???r?s?d?k?n] 美 [?d??r?s?d?k?n] ] jurisdiction的意思、解释 复数形式:jurisdictions; jurisdiction 基本解释 名词管辖权; 管辖范围; 权限; 司法权 jurisdiction 相关例句 名词 1. 1. That case is under the jurisdiction of this court. 那宗案件属本法庭受理范围。 2. It doesn't lie within my jurisdiction to set you free. 我无权将你释放。 jurisdiction 网络解释 1. jurisdiction的翻译 1. 司法权:上述当选人员所做或所命令的一切事项,除了不能行使朕的司法权(jurisdiction)外,均应以朕和巴塞罗那海事局参事会(the Council of the honest water-men of barcelona)的名义发布. 2. jurisdiction的意思 2. 权限:企业常常不知道该如何有效执行政府的政策措施;将来,工业企业以及在气候公约、批准与未批准的国家之间存在不公平竞争的企业,可能面临碳税或经营规则的约束,并将受到减排项目权限(jurisdiction)的限制. jurisdiction 双语例句 1. Chapter 4:Criminal Jurisdiction of Survey of crime of internet. 第四章:侵犯网络罪的刑事司法。 2. Article 6 Where the plaintiff files an action only against the manufacturer of the infringing products and not against the seller, and the place of manufacturing of the infringing products is not the same one as the place of selling, the people's court of the place of manufacturing shall have the jurisdiction, where the manufacturer and the seller are sued as the joint defendants, the people's court of the place of selling shall have the jurisdiction. 第六条 原告仅对侵权产品制造者提起诉讼,未起诉销售者,侵权产品制造地与销售地不一致的,制造地人民法院有管辖权;以制造者与销售者为共同被告起诉的,销售地人民法院有管辖权。 3. For a joint action involving multiple defendants and different places where the infringement has taken place, the plaintiff may choose the people`s court in the place where one of the defendants had carried out the infringement; for any action against only one of the defendants, the people`s court in the place where the such defendant has carried out the infringement shall have jurisdiction over the case. 前款规定的侵权商品的储藏地,是指大量或者经常性储存、隐匿侵权商品所在地;查封扣押地,是指海关、工商等行政机关依法查封、扣押侵权商品所在地。第七条对涉及不同侵权行为实施地的多个被告提起的共同诉讼,原告可以选择其中一个被告的侵权行为实施地人民法院管辖;仅对其中某一被告提起的诉讼,该被告侵权行为实施地的人民法院有管辖权。 4. jurisdiction是什么意思 4. Hui County in Gansu Province is located in the south-east, is located in the Qin-Ba mountain logo into a basin, north of Tianshui, west into the county, Nantong, Sichuan, Shaanxi east, the total area of 2772 square kilometers throughout the county, jurisdiction over 15 townships, 249 administrative Village, the total population of 220, 000 people. 徽县位于甘肃东南部,地处秦巴山地中的徽成盆地,北接天水,西连成县,南通四川,东邻陕西,全县总面积2772平方公里,辖15个乡镇、249个行政村,总人口22万人。 5. International agreements have traditionally been based on the assumption of territorial jurisdiction, whereas Internet is a global communication forum. 的本质。国际协约长期以往都基於地域性管辖,但网路却是全球性的传播场域。日 6. jurisdiction是什么意思 6. Rule 11 community residents'committees town (including LiuXinZhuang LiuLin, taoyuan and spread, zhuang LiuDongZhuang, red, life, camp, ChenZhang, house shaw ZhenZhi, jiao tone, road), and 288317820 jurisdiction area 18.36 square kilometers. 全镇辖11个社区居委会(包括桃园、柳辛庄、柳林铺、庄窠、红旗、柳董庄、肖家营、陈章、镇直、五七路),共有7820户、28831人,辖区面积18.36平方公里。 7. And the conflict of civil jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs between our country and others is one of them. 我国的涉外民事诉讼管辖权与他国的管辖权冲突就是其中之一。 8. Administrative compulsory execution; Main body of administrative compulsory execution; Jurisdiction; Obligation 论文导师程雁雷,论文学位硕士,论文专业宪法学与行政法学论文单位安徽大学,点击次数 12,论文页数 47页File Size3067K 9. jurisdiction 9. September 25, 1949 liberation of Jiuquan Prefecture, in October to set up South West People's Government, directly under the County People's Government, under the jurisdiction of Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, Po Levin, of Tartu, Feng Hou, Manjusri, estuaries 12 Township People's Government, in January 1954, will Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, pagoda was placed under the 12th six rural area, in November 1955 revocation of the Central Government, by the Xifeng, pagoda Second Rural Township, the merger of People's Committee for Xifeng, in April 1958, the People's Committee and the Rural Xifeng Feng Hou, Xiang Zhuang two combined to set up the Southwest Rural Township, in September 1958 the establishment of rural people's communes Xifeng. 1949年9月25日酒泉县解放,10月成立西南区人民政府,直属县人民政府,下辖黄草、长沙、香庄、中深、西峰、蒲莱、塔尔、冯侯、文殊、河口12个乡人民政府,1954年1月,将黄草、长沙、香庄、中深、西峰、塔寺6个乡划归第十二区,1955年11月撤销区政府,由西峰、塔寺二乡合并成立西峰乡人民委员会,1958年4月,西峰乡人民委员会与冯侯、香庄两乡合并成立西南乡,1958年9月成立西峰乡人民公社。1959年4月19日成立西峰乡人民公社管理委员会,1966年11月7日更名为红旗人民公社管理委员会,1971年2月10日恢复原称,1968年3月30日成立西峰乡公社革命委员会,1980年4月改为西峰公社管理委员会,1983年3月成立西峰乡人民政府,2002年10月撤地设市,撤市设区,更名为肃州区西峰乡人民政府。 10. City and county people's government and relevant departments in the region of serious accidents may exist beyond the scope of its jurisdiction or responsibility, it should immediately have to bear the responsibility or the jurisdiction of the higher people's government or government department concerned; an emergency, it can be temporarily cut off immediately take including, business, emergency measures and reports; the higher people's government or government department concerned after receiving the report, must immediately investigate. 第九条市、县人民政府及其有关部门对本地区存在的特大安全事故隐患,超出其管辖或者职责范围的,应当立即向有管辖权或者负有职责的上级人民政府或者政府有关部门报告;情况紧急的,可以立即采取包括责令暂时停产、停业在内的紧急措施,同时报告;有关上级人民政府或者政府有关部门接到报告后,应当立即组织查处。 11. 11. The parties agree that the courts having jurisdiction over Buyer`s principal place of business shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any action or proceedings commenced under any Supply Contract. 经各方同意,法院拥有任何供货合同的管辖权,以及买家'的主要营业地点应具有专属管辖权的任何行动或提起诉讼的展开 12. jurisdiction的意思 12. Ansul and Buyer submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of the State of Wisconsin and agree that such courts will have jurisdiction over them, with venue in Marinette County, Wisconsin in connection with any matter arising out of this agreement. 对该协议中产生的任何争议,甲乙双方均同意服从威州司法机构及法规的约束,仲裁机构为威州马利安县。 13. jurisdiction什么意思 13. C Notwithstandingandabove, all shipments to and from ports of Mexico shall be subjuct to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Mexico City Federal Court, which shall apply Mexican Law. 尽管有以上和款的规定,但进出墨西哥港口的运输所产生的纠纷,由墨西哥城市联邦法院专属管辖,并适用墨西哥法律。 14. jurisdiction的意思 14. We know this can be done only if each preserves as far as possible his own jurisdiction. 我们知道这是可以做到的,只有每个保留尽可能自己的管辖范围之内。 15. jurisdiction 15. They have powers that no other body in this country has in matters of bank trade within their jurisdiction. 他们认为没有其它权力机构,在这个国家的贸易银行已在其管辖范围的事项。 16. jurisdiction的解释 16. The hardest jurisdiction of all in which to pursue an antitrust case is the US. 最难的管辖范围内的所有在推行反垄断诉讼的是美国。 17. The People`s Republic of China will discuss with the countries with coasts opposite or adjacent to China how to delimitate the boundary for the respective maritime jurisdiction according to the equitable principle. 例4 中华人民共和国将与海岸相向或相邻的国家,通过协商,在国际法基础上,按照公平原则划定各自海洋管辖权界限(摘自1996年我人大常委会批准《联合国海洋法公约》时发表的声明)。 18. The third part analyzes disputes and arbitration jurisdiction. 第三部分,争议事项与仲裁管辖权。 19. Through practical experiences, the collegiate bench system has been proved to be significant for the correct use of jurisdiction and for the justness and efficiency of judiciary processes. 司法实践证明,合议庭制对于审判权的正确行使,确保司法公正和效率,具有十分重要的意义。 20. In 1407 Benedict XIII exempted them from all jurisdiction of the provincials, and on 13 May, 1408, gave them a vicar-general in the person of Thomas de Curte. 在1407年本笃十三豁免它们从所有管辖的provincials ,并就1408年5月13日,给了他们一副主教秘书长在该人托马斯德 jurisdiction 词典解释 1. 司法权;审判权;管辖权 Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws. jurisdiction的近义词 e.g. The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts. 外国银行账户不在英国警方的管辖权限之内。 2. 管辖区域;管辖范围 A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system of laws has authority. jurisdiction 单语例句 1. He filed a separate defense in the civil lawsuit, arguing that the federal court in North Carolina has no jurisdiction to hear the case. 2. The nine fishermen were picked up around Half Moon Cay in the South China Sea, where both countries claim jurisdiction. 3. After several subsequent shift of jurisdiction and change of popedom, it was turned into Meizhou City in 1988. 4. The ministry published a State Council circular yesterday calling on local governments to provide enough operating funds for geological survey institutes under their jurisdiction. 5. Few of the matters under the Ministry of Civil Affairs'jurisdiction are trivial. 6. Many legal professionals agree that one party usually raises objection to jurisdiction, intending to increase the other party's cost in civil lawsuits. 7. The United Nations has jurisdiction over its own civilian staff but troops are contributed by individual nations. 8. The Qing court followed the Ming court in placing Diaoyu Islands under the Chinese jurisdiction for coastal defense. 9. History shows that China was the first both to discover the island and to exercise legitimate jurisdiction over it and adjacent places in the sea. 10. China has sovereignty over Huangyan Island and jurisdiction rights over its adjacent waters, which are a traditional fishing ground for Chinese fishermen. jurisdiction 英英释义 noun 1. (law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law e.g. courts having jurisdiction in this district Synonym: legal power 2. in law the territory within which power can be exercised |
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